Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
Please provide below details for further investigation.
1. Android bug report
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method:
After reproducing the issue, navigate to developer settings, ensure ‘USB debugging’ is enabled, then enable ‘Bug report shortcut’. To take bug report, hold the power button and select the ‘Take bug report’ option. <> #4 <> #5
Done. <> #6 <> #8 <> #9 <> #10 <> #11 <> #13 <> #14 <> #15 <> #16 <> #17
Based on steps provided here (steps 17 and 18):
I suppose that the problem here in displaying bluetooth devices after clicking on "add trusted device" (missing menu with selecting type of device NFC or Bluetooth), because on my phone, if bluetooth is enabled, here displayed bluetooth devices, there is no any NFC even when bluetooth disabled.
Based on other steps provided in videos and manuals, when bluetooth disabled - it's displayed in the menu (that missing) as inactive (grayed out), but on my phone even this option is not displayed. <> #18 <> #19 <> #20 <> #21 <> #22
It was advertised that Google brand phones could use NFC for smart unlock. If you want to depreciate NFC, you should announce it and only remove on your next phone or major OS upgrade.
My nfc ring broke a few weeks ago and I finally got my replacement only to find I can't register it. Is google willing to reimburse me for the cost of the ring since they silently removed an advertised feature? <> #23 <> #24
My development is in android 4.2. Android starts dhcpcd when a link UP.
I am facing bit of issues here after porting your 6.1 version.
Firstly I dont get RA packets received by dhcpcd(confirmed that dhcpcd sends RS by disabling ra_accept proc entry) although router sends RA with managed bit. I am using ipv6ra_own.
Next, If RA not received, doesnt dhcpcd start dhcp solicit?
What should be dhcpcd conf options for below behavior?
-Initiates RS (may be overriding kernel) and wait for RA flag(O/M) info, and accordingly starts auto config or other config to dhcp server.
-If no RA, then start auto configuration of host address and other information. <> #25
This is because DHCPv6 doesn't carry any prefix or routing options.
I don't have an Android development environment, but the dhcpcd code that
sends RS and listens to RA has no specific platform code and freely works
on both Linux, NetBSD and FreeBSD.
As such it's likely to be an issue with the Android kernel or system
Now, you mentioned you "ported" the 6.1 version. So does this mean you have
modifications to the dhcpcd code to get it to compile? Can I see the
vanilla compile output and any patches you have made?
Specifically, dhcpcd sets up a kernel filter to block all ICMP traffic on
the socket, but then allow the RA through. This is found here:
So if there is any problem compiling that part I'm not suprised it doesn't
You could try removing the filter and filtering in the ipv6nd_handlera
function directly, but this of course is more overhead for dhcpcd.
But really I would try and fixing the kernel or headers. A possible
solution can be found here: <> #26 <> #27
Further while m trying to keep a standard configuration for the client, what do u think standard dhcpcd client configuration options for address configuration for statefull as well as stateless (considering with standard router and dhcp server configured)?
Attached is current conf m using. <> #28
HEAD, or the below patch
Hopefully it will work fine now.
As to the config file, what is wrong with the default one I ship? It should
work fine for all DHCPv4/DHCPv6 cases.
Why would you want to change it for Android?
Roy <> #29 <> #30
Android headers <> #31
IMHO, the DNS related options being added to RAs is both a mistake and short sighted. <> #32
Having a working network is a mistake and short sighted? Odd logic. <> #34
where can I find the pre-compiled binary of a dhcp server for IPv6 for Android ? <> #35 <> #36 <> #37
This bug report is for DHCPv6, which is needed in certain enterprise environments. <> #38 <> #39
DHCPv6 is entirely optional for a pure IPv6 environment.
So now it's basically a choice between stateful and stateless, but stateful
is more readily extensible. <> #40 <> #41 <> #42 <> #43
Microsoft, Apple, and all major desktop Linux vendors support RFC 3315 as has been requested in this issue. Microsoft does not support RFC 6106, but is perhaps more "widely implemented" than Android, especially in enterprise environments.
Without support for DHCPv6, Android is ignoring two rather important flags (M and O) in the router advertisement. Android can and should support both stateless and stateful address management and both methods of DNS resolver (and other parameter) conveyance. DHCPv6 is support is necessary. <> #44
Independent of the facts what other typical client OS do - the situation on typical servers is ugly. (cisco doesn't support RFC6106, or in very rare cases until now). I also have two mobile routers (LTE-WIFI) which provide only dhcpv6.
In case of my DSL-Router I have the choice. But in most cases I will not have a choice. I have to accept the network situation as it is. Here it would me more than "useful" to have a flexible client.
By the way what are the plans for tethering/hotspot in "pure" android?
dhcpv6 for windows and RDNSS via SLAAC for the rest?
Or just only one of them again?
At the moment I can only "share" my already shared IPv4-Adress. (cgnat+nat) <> #45
You can expect this to be more widely available in the future as end customers upgrade their devices to these later versions of code or above. It's there on these current releases and all going forward for those who want to upgrade now.
I would of course prefer DHCPv6 to be properly supported by Android though. <> #46
cisco itself has not updated their documentation.
The LTE-Hotspots I have, are not from cisco.
My message was: As a user I have no influence on the network I want to participate.
While the big players fight about the "right" standard, the customer runs in avoidable problems.
At the moment they are covered by dualstack, and IPv6-only is also to be rare - or just "new". <> #47 <> #48 <> #49 <> <> #50 <> #51 <> #52 <> #53
Implementing stateful DHCPv6 would break planned use cases such as IPv6 tethering (which would require implementing IPv6 NAT in order to work with DHCPv6) and 464xlat on wifi (which requires that the device be able to use more than one IPv6 address). It also has greater privacy implications than stateless autoconfiguration and DHCPv4. Stateful DHCPv6 will provide the ability to connect to IPv6-only networks that don't use RDNSS, but because stateful DHCPv6 will in general not provide the two IPv6 addresses that are required to run native and 464xlat, such a network will not support IPv4-only applications; this will impact users, because they won't be able to use applications such as Skype, Hangouts, and many others.
It's not clear whether implementing DHCPv6 provides the user with benefits that outweigh the above disadvantages. Marking as declined until there is a compelling use case. <> #54
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #55
How does implementing DHCPv6 support prevent multiple addresses? I know on my personal network where I have AdvManaged and AdvAutonomous configured in RA, that every thing ends up with two or more addresses. DHCPv6, SLAAC, and PE if enabled. Why do you specifically think Android won't have the same behavior?
What greater privacy issues does DHCPv6 have over slaac? Someone is going to get a MAC address, no. There is no MAC by default. DUID-LLT is a LL+Time hash. Also, there is the option for temporary addresses in DHCPv6. Frankly, IP privacy is a joke anyway. If I wanted to track someone, I would simply use their browser or their OS fingerprints. IPs and MACs are trivial to change.
Support for RDNSS and completely separate from support DHCPv6 options. They can absolutely co-exist. What problem have you seen to draw the conclusion that they don't?
IPv6 NAT? How does DHCPv6 require NAT anymore than SLAAC would? Go talk to Comcast if you need evidence that DHCPv6 on the upstream interface and "tethering" work just fine.
If you think there are insurmountable problems with DHCPv6 support, lay them out here for the community. Your arguments thus far, seem spurious.
As for the use case. I don't want to deal with PE addressed hosts on my managed network. There is the use case. Period. Android in the enterprise is real and by not supporting DHCPv6, a known and accepted standard, you are making management of my network more difficult. It isn't for you to decide which is better to meet the needs of your users. It is for you to simply meet our needs. Our needs are full support of all IPv6 addressing and options. <> #56
AFAIK 3GPP rel-10 and onward describes DHCPv6, cf. RFC 6459 section 5.2.
Tore <> #57
Does Google mean "we do not like it when other people can track ALSO track folks, only we should do it".
More seriously:
If the *USER* decided that DHCPv6 causes privacy issues for them, then provide the option (just a checkmark) to enable/disable DHCPv6.
As for the 'tethering' argument, DHCPv6-PD is the perfect way to get more addresses. (that upstream routers will not support that is a different beast, and likely you will support that by bridging the interface instead).
As for multiple addresses: you can easily run multiple DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 clients on the same link and get multiple addresses (in IPv4 one creates a secondary interface with a new MAC, in IPv6 one can also just use a new DUID).
As what folks mean with "DHCPv6 addressing" is that they want the clients to get <prefix>::5 and <prefix>::6 as they do not want to see large EUI-64 or otherwise semi-random 64bits of ID there. (Note that there is no MAC or anything else there, hence more 'private' than EUI-64 based addresses
As for:
> this will impact users, because they won't be able to use applications such as Skype, Hangouts, and many others.
Maybe it is time that those properties upgrade to support IPv6? :)
You know, it is 2014....
And Hangouts is mostly a web-application, thus what is the issue there? WebRTC supports it just fine, thus why can't you? Stating that other tools are not IPv6 capable that are totally unrelated to DHCPv6 is not an excuse to mark DHCPv6 support as 'obsolete'.
As you ask for it, your compelling use cases:
- networks are deploying DHCPv6 and requiring it for clients to join networks
- DHCPv6-PD is *THE* method for getting more prefixes automatically (eg, for tethering)
Thus can you please add a UI element "DHCPv6" in the Network configuration and 'apt-get install wide-dhcpv6' ? :)
Would be quicker doing that than discussing this matter... (WIDE edition is BSD licensed, so you don't have to worry about the license nonsense unless you know of a patent issue that nobody else knows about) <> #58
I think DHCPv6-PD on 3GPP and wifi/wlan is wishful thinking.
(maybe the customer has to pay extra for more prefixes, the "standard"user will not see more than one prefix)
the situation is:
mobile broadband (one /64) works with clat or without clat (dualstack)
clat is disabled for WLAN at the moment (without having dhcpv6!)
wlan IPv6-only works with SLAAC/RDNSS
wlan IPv6-only based on dhcpv6 (stateless and statefull) doesn't work
If somebody is arguing with tethering/bridging, then the matrix should be mentioned:
mobile broadband to: usb, wlan, bluetooth (should work, but it doesn't yet)
wlan to:usb?, bluetooth?
bluetooth to: wlan? usb?
Should every network device to be tethered with the other one?
Is it possible just to bridge bluetooth, wlan and usb? <> #59 <> #60 <> #61
The lack of Android support for DHCPv6 creates a blocking issue due to the requirements described above. DHCPv6 is the only way for us to have:
- address privacy
- managed addressing
- Provide DNS and other bootstrap configuration to devices
- One GUA per device
We also have security requirements to provide a paper trail for addressing on the corporate network, to correlate with firewall and/or IDS logs. Without DHCPv6 support on Android, we have a hole in our compliance with this requirement due to not being able to turn off SLAAC/PE. This is not a position we want to be in.
