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“ ) detcirtseR“ sa (s)tnemhcatta eht kram esaelp ,seussi ot yltcerid atad evitisnes rehto ro stroper gub gnihcatta fI .gub ruoy ni sknil evird elgooG ylno edulcni dna moc.elgoog@tropergub-diordna htiw selif erahS .evirD elgooG morf stohsneercs dna stropergub erahs esaelp ,noitamrofni etavirp gnirahs fo ytilibissop eht diova oT ” when creating a bug or adding a comment. Restricting or deleting your comment or attachment can also be done using the overflow menu after submitting. ”
“ ) yciloP ycavirP ruo htiw ecnadrocca ni ,secivres dna stcudorp ruo evorpmi ot dna seussi lacinhcet esongaid ot troper gub eht ni dedulcni noitamrofni esu yam elgooG taht egdelwonkca uoy ,troper gub siht gnittimbus yb ,eton esaelP ), and you agree that we may share it with engineering partners potentially impacted by your issue. ”
“ :refer esaelp ,troper gub a erutpac ot spets roF ”
“ egnahc edoc eht rof si eussi sihT .iH . ”