Status Update
Comments <> #2
I second.
the only thing that stops us is the file system permission set. The permission set
can be changed without compromising the system.
the only thing that stops us is the file system permission set. The permission set
can be changed without compromising the system. <> #3
A concern here is that fonts that include many scripts tend to be large, but storage
space is scarce on current devices.
space is scarce on current devices. <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #5
So why won't you just release the file permission (or directory in our case). Let the
user choose how to spend the little memory we have.
Doesn't it sound reasonable?
user choose how to spend the little memory we have.
Doesn't it sound reasonable? <> #6
From what I understand, support for multiple languages is an inevitable stop in the
roadmap ahead (and partial support is planned for as early as q1 09) so this is
something that should be addressed and might as well be address now.
also, in the spirit of open source, the o.s. should allow access to fonts directory
so that developers (or users) can put in their own fonts (just like they would for
ringtones and backgrounds)
Just a thought...
roadmap ahead (and partial support is planned for as early as q1 09) so this is
something that should be addressed and might as well be address now.
also, in the spirit of open source, the o.s. should allow access to fonts directory
so that developers (or users) can put in their own fonts (just like they would for
ringtones and backgrounds)
Just a thought... <> #7
Quote:"(and partial support is planned for as early as q1 09)" see cupcake
( )
( <> #8
hey elad
you said something about people did it before ?
can you please spacify how ?
you said something about people did it before ?
can you please spacify how ? <> #9
See details at
In short, we just replaced the fonts with ones that support Hebrew and updated the OS
with the new fonts. There was a need though for administrative privileges.
In short, we just replaced the fonts with ones that support Hebrew and updated the OS
with the new fonts. There was a need though for administrative privileges. <> #10
I truly think that I shouldn't have to root my G1 in order to add simple Hebrew reading
capabilities , please just add some language adding feature, i mean how hard would it
be to simply download and throw some fonts in a folder in response to a user selecting
them in the device?
every g1 user knows that system memory is scarce and can make his own decision on how
to allocate that memory. we all do that when it comes to managing applications on the
g1 anyway.
capabilities , please just add some language adding feature, i mean how hard would it
be to simply download and throw some fonts in a folder in response to a user selecting
them in the device?
every g1 user knows that system memory is scarce and can make his own decision on how
to allocate that memory. we all do that when it comes to managing applications on the
g1 anyway. <> #11
What about the new HTC Hero, could this phone work with Hebrew? <> #12
I confirm this issue on my HTC Hero, Both arabic and Hebrew are not displayed correctly.
people are rooting their devices just to add fonts
people are rooting their devices just to add fonts <> #13
So? Anybody will do something? I want to read hebrew texts! Why the "GOOGLE" can't put the normal
utf fonts in update?
utf fonts in update? <> #14
Any progress on those Hebrew fonts? With root functionality disabled in the latest 1.5
version, is there any other way to add/replace fonts in /system/fonts?
version, is there any other way to add/replace fonts in /system/fonts? <> #15
I know they have it in the samsung galaxy! <> #16
They do indeed! <> #17
I just use the cyanogenMod ROM, then everytime I flash a new ROM/update I just
replace /system/font/DroidSansFallback.ttf with one from a dejavu font set and
reboot. That works for me till it's official.
replace /system/font/DroidSansFallback.ttf with one from a dejavu font set and
reboot. That works for me till it's official. <> #18
Wow, that's too complicated for one that just got HTC G1 :) <> #19 <> #20
I'll check this out, thank you! <> #21
Well, it worked. Installed the latest stable release from Cyanogen, pushed Hebrew fonts
and it's done. Thank you!
and it's done. Thank you! <> #22
We need Hebrew fonts on the HTC Hero now! And I really do not want to root my phone
to get it. I think the possibility for adding hebrew fonts should be standard for all
android devices. It is really not funny when the facebook messages from my friends is
displayd as boxes. No excuses is good enough for not having it as an add on option
downloadable from the market.
to get it. I think the possibility for adding hebrew fonts should be standard for all
android devices. It is really not funny when the facebook messages from my friends is
displayd as boxes. No excuses is good enough for not having it as an add on option
downloadable from the market. <> #23
I totally agree.
If the rooted hero-androids can do it why not a decent option out of the box. Why not
a decent reaction with respect to customers...
If the rooted hero-androids can do it why not a decent option out of the box. Why not
a decent reaction with respect to customers... <> #24
I acctually miss my Nokia N95 symbian phone, because of the ridiculous lack of hebrew
fonts on android.... I not only suppose but expect that there will be a quick
sulution for this in a few days. If it is to much to expect, well; "thanks a lot for
forcing me to use my nokia N95 again..."
The root option is a no for me, because of the warranty issue...
fonts on android.... I not only suppose but expect that there will be a quick
sulution for this in a few days. If it is to much to expect, well; "thanks a lot for
forcing me to use my nokia N95 again..."
The root option is a no for me, because of the warranty issue... <> #25
We've been waiting since october of 2008. What makes you think there will be a solution in a few days
Get real and root your phone. Your threats don't scare anyone at Google.
Get real and root your phone. Your threats don't scare anyone at Google. <> #26
I am a new android user, and I am real shocked to know that people have been waiting
such a long time for it. Why should we "hack" the device to get hebrew on it? I did
not have to hack my computer to download hebrew fonts!!! I also see this function as
a standard option in all smartphone devices, since the philosophy of a smartphone is
to get it is as close as possible to the PC, when it comes to functionality and
Is there any good reason why google is not opening the possibility to add hebrew
fonts on the market?
Please let me know, because I do not know any...
such a long time for it. Why should we "hack" the device to get hebrew on it? I did
not have to hack my computer to download hebrew fonts!!! I also see this function as
a standard option in all smartphone devices, since the philosophy of a smartphone is
to get it is as close as possible to the PC, when it comes to functionality and
Is there any good reason why google is not opening the possibility to add hebrew
fonts on the market?