It looks like many of us have been subscribed to this issue for quite some time and are surprised to see that the Android dev leadership do not understand the use case for DHCPv6 support and why it is required in these environments. <> #62 <> #63
The lack of stateful DHCPv6 or DHCPv6-PD doesn't help with the deployment of IPv6 when there's someone that cares about the addresses being assigned.
The deployment for single-stack IPv6 with 464xlat is also hindered by clients needing a network that supports RFC6106 to advertise the servers that provide the DNS64 service. <> #64 <> #65 <> #66
It's a fair assumption that many (or at least some) networks that support DHCPv6 will limit the number of IP addresses assigned by DHCPv6 to one per MAC address. This is either because they want as few addresses as possible on the network, or because it fits in well with existing management systems that assume one host == one MAC address == one IP address, or any other reason.
On such a network, it's not possible to run IPv4-only apps, because there is no IPv6 address for 464xlat. And it's not possible to enable tethering without doing NAT for IPv6. This will cause user-visible breakage - users won't be able to run IPv4-only applications such as Skype, and even tethered applications (which may expect that IPv6 provides end-to-end addressing without NAT, like libjingle does; it supports NAT traversal for IPv4 but not for IPv6) will not work correctly. So the user experience provided by such a network is worse than one provided by an IPv4-only network. Therefore, from the point of view of most users, who are not networking experts, it may be better not to connect to such a network at all, because in most cases, an IPv4-only or dual-stack network will be available - as Wes says, at the moment IPv6-only networks are a largely theoretical problem.
As an aside: if the assertion is that DHCP is needed for tracking purposes, it's worth observing that DHCP by itself provides no security. As long as the host is free to statically configure a different IP address via manual configuration, then reliable tracking is impossible - you get the illusion of security, but no actual security. For tracking to work, the network must also enforce bindings between IP addresses and MAC addresses, to ensure that the host is not using a different IP address than the one it obtained via DHCP. But if the network is already doing that, then it's simple to simply log those bindings from the first-hop router's ND cache and send them to a logging server. That provides reliable tracking without the server (or the client) needing to use DHCPv6.
As for DHCPv6 PD: widespread support of DHCPv6 PD by mobile carriers would be a reason to support DHCPv6 PD, yes. Is there widespread support for this already? Or are carriers assuming that tethering will be implementing via /64 sharing? <> #67
As noted in the comments, one can ask for multiple addresses. Indeed you might not get them. But in such an environment (eg corporate) you will have other restrictions too and likely for the next 20++ years or so they will still have native IPv4 too.
In such an environment just have a "464xlat" not available warning. That is it.
> On such a network, it's not possible to run IPv4-only apps
Such a network will likely have NATted IPv4 available. And if that is not available then "too bad" for those applications that chose not to upgrade to IPv6. They kind of had a warning a long time ago.
(For that matter: why did Android not require IPv6 capability in applications? Android is much younger than IPv6 thus don't say one did not know that it was coming.... :)
> And it's not possible to enable tethering without doing NAT for IPv6.
Corporate networks and others where DHCPv6 will likely not be happy about tethering and opening up the network for such access anyway: thus "this feature is not available as the network..."
> users won't be able to run IPv4-only applications such as Skype,
Networks that are restrictive really do not want to have Skype in their network anyway. Thus what is the problem?
And for the rest of that overly long sentence, not having NAT for IPv6 is great, that is the whole point of IPv6. To solve the 'tethering' you could always bridge your packets or do ND proxy style. Trying to solve it everywhere though for every application won't be possible.
> because in most cases, an IPv4-only or dual-stack network will be available
DHCPv6 will happily live together with DHCPv4 indeed aka dual-stack. Thus can we please have it?
People love this feature parity thing.
> As an aside: if the assertion is that DHCP is needed for tracking purposes [...]
Obviously you did not see my
> it's simple to simply log those bindings from the first-hop router's ND cache and send them to a logging server.
And then you end up with all the privacy addresses and thousands of others that might even clash at one point or another. If one is restricting based on DHCPv6 then one does not allow the ND entry to even appear in the ND cache as that MAC based on 802.1x auth is not allowed to put it there.
> As for DHCPv6 PD: widespread support of DHCPv6 PD by mobile carriers would be a reason to support DHCPv6 PD, yes. Is there widespread support for this already?
Ever heard of this IPv6 chicken and egg issue, yes you definitely have.
When platforms do not support it, how are carriers going to use it when they want to?
As several people have given proper "compelling use cases" for DHCPv6, when is this feature coming? <> #68
Your conclusion is in short words:
Because of skype we need clat. Because of two IP-addresses for clat.
Therefore we don't use dhcpv6 at all?
Please make it configurable "checkbox: support dhcpv6 (disables clat)", so that people have a choice, if they run into trouble with their network.
I agree partly to dhcp PD. Mobile carriers need this feature in their networks, e.g. for static replacements, (great)WLAN-hotspots or whatever.
For end devices/user /64sharing works (not at android but in general).
One thing: we develop the future not the past.
We cannot wait until the last IPv4-dependent app dies. <> #69
The android devs are clearly very concerned about user experience. This is good! There are also reasons the network operator set things the way they did. The OS needs to configure the network with the options given by the router. If the M flag is set, do stateful DHCPv6. If the O flag is set, do Info requests.
If Android tries its best to configure all the scenarios and still doesn't have an IPv4 path, it can put up an alert on connect saying "There is no IPv4 path. Your experience may be degraded. Contact your WiFi provider if you have problems."
Google keeps saying they're developing for what is. Well, I've said it other places, others have said it in this thread, but it apparently needs to be repeated: Every other respectable operating system *in operation today* supports this feature. Android does not. As a WiFi network operator, I'm going to deploy in such a way to cover my largest user base. Right now, that means DHCPv6, and no Android support. <> #70
Right now, we won't deploy IPv6 on mobile/wifi because of the lack of
1) DHCPv6
2) DHCPv6 PD (for tethering)
Google, please take a look at the DOCSIS space if you need a reference for how to handle things. They're doing it mostly right.
It breaks my heart to tell Android users to avoid the IPv6-only lab, because they just won't work, and therefore they can't validate their services. <> #71 <> #72 <> #73 <> #74
As for IA_PD support by carriers; let me answer a rhetorical question with another: if Android supported stateful DHCPv6, how long would it take for carriers to support IA_PD to make tethering (or multiple address assignments) work? Think 4G home routers in areas where fixed broadband isn't a viable option -- this is a trend in some areas..
The RDNSS option in RA still isn't supported by default in Windows - meaning Windows clients tethered would effectively have to rely on resolving AAAA records via IPv4 (assuming the client is dual-stacked). This kills a potential IPv6-only client environment.
You're already saying you're going to implement 464xlat on wifi, provided that there are multiple IPv6 addresses available. What's stopping you from requiring an assigned IA_PD-prefix to enable IPv6 in tethering mode on the wifi interface? This would be an acceptable compromise in my opinion, and it effectively solves your "fair assumption" of a one-IPv6-address-per-MAC scenario (which would break 464xlat anyway), and leaves the decision up to the network owners on whether to support it or not. <> #75
I think the Android team needs to better consider the needs of their users and customers. Rigid technical decisions and philosophical differences do not mix well. <> #76
The real reason is is that they think that Android has such a large deployment and is so important that they will be able to stop networks from providing more than 1 IP address by not supporting DHCPv6.
Any network that will want to limit their users from getting multiple addresses will limit that, one way or another.
As Lorenzo has nicely stated "Android will just not connect" (paraphrase).
Fortunately most networks know that addresses do not matter, people will stuff them behind NAT if they need to.
They also know that the actual traffic matters, as that is what they pay to transit partners and they also charge you per byte. As has been seen in real deployments around the world addresses is what they give out in IPv6, what they do not allow though is usage for longer than say 24 hours. (next to of course charging insane amounts for the traffic and/or limiting the amounts that you can send)
Supporting DHCPv6 will not change anything for these situations.
Good luck to all you Android users, you might want to start requiring an upgrade to Cyogenmod instead or advising your users to steer clear of this Android thing. <> #77
Now let's start with your concerns of things becoming broken:
1. IPv6 tethering -- IPv6 NAT = legacy IPv4-minded thinking. End-to-connectivity is what the Internet was designed for. I haven't seen mentioned here specifically how adding support for DHCPv6 will break IPv6 tethering though and, as others have said, DHCPv6 improves the situation by offering DHCPv6-PD. Even the official RFC from T-Mobile (RFC 7278) in the introduction specifically mentions that it is just a workaround *until* DHCPv6-PD is implemented along with 3GPP Release-10. If that isn't an official request from carriers, I don't know what is.
2. 464XLAT on Wi-Fi -- So why have the device assume that IPv4 is not provided on Wi-Fi if IPv6 is in use & insist on pushing v4 through v6 without checking the IPv4 stack first? Please provide a practical use case that offering this "feature" is better than blocking people from using DHCPv6 for basic connectivity unless you can get them to play nice together which I'll mention an idea on below.
Recently this discussion has been fruitful since its revealed that 464XLAT has some major interoperability use cases that should be addressed before fully implementing & aren't even mentioned in the Informational RFC 6877. Its much newer than other actual standards like DHCPv6. So could someone please provide official feedback to get these issues and their workarounds, etc. officially addressed in RFCs and elsewhere?
If implementing 464XLAT on Wi-Fi (without a use case outlined to us as of yet) is happening despite its infancy & issues then I think 464XLAT should always be disabled for the Wi-Fi interface until the point that Android sees that only one IPv6 address is assigned by DHCPv6 or SLAAC & no IPv4 address is assigned then (and only then) Android could enable 464XLAT to avoid IPv4 "breakage." Sounds like there needs to be a separate bug filed/issue opened for breakage caused by 464XLAT now for the Android product but with it not being here yet then users can't do much at the moment.
I'm mystified at mentioning that "widespread support by carriers" has to come first when it should be common sense that the User Equipment needs to support it before any carrier can. Even if you haven't got a signed letter to your device engineers and/or Android developers on official letterhead stating this is a business requirement yet (although 3GPP R10 should be sufficient), the volume of end user's own network requirements clearly outlined here & everywhere you try to look should be more enough at this point. I mean both SLAAC & DHCPv6 are the very basics of IPv6 support. Carriers are just simply losing out on Android device sales even if *only* user's requirements (like DHCPv6) are not met although they do want this supported even if you guys haven't heard it loud enough or they haven't got through their own internal issues to make it plain to you either.
