Status Update
Comments <> #2
add-on listing:
Because I've made the add-on "unlisted" there are slightly different reproduction steps:
* Steps 1-4 are the same as in my original post
5. In the Incognito window that you're testing this in, open the following link
The "authouser=1" query parameter is very important in the above link as otherwise the add-on will be installed for the "default" account and the issue won't express.
6. Click the "+ Free" button on the above linked page to install the add-on
7. In the new Sheet you will be brought to after clicking "+ Free", wait a few seconds for prompt to appear. Click "continue" and then authorize the add-on
8. Open the Dev console
9. Go to "Add-Ons" => "Auth Issue Tester" => "Open Sidebar"
10. Note the error printed to the console and inserted into the sidebar
Demo of the above listed steps 5-10: <> #3 <> <> #5 <> #7
We alone received over 1000 email in one day like this for our internal application triggered either by Time or Form Submit.
We have spend over 100 hours reauthorising Google App Scrips so far. Our concern is that will this happen again and why has it happened?
------ Email Message ------
Your script, Client List, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here.
The script is used by the document Client List - Do Not Remove.
Error Message Count
You do not have permission to call showModalDialog (line 16, file "Menu") 4
Start Function Error Message Trigger End
11/14/17 10:55 AM onOpen You do not have permission to call showModalDialog (line 16, file "Menu") open 11/14/17 10:55 AM
11/14/17 12:56 PM onOpen You do not have permission to call showModalDialog (line 16, file "Menu") open 11/14/17 12:56 PM
11/14/17 1:02 PM onOpen You do not have permission to call showModalDialog (line 16, file "Menu") open 11/14/17 1:02 PM
11/14/17 1:15 PM onOpen You do not have permission to call showModalDialog (line 16, file "Menu") open 11/14/17 1:15 PM
Google Apps Script <> #9 <> #10 <> #11 <> #12 <> #13 <> #14 <> #15
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #16
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #17 <> #18
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #20 <> #21 <> #22 <> #23 <> #24
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #26 <> #27
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28 <> #29 <> #30
Note that there are 2 cases to handle. The "authorization is required" error is thrown when the other account has not granted permissions to your script. But if both accounts have granted permissions, then the script might run well with the permissions of the wrong account (which might be worse: eg: emails being sent from the wrong account). <> #31
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #32 <> #33
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #34
How do you test for that?
If you want to "manually" verify that this is a problem, you can test for whether this is related to the multiple accounts issue, by either having the person log out of all accounts, and then log back into the account that installed the add-on, or have them open up the Chrome browser in incognito mode, and log into the account that installed the add-on.
The problem occurs when a call is made from the HTML after the HTML in your Web App, sidebar, dialog box has loaded.
When the HTML first loads, you must run a scriptlet, which runs on the server, and get the effective user. That gives you the account name that the Apps Script code is running under. Then, as soon as the HTML loads, you immediately make a call to the server and get the user account name again. Then if the two are not the same, there is a problem.
function getAccountName_() {
//Put user email into html when it loads for determining whether user is the authorized user
return Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail();
<input id="idAccountOfEffectiveUsr" type="text" style="display:none" <?!= getAccountName_() ?>/>
<script language="javascript">
//console.log('it ran on load one')
window.onload = function() {
//console.log('it ran on load two')
window.failedAcctTest = function(rtrn) {
var usrWhoLoaded = document.getElementById('idAccountOfEffectiveUsr').value;
if (usrWhoLoaded !== rtrn) {
showErrMsg('The Add-on loaded under the account: \n\n' + usrWhoLoaded + '\n\nBut you are also logged into ' +
'account: ' + rtrn + "\n\nYou are logged into multiple accounts which has caused an authorization error. \n\n" +
"You must either log out of all accounts, and log back into the account that installed the add-on; or open " +
"an incognito window, log in and use the add-on from that window");
</script> <> #35 <> #36 <> #37
Using a given Add-on in an Incognito window is an effective workaround for this issue as one usually only signs into a single Google account when using an Incognito window, which fundamentally sidesteps this issue.
Using an Incognito window effectively circumvents this issue, but is not a "solution" or "fix". <> #38 <> #39
Posting mainly for the sake of not letting this ticket go completely inactive. <> #40
Since I'm the developer of the add-on, I just remove the manifest file attached to the add-on, and rerun it. After authorizing with new permissions, it works.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #41 <> #42
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #43
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #44
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #45
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #46
Implement some code to automatically explain it to them, so you won't need to.