Please let me know, because I do not know any... <> #27
We're not really waiting any more. Not since we rooted our phones.
I don't think Google have anything to do with file permissions. I think it's up to
the service provider who supplies you with the phone (Galaxy has Hebrew when
purchased from Cellcom).
I don't think Google have anything to do with file permissions. I think it's up to
the service provider who supplies you with the phone (Galaxy has Hebrew when
purchased from Cellcom). <> #28
Maybe liorbk is right, that it is up to the provider of the phone (in my case
simlockfree directly from htc) to deal with this. It would help though if Google
would clearly state her position. If they are not willing or able to remedy, the
least they can do is clarify...
Did anyone contact HTC about this? Maybe it would be made possible in the next sense
simlockfree directly from htc) to deal with this. It would help though if Google
would clearly state her position. If they are not willing or able to remedy, the
least they can do is clarify...
Did anyone contact HTC about this? Maybe it would be made possible in the next sense
update? <> #29
I would like to use Hebrew fonts with my Hero & Magic. I am willing to pay for 3rd
party apps that use Hebrew fonts (e.g. Siddur, various texts, calendar apps, etc.)
party apps that use Hebrew fonts (e.g. Siddur, various texts, calendar apps, etc.) <> #30
The lack of Hebrew fonts is part of a greater problem on which we need some sort of
answer from the Android team! Who is in charge here? Why can't we install fonts to view
multi-language web pages? Why do we need root access? When will this be fixed?
answer from the Android team! Who is in charge here? Why can't we install fonts to view
multi-language web pages? Why do we need root access? When will this be fixed? <> #31
I want to go one step further in saying that during the time I begin to feel not
taken serious here. If Google gives the opportunity here to discuss a subject, then
at least they should read the statements and questions and give an answer. Even if
they don't plan to fix it now, you can give a time table. You can not seriously want
to be a world brand with a world mobile OS and leave out all right to left languanges
(hebrew, arab etc...) and other scripts.
(last real comment of Google was dec 18 2008 and it was read august 24 2009)
taken serious here. If Google gives the opportunity here to discuss a subject, then
at least they should read the statements and questions and give an answer. Even if
they don't plan to fix it now, you can give a time table. You can not seriously want
to be a world brand with a world mobile OS and leave out all right to left languanges
(hebrew, arab etc...) and other scripts.
(last real comment of Google was dec 18 2008 and it was read august 24 2009) <> #32
Just bought my android phone, htc hero, and this is really an issue that should be
supported of the box. Is there a time line or a road map of adding / supporting new
language sets, especially Hebrew?
Thanks for a quick reply
supported of the box. Is there a time line or a road map of adding / supporting new
language sets, especially Hebrew?
Thanks for a quick reply <> #33
i have a samsung galaxy here(in germany) - no Hebrew supported. now, i know they sell
it in Israel with Hebrew support. so whats the deal with that? i would gladly pay for
an app, since it is important for my work. any one working on one already?
it in Israel with Hebrew support. so whats the deal with that? i would gladly pay for
an app, since it is important for my work. any one working on one already? <> #34
[Comment deleted] <> #35
Would be interesting to know if the new Android 2.0 comes with the Hebrew font as
part of the core.
Maybe there is a Motorola Droid user that could check if a email from Israel looks ok :)
BTW: did you once get a SMS with a telephone number from a Hebrew based phone?
It will be from left to right. So sending the number +0123456789 would result on a
Samsung Galaxy (German) in 9876543210+
part of the core.
Maybe there is a Motorola Droid user that could check if a email from Israel looks ok :)
BTW: did you once get a SMS with a telephone number from a Hebrew based phone?
It will be from left to right. So sending the number +0123456789 would result on a
Samsung Galaxy (German) in 9876543210+ <> #36
Hebrew fonts cannot be installed from an app. You need to change files on the system
folder, which requires root access. The Samsung Galaxy sold by Cellcom (as well as
the HTC Magic sold by Pelephone) run a special Android image prepared for Israel,
which has this font.
This is a different bug altogether. Android has a bug in displaying digits inside
right to left contexts. The phones sold in Israel have a local patch (Galaxy) and a
workaround (Magic) to make this problem go away.
When I have time to breath, I'll try to document what I did for the Magic, so that
people from the community can install this on their phones (it does not require
recompiling any framework library).
Hebrew fonts cannot be installed from an app. You need to change files on the system
folder, which requires root access. The Samsung Galaxy sold by Cellcom (as well as
the HTC Magic sold by Pelephone) run a special Android image prepared for Israel,
which has this font.
This is a different bug altogether. Android has a bug in displaying digits inside
right to left contexts. The phones sold in Israel have a local patch (Galaxy) and a
workaround (Magic) to make this problem go away.
When I have time to breath, I'll try to document what I did for the Magic, so that
people from the community can install this on their phones (it does not require
recompiling any framework library).
Shachar <> #37
As long you are not putting Hebrew fonts on my Galaxy I will also not see or
understand any commercial banner via Adwords that is used in several applications.
Adwords is just not working for Hebrew or Arabic languages.
So this issue is not just "I cant read my SMS". Its also that Application engineers
will not do money in those countries if the telephone is bought outside.
As long you are not putting Hebrew fonts on my Galaxy I will also not see or
understand any commercial banner via Adwords that is used in several applications.
Adwords is just not working for Hebrew or Arabic languages.
So this issue is not just "I cant read my SMS". Its also that Application engineers
will not do money in those countries if the telephone is bought outside. <> #38
I doubt that "do money" threats will nudge anyone at Google. We know by now that it
is up to the service provider to determine what fonts are available.
is up to the service provider to determine what fonts are available. <> #39
No Hebrew on my Droid either. This is plain unacceptable. <> #40
I would say: be patient. There is little room at google for a truly open source
android --- even though 2.0 is supposedly more community-based. The best thing to do
is to root your phone, install an alternative ROM with fonts (such as cyanogen) and
stick with that.