So again for those with tl;dr issues: carriers either are now or will need DHCPv6 to support 3GPP Release 10 & carriers are losing Android device sales without it if that helps you guys find the green light you're looking for.
Thank you for your considerations. <> #78
«I think 464XLAT should always be disabled for the Wi-Fi interface until the point that Android sees that only one IPv6 address is assigned by DHCPv6 or SLAAC & no IPv4 address is assigned then (and only then) Android could enable 464XLAT to avoid IPv4 "breakage."»
You have misunderstood the issue. The 464XLAT *requires* a dedicated IPv6 address that is separate from the primary address of the device. This is documented in RFC 6877 (ideally, the CLAT has a dedicated /64 obtained from DHCPv6-PD, but where this is not the case, a single address "borrowed" from the uplink network works too).
So the problem is that if Android connects to an IPv6-only network that only allows 1 IPv6 address (note: not dual-stack, since 464XLAT is only used on IPv6-only networks), then it is impossible to enable 464XLAT, since there's no dedicated IPv6 address or prefix available to the CLAT.
A similar concern occurs for tethering: If the network only allows the Android device to obtain a single IPv6 address, then it has no additional IPv6 addresses to pass on to its downstream (tethered) devices. Hence, IPv6 tethering fails to work.
These are all valid concerns. That said, the reasoning for declining this issue appears to rely on a faulty assumption, namely the conflation of "network using DHCPv6" and "network allowing only 1 IPv6 address per device". There is nothing inherent about DHCPv6 that makes it limit IPv6 addresses per device to 1; DHCPv6 can be used to assign multiple single addresses using multiple IA_NA/IA_TA associations, or it can assign a prefix (consisting of many addresses) using IA_PD.
Limiting the number of addresses per node to 1 is something that can only happen due to operational policy; it is *not* a DHCPv6 protocol limitation.
So if Google does not want to support networks that only allow a single IPv6 address per device, that is fine, but orthogonal to a decision to support DHCPv6. In order to accompish the desired effect, the Android device could simply refuse to successfully connect to those DHCPv6 networks that does not offer IA_PD or multiple IA_NA/IA_TA associations, while at the same time accepting connections to DHCPv6 networks which do not have such limitations.
Tore <> #79
just disable tethering/464XLAT and pop a notification that says your
network connection may have limited access to legacy services, degrade
gracefully. By the time IPv6-only networks become common, it can be
hoped that most services will be available via IPv6 anyway. <> #80
There's certainly a case to be made that the proliferation of networks that allow only 1 IPv6 address per device will stifle innovation; 464XLAT is an example of a technology which simply cannot work in such an environment.
It's the singling out of DHCPv6 which does not make any sense. 464XLAT, for example, does not at all conflict with DHCPv6. Quite the opposite: RFC6877 actually recommends its use.
Tore <> #81
disagree that it is in any way sane for Android to try to force people
to run their networks in some configuration that would otherwise be
perfectly valid. Client devices should conform to the networks they
join, not the other way around. <> #82
Cisco's GGSN/PGW Star OS platform supports DHCPv6-PD. If there was a UE that also supported it then we could try it.
Until DHCPv6-PD is supported on both sides the assumption has to be to make do with sharing the 3GPP SLAAC /64 without any option to delegate prefixes to devices tethered off the 3GPP connected device..
Also RFC 7668 (IPv6 Homenet) gives DHCPv6-PD as the prime example for distributing prefixes within the network (section 3.4.4). <> #83 <> #84
So if you wanted >1 IPv6 address on one interface via DHCPv6 you could request a NA address and PD allocation on the same interface providing the DHCPv6 server supports Prefix Exclusions which in my understanding allows 464XLAT to work.
So the entire argument (as far as I understand it) at this point is not technical, merely political. This is backed up by by the simple fact that dhcpcd has not been updated in Android in quite some time .... even though the publish copyright statement in Android is older than the code, although that's another issue which I mean to take up. <> #85 <> #86
If a day comes when support for IPv4-only apps and tethering are no longer important, or DHCPv6-only networks without IPv4 and without SLAAC are substantially deployed, then DHCPv6 addressing will become useful to users and it will make sense to implement it.
DHCPv6 PD is a different issue. I would encourage filing a separate feature request for it. This one as originally filed was about stateless and stateful addressing. <> #87
It makes little sense to me to implement only PD functionality, when the sane way to do that would be to pull in an existing DHCPv6 client implementation.
It also makes no sense to me to reason that completely non-functional networking is better than reduced functionality in a specific use-case. UX is trivially managed in the short term by notifying the user that their network access may be degraded in the case where there is only a single IPv6 address, with no dual-stack or PD available. <> #88
Users expect us (as technical people with input to a project) to make the technically best decision to ensure the broadest compatibility of their devices, since we are the people with better insight and understanding than they are.
But if you really did want end users to comment on this, I've no doubt if the question was posed to them: "Would you like your Android phone to support both the common connectivity mechanisms for the new Internet IPv6 protocol or just one of them" they would almost all emphatically say "Yes" to "both" .............. <> #89
Congratulations! <> #90
If that's done then its only a hop & skip away from doing the work to honour received RA O flag and M flags. <> #91 <> #92
We usually see infected client to send with 200Mb/s and more if they are used for DoS. By using /64 prefixes it is so easy to implement DoS attacks, that we will implement IPv6 with longer prefixes. SLAAC will not work. Without DHCPv6 Android clients will not be able to connect to our network in the near future. I don't believe that it deliver them a great user experience. <> #93
A simple solution to your problem is to configure the last-hop router to rate-limit outgoing NS packets for currently-unknown destinations to some low value that will not cause collapse on the wifi. Already-connected hosts will work fine because all those ND packets are unicast. That leaves a problem with how just-connected hosts get into the router ND cache. These can be dealt with by inserting entries into the ND cache via passive observation of traffic (e.g., DAD packets, or originated packets). <> #94
We guess that it uses the implementation of Roy Marples <> #95
Maybe somebody at google has had a divine Illumination. <> #96 <> #97
It is harmful because it will force device operating systems to implement IPv6 NAT in order to provide feature parity with today's IPv4 functionality. NAT increases application development cost due to the necessity for developers to implement NAT traversal, impacts battery life due to the need for NAT keepalives, and makes applications flaky due to the huge variance in NAT behaviour, timeouts, statefulness (e.g., if the NAT crashes), and so on.
We have these problems in IPv4 today, but that's unavoidable due to lack of address space. Implementing "one address per device IPv6" is a missed opportunity to remove all those problems.
Obviously, in your network you're free to use whatever protocol you want, but I think it's clear which is better for users. There's a reason all residential and mobile deployments use SLAAC. <> #98
I'm afraid I don't follow this logic.
> but I think it's clear
No, it isn't.
> There's a reason all residential...
We're not talking about residential here. If Android only ever wants to operate on residential networks (as appears to be the case), then that's fine. Google will just lose out on all the revenue generated by folk who want to BYOD and go get an iOS device that will work in both places.
The key here is flexibility. There's nothing stopping Android from supporting both and therefore interoperating on both. Most Linux distros it. Mac/iOS does it. Instead Google has decided "You will do it our way and like it!", and if there's one thing customers don't like it's being told they are wrong.
Alas, points like this have been made earlier in the thread, but Lorenzo keeps telling all of us from up on high that our boots-on-ground experience doesn't mean a damn thing. My next device will not be an Android. <> #99
I expect this "we know better than our users" smugness from apple, but this is android, which is supposed to be a platform that is a bit more open. You've been told multiple times by actual operators that they actually plan to deploy on *their* networks contrary to your firmly held belief about what is the "right" way to do it. Get a grip, and get out of the way of deployment. <> #100 <> #101
Our core Cisco routers do not support RDNSS, and will not for the foreseeable future. Perhaps home routers and Linux routers do, but Cisco has only recently made that functionality available in very recent versions of code that have not (and will not) trickle down to the older hardware platforms. SLAAC/RDNSS would not be acceptable for us anyway, due to the DMCA, BSA, and others asking us to track down machines.
As far as the "workaround" offered in #67 in terms of tracking, that solution has a host of issues (pun intended). Keeping a log of ND caches on the off-chance that the information will need to analyzed later is at best an operational nightmare. Assuming I have 10K IPv6 clients all using SLAAC and multiple temporary addresses on a single router (very real possibility in my case), the ND tables would not only explode, but logging such data would take tens of thousands of lines an hour (due to high client churn rates), not to mention the impact on the router CPU while it spins up that data. Have you ever SNMP bulk-walked an IOS router for a large (>5K entries) ARP table? Querying an ND table with multiple entries per client is processor suicide, I'll never be able to manage the routers again because they'll be too busy responding to SNMP requests. Yes, maybe that's an issue with the vendor software/hardware, but all of the major network vendors have similar issues, so that's just a reality.
Yes, I do realize that I am only gathering the DUID via the DHCPv6 request rather than the MAC address of the host as we do in IPv4. However, having a single IPv6 address and DUID combination is much easier to handle than trying to track down two or three hundred random IPv6 addresses, all of which may point back to the same single host. Logging for address requests is significantly simplified, and doesn't require my routers to max out their CPU's, and my storage requirements are minimized.
I'm guessing I'm not the only one with these concerns either. Anybody with any sort of legal liability (DMCA, etc.) will want/need to have that sort of control over addressing (or at least the ability to identify hosts with relative ease).
Even zooming out in a general sense, forcing a particular implementation upon a network operator is a bad way to do business, especially when a publicly accepted standard exists as an alternative. It's especially bad in this case because the justification for not implementing the alternative standard is because a particular edge case may or may not work under certain conditions. If the user needs it to work, offer the option to run in 'legacy mode' with DHCPv6 disabled. Develop for the future, right?
This is akin to supporting WPA/2 Personal, but not WPA/2 Enterprise with 802.1X authentication (which isn't the case with Android, but serves as a good example of a flaw in many other consumer products such as gaming consoles). We as network operators are forced to do crazy workarounds on our side to allow these devices to function, often poorly and with much hassle. You know what ends up happening? The devices get abandoned, or the user deals with sub-par service. But hey, it works at home, why won't it work at school, right? <> #102
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #103
We, your users, NEED DHCPv6 support. This isn't a preference or wish list. This is a fact of the matter, as stated numerous times. Let the pride and blue sky go. This isn't a fight you can win without being trampled. <> #104 <> #105 <> #106
> It is harmful because it will force device operating systems to
> implement IPv6 NAT in order to provide feature parity with today's
> IPv4 functionality.