Code posted at GitHub <> #47
This issue scares away most of new users using multiple accounts and consume a daily quota of time and effort from the developers
Could you please, fix this issue or at least tell us you are doing something about it?
Thanks <> #48 <> #49 <> #50
Still strong as New and Unassigned <> #51
Happy Birthday authorization issue!
It's been amazing watching how little you've grown or changed. <> #52 <> #53 <> #54
on a related issue..
does anyone have a "best practice" for the following use case:
* a google apps script is deployed as a web app (ex: "
* the script is hosted on another domain (ex: "
* when a visitor loads the iframe but is not presently already logged into any Google account, the iframe contains an empty document
* console shows the error: "Refused to display '
* this is in contrast to what happens when the web app is loaded directly (outside of any iframe) and the window automatically redirects to a login screen
I tried using Google Sign-in for Websites, obtaining a clientID for the custom domain:
* when the visitor comes to the domain and is not presently already logged into any Google account, this will allow the visitor to log in (ex: account #0).. after which, the content in the iframe can load properly
* when the visitor is already logged into one single Google account (ie: #0), the visitor would still be required to click the "log in" button.. and then select the account (ie: #0).. in order to authorize the site
* when the visitor is already logged into multiple Google accounts (ie: #0, #1, #2, ...), the visitor would still be required to click the "log in" button.. and then select an account from a list.. however regardless of which account is selected.. the content that loads in the iframe will always see the "active" account (ie: #0)
I'm still trying to figure out an adequate workaround for this situation.. and haven't found any that would be satisfactory to visitors..
Google: please fix this issue on the backend.. and add support to Google Apps Script for selecting between multiple active user accounts.
Also, it would be VERY helpful if web apps loaded within an iframe could follow the same authorization workflow as occurs outside of an iframe.. which is to manage the login process when needed.
Thank you.. hope to see you again before next year's anniversary! <> #55 <> #56
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #57 <> #58 <> #59 <> #60
Either, Google is OK with multiple account sign-in on a single browser; or it is not.
Looks like Google wants us to continue to be able to use multiple accounts --- then PLEASE FIX this bug!! <> #61 <> #62 <> #63 <> #64 <> #65
The history here is that for a long time Google's multi-login feature only allowed you to be logged in to one @
As mentioned earlier in this issue, the best you can do at the moment it try to detect this behavior and show an appropriate warning to the user. I'll raise this issue again with the engineering team to see if we can get some traction. <> #66 <> #67 <> #68 <> #69
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #70 <> #71 <> #72 <> #73
Kindly request to solve this issue. <> #74 <> #75 <> #76 <> #77 <> #78
This is a nightmare, Users are complaining severely. <> #79
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #80
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #81 <> #82
The issue happens in all the add-ons, for Forms and Docs as well. <> #83 <> #84 <> #85
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #86 <> #87 <> #88 <> #89 <> #90 <> #91
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 1:23 AM <> wrote: <> #92 <> #93 <> #94
... just marking the date
@google: any update or good news coming ?? <> #95
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #96
Happy birthday issue #69270374!
I never would have guessed we'd make it this far together. <> #97
too, that includes right-click Google Drive.
Steve Webster
On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 4:39 PM <> wrote:
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #98 <> #99
I can imagine more users may encounter this same issue.
It's been two years. Will anyone please take care of this bug? Finger crossed. <> #100 <> #101
Hi All, thanks for the diligent follow-ups! Want to rest assure you that while I can't comment on the status of this bug, the team is very much aware of it. I'll update this when a more substantial update is available. <> #102 <> #103
No hard feelings, but 2 years for this? <> #104
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #105 <> #106 <> #107
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #108 <> #109 <> #110 <> #111 <> #112
Do you guys need engineers?
I'm looking for a job.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #113 <> #114
No engineer is concerned about this issue so far.
I am already frustrated with this issue. Thanks to Romain Vialard for his
code snippet.
On Fri, Mar 20, 2020, 9:20 PM <> wrote: <> #115
Could we get any answers? <> #116 <> #117
To all subscribed to this issue:
There is a workaround, which I succesfully implemented in my addon 2 years ago, when developing it.
