Status Update
Comments <> #2
EDIT: Sorry about the repeated "to recreate" message. I accidentally copied and pasted the same info. <> #3
This is a real problem and needs to be corrected. For this many issues to be occurring on Googles "flagship" phone is just ridiculous. Please fix this issue. <> #4
UPDATE: I've uploaded a video demonstrating the problem:
As you can see, I can even tell when the glitch will happen depending on if the underline disappears or not whilst typing. When it does disappear, no matter what you press (be it letter or the space bar) it duplicates the first letter. As Ryandi predicted earlier, I think it has something specifically to do with the space bar.
The reason I don't think it has to do with typing speeds or the sensitivity of the Nexus S screen is firstly, I'm demonstrating the glitch very slowly. I even pause to talk about it before the moment I demo the problem. Secondly, I don't believe it has to do with the screen sensitivity for two reasons: 1) I cannot recreate this problem on Smart Keyboard Pro, try as I may; and 2) it only happens with the first letter or the last letter of words, not coincidentally prior to or after using the space bar. It never double hits the letters in between words. For example, I never get "thhis" or "thiis," I only ever get "tthis" or "thiss".
The core issue is with the Android keyboard itself, and more specifically, has something to do with the space bar. The keyboard should only register one hit per press.
I've also made a report at the Google Help Forum: if anyone wants to add their two cents there as well.
Hope Google responds.
As you can see, I can even tell when the glitch will happen depending on if the underline disappears or not whilst typing. When it does disappear, no matter what you press (be it letter or the space bar) it duplicates the first letter. As Ryandi predicted earlier, I think it has something specifically to do with the space bar.
The reason I don't think it has to do with typing speeds or the sensitivity of the Nexus S screen is firstly, I'm demonstrating the glitch very slowly. I even pause to talk about it before the moment I demo the problem. Secondly, I don't believe it has to do with the screen sensitivity for two reasons: 1) I cannot recreate this problem on Smart Keyboard Pro, try as I may; and 2) it only happens with the first letter or the last letter of words, not coincidentally prior to or after using the space bar. It never double hits the letters in between words. For example, I never get "thhis" or "thiis," I only ever get "tthis" or "thiss".
The core issue is with the Android keyboard itself, and more specifically, has something to do with the space bar. The keyboard should only register one hit per press.
I've also made a report at the Google Help Forum:
Hope Google responds. <> #5 <> #6
From the video, we have already seen that if the first letter is missing an underline, that particular letter will be duplicated upon keying any other letter.
Now I've found out the steps to recreate the "letter without underline". This is done by simply typing a letter while the SPACE is still being pressed, and voila, the letter after the space would not be underlined. This issue has to do with how multitouch and space (and possibly Word-prediction) are being handled by the code.
Let me give you an example by typing "hello there". Upon finishing the word "hello", I would press SPACE followed by "t". If I'm typing really fast and the SPACE is still being pressed while typing the "t" (multitouch), "t" will appear, BUT without an underline. Then the "t" would be duplicated when you type the letter "h", resulting in "hello tthere" when you finish them. And sometimes when you're typing even faster, you'd also see "hello ththere"
Now I've found out the steps to recreate the "letter without underline". This is done by simply typing a letter while the SPACE is still being pressed, and voila, the letter after the space would not be underlined. This issue has to do with how multitouch and space (and possibly Word-prediction) are being handled by the code.
Let me give you an example by typing "hello there". Upon finishing the word "hello", I would press SPACE followed by "t". If I'm typing really fast and the SPACE is still being pressed while typing the "t" (multitouch), "t" will appear, BUT without an underline. Then the "t" would be duplicated when you type the letter "h", resulting in "hello tthere" when you finish them. And sometimes when you're typing even faster, you'd also see "hello ththere" <> #7
I will admit, I don't really have many issues with the keyboard other than the space bar. Sometimes it is so unresponsive and other times, I hit the letters around it. <> #8
I can recreate this bug as well. At first I could not, but when I switched keyboards and switched back to the Android Stock Keyboard, I was able to. <> #9
I can't reproduce this bug on Froyo. I'll test it on the 2.3 SDK. <> #10
I have had this problem with my N1 as well. It is super annoying. PPPLLEEAAASEEE fix. <> #11
I've definitely had this happen to me. I had always assumed the sensitivity was just too high. I believe it is, in fact, a glitch because if I type "wont" and I get "wwont", it will highlight as follows: "wwont" and the auto-correct field will show "won't". Now, if this was a sensitivity issue, it should try to auto-correct the entire word, both W's included. When this glitch occurs, the auto-correct will not register both W's. If I manually type in "wwont", the auto-correct suggests "Ewing", as it registers both W's. <> #12
I have this problem big time. Drives me crazy. I see a lot of people complaining about it. Rub the keyboard, turn off android mode, unplug third-party chargers. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. This is a problem. It makes me hate my phone. I hate it when I hate my phone. <> #13
This appears to be fixed in Android 2.3.3, for me at least.
I could easily reproduce the problem on 2.3.2 a couple of days ago but I can no longer make it happen this morning, having updated my Nexus S to 2.3.3 last night.
Can any other 2.3.3 users confirm?
I could easily reproduce the problem on 2.3.2 a couple of days ago but I can no longer make it happen this morning, having updated my Nexus S to 2.3.3 last night.