No it doesn't. As has already been explained in this issue, DHCPv6 does
not preclude multiple addresses, and suggestions have been made for how
to deal with the case of no IPv4, and lack of multiple IPv6 addresses
(don't enable enhancements like 464XLAT), should some network decide to
implement things that way.
> Obviously, in your network you're free to use whatever protocol you
> want, but I think it's clear which is better for users.
Unless you want to support Android clients, in which case, you have to
weigh every other concern in your design against supporting those
clients. Android support will likely lose out here in a number of
networks (provided operators are even aware of this issue - many
operators will likely assume that 'IPv6 support' includes the common
standards for address configuration), and so Android /users/ will be the
ones who lose. This seems like a bad result for the Android brand, and
will force a mandate of non-Android devices for those networks.
> There's a reason all residential and mobile deployments use SLAAC.
There are things wrong with this assertion: A) you'll need data to back
up this unequivocal blanket claim; B) you presume that in the case of
deploying SLAAC, their reasoning aligns with yours; C) residential is
not the only network class; D) the Android team is trying to create a
chicken-and-egg scenario here.
> what do you expect Android to do if given only one IPv6 address and the user turns on tethering?
Disable tethering, notify the user that their network operator has provided a configuration that does not support tethering. <> #107
1) "Error: tethering not available here" along with a pointer to an explanation, even if it is something akin to "the network you're connected to is run by people who did it wrong, and you should complain to them about their implementation."
or, if you actually want it to "just work"
2) attempt a DHCP-PD request to get a prefix to use for local tethered network
failing that--
3) proxy the DHCP request from the tethered device so that it gets an address from the network
You're being disingenuous by suggesting that the only option here is for it to break in an unrecoverable way.
And setting that aside for a minute, how does one enable tethering to a wifi network on a device with one wifi radio and no wired interface? If you're suggesting that this is a problem for tethering in a mobile network, then you're fixated on the wrong problem, since the mobile side's addressing is controlled by the carrier, and most of the folks posting here are talking about using DHCPv6 on their campus WiFi. <> #108
> turns on tethering?
Hmm, scenario 1 (worst case, assuming you don't just request a prefix from the DHCP server, or even just another address by supplying a different DUID): "Sorry, this network doesn't support tethering".
Scenario 2 (no DHCPv6 support, even for people that have *no interest* in tethering): "Sorry, you can't get on the network because Android doesn't support basic IPv6 standards".
Oh yeah, I can definitely see how scenario 2 plays out better for android 8-/.
So why exactly is a device trying to tether via wifi to this supposed android device rather than just connecting directly anyway? Seems like a rather convoluted scenario whose sole purpose is to make up a reason to defend this odd distaste you seem to have for DHCPv6.
Somehow I can't imagine the iOS or the Windows Phone devs having this discussion before they implemented DHCPv6. What is so unique about Android that it can't support a standard it seems every other vendor is on board with? <> #109
As regards DHCPv6 PD - as you say, that has none of these shortcomings. Since you are an IETF working group chair, let me state here that I would be happy to work with you on an IETF document that recommends that stateful address assignment to mobile devices be implemented by delegating an IPv6 prefix of sufficient size, and not via stateful DHCPv6 address assignment.
If that document achieves consensus (including consensus on what a sufficient size will be), then it will be reasonable to implement the resulting RFC, and thus enable DHCPv6 PD by default, while continuing not to support DHCPv6 address assignment. <> #110
We are talking about WiFi, not mobile data. <> #111
So what? You're satisfied with the alternative that Android devices will *simply not connect to these networks at all*? You think *that's* the better PR situation, and end-user experience for Android? Not to mention that Android already gets bundled with telco crap on handsets, so you can't start with this argument now. This is a completely empty argument.
You're also talking about rather niche use-cases here, and if you do a union on the number of users utilizing USB tethering with users on networks with this configuration, who care more about tethering than connecting, you'll likely find the number rapidly approaches zero.
> let me state here that I would be happy to work with you on an IETF document that recommends that stateful address assignment to mobile devices be implemented by delegating an IPv6 prefix of sufficient size, and not via stateful DHCPv6 address assignment.
Alternatively, you could just stop ignoring all the cogent options being suggested and deal with the fact that Android will have to implement stateful DHCPv6 to work on all networks, and that you simply cannot convince the entire world's network operators that your view of how they must deploy their networks is the only way it may be done.
This is frustratingly farcical at this point. <> #112
So it's better for the vast majority of users who just want to get on the damn network to be screwed because some small minority might not be able to tether?
I'm glad I'm not an android user if this is the attitude of the developers towards their userbase 8-/. Maybe we'll incorporate this into our helpdesk documents for our IPv6 rollout -- "You can't connect to our network because the Android developers are worried you might not have been able to tether if you did." I'm sure that will make them feel *lots* better when they have no connectivity at all. <> #113 <> #114
To address the other recent comments: as stated above (e.g.,
The problem I see is that stateful DHCPv6 address assignment imposes these disadvantages on users, but doesn't actually seem to provide any *advantages* to users.
It's clear from the comments above that DHCPv6 provides features for network operators. If the claim is, "if network operators cannot have those features, then they cannot provide IPv6 service to users", then as an industry we should work together to find ways to provide IPv6 service with these features but without the disadvantages for users. An example might be DHCPv6 PD.
If the claim is "a minority of network operators are deploying DHCPv6-only networks, and therefore all operating systems must support DHCPv6-only operation, despite the disadvantages for users", then that does not seem to be a convincing argument for as long as IPv4 exists, because operating systems can just continue to use IPv4 on those networks. If IPv4 is not supported, then users probably don't want to be on those networks anyway, because too many applications will break. <> #115
And you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that somehow it is the Android project's place to dictate the minimum required level of functionality that network operators and users require to achieve their goals - this is simply not the case. Android devices are clients, they cannot dictate the configuration of the network. And as it turns out, all other major operating systems *do* implement stateful DHCPv6, it's only Android that's the outlier here.
By all means lobby to expand the functionality of other addressing schemes, but in the mean time, the standards exist and are obviously already being deployed. To serve the user, Android needs to support the modes of operation that have been standardized and are being deployed.
I can't see a happy resolution to this issue while the position of some Google staff appears to hinge on political fervour, rather than an acceptance of the state of the world, and sadly it's Android users who will suffer. <> #116
A user tries to connect to a DHCPv6 only network. In your view of the world, they just fail to connect and are screwed. As opposed to if Android supported the standard like just about every other IPv6 capable OS out there. How exactly is a user *harmed* by being able to actually use the network??? You say "Oh noes, but then they might not be able to tether!" Spoiler alert -- if you can't connect to the network at all, tethering is pretty much off the table anyway.
The absolutely *only* rationale you can have by saying not implementing DHCPv6 is preventing harm to your users is if you are operating under the insane premise that by refusing to implement it you will dictate to network operators how they should configure their network, and force them to your personal philosophy. As has already been pointed out, Android is a *client*. If it doesn't support the standard protocols a provider decides best fit their network, it simply won't be welcomed on the network and clients will be advised to buy a decent phone/tablet.
I don't think I've seen a single post in this thread supporting your position. On the contrary, everybody seems to be shaking their heads in disbelief over your utter and total lack of regard for actual users and what they need. What other operating systems have refused to implement DHCPv6? What other network experts agree with you?
It seems ridiculous that the entire android ecosystem is held hostage to this personal vendetta you appear to have against DHCPv6. Once again, I'm glad I'm not an Android user, and I've got no qualms about telling users trying (and failing) to connect to our network that they should find a phone with an operating system that fully supports Internet IPv6 standards. Like pretty much every other one out there other than yours.
Sheesh. Assuming Google's desire for android is to be as popular as possible, as opposed to a platform for you to evangelize your own views at the expense of functionality, hopefully somebody will eventually override you on this. <> #117 <> #118
And of course, first-hop security code in routers can already do most of this, to the point of sending syslog messages when new ND cache entries are created. <> #119
But IPv6 implementation without DHCPv6 is as Ferrari without motor. Looks good but not working (only from hill). <> #120
According to our acceptable use policy every user of the network must be identified with the traffic he caused to the Internet. The leaner I can implement this tracking the better I am doing my job.
At our university (20'000 students) we are thinking to prohibit Android because we cannot fulfill the legal requirements with reasonable effort (see #101).
It is just crazy to allow tethering in an enterprise network. Tethering creates a WLAN-Accesspoint (AP) for every device doing tethering. Who wants thousands of AP's in his wireless network. And even worse every client doing tethering creates a small router opening a possible backdoor into your enterprise network. This is not fun.
Android must support DHCPv6 - only like this Android is enterprise ready. Every network operator must feel free how he operates his network. Android must be flexibly configurable to support all major RFC! There is no other way to go. Google should listen to their customers (not only the consumer) not trying to play prophets. <> #121
But there is also the "other"flag for stateless dhcpv6 (isc dhclient -6 -S ) which is not supported by android. (DNS)
Only RFC6106 is supported since lollipop.
What is the intention of #117 ?
There will be IPv6-only networks without IPv4 and without android of course. <> #122
Regarding the first part, [citation needed].
Cable uses DHCPv6 for both IA_NA to address the modem or directly connected device, and then for IA_PD to provide a prefix for the home. No SLAAC is supported between our equipment and the CPE. It'll even listen for hints and depending on policy, allocate a prefix larger than /64 (we offer up to a /56, for example, and Comcast a /60). The home router generally supports both DHCPv6 and SLAAC for devices on the home LAN, but that's quite a bit different, as it's considered an unmanaged network unlike the enterprise networks that people keep mentioning, which have vastly different requirements. <> #123
I'm sorry, but no. You're using what is a strawman corner case at best (USB tethering for when someone is connected to wifi using an android device but has some other device that doesn't have wifi? Is that seriously a thing?) as a blocker for complete support for IPv6 on Android. The only Android device where Android devs have complete control over whether they "bow to network operators" is the Nexus line, and the few others that have flirted with selling an unlocked "dev" version that is running box-stock Android. Everything else is running an OEM-ized or carrier-ized version of android, and is subject to their whims around things like tethering, so really unless Android is going to suddenly assert Apple-like control over the core OS and its update cycle to fix its fragmentation problems, that ship sailed long ago. Any anyway, as far as I can tell, this is being perceived by the users represented here as Android bowing to Lorenzo's religious beliefs.
"As regards DHCPv6 PD - as you say, that has none of these shortcomings. Since you are an IETF working group chair, let me state here that I would be happy to work with you on an IETF document that recommends that stateful address assignment to mobile devices be implemented by delegating an IPv6 prefix of sufficient size, and not via stateful DHCPv6 address assignment.