You probably just need to check if current user equals to document owner, and depending on that either use functions that require auth.FULL mode, or just show a sidebar with information for user, that he should log into document owner account.
var owner = Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail();
var current = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
if (current == owner) {
} else {
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #118
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #119
The only way around this, without having the user sign out of the account, is to set the application as publicly accessible. Clearly I don't want the application to be public, or I wouldn't have put it on our G Suite site that's private, right? I don't have a choice there, so now that's done, I realize Google Sites doesn't allow the app to remain in it's ridiculous series of built-in iframes on the page, so when you change pages, it opens them on top(changes to the url of the application). Still works! Still Happy! ... wait... that means anyone and their brother can use my app if they have the link that's right there in plain sight in their search bar. (Yes, I know someone would essentially need to send it to them, but it's an unnecessary vulnerability now that the private information can be reached publicly.)
I'm trying really hard to be a nice admin and not make people log out of their accounts, so I use the Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); and check if they're a part of my domain to grant access. Not a big deal right, they are on the site, it's working, and they are a part of my domain so, according to Google, it should work perfectly. (Just a reminder, they are logged in to a private Google Site that verifies they are using Google Suite Domain credentials to access a Google App Script.) Alright back on tra... WHAT!? If they are logged in to any other, non-my-domain account, it returns nothing. Zip, zero, nada, zilch. Great, can't fix it programmatically or by using all of the many broken Google settings, so let's tell the users to sign out of their secondary accounts.
I go click on the avatar, and go to sign out of the second account, and my only option is sign out all. OK, I'll sign everyone out, then sign just the good user back in. Everybody out, logged the good user back in... and there are still 2 accounts. I did a little digging and found out that the only option to log out of a secondary user account is to remove the account. OK, so keep reading, how do I do that... of COURSE YOU CAN'T! You have to essentially reset Chrome to log out of a second account. For multiple user stations, if you don't want to make them all sad, you can delete cache folders for just the effected users.
So, to recap. In an effort to increase your viewing pleasure Google has removed all app script security, and broken a great deal of their own services and functionality. Great job guys! I hope no one with protected data is still using app scripts and sites, because it's either not accessible, or publicly available. And it's been how many years now that you've known about ALL of these things that "mysteriously" happened right around the same time, and you've attempted to fix approximately 0 of them. Seriously, go look at the issues I just mentioned, open tickets for all of them, all of them being ignored.
What good are you guys, really, if nothing you do actually works the way you say it does and makes our data unsafe? <> #120
We apologize for the delay. This issue is actively being looked at and we should have an approximate ETA for resolution by the end of the week.
Thank you for your patience. <> #121 <> #122
- we haven't logged this error for 5 continuous days now
- that never happened before in the almost 2.5 years of this issue's life <> #123
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 4/8/20 11:22 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Subject: Re:
Changed added
A note of cautious optimism- we haven't logged this error for 5 continuous days now- that never happened before in the almost 2.5 years of this issue's life
Reference Info: 69270374 Unexpected "authorization is required" error from after installing Sheets add-on while logged into multiple
component: Public Trackers > G Suite Developers > Apps Script
status: Assigned
type: Bug
priority: P1
severity: S2
blocked by: 132238897
hotlist: Google Domain
retention: Component default
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker
Unsubscribe from this issue. <> #124
The error doesn't happen when the user is using his main google account to use the script. Closing all other accounts or using the main google account to use the script seems to work, but requiring users to log-out of their accounts to be able to use our scripts or using private mode is unreasonable (i.e. in my case only members of a business have access), they would prefer to not use our script at all.
100% of my users have to be logged in multiple google accounts for work reasons. This bug is a blocker for me. Come'on Google, you guys are super smart, please help us. <> #125
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 4/8/20 12:14 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Subject: Re:
Changed added
Unfortunately the error is still there, experienced it yesterday, same as always.The error doesn't happen when the user is using his main google account to use the script. Closing all other accounts or using the main google account to use the script seems to work, but requiring users to log-out of their accounts to be able to use our scripts or using private mode is unreasonable (i.e. in my case only members of a business have access), they would prefer to not use our script at all.100% of my users have to be logged in multiple google accounts for work reasons. This bug is a blocker for me. Come'on Google, you guys are super smart, please help us.
Reference Info: 69270374 Unexpected "authorization is required" error from after installing Sheets add-on while logged into multiple
component: Public Trackers > G Suite Developers > Apps Script
status: Assigned
type: Bug
priority: P1
severity: S2
blocked by: 132238897
hotlist: Google Domain
retention: Component default
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
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[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #126
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 4/8/20 9:04 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Subject: Re:
Changed added
Experiencing the same issue. Any updates?