Can any other 2.3.3 users confirm? <> #14
I was able to reproduce this bug after watching the youtube video (only took a minute to get a non-underlined character). I am running 2.3.3 on Nexus S. <> #15
II am usiing Droid 2 with Froyo and this is exacctly what happens when typing viaa phiisiical keyboard as you can read it, lots of doublle characters. Sucks <> #16
I am running 2.3.3 on Nexus One, i am not able to reproduce this issue. <> #17
I'm also experiencing this issue. Nexus One (2.3.3).
ALSO, (I know this should get put in a different bug report but from my experience with google they really dont give a crap so esentially I'm just on here complaining to make myself feel better).
The pop-up for alternate keys when you long press will stop showing until I reboot the phone. After the reboot it works for an undetermined amount of time until I have to reboot it again. For example, long press smiley key, keyboard goes dim but no popup window shows up. Releasing the press still inserts which ever smiley SHOULD be under your finger, although you cannot see it.
Is it just me that feels the friggin KEYBOARD be one of those high priority things that they spend enough time on to get it right? I find it atrocious Google releases a new version with several bugs in the keyboard. Would you purchase a TV that skips channels? No, you wouldn't, its kinda a mission critical feature of a TV... kind of like a KEYBOARD ON A SMART PHONE.
ALSO, (I know this should get put in a different bug report but from my experience with google they really dont give a crap so esentially I'm just on here complaining to make myself feel better).
The pop-up for alternate keys when you long press will stop showing until I reboot the phone. After the reboot it works for an undetermined amount of time until I have to reboot it again. For example, long press smiley key, keyboard goes dim but no popup window shows up. Releasing the press still inserts which ever smiley SHOULD be under your finger, although you cannot see it.
Is it just me that feels the friggin KEYBOARD be one of those high priority things that they spend enough time on to get it right? I find it atrocious Google releases a new version with several bugs in the keyboard. Would you purchase a TV that skips channels? No, you wouldn't, its kinda a mission critical feature of a TV... kind of like a KEYBOARD ON A SMART PHONE. <> #18
I think I have found a fix for this, though you will lose autocorrection.
Disable Touch to correct, Quick fixes AND suggestions. You will then notice that no matter what you type, you will never see your words underlined. The problem seems to have gone. Try it!
Disable Touch to correct, Quick fixes AND suggestions. You will then notice that no matter what you type, you will never see your words underlined. The problem seems to have gone. Try it! <> #19
Disabling functionality is not a fix, its a workaround of sorts. <> #20
Absolutely agree. I meant to say a workaround, not a fix. Though I am glad I am finally able to type without having to go back to fix the double letters. I kinda miss not having to capitalize words like I'm or I.. But it's worth it. <> #21
having the same issue. droid 2 2.2 and this is rediculously annoying. i really dont want to reset to factory but i am strongly considering doing so if it would resolve this. has any one had any success with a restore to factory to correct? <> #22
I had Verizon send me a new droid 2. Problem is gone for me. Maybe a reset would have done it. But a new phone definitely fixed it (so far). <> #23
I'm noticing this problem alot more since I updated to 2.3.3, it(double letter upon spacebar) was far less frequent when my Nexus S was running 2.3.2. Now the problem surface often enough for me to find it irritating, since text messages are my main form of communication on this otherwise great device. <> #24
I said above it appeared to be fixed in 2.3.3 for me, but after so many people saying it wasn't fixed, or was even worse, I played with it some more on my Nexus S...
Yes, I can still trigger the problem, but it is a lot harder than it used to be for me.
For me, it only seems to happen if I push space very quickly after erasing back to the start of the first word. Maybe the bug happens if you push space just as the first word is underlined? Or maybe it depends on the phone's speed, user dictionary and other language/dictionary/keyboard settings?
Anyway, yeah, it's still there. A lot harder to repro for me, but still there for sure.
Yes, I can still trigger the problem, but it is a lot harder than it used to be for me.
For me, it only seems to happen if I push space very quickly after erasing back to the start of the first word. Maybe the bug happens if you push space just as the first word is underlined? Or maybe it depends on the phone's speed, user dictionary and other language/dictionary/keyboard settings?
Anyway, yeah, it's still there. A lot harder to repro for me, but still there for sure. <> #25
Droid 2 and this problem started for me several weeks ago. It is extremely annoying, please fix it! <> #26
After manually updating to 2.3.3, I can confirm that I'm still experiencing the double-letter glitch. It hasn't increased nor decreased in frequency. It's about the same.
What's also frustrating is the [I]double-double letter[/I] press. Sometimes words end up like "ththis" where the first two letters duplicate. It's ridiculous. Others have said they experienced this as well.
And when typing fast, I noticed more and more frequently that the keyboard misses auto corrections that it would normally get. So words like "taht" normally autocorrects to "that" but sometimes it misses it. In theory, I should never see the word "taht" in my messages unless I've specifically chosen to type "taht". But missed auto corrected words come up all the time.
Something about the keyboard just doesn't seem able to keep up with high speed typing.
What's also frustrating is the [I]double-double letter[/I] press. Sometimes words end up like "ththis" where the first two letters duplicate. It's ridiculous. Others have said they experienced this as well.
And when typing fast, I noticed more and more frequently that the keyboard misses auto corrections that it would normally get. So words like "taht" normally autocorrects to "that" but sometimes it misses it. In theory, I should never see the word "taht" in my messages unless I've specifically chosen to type "taht". But missed auto corrected words come up all the time.