Well, you know as well as I do that a WG chair has no power to move things through IETF any more than any other participant, and further that IETF can say whatever it wants, but that will not provide any sort of mandate when it comes to what people actually decide to implement. BCPs are suggestions. That said, I think that there probably is value in documenting this use case(s) you're completely wrapped around the axle about, whether the result is that we get consensus on legitimate reasons why you [SHOULD | MUST] be able to assign a prefix instead of a single address when using DHCPv6 in a managed network environment, or that they shout you down and tell you that you're making a huge deal over a minor thing, as has happened here. If this is seriously the only blocker for implementing DHCPv6 on Android, then yes by all means let's work on that. You have my work email, send me an outline of what you want to cover.
"it will be reasonable to implement the resulting RFC, and thus enable DHCPv6 PD by default, while continuing not to support DHCPv6 address assignment."
Again, no, that is not at all reasonable. Independent of whether it's even possible to implement the former without the latter and avoid a major amount of additional work either in the implementation itself or in the implementation and configuration used by the operator of the network, if your goal is to have a system that works in the widest variety of situations so that users don't experience breakage, the right thing to do is to have provisions for support of stateful DHCPv6 address assignment, with the understanding that it may need to invoke PD when or if tethering (or whatever else you think needs a prefix) is enabled.
As far as I can tell, your assertion is that DHCPv6 is so onerous that it's literally worse than leaving people using IPv4 + NAT(s), because that's what people are telling you is the alternative. It's either that, or you simply can't come to terms with the fact that your word is not the ultimate say so when it comes to the "right" way to implement IPv6 on a network, and I'm not sure which is worse. <> #124 <> #125
Status of This Memo
This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
published for informational purposes.
This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has
received public review and has been approved for publication by the
Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Not all documents
approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet
Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.
You see the first line? It's an informational RFC, meaning that there is no expectation that the functionality is available, meaning that a very, very large majority of the time, 464xlat will be broken no matter what. This appears to be acceptable to everyone (OS-wise) except for Android.
TL;DR; Holding up improved functionality based on RFC6877 is not acceptable since that functionality will be available in specific enterprise networks who will make the appropriate adjustments to allow this functionality.
TL;DR; TL;DR; Android cannot currently connect via DHCPv6, and since that is true, 464xlat is already broken in those circumstances. The device should at least be able to connect, since that would be a dependency of 464xlat working. <> #126
Huh? What does that have to do with anything? You're saying it is okay for android not to be IPv6 capable on a given network as long as that network also provides IPv4? One of the primary reasons we are finally deploying IPv6 is because some government networks have gone IPv6 only and the ability to communicate via IPv6 is a prerequisite to be eligible for certain grant work. I guess we will need to be sure to have our research office inform our faculty that they should not to purchase android devices if they plan to do any work involving IPv6.
I'm still waiting for you to point out a single person that agrees with your twisted perspective… Are there really no other android developers that work with networking? You are the single one that seems to have posted to this discussion thread.
You don't happen to be a mole working for Microsoft or Apple? Given you seem to be doing your best to convince enterprise networks to discourage android adoption 8-/... <> #127
Let's pick out a few pertinent quotes from that message:
"It's a choice"
"that's your choice"
"But it's a choice"
Yes, that person chose to implement a particular mechanism. But he also makes it quite clear that other people should be free to choose other mechanisms.
As opposed to you, who is pretty much saying "my way or the highway". <> #128
"To address the other recent comments: as stated above (e.g.,
I've already posted about how 464xlat can be safely ignored since it isn't even technically a standard, just an informational RFC on how to get around a broken network design. DHCPv6 is an actual standard, and a useful one in certain environments.
For my situation specifically, the fact that tethering would be broken in a DHCPv6-only environment would actually be desirable. The behaviors in #107 and #108 would be exactly what I'm looking for. I'm under specific restrictions to disallow any device that 'extends' our campus network beyond the realm of direct campus control, meaning no external switches, no NAT routers, no mobile hot spots that bridge/NAT back on to the campus network, etc. If I have a way to control whether or not a device is allowed to tether, I'll take it. It goes back to my previous posts about legal liability and being able to identify devices accurately (as much as possible) on the network. Worst case, disable tethering via IPv6 if DHCPv6 is in use. Many, if not most, enterprise networks are going to run a dual-stack, so tethering should work fine via IPv4 for at least the next several years.
However, holding up implementation for "things we haven't yet thought of" means that literally nobody [currently] has a use for such a feature, and DHCPv6 is not designed to address such a [non-existent] situation (except for DHCPv6-PD, which does address multiple address needs in existing environments and real scenarios TODAY). I agree that DHCPv6-PD should be handled separately in another tracker, but that does not preclude the use/implementation of standard DHCPv6.
When the situation that we haven't thought of yet does arise, I'm sure the IETF will address it. In the meantime, we'd like things to work as they were designed/intended today for the non-tethering users. <> #129
Pardon me for being overly blunt, but choosing my IPv6-related deployment options for my network(s) isn't your damn job. <> #130
perhaps Android will get the message that supporting ALL IPv6 network topologies is in their best interest. <> #131
What considerations are left to change the status away from 'Declined'? <> #132
I'm not the admin of some massive IPv6 deployment.
And with the attitude of the main developer of IPv6 in Android taking his views as law/fact/the only possible solution, literally disenfranchising everyone who has already, successfully, with distinct reasons, and use cases, deployed DHCPv6 as the only IPv6 addressing method on their network, I'm personally glad I am _not_ the admin of such a network.
Dealing with high holy pissant pedants is why I ran like mad from Microsoft and Apple so long ago. I've used Linux as my only operating system (with extension of Android being a Linux kernel) for the past 12 years. EXPLICITLY BECAUSE IT SUPPORTED THINGS BETTER AND BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SINGLE DECISION THAT COULD SCREW THE WHOLE THING UP.
Not even Linus Torvalds going clinicly insane and selling Linux to Microsoft to close-source and turn into 'Windows Forever' would cause Linux to go sideways, as a huge team of others would fork and fix. Its happened with LibreOffice, OpenZFS, and Illumos when Oracle crapped on SUN.
Cyanogenmod is so far your the only really good, well organised, effort to fork-and-fix AOSP. And it seems they either haven't been able to, or haven't found the impetus (hoping YOU WOULD FIRST) to add dhcpv6 to their release.
Why did Google hire you again? To piss off everyone who has already deployed a network that meets their needs and now Android cannot use it (effectively/at all) ?
464xlat again will be broken entirely IF THE USER CANNOT CONNECT AT ALL.
If(connected) { care about 464lat}; \
else { try {get connected somehow!};
finally {yell at Android for not working the way it needs to}'};
So just PRECICELY WHY do you think that your personal beliefs on "IPv6 MUST use SLAAC" actually trumps that VERY CAREFULLY CONSIDERED DECISION that the HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of operators of corporate networks and campuses who have not implemented SLAAC due to legal concerns, have decided and believe to be the best way for their organization?
How can the needs of the 1, outweigh the needs of the many? The ALREADY DEPLOYED MANY. Spock would cry if he understood how obtuse you are being.
YOU ARE NOT JESUS. You are not part of the IETF. You are NOT the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD who can dictate IPv6 policies.
I __do not__ want to try going to some random place, attempt to use wifi, and wonder why the hell I can't get an IP.
Cyanogenmod apparently doesn't support this, according to a bug created in 2013 there, commented upon even as recently as May 31, 2015; even with the ability to add their own stuff and this is ignored, my guess is that the internals of Android are too mucky to even consider just replacing the dhcpcd binary.
I currently boycott Broadcom products, due to their lack of useful open-source compatibility. I will soon openly boycott Android products if they cannot connect to CURRENTLY IN-USE NETWORKS PROPERLY.
You, one man, are causing a HUGE rift in the community of Android, and if you do not change your ways, I hope it is the death of Android as the most popular platform.
Then you can be pointed to as 'the guy who killed Android' and the rest of the world can move on with devices that actually FOLLOW PUBLISHED STANDARDS.
Mike Hodson <> #133
I have actually used tethering-over-USB on wifi with machines that either do not have wifi but run Linux (i.e., development hardware at work), or on machines w/ a broken chipset. I won't call it a common usecase, but I have used it multiple times. So I get that point of the discussion.
If I'm using wifi in an environment where public internet service is not available, I can still access IPv4 intranets, and such with no issue. Captive portals (pre-login) could be the poster child for this configuration. If I was building a new private network from scratch, I'd likely do it IPv6-only so I don't have to deal with migration. The fact is its not the job of Android to always ensure internet connectivity; when tethering, it *need* to act as a router for whatever devices are connected to the hotspot/USB cable/bluetooth, and nothing further. Furthermore, DHCPv6 is both standardized, and as this thread shows, highly desirable.
It *may* be possible to meet enterprise requirements with SLAAC, but redesigning a network because a single device class doesn't support it is absolute absurdity.
As a note, the multiple address arguments appears to be bunk from where I'm sitting; Android already has to support multiple addresses (even momentary) for IPv6 privacy extensions to work: <> #134
How rate limit resources on a firewall? How could a firewall differentiated between a good and a bad tcp syn packet? To got a stable network we had to limit the amount of sessions per client = IP-Address to 300. with a IPv4/22 network the worst case of 300'000 sessions has to be handled by the firewall, which is ok. With IPv6/64 every payable firewall will be killed. Using /64 prefixes open doors for a lot of DoS Attacks. Either the Firewall, Router or Access/Wireless will be easily killed. Forget about control plane policing as long as you could not differentiate between a good and a bad syn packet. In reality we were on our routers not able to differentiate between a tcp syn to a unknown host and a dhcp-reply from a server for control plane policing. (No it are not low cost routers)
We have chosen for a stable network, which is in our case without SLAAC. We will not change this. So there will be no research projects with android.
Derk <> #135 <> #136
Just like you are incorrect in many of the assumptions you have been making. You are deliberately disabling a feature that is desperately required by some network operators in order to support IPv6 on their WiFi network for something that essentially boils down to a UX issue. As has been pointed out, warning the user that certain features are not available on a network is probably the way to go.
You have assumed that the people who want to deploy this are deploying for 464xlat (i.e. IPv6 only), this is not the case, and you will find the majority of them are deploying it for Dual Stack networking. Thus negating the need for a second address for 464xlat in the first place.
The restriction of 1 IP address per node breaks tethering, yes, however given that the kind of networks that require DHCPv6 (enterprise networks) will not be happy with tethering, this is also alright. Simply stating that "tethering will not work for IPv6 access in this network" when someone starts a tethering session will solve this issue from the users perspective.
