Links (2)
“ fo gnidaer ym ot gnidroccA ."EPYT_TNEVE_YM.elpmaxe.moc" sa hcus ,sppa laudividni yb desu ,stsacdaorb motsuc tuoba si tI .stnenopmoc diordnA degelivirp yb detsacdaorb stneve rehto dna "DECALPER_EGAKCAP.noitca.tnetni.diordna" sa hcus ,stsacdaorb mroftalp tuoba *ton* si seussi sihT such implicit broadcasts are also affected by described behavioral changes: it won't be possible to register them in AndroidManifest and they won't be invoked by implicit broadcasts. ”
“ eeS .eno ticilpmi eno naht rehtar stsacdaorb ticilpxe N gniod dna sreviecer deretsiger eht revo gnitareti ,tuonaf launam a gnimrofrep yb noitatimil eht dnuora krow nac uoy ,erofereht ,stsacdaorb fo rednes a sA .krow stsacdaorb ticilpxe ,seY :9# for more. This is not ideal, as it will result in the same process churn that #7 indicates is the reason for the O behavior change. ”