Something about the keyboard just doesn't seem able to keep up with high speed typing. <> #27
i have doridd and i have same problemm..please fix this shaved bug.. <> #28
Hey annny onne try thiis problem? <> #29
i just tried resetting my phone to factory settings. No joy here, tried typing instantly and had at least 1 double letter tap per sentence. Please fix this Google!!! <> #30
Same Problem with my Droid2 hardware keyboard. Interesting with mine is that there are situations where I get lots of double letters (almost in every word) and others where its almost OK. <> #31
This issue is seriously rendering Android unusable. Typing anything remotely serious is a pain. Even when typing slow, the double-letter glitch appears, often frequently, throughout the message. Having to edit *every* single message is incredibly cumbersome and tiring.
Typing is obviously a big part of using a cell phone nowadays. Given this, the double-letter glitch is unacceptable glitch and truly hampers the overall Android experience.
Typing is obviously a big part of using a cell phone nowadays. Given this, the double-letter glitch is unacceptable glitch and truly hampers the overall Android experience. <> #32
I had Verizon send me a new phone. Still has not happened yet with the new phone. So my guess is hardware issue...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #33
Having the same issue on my Droid 2 running 2.2.1. Has been working fine for over a year but has now started doing this. <> #34
Yeah this is a problem for me too. <> #35
I have same issue on my nexus s while my typing by Google pinyin IME, to avoid this, I have to slow down my typing speed. <> #36
Same issue happens all the time <> #37
I have had this problem for months and tried everything from uninstalling everything to a factory reset but nothing fixed it. I had Verizon send me a new one a few days ago and so far it's great. I will post again when I see the issue again or in a few months if all is still well. <> #38
bug's still on 2.3.4 1
it affects other keyboards too, not only default!
it affects other keyboards too, not only default! <> #39
Same problem on a Nexus One running 2.3.4. Really annoying, needs to be fixed. <> #40
I have the same problem on my Nexus S running 2.3.4. I can cope for now but would love for the small niggle to get fixed :) <> #41
I began experiencing this on my Droid 2 suddenly about one week ago. The issue has worsened since then. I am running version 2.3.20.a955.verizon.en.US . <> #42
Bring your phones into a dealer. It is a hardware problem....dunno how, makes no sense to me, but they tweeked a connector to the screen and everything was fixed. weird and nonsensical but it worked..... <> #43
Is there a way to not have Android not underline the letters while typing a word? Thanks, <> #44
Having the same problem with my Droid 2 running Froyo. Please, Google, help us! <> #45
Update: changing the keyboard to swype seems to help. However, I'm still not sure. I am NOT jinxing myself. :) <> #46
Also seems to work better after disabling all auto-correct features and using third-party keyboards such as swiftkey or hacker's keyboard. It still happens intermittently, however. <> #47
This happens on my Droid 2 as well <> #48
Happens on my Nexus S stock 2.3.4 <> #49
My droid 2 started typing double letters all the time. It doesn't seem to be limited to just the end of words though, it can be any letter. Not sure if it's a software or hardware issue... <> #50
My phone has been starting to do this for the past two weeks. It started after my friend had put it onto Swype mode. Once it started with the double characters I switched out of swype thinking that was the problem. If I take my phone to Verizon would they be able to fix it? <> #51
Having the same issue with my Droid 2 keyboard. Characters are doubling and sometimes even tripling up. It's really annoying especially since I bought it for the physical keyboard. <> #52
I have been experiencing the same issue. It just started last week and it is extremely annoying. Please come up with a viable fix! <> #53
As I said above, I had verizon send me a replacement phone. After sending the first replacement back due to a non working focus on the camera, the 2nd replaement has been working fine for more than a month. Someone else said the verizon tech reseated a connector for the screen, which makes sense. So if you have the insurance I suggest replacing your phone. If not then either get it and replace your phone in a month or so, or if you're feeling froggy and are techie enough you might be able to take the phone apart enough to reseat the right cable. <> #54
My first Droid 2 had major double characters. Verizon replaced it. The camera on my new phone often will often not focus. I restart the phone, try zoom, etc. Sometimes I get it to work.
This new phone just started double characters again. It's not often, so I will live with it. When it gets too bad I will replace it.
At this point I'm inclined to blame Motorola and never buy Motorola again. But it looks like the thread was started because of double characters on a soft keyboard.
This new phone just started double characters again. It's not often, so I will live with it. When it gets too bad I will replace it.
At this point I'm inclined to blame Motorola and never buy Motorola again. But it looks like the thread was started because of double characters on a soft keyboard. <> #55
I'm having the same problem. Found this issue thread on another forum from a quick google search of the issue. I'm on Gingerbread with a Droid 2. On screen keyboard using swype I have no problems. Physical keyboard I have all the problems described here.
Google needs to get on this.
Google needs to get on this. <> #56
UPDATE: Sometimes it'll even repeat the first two letters of a word, for example, like "ththis." This becomes especially obnoxious with two letter words, like "I'm walking toto the park." <> #57
UPDATE: Look, we're not the only ones experiencing this issue.
These are other threads citing the exact same problem with the double letter glitch:
<a href=" "> </a>
<a href=" "> </a>
<a href=" "> </a>
<a href=" "> </a>
Just to name a few. This issue needs to be addressed and fixed by Google.