You are indeed correct that "if the assertion is that DHCP is needed for tracking purposes, it's worth observing that DHCP by itself provides no security [You must] also enforce bindings between IP addresses and MAC addresses, to ensure that the host is not using a different IP address than the one it obtained via DHCP. But if the network is already doing that, then it's simple to simply log those bindings from the first-hop router's ND cache". However, unfortunately a lot of the time the tools that enterprise environments have available are not built to do this sort of logging.
They should probably be, but that isn't something that should be held to ransom over Enterprise WiFi deployments of IPv6. If we want to get Android on board we have to use an arbitrary set of tools that support the very specific way one guy at Google want us to implement it?
I think we need to rephrase this for you. No one here is asking you to implement managed network support DHCPv6 on Android. We're TELLING you to. We shouldn't have to explain the why. Or to put it another way, as Android is open source: implement DHCPv6, or get forked (and no, that wasn't a typo. I am sure as this issue becomes more and more important over time, someone will create an AOSP fork that supports DHCPv6).
Yes, this does create UX problems that you need to consider. So consider them, and as you consider them, lodge them as more issues you need to deal with upstream.
In the meantime, give the people what they want. They want DHCPv6. They don't need to justify this requirement to you Lorenzo. <> #138
They're not scared of a fork because Android isn't really opensource (good luck running an android fork without all of the google services)- they're open source marketing, not open source in reality.
At the same time they don't care about the network admins because they know you'll be forced to hack support for their crappy devices in or you'll be hearing from the boss (or someone else high enough up to make a stink) about how their device doesn't work.
This thread has been here for almost three years. They know it's a problem, and they don't care. <> #139
Android disqualifies itself for enterprise deployments - period.
If that is your desired goal, you have successfully left the enterprise market to the other vendors (and indirectly consumer buying decisions, since enterprises will not support Android BYOD handhelds).
But being an optimist, I still believe that the big device manufacturers will not be of the same opinion, to leave that market for others, and eventually someone will be reasonable and just go support the existing standards.
Until that time I will refuse all employees with an Android handset IPv6 connectivity on IBM's global enterprise network, for which I am responsible for the IPv6 roll-out. <> #140
I'm just a neutral observer who came to this thread via the news story linked earlier. So let me try and draw some conclusions from the thread so far. It probably won't affect anyone's decisions but perhaps it'll help cool the rhetoric a bit, if everyone can see each other's perspectives. Apologies if I've mischaracterised anyone's positions.
What we have here is a conflict between the needs and desires of several different constituencies: end users, developers and network operators. In this thread Lorenzo is trying to represent the needs of end users and developers. Everyone else, as far as I can tell, is a network operator.
Network operators have a particular set of requirements: things like satisfying the legal department, implementing various network policies, being able to use existing hardware/software stacks and so on. Undoubtably many have deadlines to meet for their IPv6 rollouts. Some of them feel the shortest path to achieving these goals is to enforce a 1 device = 1 address policy, and they wish to do this with DHCPv6 address allocation.
As Android does not fit into this approach they feel understandable frustration: they have a job to do, this is a roadblock, so why is Google making their jobs difficult? Everyone knows this feeling. It always sucks.
Trying to be tactful and possibly failing, they also feel powerful. Many of them are in monopoly positions. If they just block all Android devices entirely, what are their users going to do? Take their business to a competing IT department? Hence, they cannot understand why their arguments are not considered final: it's their network and if they want to inconvenience users of the most popular smartphone OS then they will absolutely do that, so deal with it.
Users have simple needs: they want to plug their devices and apps together in whatever combination they choose, and have it all work. They want this because users also have jobs to get done, and sometimes the IT department gets in their way. It's a variant of the well known "post-it note with your password" problem. They do not want to see jargon-filled error messages, or alerts that their network operator is blocking their chosen configuration, especially if the devices in question could work around that error and provide some kind of semi-working service anyway.
App developers have not been heard from at all on this thread. Their needs are the hardest to characterise because almost by their nature, apps that the network makes hard to write often don't get written. I have some experience of this from working on peer to peer apps myself. And developers are so used to the crappyness of the IPv4 internet that their expectations are already at rock bottom: if the IPv6 internet turns out to be just as riddled with bizarre exceptions and quasi-broken setups, they won't complain much because it'll only be what they're already used to. They are wearily familiar with the costs of a broken network architecture being externalised onto them via complexity like NAT and UPnP.
Worse, often the ideas that may matter most are the ideas no developer invented yet. Lorenzo has tried to describe this when he talked about apps that want multiple addresses for use cases not yet discovered, but I didn't see anyone really engage with his point. Perhaps because it's difficult to weigh the value of unknown future inventions against easily measured deployment costs today.
The founding vision of the IPv6 internet was that nobody, anywhere, should ever suffer technical problems due to a lack of addresses. The point of a 128-bit address space is to make it so huge that you don't have to go beg permission or use weird NAT hacks to do what you want - to want an address is to have an address. This architecture has tremendous benefits in terms of simplifying the lives of users, developers and often network admins as well. But it sometimes comes into conflict with more immediate operational needs. Then the question becomes, who wins?
My sense from this thread is that the Android team is not being religious, or mindlessly obstinate. Rather they're trying to reflect the needs and concerns of constituencies that are otherwise not being represented. They're trying to avoid a situation where the internet collectively snatches defeat from the jaws of victory by making one of the key benefits of IPv6 unreliable - even though it may be done with the best of intentions.
Anyway I don't expect this message to change anyone's positions: network admins still have deployments to deploy, Android will still have user experiences to, um, experify, and developers will mostly not see this thread and end up discussing these issues five years from now in bug reports against their apps.
But please, let's try to avoid flaming fellow internet engineers or accusing them of religion. <> #141 <> #142
Lorenzo (and let us be clear, so far on the face of the issue we have only heard from him, if other engineers at Google agree I would like to hear their perspective too) has given vague an unsatisfactory answers as to why he will not implement DHCPv6 client support on Android.
After much probing, the sole reason appears to be UX, specifically with regard to tethering. This as an excuse is unsatisfactory to the other engineers in the room. This isn't a differing opinion, this is, quite literally us saying "with the reasons as given we don't understand your objection". Especially considering the reason we want this support is on WiFi. To be clear: we don't care if you only allow DHCPv6 on WiFi and enforce SLAAC over mobile networks.
To be a little more specific, let's talk about the need niches you mentioned and how we can solve them.
Network policies:
Stateful firewall and proxies. This does not require any special considerations unless a certain group of users are given specific differing permissions that require extra firewall rules. Knowing, with certainty, what addresses these devices will use is much easier to implement in DHCPv6. SLAAC in this will most likely require MAC based firewall filtering, which while possible is not very well supported. DHCPv6 gives a definite advantage in this space.
Audit requirements
Auditing traffic on SLAAC involves an intrusive practice that many L3 switches and routers do not support, or do support but with massive CPU overhead that compromises network performance. Often replacing equipment is infeasible considering the cost of one switch can go in the order of tens of thousands of dollars. DHCPv6 is therefore a must in this space for a lot of operators.
Misc requirements
Privacy extensions add extra address usage which in some switch models causes problems. This is despite the fact that privacy extensions, per the RFC, is supposed to be elective. Many operating systems enable privacy extensions on SLAAC by default, and with BYOD operators cannot reasonably expect to ask users to turn this off. DHCPv6 works around this problem by enforcing N=M where N is the allocated addresses an M is the required addresses (Note that I didn't say N=M=1. Often it will, but it should not be assumed like it was in IPv4. This and NAT are two practices that we need to educate some operators away from. It is safe to say that the vast majority of operators deploying NOW are not in this subset.)
Just works: (The only real requirement)
While operators are working with equipment or software that doesn't allow them to use SLAAC, be it hardware limitations, audit software limitations, or firewall software limitations, IPv6 will NOT BE DEPLOYED. This means IPv6 will not work on Android unless it support DHCPv6 or by some miracle they invest upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars updating the networking equipment and software. DHCPv6 support is an obvious advantage here.
This is only a problem in networks where operators assume N=M=1 and operators are not deploying dual-stack. This space is NOT GOING TO BE WiFi networks for at least a decade considering all the legacy IPv4 only systems an Enterprise will likely need to support. If 464XLAT is required, you would think that because of said IPv4 legacy requirements that the WIFI OPERATORS WILL TEST THIS TO MAKE SURE IT WORKS. This is a non-issue if ever there was one.
First off, if tethering is required on WiFi, you're doing it wrong. This is the first objection, if we have a secondary device that needs access that cannot connect to WiFi natively, our first question is going to be "Why can't that connect to WiFi natively?"
Operators do accept that sometimes there is a legitimate answer to that question, smart watches come to mind as a possible example. However, this is only going to be a problem where operators think N=M=1. So we're talking about an EDGE CASE OF AN EDGE CASE here right now. But again, this is an operator education problem, and not the fault of DHCPv6.
IPv6 support now:
Application developers are a special case, but only because they need IPv6 support in order to test IPv6 support. They will be given special sandboxes with multiple different deployment models for testing. One such deployment model WILL BE DHCPv6. iOS solved this problem by mandating IPv6 support in the next release (iOS 9), which requires App developers to make sure their application uses generic, higher level, application calls when requesting resources, and encouraging testing in IPv6 only networks.
I expect Google will want to do the same with Android, and then Application developers might start saying "why does this application work with iOS in my work provided IPv6 testing network, but it doesn't work with Android?" only to be told that Google refuse to implement DHCPv6 support. I wonder what their reaction will be then? I honestly don't know.
So while I admire Lorenzo's apparent regard for the users in general, I still don't understand what his objection is. If his problem is with Operators who aren't going to provide him DHCP-PD or the ability to allocate more than one address, then unfortunately I think he's going to have to get over this and find a way to get Android gracefully fail in this situation.
The Operators who are willing to listen to him and address his concerns, like myself, still require DHCPv6 support for very legitimate reasons. Compromise is a two way street, and while some operators have attempted to investigate the feasibility of moving to SLAAC, running the WiFi network on SLAAC as a special case, and other such things to work around this BUG, I have seen no such compromise from Lorenzo.
You talk about Operators in monopoly positions here. What about Lorenzo's monopoly? Why does he get a free pass for such tactics? <> #143
1. Are there objections to implementation aside from tethering?
2. If not, can we move ahead with implementation with an asterisk stating that there are potential known issues with tethering, and refer to a separate bug report?
3. Can we hear thoughts for or against implementation by other developers? <> #144 <> #145 <> #146
Neither I nor anyone I know has used Tethering on wifi, so DHCP in IPv6 should be possible on Android, if someone is going to be hard-nosed about it then don't support it on mobile data, but the code needs to be added for Wifi.