Reference Info: 69270374 Unexpected "authorization is required" error from after installing Sheets add-on while logged into multiple
component: Public Trackers > G Suite Developers > Apps Script
status: Assigned
type: Bug
priority: P1
severity: S2
blocked by: 132238897
hotlist: Google Domain
retention: Component default
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
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[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #127
"A note of cautious optimism
- we haven't logged this error for 5 continuous days now
- that never happened before in the almost 2.5 years of this issue's life"
Now it is MUCH WORST than before (the caps are intended)
- Now the error that Google add-on is throwing is not catch-able from the Script
- It simple crash the sidebar with a sad icon an a message "
- showing these messages at the console
"Refused to display '
I guess Google is working on fixing this very old issue and this might be an unintended consequence
I hope Google is monitoring this issue entry ... <> #128
-------- Original message --------From: Date: 4/9/20 11:52 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Cc: Subject: Re:
Changed added
A quick follow up on my comments on #122 where I said"A note of cautious optimism- we haven't logged this error for 5 continuous days now- that never happened before in the almost 2.5 years of this issue's life"Now it is MUCH WORST than before (the caps are intended)- Now the error that Google add-on is throwing is not catch-able from the Script- It simple crash the sidebar with a sad icon an a message "
Reference Info: 69270374 Unexpected "authorization is required" error from after installing Sheets add-on while logged into multiple
component: Public Trackers > G Suite Developers > Apps Script
status: Assigned
type: Bug
priority: P1
severity: S2
blocked by: 132238897
hotlist: Google Domain
retention: Component default
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker
Unsubscribe from this issue. <> #129
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #130 <> #131
What is the best way to sound the alarm on this error? I'm receiving dozens of help requests from users of my add-on and have already seen many uninstall it.
Google team, can you please revert back to the way you were doing this before, so that for the time being the error can be handled while you are finding a long-term workaround? <> #132
Users logged in to two+ accounts may receive a "
Not all users are effected interestingly; I haven't found a common denominator.
Not looking forward to the inevitable negative reviews. <> #133
Dear Google,
On 1 April you told us the following in a comment above.
"This issue is actively being looked at and we should have an approximate ETA for resolution by the end of the week."
Was this an April's fool joke? Over two week later we still have no ETA and no fix. This is costing a lot of issue to our and your customers. You're making customers want to go back to Microsoft 365. Get your act together and save yourselves.
This bug has been going on for about 2.5 years!!!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #134 <> #135
I am also having a similar issue when calling a function on the server-side from an HTML-service page with
it returns PERMISSION_DENIED because it is using the incorrect account...
Any workaround to call server-side functions? <> #136 <> #137
error persists also on ES5_DEPRECATED runtime
+1 on keeping track of the issue <> #138
Copying above note from Google team on April 1:
"This issue is actively being looked at and we should have an approximate ETA for resolution by the end of the week."
Any updates here, Google? <> #139
Recently, I received lots of support queries from my users. There are 2 cases:
- Users didn't even see the Configuration from the add-on menu, they can only see Help.
=> For this case, the customer can only contact my live chat via Help menu, and I must spend some times answering them
- Users can select Configuration and open the add-on, but can't use its functionalities because of error
No item with the given ID could be found, or you do not have permission to access it.
orYou do not have access to perform that action. Please ask the owner of this item to grant access to you.
=> This is less critical than the above issue because in this case, I can show a warning message in the add-on UI that they are logging in with multiple Google accounts
=> But in both cases, I wasted my time answering my users if they asked about this problem (which should not be an issue)
So please release a fix ASAP. Thanks! <> #140
this hasn't even being fixed yet? <> #141
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #142
+1, also there is an install issue <> #143 <> #144 <> #145 <> #146
It looks like an update might've been put through quite recently.
I'm not getting " calls from the UI back to the script; that use methods requiring authorization (i.e. ...getId()); now fail. Authorization is already given and the add-on is installed of course.
Even when the methods are wrapped with try/catch in the script, catch isn't thrown, and the UI doesn't react.
.withSuccessHandler and/or .withFailureHandler are not triggered.
Console reports "Uncaught".
My advice to users is to log out of Google, then log back in with the single account. Or use an incognito window. Both methods are adequate.
I'd love some feedback about timeframes; if it'll be weeks for a fix, I'll need to wrap each call in a timer or something to update the UI. <> #147 <> #148
These are provided as modals with text like: "An unknown system error has occurred. If this issue persists please leave us feedback Error identifier: erroridentifier-2020-05-11T06:10:30.606Z"
The Google add-on dev team aren't immune from the auth problems.
Opening the same spreadsheet and add-on in a private window (logged-in with a single account) does not present any errors.