These are other threads citing the exact same problem with the double letter glitch:
<a href="
<a href="
<a href="
<a href="
Just to name a few. This issue needs to be addressed and fixed by Google. <> #58
I have the same problem as mentioned throughout this report. I am using a Nexus S on 2.3.4 stock firmware. Hope it gets fixed very soon! <> #59
This is pathetic. Everything about my Droid phone is incredible. except for that darn keyboard. It's gotten to the point where I avoid using the phone all together. I've been searching for a remedy on the web but have yet to find anything HELPFUL. Please fix this problem soon! <> #60
"Show suggestions" is not at fault. I can only reproduce this when "Auto-complete" AND "Quick fixes" are both on.
It also seems to only happen when typing quickly. I can't get it to reproduce if I follow the steps typing slowly or at a gentle pace.
These features seem to also cause another bug that I've reported here:
It also seems to only happen when typing quickly. I can't get it to reproduce if I follow the steps typing slowly or at a gentle pace.
These features seem to also cause another bug that I've reported here: <> #61
On my second Droid 2 and it's happening again. The phone started off fine. Then slowly started doing it. It's almost unusable now. I just did a factory reset too. Worse than ever. I'm back to hating this phone, bad. <> #62
Same here. I noticed this when I started using Whatsapp about a month ago. I don't usually enjoy typing on my Nexus One, but since Whatsapp, I've been chatting with a lot of my friend. That's when I kept seeing these double first letters, and I thought it was just me. I also know how frustrating the Android keyboard already is (compared to the iPhone one, which seems to be a breeze to type on). When I read this thread today, I'm relieved that this is a bug and not my fat fingers, but I'm also furious that Google would build such a crappy keyboard. You would think that they have enough people who test and use Android phones on a regular basis, and I'm sure not all of them will think it's their own fault in typing. <> #63
Bug still happening on 2.3.4 of my Nexus S.
Google, please fix this. Doesn't matter how much fancy crap you load on the phone if the stock keyboard can't even deliver a proper user experience!
Google, please fix this. Doesn't matter how much fancy crap you load on the phone if the stock keyboard can't even deliver a proper user experience! <> #64
Is it only me, or is it getting worse over time?
Currently the physical keyboard is almost unusable. A few weeks ago the amount of double/missed letters was acceptable. Nevertheless, it makes a big difference if several browser tabs are open...
Anyone else experiencing such a behavior?
Currently the physical keyboard is almost unusable. A few weeks ago the amount of double/missed letters was acceptable. Nevertheless, it makes a big difference if several browser tabs are open...
Anyone else experiencing such a behavior? <> #65
Ok, I'm now on my third Droid 2. It has doubled a couple times in the past week, but it's much better.
Yes, it gets worse. In a few months I'm sure this latest phone will start up and will continue to get worse. But for now, I can use the keyboard...
Yes, it gets worse. In a few months I'm sure this latest phone will start up and will continue to get worse. But for now, I can use the keyboard... <> #66
I doubt the bug is getting worse; it's just the circumstances on your phone that have changed.
The problem seems to happen when the phone can't keep up with the speed of typing.
Having more apps/services running in the background, or apps using lots of memory (memory which might then be needed, causing the OS to have work in the background to close/hibernate those apps, which takes time), probably makes it more likely to happen.
Similarly, from what people have said, it seems to happen more on slower phones, but can still happen on any type of phone if you type fast enough and/or slow the phone down with background work or memory pressure.
The problem seems to happen when the phone can't keep up with the speed of typing.
Having more apps/services running in the background, or apps using lots of memory (memory which might then be needed, causing the OS to have work in the background to close/hibernate those apps, which takes time), probably makes it more likely to happen.
Similarly, from what people have said, it seems to happen more on slower phones, but can still happen on any type of phone if you type fast enough and/or slow the phone down with background work or memory pressure. <> #67
Yeah I actually think it's a hardware problem.
BTW, having Verizon replace your phone is a very good way to send a message "upstream". Verizon, Google, and Motorola (or your hardware manufacturer) all track returns.
BTW, having Verizon replace your phone is a very good way to send a message "upstream". Verizon, Google, and Motorola (or your hardware manufacturer) all track returns. <> #68
I've posted before so scroll up to see what happened so far, but I had the problem and Verizon replaced it for me. Since then I canceled my phone line to save money but had my Droid setup on my work line, they didn't care what phone I used and the Fascinate they gave me is a horrible device. Well I have problems with the software(which I now think is just the 32g sd card I got from patriot, apparently class 10 sd cards are a known problem) so i was trying to fix it by replacing the handset. Verizon had no problem replacing it even though I don't have insurance anymore since cancelling my phone line(work doesn't pay for insurance). They didn't even mention the insurance.
Well the first replacement phone I got from them had the keyboard issue. While I was speaking to tech support they said that the keyboard is a known issue with the Motorola Droid 2. They said it is a hardware issue and verizon does not fix them, they just turn the handsets over to Motorola with the problem descriptions. She even warned me that I might get another handset that does the same thing and that we would just have to go through them until I get a good one.
I didn't get another keyboard issue tho. I did get one where the camera wouldn't work, and another where the keyboard button/stickers was peeling up. But a quick call to verizon tech support and I had a new handset the next business day.