Cyanogen himself said he's waiting for a GSM-based Droid/Sholes and then he'll likely
start releasing ROMS for it--- assuming someone else hasn't already.
android --- even though 2.0 is supposedly more community-based. The best thing to do
is to root your phone, install an alternative ROM with fonts (such as cyanogen) and
stick with that.
Cyanogen himself said he's waiting for a GSM-based Droid/Sholes and then he'll likely
start releasing ROMS for it--- assuming someone else hasn't already. <> #41
Anyone has instructions how to read emails in Hebrew on my HTC Android?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Miri <> #42
[Comment deleted] <> #43
Clearly, a full Unicode font would be fairly large and maybe not everyone needs
support for every language, but an option to download language packs with support for
different languages would be highly desirable.
support for every language, but an option to download language packs with support for
different languages would be highly desirable. <> #44
But you see that they are not even providing this option after having the operating
system Android available for more than one year.
system Android available for more than one year. <> #45
I posted a simple application on the market called "FLV - Foreign Language Viewer".
It displays clearly any Hebrew or Arabic characters copied into the clipboard. All
you need to do is:
1. Copy text into the clipboard (SMS - long press->Copy message text, Browser - Menu-
>More->Select text->touch and hold screen to select relevant text, etc...).
2. Run this application to display the text clearly.
I know it's not as "integrated" as we want, but for now I can at least view SMS, web
sites, and other textual stuff...
Until the languages are fully supported, enjoy!
It displays clearly any Hebrew or Arabic characters copied into the clipboard. All
you need to do is:
1. Copy text into the clipboard (SMS - long press->Copy message text, Browser - Menu-
>More->Select text->touch and hold screen to select relevant text, etc...).
2. Run this application to display the text clearly.
I know it's not as "integrated" as we want, but for now I can at least view SMS, web
sites, and other textual stuff...
Until the languages are fully supported, enjoy! <> #46
Sounds as if it is a simple gadget to implement so when is Motorola and or Google Android 2.0 come to the
pump and make Hebrew characters in fonts available to the general public and not be like iPhone and Windows
proverbial I can'ts.
pump and make Hebrew characters in fonts available to the general public and not be like iPhone and Windows
proverbial I can'ts. <> #47
Sounds as if it is a simple gadget to implement so when is Motorola and or Google Android 2.0 come to the
pump and make Hebrew characters in fonts available to the general public and not be like iPhone and Windows
proverbial I can'ts. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pump and make Hebrew characters in fonts available to the general public and not be like iPhone and Windows
proverbial I can'ts. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #48
Got the Droid but NO Hebrew.. Google should fix it asap <> #49
I have a tattoo and it cannot be rooted as of yet - so no Hebrew?? This is so unfair <> #50
Motorola Droid. Android 2.0.1. Blank squares instead of Hebrew or Arabic characters
in Browser. Please, fix, this is supposed to be used for the "*World Wide* Web" ...
in Browser. Please, fix, this is supposed to be used for the "*World Wide* Web" ... <> #51
Motorola and Verizon have brought the Droid to the market as the Mobile
Smartphone the CAN and Will. Guess what this is the second Motorola Smartphone i
own that can't display Hebrew fonts other than squares and what do you know the
BlackBerry can and does it beautifully. Also I tried to copy hebrew text from email to
an conversion app and it wouldn't!!!!
This is extremely disappointing.
And the wise guy with illegible tattoo I really feel for you but if you photograph your
Tattoo i am sure you will get plenty of support when you display it in the public
domain. May the force be with you, no one else will.
Smartphone the CAN and Will. Guess what this is the second Motorola Smartphone i
own that can't display Hebrew fonts other than squares and what do you know the
BlackBerry can and does it beautifully. Also I tried to copy hebrew text from email to
an conversion app and it wouldn't!!!!
This is extremely disappointing.
And the wise guy with illegible tattoo I really feel for you but if you photograph your
Tattoo i am sure you will get plenty of support when you display it in the public
domain. May the force be with you, no one else will. <> #52
I rooted my droid and now have hebrew fonts.
Yay. <> #53
[Comment deleted] <> #54
Yochai Gal - Can I root my Droid? What do I do to root it? <> #55
Send me your email and I'll send you a walkthrough (I'll have to write it first). <> #56
Hi I have rooted my Droid and Installed the Hebrew Fonts But then mt phone is not
working anymore. It make a reset every 5 seconds please help.
working anymore. It make a reset every 5 seconds please help. <> #57 <> #58
Tried . nothing that applies to the Droid with the 2.0 release. <> #59 <> #60
Yochaigal can you please send me some
instructions for rooting my Droids and adding
Hebrews fonts without killing my device cause
yesterday I tried something and it made my
device rebooting all the time.
instructions for rooting my Droids and adding
Hebrews fonts without killing my device cause
yesterday I tried something and it made my
device rebooting all the time. <> #61
Guys, are you aware that 48 other people who voted up this bug keep getting emails
per each message of yours?
This is a bug report submitted to Google. Please don't bother us with your personal
success/failure of rooting/adding Hebrew support or just ranting about Verizon. This
isn't the place.
per each message of yours?
This is a bug report submitted to Google. Please don't bother us with your personal
success/failure of rooting/adding Hebrew support or just ranting about Verizon. This
isn't the place. <> #62
please support Arabic language . <> #63
Hebrew support would be great. My blackberry never had a problem with it. <> #64
Well, not exactly ON topic - but hope this will help somehow.