I do see the point around *not* doing NAT for mobile connections, but the outcome of this is going to be determined by (in my view) how individual mobile operators view the situation...
Will they allocate a /48 per subscriber (in which case no NAT is necessary and a /64 can be presented by Android to clients) or will each handset be treated as 1 IP (in which case NAT will be inevitable) - this is a might bigger issue and beyond the scope of "Android should support dhcp client on Wifi". <> #147
Anyone who claims DHCP inhibits tethering is an idiot. Yeah, I said it.
I just returned a couple brand new android phones because of this bug. iOS forevah! Death to droid! <> #148 <> #149
My campus is going the way of 'screw Android' (although the internal descriptions of our plan usually use much more colorful language) and implementing a DHCPv6 only network. Luckily for Android users, we are also dual-stacked, so they'll still be able to reach the commodity Internet for the near-term until IPv6 picks up more availability. <> #150 <> #151
Like everybody else here I'm also affected by this issue.
Since Fairphone has a dhcpv6 implementation I decided to analyze their ROM.
I found out that they are using the wide-dhcpv6 client and some custom scripts around the binary.
I've created a little Android app that bundles the dhcp client with an installer and some helper scripts: DHCPv6 Client. My app requires **root permissions** and installs the DHCPv6 client from Fairphone (wide-dhcpv6) on the phone and then invokes it on a configurable basis.
You can configure the list of interfaces you want to do DHCPv6 on: WiFi, Mobile (rmnet0) or just any interface available. (configurable through the advanced menu in my App)
Usually the DHCP client would run as a daemon and renew leases in the background. Since this doesn't work on Android when interfaces disappear and reappear later, my app uses a broadcast receiver to trigger the client each time the connectivity changes.
You can download the app from the official Google Play Store:
And join the discussion on XDA-Developers:
Any feedback would be appreciated :)
Anastassios <> #152
They use DHCPv6 to get the prefix and other information.
Then, they generate a temporary IP which is entirely random instead of the IP they are assigned. But it gets all the necessary information, which makes it work.
If you did this, it would not break tethering. <> #153
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #154 <> #155
Please add support. end of line, end of file, end of discussion. <> #156 <> #157
I'm obtained dhcpv6 leases on my device.
The log dhcpdv6:
Oct 10 11:15:20 server dhcpd: Solicit message from fe80::a232:99ff:fe07:c706 port 546, transaction ID 0xED463D00
Oct 10 11:15:20 server dhcpd: Advertise NA: address 2a01:d0:8124::cb to client with duid 00:01:00:01:1d:a5:5b:3a:c6:9a:d9:6e:0c:2c iaid = 234883274 valid for 43200 seconds
Oct 10 11:15:20 server dhcpd: Sending Advertise to fe80::a232:99ff:fe07:c706 port 546
Result the device (using LanDroid):\
IPv6: ::1
IPv6: 2a01:d0:8124::cb
IPv6: fe80::a232:99ff:fe07:c706
Ipv4 Routes:
default via dev wlan0
IPv6 Routes:
2000::/128 via fe80::7271:bcff:fed5:3700 dev wlan0
2a00:1450:4010:c02::bc/128 via fe80::7271:bcff:fed5:3700 dev wlan0
2a00:1450:4010:c09::69/128 via fe80::7271:bcff:fed5:3700 dev wlan0
2a01:d0:8124::/120 dev wlan0
2a01:d0:8124::/64 dev wlan0
2a01:d0:8124::cb/128 dev lo
2a01:d0:8124::cb/128 dev wlan0
::1/128 dev lo
default dev lo
default via fe80::7271:bcff:fed5:3700 dev wlan0
fe80::/64 dev wlan0
fe80::a232:99ff:fe07:c706/128 dev lo
ff00::/8 dev wlan0
WLAN connection:
AP(BSSID): bc:ae:c5:c4:43:33
Name(SSID): "homewlan"
Signal(Rssi): -30
Dhcp Server:
Lease duration: 18000s
Mac Address: a0:32:99:07:c7:06
SupplicantState: COMPLETED
1. 2a01:d0:8124::1 (vl6.132.lan)
2. 2a01:d0:ffff:124::1 (
3. 2a01:d0:0:1c::3
4. 2a01:d0::25:2
5. 2001:4860::1:0:63c5
6. 2001:4860::8:0:9d95
7. 2001:4860::2:0:5f07
8. ???
9. 2a00:1450:4010:c02::65:
Thank U! <> #158
But Android OS is the way to force industry to do this?
This best practices should be implemented with time, no?
It's normal that small/medium companies try to mimic the security like in IPv4. Don't try to force an hard and complicated change maybe is the quickly way to change.
All other OS support it: <> #159 <> #160
Please fix this, Android is now the only mobile platform that haven't fully adopted ipv6 yet and it seems to be because of a few people stuck in the ideer of how ipv6 should be deployed back in 2006 where the few brave played in the lab, and not how it's deployed in the real world.
This should be fixed soon or it will hurt the enterprise penetration of these headsets and tablets. <> #161 <> #162
In this bug report alone please read 54, 56... Actually it's not worth it. Basically after post 54 ish this entire thread is discussing why the logic Lorenzo is using doesn't quite add up. And it's full of people who have done real world production deployments.
He's right that DHCPv6 configured to allow only one address will break tethering, but that's basically a UX issue, not an excuse to hold a feature to ransom.
I don't know what else we have to do to convince you Lorenzo. You've gone silent on this issue and even when we try and discuss it in an open forum like NANOG you just disengage after you no longer control the narrative. <> #163
DHCP is "Domain Host CONTROL Protocol" and it allows you to control hosts access to the network wired or wireless. Router Advertisement does not CONTROL. IT admins will want to treat all access points the same(*note1), so don't get lost in the wireless connection protections. The DUID and user defined options in DHCP SOLICIT, ADVERTISE, REPLAY ... messages can be used in cryptographic hash challenge-response. DUID-LLT doesn't have to be time-stamp-hash. DUID can be MAC plus, hidden device constant "A" and rolling key (like RSA SecureID) so that the MAC-and-DUID ensures its a registered host to begin with. During the DHCP exchange a user extended option can send challenge/response with nonse, known device constant "B", and rolling key.
DHCPV6 has no problems with tethering. There are two tethering methods without any NAT and DHCPV6. You may use DHCP-PD. You may use DHCP-Relay. Because of the DUID in DHCP, unless you have security pairing like above, you can even implement a cheap user-space DHCP proxy. The device on the other side of the tether will have a fully qualified global IP and known route either way. ISC-DHPC/D, ODHCPC/D, and DNSMASQ all demonstrate different methods of this in operation.
Note1: To also block plug hijacking in a conference room, lab, or other area inside protect zones, The MAC layer can be blocked on failed response, the switch port related disabled, and security called to review the area. DHCP makes for a standard method of engagement for this process. <> #164
RA process don't work for a rolling key (like RSA Secure ID) because the host and client would have no agreement as to what time to pull the key for. Also, you would only be able to formulate a ::HOSTID which is static, long lived, and in the open. So even if you were able to infer a contact time (first routed packet) it wouldn't be more secure than MAC access list ... which isn't. You wouldn't have an integrated method for a second tier challenge/response either. (*note2)
DHCP can change the ::HOSTID part at any time either through lease time out or by announcing a link change or both. So this eliminates the concern about tracking addresses external to the "administrative local area." (*note3) It is typical of the DHCP servers mentioned earlier to generate ::HOSTID based on a hash of DUID, and if we are changing DUID with security measures then viola.
Note2: Security is all about layers, like staged gate houses in a castle or prison. Each stage forces the thief or vandal to stay put and continue to manipulate an attack. Time is detection. You might even have a chance to catch the physical person.
Note3: A static ::HOSTID part is a security / analytic problem. Yes solicited contact (web cookies n such) will track you, but only what you have chosen to touch and your corporate firewall allows. But what if someone is sitting at an interchange point with plenty of traffic "leakage" to sniff. If your R&D, market analysis, or purchasing team computers always have a static ::HOSTID, then these sniffers can track all your contact to-from and infer some useful insider information. That also includes secure, non-tracking, corporate-to-corporate contact. That would be valuable enough to even pay a low-class interchange owner for such "leakage."
So Lorenzo, there is an outline for your "compelling use case." <> #165
From the forum - "One comment to close out my replies there is no need for us to move towards SLAAC. Stateful DHCPv6 works well for DOCSIS networks and is what specified nearly 7 years ago when we introduced IPv6 into DOCSIS. SLAAC actually creates some limitations, specifically related to delegated IPv6 prefixes." <> #166
So what gives? Fix the damn problem. <> #168 <> #169 <> #170
The funnyiest thing is, last time I checked, if you are connected to a network providing only default route and rdnss using RA but providing ipv6 address using dhcpv6, android won't have ipv6 connectivity ... but the ipv6 dns will still be used, causing tremendous timeouts when doing dns query. Don't known if this type of ipv6 setup is state-of-the-art, but it was quite fun to troubleshoot. <> #171 <> #172 <> #173 <> #174 <> #175
There are situations where administratively assigned IPv6 addresses (and DHCPv6 in general) are less of a pain than SLAAC. <> #176 <> #177
"Why can't I reach <internal system> from my Android phone? Joan has it on her phone!!!"
"Joan has an iPhone which does DHCPv6"
"I want to turn in my company android phone and get an iPhone, please"
"Done." <> #178
By the way this issue is part of this (shame)game: <> #179 <> #180
The argument that it will break compatibility with IPv4 apps is not acceptable when we already have DNS64 and NAT64 playing well on many networks around the world. <> #181 <> #182 <> #183 <> #184
Specifically, RFC 7934 section 8 says best current practice is that general-purpose hosts should be able to use new addresses without requiring explicit requests for address space. This can be done with SLAAC or by providing a dedicated /64 prefix to the device (via DHCPv6 PD, SLAAC, or other means), but cannot be done via DHCPv6 address assignment because DHCPv6 address assignment requires that the host request addresses from the network.
Android has always supported SLAAC, but does not yet support DHCPv6 PD. We could add support for DHCPv6 PD if networks are willing to support it. DHCPv6 PD shares most of the semantics of DHCPv6 address assignment, but does not limit the number of addresses that a host can use. <> #185
Having a technically lovely and standards-compliant device is nice and all, but if it doesn't do what people need it to do, it's no better than a paperweight. <> #186
You don't have to support DHCPv6 on mobile radios, only on WiFi to satisfy most of the complaints for this thread.