So I highly suggest everyone who has the Droid 2 and is having the double key tapping issue, just suck it up and call Verizon. Setting up a new phone is a pain, but not that bad.
Well the first replacement phone I got from them had the keyboard issue. While I was speaking to tech support they said that the keyboard is a known issue with the Motorola Droid 2. They said it is a hardware issue and verizon does not fix them, they just turn the handsets over to Motorola with the problem descriptions. She even warned me that I might get another handset that does the same thing and that we would just have to go through them until I get a good one.
I didn't get another keyboard issue tho. I did get one where the camera wouldn't work, and another where the keyboard button/stickers was peeling up. But a quick call to verizon tech support and I had a new handset the next business day.
So I highly suggest everyone who has the Droid 2 and is having the double key tapping issue, just suck it up and call Verizon. Setting up a new phone is a pain, but not that bad. <> #69
Having the same issue, using 2.3.4 on a Desire HD. <> #70
2.3.3 on OG Droid, issue confirmed. Only solution found so far is to switch to a different keyboard (Smart Keyboard). <> #71
Same issue here as well ... Android version 2.2 on Verizon. I think my favorite part is two-thirds of the time, when I press the spacebar, I get the following: <> #72
2.2.2 on LG optimus 3D. when I try and type a message or use the soft keyboard I get multiple entries even whey being really careful to only touch the key quickly. My messages will look like "ttthiis isss drrivviinggg mee nnuttts"
Please help
Please help <> #73
it's a real problem. I think I'm gonna have to get a new phone using the insurance or warranty. <> #74
Is this ever going to get fixed. I just got my Nexus S 4G three days ago and this is happening to me as well. <> #75
Folks, I'm the one that started this thread. Wanted to share what I've learned: in order to stop this glitch from happening, you have to turn off "touch to correct words" in the Android Keyboard settings screen. There should be no more unintentional double-letter occurrences after that.
It's still a glitch that Google needs to address, but for now, I'm content giving up "touch to correct" to mediate this double-letter problem.
Get on it, Google.
It's still a glitch that Google needs to address, but for now, I'm content giving up "touch to correct" to mediate this double-letter problem.
Get on it, Google. <> #76
That's not even a setting in my Droid 2 phone. I checked Keyboard settings, and there is no "touch to correct" item. Maybe phones with slide-out keyboards have different settings, and perhaps is a hardware issue instead? I have no double-letter problems when I used the virtual keyboard. <> #77
I believe there are two problems with similar symptoms.
The first seems to be a bug in Android, the second however (which affected my Droid2) appears to be a hardware problem.
I just received my phone back from repair and the problem is solved completely.
Unfortunately I don 't know what was fixed but I believe the whole lower part (which contains the Keyboard) is new.
I truly hope that the problem does not return. :-)
So I recommend those with Droid2's and double, tripple or more letters to send their phones to service.
The first seems to be a bug in Android, the second however (which affected my Droid2) appears to be a hardware problem.
I just received my phone back from repair and the problem is solved completely.
Unfortunately I don 't know what was fixed but I believe the whole lower part (which contains the Keyboard) is new.
I truly hope that the problem does not return. :-)
So I recommend those with Droid2's and double, tripple or more letters to send their phones to service. <> #78
SwiftX keyboard is free today on amazon. Until this issue gets fixed, maybe an alternate keyboard is a good solution. I haven't switched because I *like* the stock keyboard, but I haven't tried this one so I will give it a shot.
And no I'm not affiliated. Just thought you guys might want to know.
SwiftX keyboard is free today on amazon. Until this issue gets fixed, maybe an alternate keyboard is a good solution. I haven't switched because I *like* the stock keyboard, but I haven't tried this one so I will give it a shot.
And no I'm not affiliated. Just thought you guys might want to know. <> #79
I am experiencing the same issue on my Droid 2. The problem seems to have gotten worse over time.
I am typing on it right now, but it requires excessive backspacing to type correctly.
Here is an example of an uncorrected sentence on my D2:
I am experiencing the same issuuue on my Drid 2. The problllemm seemmms to have ggotten worsse ver ttiime.
I am typing on it right now, but it requires excessive backspacing to type correctly.
Here is an example of an uncorrected sentence on my D2:
I am experiencing the same issuuue on my Drid 2. The problllemm seemmms to have ggotten worsse ver ttiime. <> #80
I also have the same problem! I have a LG Optimus 3D Speed..
It started doing this since a week.. GOOGLE PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!