I know they launched samsung galaxy in Israel, and this device runs the 1.5 android
rom , full Hebrew support. (custom rom i guess)
My question is - since android is under open source rules (GPL), and this rom is a
full android 1.5 Hebrew rom , isn't samsung or the rom creators are obligated to
releases the kernel/rom? same as HTC release their kernels...
if so - then we will have full android releases with Hebrew support.
I know they launched samsung galaxy in Israel, and this device runs the 1.5 android
rom , full Hebrew support. (custom rom i guess)
My question is - since android is under open source rules (GPL), and this rom is a
full android 1.5 Hebrew rom , isn't samsung or the rom creators are obligated to
releases the kernel/rom? same as HTC release their kernels...
if so - then we will have full android releases with Hebrew support. <> #65
Ok, so first, Android is NOT GPL. Android is Apache Licensed. The distinction is
that any company can close-source the code! The AOSP, run by google, continues to
release open-source code, but it is unfortunately closed by companies like HTC. The
Sense UI, found on Hero devices, for example, is closed.
Anyways the languages supported by Android have nothing to do with the Linux kernel;
it is far simpler than that--- simply adding additional font/locale support. Why
google hasn't included this in their source tree I haven't the foggiest.
that any company can close-source the code! The AOSP, run by google, continues to
release open-source code, but it is unfortunately closed by companies like HTC. The
Sense UI, found on Hero devices, for example, is closed.
Anyways the languages supported by Android have nothing to do with the Linux kernel;
it is far simpler than that--- simply adding additional font/locale support. Why
google hasn't included this in their source tree I haven't the foggiest. <> #66
Please add hebrew fonts to Droid! This is would make this system perfect! <> #67
Why not just add complete unicode support. I mean, I need hebrew script, but I also
want to display Indian Scripts, Thai script, Syriac, Polytonic Greek, Persian...
As I browse through all these different comments on different issues, there is one
for Tamil, one for Armenian, one for Hebrew, there are ones for other languages.
Why doesn't everyone just unite behind getting all unicode fonts supported in
android. then, the priority would more likely be given to us, and everyone would be
want to display Indian Scripts, Thai script, Syriac, Polytonic Greek, Persian...
As I browse through all these different comments on different issues, there is one
for Tamil, one for Armenian, one for Hebrew, there are ones for other languages.
Why doesn't everyone just unite behind getting all unicode fonts supported in
android. then, the priority would more likely be given to us, and everyone would be
happy. <> #68
Indeed without proper standard fonts, Android cannot claim to support Unicode.
It's weird that in 2010 we still have to deal with such issues...
It's weird that in 2010 we still have to deal with such issues... <> #69
Please check out and vote for issue 36912305 which requests support for complete unicode
for all languages and scripts.
for all languages and scripts.
Thanks. <> #71
In comment #2 , JBQ says that there is a storage space issue.
This issue could be resolved if it was possible to install fonts at an alternative font
path that could be located on the SD card.
This issue could be resolved if it was possible to install fonts at an alternative font
path that could be located on the SD card. <> #72
The current situation is that users have to root their phone and replace fonts in
order to have (some) support for their language.
Can't Google make temporary solution?
for example:
1.ability to download fonts with more glyphs through the market
2.ability to use fonts from a specific location on the sdcard
we are not asking for full interface translation, not even a built in
keyboard, just a temporary solution which will not force us to void our warranty.
order to have (some) support for their language.
Can't Google make temporary solution?
for example:
1.ability to download fonts with more glyphs through the market
2.ability to use fonts from a specific location on the sdcard
we are not asking for full interface translation, not even a built in
keyboard, just a temporary solution which will not force us to void our warranty.
Thanks. <> #73
The fact that a large portion of the world can;t use droid (arabic, hebrew perhaps
chinese etc) is a real black spot on Google. I wish I did not buy my HTC Hero. It is
locked and I cannot even root it with the new ROM and now I have no Hebrew. I am very
disappointed. When I bought it I read it is an open platform. GNU, open software, etc.
Now I find this was a total hoax.
When the CHROME OS comes, I will stick with Windows. They have full international
support. They respect the world. Not like Apple and Google which are really wicked
chinese etc) is a real black spot on Google. I wish I did not buy my HTC Hero. It is
locked and I cannot even root it with the new ROM and now I have no Hebrew. I am very
disappointed. When I bought it I read it is an open platform. GNU, open software, etc.
Now I find this was a total hoax.
When the CHROME OS comes, I will stick with Windows. They have full international
support. They respect the world. Not like Apple and Google which are really wicked
companies. <> #74
There is a significant market among young American professionals (myself included)
who use Hebrew fonts for various religiously-oriented apps and international
commerce. The lack of international font support is an inconvenience that will compel
this consumer and his friends to avoid android-based devices here in the United
States, not merely overseas.
who use Hebrew fonts for various religiously-oriented apps and international
commerce. The lack of international font support is an inconvenience that will compel
this consumer and his friends to avoid android-based devices here in the United
States, not merely overseas. <> #75
Please check out this post on android developers group and sound off there so that
somebody would notice this issue
it will take you a minute to respond to that message and the longer we can keep it in
the headlines the more likely they are to address it!
Please check out this post on android developers group and sound off there so that
somebody would notice this issue
it will take you a minute to respond to that message and the longer we can keep it in
the headlines the more likely they are to address it! <> #76
Like other people, I do need other fonts than English.
Since android is so-called linux os, why can't we add new fonts easily like we do in
Linux. create a .fonts folder in home directory and throw whatever fonts we want and
the browser will read the necessary fonts. No root permission required. No need to
touch system and other important files and folder.
Isn't it simple? or android system doesn't go such way.
It seems like you guys are forced the users to hack the phone.
Since the last update, my htc magic cannot be hacked. So more my-desired-fonts.
HTC support also cannot help.(sometimes they seem to be less knowledgeable than the
I hope you guys will allow the user to add new fonts easily in next update.
