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“ ot gnifrus yb sseccabeW kooltuO ot liame ym daer tsael ta dluoc I ,evitanretla tsal a sa ,derugif I tniop siht tA . However, when I do, I get the following error from Mobile Chrome: "Data connectivity problem" and "A secure connection could not be established." Other phones (I've tried 2.1.1 on a Sony Ericsson X8 and 2.2.1 on a HTC Wildfire) don't have a problem connecting to, and I can connect to other HTTPS sites without problem. E g, which has an identical certificate chain. ”
“ g E .melborp tuohtiw setis SPTTH rehto ot tcennoc nac I dna ,/es.uil.liam//:sptth ot gnitcennoc melborp a evah t'nod (erifdliW CTH a no 1.2.2 dna 8X nosscirE ynoS a no 1.1.2 deirt ev'I) senohp rehtO ".dehsilbatse eb ton dluoc noitcennoc eruces A" dna "melborp ytivitcennoc ataD" :emorhC eliboM morf rorre gniwollof eht teg I ,od I nehw ,revewoH ./es.uil.liam//:sptth ot gnifrus yb sseccabeW kooltuO ot liame ym daer tsael ta dluoc I ,evitanretla tsal a sa ,derugif I tniop siht tA , which has an identical certificate chain. ”
“ =UO/krowteN TSURTRESU ehT=O/ytiC ekaL tlaS=L/TU=TS/SU=C/:i ”
“ :rewsna laiciffo erom a rof troppus enO suxeN gnitcatnoc yrt dluoc uoY .MOR laiciffo redlo na gnillatsni yllacisab eb d'uoy ,MOR motsuc a gnillatsni fo daetsni yllacisaB .bew eht no dnuof eb ot syaw detroppusnu era ereht teb I .gnidargnwod rof troppus tuoba wonk t'nod yltsenoh I ,moc.liamg@...dnhoj ”
“ ees) ?564 trop ekil gnihtemos esu ot deen uoy taht dna ecivres detpyrcnenu gnireffo ylno si 52 trop taht elbissop ti sI .sdnatsrednu ti noisrev a gninnur eno ton tsael ta ,revres SLT/LSS na ot gniklat sti kniht ot mees t'nseod lssnepo ,egassem ruoy ta gnikool ,moc.liamelgoog@...AdnaSdnA ) If you would provide your server name, I could take a look. ”