It started doing this since a week.. GOOGLE PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!! <> #81
Starred. I'm getting this a lot and it seems to happen randomly. I was not able to reproduce using the method described, but I am experiencing the problem. <> #82
I too have the same issue with double or triple letters when typing on the onscreen keyboard, i have the new LG Optimus 3D running Android 2.3, is there a fix for this? <> #83
Fix this! This is my 2nd phone and I am very frustrated over this doubling up on letters. I want a droid 3, but not if this is going to happen. <> #84
Okay, this is really starting to annoy me. It's happening A LOT lately. I don't know what makes the keyboard do it, but it should stop. <> #85
I am having a similar problem with my droid 2, but I only notice it on the tactile keyboard, however I use swype so maybe that has something to do with it not affecting the onscreen keyboard. The tactile however works so poorly that I have stopped using it, worked great for a few months then deteriorated. <> #86
Yes this happens on my Optimus s and its so annoying. i want the old keyboard back <> #87
I have a Droid 3 and the hardware keyboard glitches all the time. Sometimes it'll continue pressing a key over and over on its on after I press it, or sometimes it doesn't even recognize I press a key or just annoying stuff like that. With what I just wrote I had to correct myself over 10 times.. <> #88
Same issue with the droid 3 as comment 86. really annoying!!!!! <> #89
My Droid 2 physical keyboard types double and triple letters all the time. It was fine for a bout a year, and then just totally broke down the last month or so. It is very frustrating. <> #90
I am on my FORTH, yes I said FORTH Droid 2 Global and I have had this same issue with the last three. With the amount of money these phones cost these issues should not continue to keep happening. Who do we as consumers hold responsible for this? I've contacted Verizon Wireless many times about this issue, and each time they act surprised that people are having issues like this with this phone. It is obvious to me that either the programming on the phone, or the design itself of the physical keyboard is flawed.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #91
I'm using my Optimus S with the gingerbread keyboard since the last firmware update. Typing right now is very slow because my keyboard isn't keeping up with my texting. I do get the double letters problem quiet frequently and it's really irritating. Ever since the new firmware update I've hated typing on my phone. xD <> #92
I also have this problem on stock android 2.3.6 Nexus S. Well done for voicing the problem !! <> #93
I am having this same exact problem on my new Galaxy S II from AT&T. Originally, the problem happened on my Nexus One, and then again on my Captivate. I figured that the phones were limited hardware-wise, and that I was typing too fast for the phone's multi-touch to keep-up. Fast forward to my new Galaxy S II, and the problem is definitely still there, in full-force. It has to be one of the most frustrating things about the Android OS. PLEASE FIX THIS GOOGLE!!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, THIS HAS BEEN A PROBLEM FOR HOW MANY VERSIONS NOW??! <> #94
My Milestone 2 does this all the time. Very unhappy with Motorola and Google taking my money and running as fast as they can. <> #95
i've had my Nexus S for almost a year now, and this glitch has happened at least one time a day of heavy keyboard use. i'm still shocked Google has done nothing to fix it. grrrrrrrr!!!!!!! <> #96
Double letters on brazilian Motorola Milestone 2 (Droid2, I guess). Really annoying issue, should not be there. Could be "fixed" by setting minimum time between clicks <> #97
I've got a N1 running 2.3.6 and I still on occasion face this problem. It is harder to recreate but when I type fast, the first letter of some words does rrepeat. <> #98
[Comment deleted] <> #99
[Comment deleted] <> #100
Droid Pro running 2.3.4. Problem consistently and repeatedly occurs in texting and email apps, less consistently elsewhere. Most certainly a software issue for me, since it only started with the update to 2.3.4 several months ago. Phone is basically unusable now. <> #101
LG Optimus S LS670 running 2.3.3 exhibits this issue constantly since "upgrading" from 2.2.2. <> #102
This happened to me constantly until I disabled all of the autocorrect features:
Setting->Language/Keyboard->Multitouch Keyboard->
Show Suggestions/Auto-correct errors/Auto-punctuate/Auto-capitalizatios
I did it both on 'on screen keyboard' and 'device keyboard' since they both did it. Now it doesn't. And the suggests were crap anyway.
Setting->Language/Keyboard->Multitouch Keyboard->
Show Suggestions/Auto-correct errors/Auto-punctuate/Auto-capitalizatios
I did it both on 'on screen keyboard' and 'device keyboard' since they both did it. Now it doesn't. And the suggests were crap anyway. <> #103
Droid Pro double letters on physical keyboard with latest update.
I understand the Droid 2 debounce program setting it to 10ms works but it requires that you root your phone and I have a corporate phone. Can't root it.
I understand the Droid 2 debounce program setting it to 10ms works but it requires that you root your phone and I have a corporate phone. Can't root it. <> #104
The double letter glitch usually only happens with the first things I type when taking the phone off standby. I back up to erase and it's fine after that. <> #105
Given that there've been no reports on Nexus S after late 2011, I assume this got fixed in 4.0 <> #106
Same here... after update from ICS to Jelly Bean
When i type a word ie 'close' i get clooosssseee or heeeeellllllloooooo, sometimes after a word a period '.' is self inserted or all letters gets caps lock. This is very frustrating and annoying. Please fix it. Before the update this never happens but i dont want to downgrade, i like the new version.
Genesis tab (everteksa)7204.
When i type a word ie 'close' i get clooosssseee or heeeeellllllloooooo, sometimes after a word a period '.' is self inserted or all letters gets caps lock. This is very frustrating and annoying. Please fix it. Before the update this never happens but i dont want to downgrade, i like the new version.