Since android is so-called linux os, why can't we add new fonts easily like we do in
Linux. create a .fonts folder in home directory and throw whatever fonts we want and
the browser will read the necessary fonts. No root permission required. No need to
touch system and other important files and folder.
Isn't it simple? or android system doesn't go such way.
It seems like you guys are forced the users to hack the phone.
Since the last update, my htc magic cannot be hacked. So more my-desired-fonts.
HTC support also cannot help.(sometimes they seem to be less knowledgeable than the
I hope you guys will allow the user to add new fonts easily in next update. <> #77
Need Hebrew fonts for nexus1... <> #78
Hebrew will help sales <> #79
Hebrew is a must in this kind of phone. <> #80
same as the others, and adroind os is much more then nexus one or other phone, its an
platform that can be used now and in the future. and its must to be support by any
language - like heb.
platform that can be used now and in the future. and its must to be support by any
language - like heb. <> #81
Hebrew please <> #82
Hebrew please <> #83
Hebrew NOW! <> #84
I second that Hebrew support. Or alternatively, please open the font / direction
issue, and we'll do the work for you guys...
issue, and we'll do the work for you guys...
Thanks <> #85
Please add Hebrew or option to install <> #86
Okay, guys. Settle down.
Disclaimer - I do not work for Google, I am very unhappy about several trends that
Android is taking, particularly in terms of its open source policies and allowing
community contributions. Still, I think saying "me too" is ridiculous". Please stop
auto-responding (read - spamming) this bug.
The solution seems to be to allow non-root to override the system installed fonts.
Just repeating the mantra ("install Hebrew") is not going to advance this solution.
If I have the time, I'll try to whip up a patch that does just that, but the feature
requires design, and, frankly, this bug is where I expected design discussion to take
place. This requires that Google be more responsive, and also that people do not post
unhelpful comments to the bug report. I'm afraid neither are likely to happen.
Disclaimer - I do not work for Google, I am very unhappy about several trends that
Android is taking, particularly in terms of its open source policies and allowing
community contributions. Still, I think saying "me too" is ridiculous". Please stop
auto-responding (read - spamming) this bug.
The solution seems to be to allow non-root to override the system installed fonts.
Just repeating the mantra ("install Hebrew") is not going to advance this solution.
If I have the time, I'll try to whip up a patch that does just that, but the feature
requires design, and, frankly, this bug is where I expected design discussion to take
place. This requires that Google be more responsive, and also that people do not post
unhelpful comments to the bug report. I'm afraid neither are likely to happen.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #87
please add some way to add other languages fonts,
like Hebrew, Arabic and more...
like Hebrew, Arabic and more... <> #88
i want to read hebrew now. one can read chinese, but why not hebrew? <> #89
Hebrew will be helpful <> #90
okay. we all want hebrew. I trust google that they know that, no need to spam as
shachar said. however shachar - how are you going to "release a patch" to install that
hebrew for all those that didn't root their device? since you are NOT a from google...
one thing to calm the spirits, another thing to make open promises - as we all know
that we need to root it.
Dan Katz
XDA dev.
shachar said. however shachar - how are you going to "release a patch" to install that
hebrew for all those that didn't root their device? since you are NOT a from google...
one thing to calm the spirits, another thing to make open promises - as we all know
that we need to root it.
Dan Katz
XDA dev. <> #91
i bet 90% at least of the people here knows English better that Hebrew(or the same)
hehehe.. <> #92
I'm assuming the case for Arabic and Hebrew support to be close enough, thus this
On a rooted phone, I've installed a font with the missing Arabic glyphs, and they do show
up (finally no squares). However, no bidi or shaping is applied. I know the "proper" solution is
to allow non root users to override such settings, however, if Shachar or another developer
could show us at least a work-around on how to override bidi/shaping on rooted phones,
that would be very helpful for now.
On a rooted phone, I've installed a font with the missing Arabic glyphs, and they do show
up (finally no squares). However, no bidi or shaping is applied. I know the "proper" solution is
to allow non root users to override such settings, however, if Shachar or another developer
could show us at least a work-around on how to override bidi/shaping on rooted phones,
that would be very helpful for now. <> #93
Though the rendering support was not provided, with other mobile phones which I owned so far including
iPhone, I was able to read the internet content on Tamil just because Unicode fonts were present on those
devices. I expect at least that level of support on Android phones. I am disappointed to know my newly bought
Nexus One can only display squares for those content and font installation options are also not straight forward
for a normal user.
iPhone, I was able to read the internet content on Tamil just because Unicode fonts were present on those
devices. I expect at least that level of support on Android phones. I am disappointed to know my newly bought
Nexus One can only display squares for those content and font installation options are also not straight forward
for a normal user. <> #94
@Dan Katz
I can write a patch and submit it to Android for inclusion. In fact, so can you, and
anyone else here. This patch, as far as I can tell, should allow none root users to
override the fonts.
This will not help anyone who has already bought a phone, but will help anyone who
will buy a phone after the patch is applied.
Of course, it is up to Google to apply or not patches, but if they do not apply a
suggested patch, THEN you can complain that they are deliberately not supporting
Hebrew/Arabic/Ancient Chechoslovakian etc.
I can write a patch and submit it to Android for inclusion. In fact, so can you, and
anyone else here. This patch, as far as I can tell, should allow none root users to
override the fonts.
This will not help anyone who has already bought a phone, but will help anyone who
will buy a phone after the patch is applied.
Of course, it is up to Google to apply or not patches, but if they do not apply a
suggested patch, THEN you can complain that they are deliberately not supporting
Hebrew/Arabic/Ancient Chechoslovakian etc.
Shachar <> #95
I was gone a buy a anderoid phone but I see that it is still to soon. Windows mobile
and iphone are settled with way more apps and international support.
and iphone are settled with way more apps and international support. <> #96
The problem here is not just fonts,
The applications do not support RTL properly - for example the header of emails in
gmail app in N1 shows letters LTR, only when you enter inside the message, the text
shown properly. I think this issue should be handled properly for all RTL languages,
not only Hebrew.