I've implemented a timer to alert users when calls don't return. Try/catch does nothing. <> #149 <> #150 <> #151
By chance I structured my add-on so it presents a sidebar without calling any functions that might require authorization (aside from opening a UI element). I then use callbacks in the HTML to check the user (...getEmail()), and populate more content in the UI.
Possibly why some add-on's are getting "refused to connect" but mine's not.
Test for devs getting "refused to connect": Try just returning an HTML UI without any auth dependent functions. Watch for globals.
If that tests successfully, it probably confirms the above, and you can try something like the rough patch below - remembering the errors seem to be uncatchable.
I use calls with a timer in the HTML's <script> to do the tasks that involve auth dependent functions:
// Show a loader so it doesn't look stagnant - they might be waiting a full 8s (or just set a lower time)
var authFailureTimer = setTimeout(alertAuthFailure, 8000);;
function loaded(e) {
// Hide the loader
// Make use of e; update the DOM or something using information you pass-in as e
function alertAuthFailure() {
// Timer finished before the script returned anything. 8 seconds is a lifetime, very likely it's this auth issue
// Hide the loader
// Have a hidden modal or something that can tell the user to try again in a single-account scenario, and make that visible now
It would be interesting to see if there are apps that already return a UI without auth dependent functions who also get refused to connect (breaking my theory). Or if the above test and solution changes the behaviour for the better.
Fingers crossed Google wind up this before its third birthday! <> #152
I installed this Ignore X-Frame Headers chrome plugin:
This at least loads the content, so I can see what the iframe is trying to load. It's this screen:
Choose an account to use with Google Drive:
( ) [this is the gmail address of the account I'm trying to open the add-on in]@
(Unavailable unless you sign out of all other Google Accounts and then sign in to this one. Other options)
(•) [this is "default" account in my browser, i.e. the first one I logged into]@
Sign in to another account
In other words, it's Google's standard error/logout screen that shows up when you try to access an app that doesn't work with multiple accounts. I would even be okay with this option if this could actually be displayed to the user! At least then they'd know to log out of all accounts. Maybe this screen is Google's attempt to fix this ongoing authorization problem. I don't know. Maybe this page has the X-Frame headers issue / gray screen because
I appreciate you sharing the timer solution, but I've already recently refactored my app to finally handle this ongoing issue using the try/catch approach, and I'd love for Google to just solve this. <> #153 <> #154
Adding to the quite extensive list of previous posts. I've also faced this issue, which took me a long time to diagnose. The only workaround I've managed is to show a message to the user to log out and back in. <> #155 <> #156 <> #157 <> #158
You leave TONS of people here IN THE DARK, please at least show some more professionalism and report how the update is going forward or if You are not planning to do this!!!!! <> #159
Still not firing in test mode for me (remains as the previous no error/no alert behaviour).
Timer-based catches are hopefully now irrelevant (though I'll keep mine in place, given that they're still needed in test mode and I imagine possibly for some other users).
It's tough trying to keep ahead of this. Can the Google team let us know when changes are going to be implemented so we can monitor actively?
It's embarrassing to have to hear about new errors from users - particularly when it's for something that has already been accounted for, but has changed. <> #160
We're also affected by this issue. In our case, we can work around it by disabling the V8 runtime, but backend performance is DISMAL. <> #161
The Response Editor for Forms Google not start in my form.
Details for the error to the initialization: "You do not have permission to access the requested document." Options to the message: Details or Exit
Help me please! Very thanks <> #162 <> #163
To write an ticket in gsuit:
1. visit
2. open an ticket, best with email or chat.
3. and write something like:
If I am loged in more than one gmail at once and try to use any Spreadsheet plugin with sidebar, I get an error "
This google bug is very annoying.
To repodruce:
1. Log in into gmail A, install any plugin for Spreadhseet with Sidebar, FE:"grackle"
2. Do same steps for gmail B
3. Try to open in both Spreadsheet Grackle Plugin
Result: "
If they answer You that You can use profiles or incognito or similar, just anwser them that you are not intersted in "Trick" solutions <> #164
Looks like the issue has disappeared in Rhino runtime. Can someone else confirm? Still able to easily reproduce the issue in v8 though... <> #165
Hi Google team,
Recently (3-4 days), I got dozens of support requests about the issue
The add-on just stops working, not sure if it's related to the fix of this issue, but I think you broke something, very serious issue.
Please check it ASAP. Thanks
Please add methods create, edit, delete, reply for new comments (discussions).
Provide any additional information which might be useful here.