Genesis tab (everteksa)7204. <> #107
I'm suddenly dealing with this up the wazoo <> #108
*************** I was able to fix this problem on my android based phone by switching from swype to android keyboard. Good luck people. <> #109
I got the same problem on my 3 weeks old Galaxy S4 with latest updates (Android 4.4.2) and chrome.
here is what happens:
When I open chrome and type "m" in the address bar I get "mm". Everytime I close and then reopen chrome I can excatly reproduce this. The same happens with "a" -> "aa". I did not try with all letters, but there is no problem with "z".
here is what happens:
When I open chrome and type "m" in the address bar I get "mm". Everytime I close and then reopen chrome I can excatly reproduce this. The same happens with "a" -> "aa". I did not try with all letters, but there is no problem with "z". <> #110
Same problem with latest updates (Android 4.4.2) and chrome. <> #111
Same problem here. 4.4.2, chrome, galaxy s4. <> #112
Disabling predictive text on my samsung gs4 keyboard fixed this problem for me. <> #113
Specifically disabling live word update was the ultimate fix for me on my gs4 <> #114
[Comment deleted] <> #115
Same problem, solved with other keyboard like SwiftKey <> #116
Same problem on other galaxy s4 (oficial 4.4.2), still not solved. It's annoying! <> #117
Switch to Dolphin browser and return if/when chrome bug is sorted. <> #118
This problem is definitely still in existence for me on a gs4 using the latest Chrome build on Android 4.4.2. <> #119
i have galaxy s4 and have 4.3, chrome and i always keep getting multiple duplicate letters when trying to type and use keyboard. i turned off swype
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #120
[Comment deleted] <> #121
this issue was originally reported over 3 years ago I wonder if anyone had Google is paying attention <> #122
Very frustrating problem. any solution please ?
HTC desire 600.
HTC desire 600. <> #123
Mine has problems too even after disabling auto-texts.. <> #124
I resolved it by disabling autocorrect and set preview correction suggestions to 'always hidden'.
Nexus 7 (4.2.1)
Nexus 7 (4.2.1) <> #125
Nexus 5, latest software,I most often notice this issue when using FB in chrome
:( <> #126
Droid Maxx, Android 4.4.4 using swiftkey keyboard and Chrome browser I have this issue but it is random. I've only noticed it happening at night. Changed to Firefox browser and the issue went away, but I really don't care for Firefox.
Letters will duplicate, and autosuggested words will fully or partially duplicate, as the first three or four letters of the word will appear twice. I've not been able to purposely recreate this occurrence. It's completely random.
Letters will duplicate, and autosuggested words will fully or partially duplicate, as the first three or four letters of the word will appear twice. I've not been able to purposely recreate this occurrence. It's completely random. <> #127
I can't use the "J" or "N" key. If I do hit the "J", "H" and "K" are pressed. If "N" is hit, then "B" and "M" are entered. Very irritating. I'm using a Nexus 5 Android. <> #128
Well its 2015 and I'm still getting this problem in facebook the onscreen keyboard is fucking useless if you hit backspace it will repeat a word if you hit after sometimes it will repeat a word it's useless if you can't even use it it's 2015! <> #129
New LG G4 only started this today after having phone for about 2-3 moonths. How is this still a problem?? Google needs to fix this! <> #130
Same issue as #127 - only seems to affect Facebook for Mobile website in Chrome when using Google Keyboard. Entering a message, hitting return to send, then backspacing at any point in the next messages automatically enters words from the previous message.
Doesn't occur with other keyboards.
Doesn't occur with other keyboards. <> #131
Same problem is still there for Huawei P8 lite. Very annoying... Please fix it, please <> #132
Same with huaawei 8 lite :( cant fix it either <> #133
Same problem is still there for Huawei P8 lite.
No soultion yet...
No soultion yet... <> #134
I have this exact problem with android, google and swift keyboard, disabling autocorrect, word suggestions etc, doesn't help it still occurs, I have experienced this with chrome, firefox, dolphin and butterfly browser on many different websites. Is google even trying to fix this extremely common bug? Its been what 6-7 years now, nothings changed! <> #135
Its says priority is "medium" this should be a very high priority, this is the type of problem that turns the average consumer off from android all together! Apparently google doesn't care if they lose people to Apple smh! <> #136
Bottom line, what are we gonna do. We already realize there is a problem, take the phone back? <> #137
Samsung j7.....fix it an SOS basis <> #138
Same issue on the Nvidia Shield K1, seems to effect only these letters for me: E,R,T,F,G. I've tried everything,N Nvidia is suggesting a product replacement. Is this a software or hardware issue? <> #139
Red mi note3 Also same problem...... <> #140
Have samee problem on nVidia shiekdd. <> #141
I have a Samsung Tab 2 and I have the same problem with my screen keyboard. <> #142
samsung S7 edge here and also frustrated with this error <> #143
Same issue with Samsung Note 5. <> #144
I am also experiencing this incredibly annoying bug. What happened to making a great product? What happened to committing to professional software quality? This is a very basic bug that should have turned up in a smoke test of the keyboard. Was this tested by an inexperienced offshore group? This is not what I would expect from Google at all. As a user (and an Android developer) I am very disappointed in such a simple, easy to detect issue being included in a release. <> #145
Hi, having a Samsung Galaxy S6 for a year now and it has recently started to show these issues and they are so annoying. The thing is that this does not happen in all applications, the keypad works fine on Google Notes. Fix this asap, thanks. <> #146
Samsung S7 Edge with same issue. Quite surprised how long this has gone on... This phone costs $800, it (and its OS) shluld work. For what its worth, it only seems to happen to me texts and email *not while typing on a site like this. <> #147
I was able to fix it by downloading Google keyboard, the problem with mine was Samsung stock keyboard on the phone, so it doesn't den to be Google keyboard but the manufactures that is installed <> #148
I have the ASUS ZenFone 1 and I have this problem regularly and sometimes without the double space shortcut. I've got auto correct set to mild using the google keyboard. No Swype. Factory reset many times to no avail <> #149
I am getting this. I presumed it was due to a scratch on my screen. I have disabled auto-correct to no avail. <> #150
Seeing this in Microsoft OneNote. The first word on every line gets a double letter. E.g. FFirst word . Moto Z play Android 6.0.1 <> #151
Seeing this in Microsoft OneNote. The first word on every line gets a double letter. E.g. FFirst word . Moto Z play Android 6.0.1 <> #152
Seeing this in Microsoft OneNote. The first word on every line gets a double letter. E.g. FFirst word . Moto Z play Android 6.0.1 <> #153
I have the same problem with the Z Force. It is getting worse. I have to turn the phone off and back on multiple times during the day to stop it for a while and then it starts again. I've tried every suggestion I've found online, but to no avail. I've even tried 3rd party keyboards, still does it, which makes me think that it is a touchscreen issue and not a keyboard issue. <> #154
[Comment deleted] <> #155
Dont let that fool you that you're not experiencing the problem because it hasnt done it in the last few days. I can go 4, 5 days without the problem with all the words displaying the exact amount of letters.