The applications do not support RTL properly - for example the header of emails in
gmail app in N1 shows letters LTR, only when you enter inside the message, the text
shown properly. I think this issue should be handled properly for all RTL languages,
not only Hebrew. <> #97
I understand that it is not just the font. But if font is present one can read those
content with the partial rendering of languages like Tamil, Telugu, etc.,. instead of
seeing squares. That is what we have in other smart phones like iPhone, windows
content with the partial rendering of languages like Tamil, Telugu, etc.,. instead of
seeing squares. That is what we have in other smart phones like iPhone, windows
mobile.. <> #98
Please file a separate bug on that one.
Some of the problems are also in the open source version of the programs, and there,
the community can, at least, help by sending patches (and crossing our fingers in the
hope they get accepted).
Some are in Google closed source applications (such as gmail), and there, the only
thing to do is file a bug report directly with Google.
Please file a separate bug on that one.
Some of the problems are also in the open source version of the programs, and there,
the community can, at least, help by sending patches (and crossing our fingers in the
hope they get accepted).
Some are in Google closed source applications (such as gmail), and there, the only
thing to do is file a bug report directly with Google.
Shachar <> #99 <> #100
Why must I root my HTC hero to see messages or web sites in Hebrew?
Shouldn't there be an option to add fonts without having to root the machine?
Shouldn't there be an option to add fonts without having to root the machine?
Michael. <> #101
Is anyone have a way to see hebrew on Samsung Mythic? <> #103
Please add Hbrew support (at least reading if not writing) <> #104
WE WANT HEB/ <> #105
Hebrews are tech Shavy geeks. We news Hebrew. <> #106
THANKS <> #107
Hebrew is most needed indeed.
The N1 works flawlessly as is and I wouldn't want to root it only for adding a few
Hebrew fonts.
The N1 works flawlessly as is and I wouldn't want to root it only for adding a few
Hebrew fonts. <> #108
i need a hebrew on my galaxy <> #109
With the number of Israeli start ups I am amazed that Hebrew is not a font! <> #110
hebrew is needed in the uk as well - make extra languages downloadable. <> #111
SlideIT keyboard allows you to type in Hebrew with Hebrew font pack, but letters appear as
boxes. even though they look like boxes they still work. try searching something on google
in Hebrew and it will look like boxes but google can read it as well as anything that has
Hebrew support
boxes. even though they look like boxes they still work. try searching something on google
in Hebrew and it will look like boxes but google can read it as well as anything that has
Hebrew support <> #112
We want hebrew font for Droid <> #113
So much correspondence and still no one can put hebrew fonts on the Android Market,
where is the Israeli spirit guys, go for it I don't want to hack/root my new HTC
I just want hebrew on the HTC Desire, is that too much to ask?
where is the Israeli spirit guys, go for it I don't want to hack/root my new HTC
I just want hebrew on the HTC Desire, is that too much to ask? <> #114
Hebrew font is absolutely essential for me right now. I really don't want to root my
Droid, but it's starting to look like I don't have much choice. If I had considered
this issue prior to purchasing my Droid I would have kept my iPhone.
I understand the lack of space to pre-install an excessive number of fonts, and I
understand the permissions/security issues, but fonts for additional languages is
something that really should be based on the needs of the user.
Droid, but it's starting to look like I don't have much choice. If I had considered
this issue prior to purchasing my Droid I would have kept my iPhone.
I understand the lack of space to pre-install an excessive number of fonts, and I
understand the permissions/security issues, but fonts for additional languages is
something that really should be based on the needs of the user. <> #115
Please add hebrew fonts!!
I want it badly.
I want it badly. <> #116
I have 3 letters and a number for you - UTF-8 :)
direction: rtl.
c'mon Google, this is an easy task for you. I bet you can do it in 5 minutes.
direction: rtl.
c'mon Google, this is an easy task for you. I bet you can do it in 5 minutes. <> #117
Does anybody from google even read this? do they even care?
I saw that there are over 100 people subscribed to get messages when this topic
updates, so I have a proposal, but it will need cooperation on your ends.
I can the email of Erick Tseng, the main android product guy over at google, if I do,
will you guys send him an email asking for this? try to get his attention somehow?
this is not moving at all, let's jump start it! please post here if you will send an
P.s. In the meanwhile, you can tweet him at
I saw that there are over 100 people subscribed to get messages when this topic
updates, so I have a proposal, but it will need cooperation on your ends.
I can the email of Erick Tseng, the main android product guy over at google, if I do,
will you guys send him an email asking for this? try to get his attention somehow?
this is not moving at all, let's jump start it! please post here if you will send an
P.s. In the meanwhile, you can tweet him at <> #118
Add Hebrew support to the OS.
If google claims it to be the best mobile OS, it should be able to be updated with
minor items like this.
So far, they are killing a big market (and no, im not talking only about Hebrew users)
and loosing it to the even worst competitor...
A total shame
If google claims it to be the best mobile OS, it should be able to be updated with
minor items like this.
So far, they are killing a big market (and no, im not talking only about Hebrew users)
and loosing it to the even worst competitor...
A total shame <> #119
It is a shame that I cannot see Hebrew characters on my Droid.
It makes Android less then the cutting edge it is claimed.
Please fix this.
It makes Android less then the cutting edge it is claimed.
Please fix this. <> #120
Google you must be kidding ! this issue is open since 2008 and people still don't know
if you'll bother to add the 5 min's fix as update or with the 2.2 release.
Ordered a new Nexus myself (should get it within 2 weeks) hoping this hebrew concern is
targeted to be resolved within couple of weeks. Now it sounds as I shall need to root
the N1 just to get trivial option of being able to read text etc. in hebrew... give me
a break ... !
if you'll bother to add the 5 min's fix as update or with the 2.2 release.
Ordered a new Nexus myself (should get it within 2 weeks) hoping this hebrew concern is
targeted to be resolved within couple of weeks. Now it sounds as I shall need to root
the N1 just to get trivial option of being able to read text etc. in hebrew... give me
a break ... ! <> #121
c'mon Google, aren't you guys supposed to be competing with apple. my iphone had hebrew
out of the box. wtf? i need my jewish things on my phone.
out of the box. wtf? i need my jewish things on my phone. <> #122
this thread is soooo old and still no fix ? is google having second thoughts about the
mobile market ?
my droid run twice as nice with custom roms, google stock roms are garbage and i
understand including english, but for the love off g0d - spanish?!?! ive had it with
these flipping mexicans
mobile market ?
my droid run twice as nice with custom roms, google stock roms are garbage and i
understand including english, but for the love off g0d - spanish?!?! ive had it with
these flipping mexicans <> #123
It is a shame they don't want to support Hebrew fonts. <> #124
For what jbq said, that space is an issue, that was relevant for 2008,
I see no problems with current phone models to add the glyphs of Hebrew to the stock
I see no problems with current phone models to add the glyphs of Hebrew to the stock
package. <> #125
I waited long enough...I have no choice but to root my phone. As much as I love my
droid, it sucks that it does not have hebrew.
droid, it sucks that it does not have hebrew. <> #126
On January 2011 iPhone will open their phone to other providers including Verizon, if by that time
Google don't release the Hebrew font I will buy the new iPhone.
Google don't release the Hebrew font I will buy the new iPhone. <> #127
On January 2011 iPhone will open their phone to other providers including Verizon, if by that time
Google don't release the Hebrew font I will buy the new iPhone.
Google don't release the Hebrew font I will buy the new iPhone. <> #128
I considered getting an android. Now that I see there's still no support for Hebrew
it's out of the question.
it's out of the question. <> #129
I ordered my N1 today and it is coming tomorrow. I am now thinking that I will simply send it back. My 1st Gen
iPhone fully supports 30+ languages, so it can't possibly be a storage issue. I really value having the ability to
communicate and view websites in hebrew, and now it is feeling like I spent $530 to downgrade my abilities! It is
adding a font... if there is something I can do to make this happen, I will do it, otherwise I will spend my money
on a platform that is current. It boggles my mind that for all the importance placed on being an open platform a
user can't at least add languages on their own...
iPhone fully supports 30+ languages, so it can't possibly be a storage issue. I really value having the ability to
communicate and view websites in hebrew, and now it is feeling like I spent $530 to downgrade my abilities! It is
adding a font... if there is something I can do to make this happen, I will do it, otherwise I will spend my money
on a platform that is current. It boggles my mind that for all the importance placed on being an open platform a
user can't at least add languages on their own... <> #130
I'm also need the hebrew fonts a lot <> #131
Hebrew please <> #132
Hebrew fonts are needed desperately on my htc incredible. <> #133
Google obviously do not think that support of the Hebrew Language is really
necessary - after all how many Android phones have been sold in Israel?
But lets look at the big picture - all those who want Hebrew in the US, UK and other
countries are being pushed into buying, heaven help them, an iPhone due to its
ability to support Hebrew and other languages.
In 2010 with unicode in place it is a disgrace that Google have not embedded full
support for Hebrew, Arabic and all other languages in their base OS.
Maybe they will pulltheir fingers out and we will have a patch compatible for all
versions of Android out there.
Forget buying this excellent device until proper language support is made a base
necessary - after all how many Android phones have been sold in Israel?
But lets look at the big picture - all those who want Hebrew in the US, UK and other
countries are being pushed into buying, heaven help them, an iPhone due to its
ability to support Hebrew and other languages.
In 2010 with unicode in place it is a disgrace that Google have not embedded full
support for Hebrew, Arabic and all other languages in their base OS.
Maybe they will pulltheir fingers out and we will have a patch compatible for all
versions of Android out there.
Forget buying this excellent device until proper language support is made a base
function <> #134
Now that apps can be run from SD, space is not nearly as big an issue. Therefore, my
understanding is that there is no reason not to let users download and install fonts on
their android phone without having to root it. I don't understand why this wasn't
already added in Froyo, or at least wasn't announced, but now is the time!
understanding is that there is no reason not to let users download and install fonts on
their android phone without having to root it. I don't understand why this wasn't
already added in Froyo, or at least wasn't announced, but now is the time! <> #135
You were right ... you indeed managed to blow us away Google... what's going on ? years
after introducing Android and you're still not supporting Hebrew, Arabic etc. ???
Give me a break guys ... that's really becoming ridiculous !!!
after introducing Android and you're still not supporting Hebrew, Arabic etc. ???
Give me a break guys ... that's really becoming ridiculous !!! <> #136
Froyo is supposed to have support for multilingual keyboards isn't it? Is that any sign
that they also intend to add or simplify the means to add multilingual fonts - for
that they also intend to add or simplify the means to add multilingual fonts - for
hebrew? <> #137
It went unannounced, but Froyo _do_ support Hebrew.
In Froyo, it adds Hebrew, Arabic and Thai fonts.
My Nexus One now display Hebrew text properly, direction for text/numbers in SMS also OK.
Should this issue me marked as fixed?
In Froyo, it adds Hebrew, Arabic and Thai fonts.
My Nexus One now display Hebrew text properly, direction for text/numbers in SMS also OK.
Should this issue me marked as fixed? <> #138
I am also waiting for the news.
Froyo supporting Hebrew really official?
I am also waiting for the news.
Froyo supporting Hebrew really official? <> #140
Confirmed: Android 2.2 does support Hebrew. Those stuck with devices other than Nexus One and the Motorola
Droid will have to cry out loud to get the update soon.