On the other hand my phone does not usually do this with the first letter of a particular word. Its almost always another letter other than the first letter and most all the time it usually types multiple same letters well over just 2. There may be 10, 12, even as high as 15 extra letters before it stops. My phone will even duplicate multiple different letters in the same word! Sometimes depending on the severity of the duplicating it takes 3 or 4 times longer to complete a small email. By them I'm ready to go run over it 50 times in the driveway or take it to the nearest land fill.
I'm not sure at all what the solution is but now I
'm not the only one experiencing the problem and even but has a name I'm just sick of it!! Oh btw the two exclamation points in the previous sentence I deliberately typed them that way.
On the other hand my phone does not usually do this with the first letter of a particular word. Its almost always another letter other than the first letter and most all the time it usually types multiple same letters well over just 2. There may be 10, 12, even as high as 15 extra letters before it stops. My phone will even duplicate multiple different letters in the same word! Sometimes depending on the severity of the duplicating it takes 3 or 4 times longer to complete a small email. By them I'm ready to go run over it 50 times in the driveway or take it to the nearest land fill.
I'm not sure at all what the solution is but now I
'm not the only one experiencing the problem and even but has a name I'm just sick of it!! Oh btw the two exclamation points in the previous sentence I deliberately typed them that way.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #156
Wow, a pproblem from 2011 and I'm having exactly the same in 2017!! Has anyone come up with a fix yet?
Pp. & 00 only affected so far, but exppecting it to spread.
Pp. & 00 only affected so far, but exppecting it to spread.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #157
I've restarted and reset my phone multiple times to only have the issue still happen. It's beyond frustrating and it happens no matter what keyboard app I use. Be it default/factory or one from the playstore. Only happens when I use an LG device though. <> #158
I'm experiencing the same exact problem. I'm running Android 7.0 on a Asus ZenFone 3 <> #159
Same damn problem here <> #160
Me too as of December of 2018. <> #161
2011 it seems to have started. Now 2023.
Still there
In my Nokia 5.3 I am getting it. No other phone had this.
Having read a few suggestions, I will try. If I get back this page, I will post the results.(few times it appeared here also, but suddenly it auto corrected.!!!!)
Still there
In my Nokia 5.3 I am getting it. No other phone had this.
Having read a few suggestions, I will try. If I get back this page, I will post the results.(few times it appeared here also, but suddenly it auto corrected.!!!!)
I've noticed that when typing, sometimes the first letter and/or the last letters of words result in double-letter hits, for example: like "tthis" or "thiss".
At first, I thought it had to do with typing speeds (typing too fast) or the oversensitivity of the Nexus S screen. Someone has discovered it is neither of those issues.
It's a glitch with the stock Android keyboard.
To recreate:
As some of you already know, I've been a big critic of the Gingerbread keyboard, specifically about an oddity that seems to occur with the first letter and/or sometimes the last letter of words repeating themselves. For example, like "tthis" or "thiss."
After a lot of investigating, and early speculation pointed to perhaps typing too fast or the over sensitivity of the Nexus S screen. As it turns out, none of those reasons are the cause. Smeone at the XDA forums discovered it has everything to do with the space bar; it's a glitch with Gingerbread keyboard itself.
To recreate:
Try typing "Good game" but after the "g" in "game" backspace until the end of "good" (so that the cursor is at the end of the letter 'd' in 'good'), then hit the space bar again and type the word "game" again. It should result in "ggame" despite a single press of the letter g.
So an example would go like this: Type g-o-o-d-spacebar-g-[then backspace/erase the g and the space, until your cursor is at the end of the "d" in "good"]-then hit space bar again and type "game" ... it should sometimes result in "ggame."
EDIT: Heck, you don't even need to type out the full word "game" after backspacing. You can just hit Spacebar-g-a and it'll result in "gga" instead of what it should be, "ga." The end result is "Good gga".
This doesn't happen every single time, but it happens every now and then, so keep trying. It will occur.
This should be addressed as writing long messages/emails can result in these double-letter hits littered throughout--very frustrating. The keyboard should register a single press as a single hit of the key, and not generate a second hit for no reason. I predict it has something to do with the space bar, because it only happens with the first letter (after a space) or the last letter (before a space) of words; never the letters in between.