Droid will have to cry out loud to get the update soon. <> #141 <> #142
we need RTL languges support! <> #143
Android 2.2 adds support for Hebrew in the default fonts. It does not however provide an Hebrew translation of
the UI, nor full RTL support, which are different issues (you can check bug number #7530 for RTL support and
file a different bug to add the Hebrew locale.)
the UI, nor full RTL support, which are different issues (you can check bug number #7530 for RTL support and
file a different bug to add the Hebrew locale.) <> #144
Thank you very much!! I can finally buy my own android phone :) <> #145
RTL support is worse.
Both hebrew lines are now aligned to the right instead of left, and the numbers are
still backwards.
Do we need to open a brand new bug for this?
BTW - I know all these issues are resolved in CyanogenMod, but I think it should be
official <> #146
The regular expression API for Android 2.2 does support Hebrew:
The character set equivalent to the given Unicode BLOCK (\p{}) or the opposite of it
(\P{}). An example for a legal BLOCK name is 'Hebrew', meaning, unsurprisingly, all
Hebrew characters. <> #147
Yes, please open a new bug for the RTL issue and any others and link them here. <> #148 <> #149
This doesn't really seem to apply to #7370 so I'm adding it here to:
I'm running the froyo beta, and hebrew letters work, but in the browser RTL only works when there are only consonants. On the link below, all the words are written backwards.
I'm running the froyo beta, and hebrew letters work, but in the browser RTL only works when there are only consonants. On the link below, all the words are written backwards. <> #150
I have the HTC Incredible - should have 2.2 - and it still does not have Hebrew Fonts <> #151
It is absolutley unacceptable that is not only impossible to read hebrew or arabic text on a android device (On my Sony-Erricsson K800i this feature exists and Google didn't even bothered to publish a hewbrew-and/or-arabic-version of his built-in-browser/htmlviewer (btw, WHY is the hmtmlview so poor in features, no tabs, even no forward/back-button!?!?) to patch this gap in some way), it is even more unacceptable that a user who ***really wants*** to read hebrew/arabic texts on his device he has to "root" resp. "hack" the device, which in the "best" case will result in risking his warranty and in the worst case will brick his phone and he will he the "joy" of paying for the repair.
My device is an G1 Donut.
My device is an G1 Donut. <> #152
Please start to support this issue. <> #153
[Comment deleted] <> #154
I too am unhappy that I purchased a phone that cannot display Hebrew. If this is not resolved by the time my contract is up, you will find me on an iphone. <> #155
Please include as test websites if ever this bug is being fixed. <> #157
How do you get java apps on the Android? <> #158
I have brand new Samsung Galaxy Android 2 phone but I want Telugu font. CA you please help on how I can get Telugu font installed in it? <> #159
I am very disappointing with the lack of Hebrew on Android.
Even the iphone had Hebrew out of the box.
Even the iphone had Hebrew out of the box. <> #160
well I just got Android 2.2 and I c Hebrew..... <> #161
Please Google pay attention. Mny would be Android users need full Hebrew language capabilities and will not switch from Blackberry and Apple until you fix this. <> #162
why like this, u have this system more then two years and no RTL support Google pls dont let us down today iPhone have Hebrew black berry have Hebrew dont push us to go their <> #163
I have an HTC ERIS with 2.1, and NO HEBREW FONTS! Is there a way to fix this? <> #164
[Comment deleted] <> #165 <> #166
Google supports languages far more obscure than Hebrew... one can't help but wonder if someone there has an alterior motive for denying Hebrew for years now? Maybe we need to ask that question in a more public forum. <> #167
We want Hebrew fonts and RTL support.
don't ignore us.
if samsung could do it then so can google
don't ignore us.
if samsung could do it then so can google <> #168
Hi All,
Is it possible to add TAMIL font in HTC tattoo? If so, let me know about the steps of doing it.
Is it possible to add TAMIL font in HTC tattoo? If so, let me know about the steps of doing it.
Thanks <> #169
The major issue is with nikud. Adding nikud to hebrew text on most devices causes the line to show up backwards. This is in a web view or directly in the browser. <> #170
Hi, I have an HTC hero (old one, I know) and something very strange happened to it. I'm using anySoftKeyboard for Hebrew fonts and everything seems to be working but a few weeks ago the sms app stopped reading Hebrew, while I can read and write Hebrew in all of my other apps beside the text messaging one. I tried looking for any information on the web regarding this issue but couldn't find anything.
While I'm on it, I also have a Nexus S that I am very happy about, but there is a problem with the build in Hebrew on it, whenever I type a text it appear backward on the dictionary line but correct on the typing screen, any chance that will be fixed soon?
While I'm on it, I also have a Nexus S that I am very happy about, but there is a problem with the build in Hebrew on it, whenever I type a text it appear backward on the dictionary line but correct on the typing screen, any chance that will be fixed soon?
Thanks.. <> #171
Can someone help a scribe trying to digitized his work, this HTC Desire android phone is all I have to work with, please help! Perhaps someone can walk me through the 2.2 froyo process, I would be ever so grateful, peace <> #172 <> #173
Dear Google, is it so complicated to add Armenian language support in Android? <> #174
PLEASE add Armenian language support for Android! It will keep me on Android forever, rather than thinking about switching to the iphone for my next upgrade in order to read my armenian news and websites on my phone!!!
While browsing some websites on my phone, I have found that the G1 does not
support showing Hebrew fonts.
In a world of Unicode Java it seems that at the very least you would
include fonts for other languages - i know that this solution is not all
encompassing and will give very limited support for other languages, but
it's a start - people have been doing it with root access and all they did
is just push some regular hebrew fonts and it works - you can simply make
this patch official - isn't that what open source is all about?
Thanks in advance,
Elad Katz,
(very) Junior Android Developer