At which point asking WiFi providers to provide support for tethering is being unreasonable, and thus should fall under a UX issue. Something like a warning that pops up when Tethering is enabled saying "The Network Administrator has not allowed this network to support IPv6 tethering."
The fact that you refuse to make the distinction between WiFi and mobile radios may be for technical reasons that prevent you from making this distinction, but as you have refused to enter into an open dialogue with the community about this issue, we do not fully understand your concerns.
Enterprise needs a way to restrict and control their internal networks. Denying them this ability by preventing then using one of the only tools they have available to them in IPv6 is only adding another road block to widespread IPv6 adoption (regardless of your personal feelings towards the protocol). <> #187
You'd almost have to go out of your way to implement just DHCPv6 PD and not DHCPv6 address assignment in a client, talk about an agenda 8-/. Is Android an OS or a political platform? <> #188 <> #189
Today's BCP is still Android devices don't work in networks without RFC 6106. You can blame Cisco, but it doesn't help too. <> #190
the magic IETF process:
Lorenzo Colitti
Vint Cerf
Gee, how surprising that it contains a section that you want to have in
there. Shows that Google is the new Nokia/Cisco combo of old.
Lorenzo, that you are working for a company that wants to control the
Planet ("Do no Evil"), does not make it what people actually want.
Also, when you are finally convinced that people do want DHCPv6:
Good luck with deploying any incremental upgrades to Android.
You will take longer to get DHCPv6 in Android than it will take IPv6 to
actually get all around the world, without "help" from Google.
Android will just not be welcome in networks anymore in the same way
that it is not welcome in planes anymore.
From the official Android statistics:
There still is no version 7 on there even though it is now well over 2
months old.
Only 18.7% have the 'previous latest' 6.x editions, which is well over a
year old. Most people (13.1% + 21.9%) run a 2+ year old 5.x and
everybody else.... they run 4.4 and way older than that.
Now the fun thing: iOS:
Indeed 70.2% of devices are running 10.x, which is only a month old.
iPhone = 79% 10.x, iPad only 49% 10.x, with 40.8% at 9.x, likely as lots
of people have iPad2s that can't be upgraded anymore sadly... but guess
what those still have security fixes applied oh and DHCPv6 support!
Lorenzo, good luck in your endeavors in blocking what people want....
just close this ticket as it won't make any difference any way whatever
you now decide on how to change the IETF documents by pushing them through.
Jeroen <> #191
Indeed, from "personal" submission to BCP in under 2 months.
Note also that there was no working group review, it went directly to
the "Area Directors".....
So long IETF, it was good having had you. Sad that the big corporations
now truly rule the IETF.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #192
Lorenzo, You clearly care about IPv6 being done right. Unfortunately, you care so much that you are actually hindering it. You are forcing people to continue a dual-stack environment with partial support for Android because you feel you have some higher ground. Not only that, you are impacting the reputation of your employer.
Seriously.. between here, Reddit, Nanog, and ipv6-ops, it should be clear that most people want DHCPv6 support in Android. <> #193 <> #194 <> #195
Microsoft, Apple, and the Linux community all have working DHCPv6. Android does not. It's a little sad that Lorenzo is willing to invoke the IETF for his own gains but ignores its core essence when it doesn't fit his personal view.
The fact that Lorenzo is a brick wall on this also means Android as an open source project is a farce. Patches have been submitted and ignored. We're all shouting into the wind here. <> #196 <> #197 <> #198
DHCP is about crontrol, recording, and accountability. When you have a large organization with lots of devices, then you need closed-circuit methods to track the addition of the right devices to the network. DHCP allows you to bootstrap the chain of trust. It allows you to ID a device (again includes optional extension to cryptographic challenge/response). It allows you to put a device in a walled garden, authorized guest-to-internet access only, or in-network intranet access. You can tag IP-MAC-Owner for two-way firewall restrictions. You can rotate HOSTID(s) on your networks schedule to keep track of the chaos. DHCP can assign multiple IP to one device or virtual device(s) which is even a wider use case than mere tethering. DHCPv6 uses arbitrary DUID not MAC so that is how its possible. DHCP gives the IT Admin a tool with white-knuckle grip on the network.
RA is faster and easier due to the lack of control and handshaking. This is great for a single purpose network with no (desire for) tracking and accountability requirements like a coffee shop. This is great for a network with strict physical control like an interconnect facilty. In the coffee shop example the wifi password rotates each hour and is printed on receipts. Its a minimum abuse blocker and isnt for security. Wifi guest access is just that, and the coffee shop (desires none) has no accountability for guest usage. RA is just works for this low needs environment. In a interconnect facilty, you will pre-assign HOSTID before installing the equipment. The equipment has no unique PII itself. No other people or equipment enter the facilty. HOSTID might be [::room:row:rack:slot] with some encoded obfuscation to prevent targeted DOS, but anyway preconfigued waiting for the GLA / ULA prefix to be announced by RA. No DHCP or fancy options required. Snap in, plug in, and go. RA gives an IT Admin a tool to NOT manage the network top-down, but use other means, or not at all.
Right tool for the right job!
...So if Google wants Android to be allowed in large organisations as BYOD with accountability requirements met, then Google should be "encouraging" its technical lead employees to support both tools fully. <> #199
By my count there have been eight compelling use cases mentioned so far. At the risk of redundancy, here are more. Whenever at least one of the following applies:
- a DHCP server grants prefix delegations; or:
- a DHCP server will lease many IPv6 addresses on request; or:
- the user establishes tethering by layer 2 bridging instead of layer 3 routing, and therefore the Android device never needs to directly handle other than its own layer 3 address(es); or:
- the user doesn't need tethering.
in combination with at least one of these:
- the network advertises services available at well-known addresses; this is handled well by DHCPv6 and VERY poorly by SLAAC. It's silly to mix DHCP and SLAAC on the same network (RAs are broadcast, so you can't set the M bit to some hosts and clear it to others), so DHCP for everybody is the only configuration that makes any sense; or:
- the network admin wishes to apply DNS updates, modify firewall rules, etc. when a lease is established and therefore chooses stateful addressing via DHCPv6; or:
- the network offers additional information/services beyond trivial RAs (e.g., time zone, NTP servers, printers, PXE boot, SMTP servers, etc.), and therefore sets the O bit in RAs; or:
- the network requires DHCPv6 for reasons beyond the end user's control.
In each of those 16 use cases, IPv6 would work PERFECTLY simply by using Mr. Marples' DHCP client implementation he had working over 3 years ago; right now, NONE of those use cases are properly handled, and the vast majority do not work at all.
> I think the question is whether those use cases are seen to be useful by the device's users.
The answer is YES. I am (with one of my hats on) an Android device user, and
right now IPv6 DOES NOT WORK AT ALL for me on most of the networks I want to
access. If IPv6 worked, I assure you: yes, that WOULD be useful.
Please reopen this issue; the necessary conditions have been fulfilled for some time. <> #200
Quit using extremely obscure edge-use cases as poor justification for your position. You are wrong on this. Apple has already mandated iOS apps to support ipv6.
This is about allowing lazy development, not about any of the actual excuses brought up. <> #201 <> #202
If you need control over which devices use which IP-addresses, you're already doing something HORRIBLY WRONG. You can easily log the neighbor table of any router to log mac<->IP mapping or use RADIUS accounting with WPA2 enterprise.
The right way to deploy IPv6 on a wireless network is with SLAAC+RDNSS and to support platforms that don't do RDNSS, set the other-configuration flag to true and also provide DNS via stateless DHCPv6.
That way all platforms are supported and you have your accountability.
Stateful DHCPv6 should only be used by internet service providers with prefix delegation, *NOT* to clients, but to routers. <> #203
Finding this thread shouldn't be necessary to the successful implementation of an IPv6 only WiFi network. Somehow, it is.
RFC 3315 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), 2003.
[ ] Implemented
[X] Not Implemented
I mean, at minimum, implement this to have feature parity with Apple. Enough people have asked for it. Let them run their networks as they see fit.
The longer this is outstanding, the more painful it will be. I'm reading about legal requirements, user tracking, easy of implementation.
I see lots of compelling reasons to implement this, and do some UX workarounds if it breaks IPv4 only devices. At some point in the future, we need to eventually
shed IPv6, and just not implementing standards you don't like isn't a solution.
> let's save that argument for a time when (if?) DHCPv6-only networks without IPv4 are meaningfully deployed
It's happening. I'm seeing work emails about, "so and so implemented an IPv6 only network."
I guess we'll now have to have that conversation about what "meaningfully deployed" means. When Google completely fails to implement necessary features,
it forces smaller companies to just redesign, as a workaround.
This thread will become more popular as more of these networks come online. To cement my contribution I wrote a play.
I just implemented DHCPv6 and it works for
everything, except these Android phones.
You did it wrong, what settings did you use?
USER 2 (V.O.)
Seems to be a problem with Android. Did you
check online?
No. Not yet. I wanted to show you.
Well, let's see.
ON SCREEN (cont.)
USER 2 (V.O.)
Try that second link.
ON SCREEN (cont.)
USER 1 (V.O.)
Reading through, it says, they never
implemented it.
INT. OFFICE. (cont'd)
... Why?
Apparently, there are better ways to get an address. I'm reading
some stuff about IPv4 only applications? Something called 464xlate?
Well, write a comment. We shouldn't have to change
our network because they don't want to implement a standard.
I can't believe people are still asking for RFC 3315.
Don't they know it will never work with 464xlate if
our devices only get one address?
That's that.
Did you get a response?
Yeah. He said to use RDNSS.
Great. Yet another protocol we have to learn.
Wait. So you said you couldn't get an address
via DHCPv6, and his response
was redesign your network?
Implement RDNSS I guess. You can't fight Google.
If a day comes when support for IPv4-only apps and
tethering are no longer important, or DHCPv6-only
networks without IPv4 and without SLAAC are substantially deployed,
then DHCPv6 addressing will become useful to users and it will
make sense to implement it.
Lorenzo (V.O.)
That's that.
TYLER (To himself)
I need to do something so Google knows it's not
acceptable to just ignore an Internet standard,
and show how farcical this is.
"People are implementing IPv6 only networks with DHCPv6.
Please implement RFC 3315."
TYLER (To Himself)
And... it's done.
-- The End -- <> #204
What utter nonsense! I think we're now over 100 million A and AAAA records in the global DNS. The vast majority of those records are each a good reason for some device or other to have an interface bound to the corresponding address.
There are more justifications for predictable IP addresses, wilcobaa..., than are dreamed of in your philosophy.
(When it comes down to it, all this discussion about how some subset of hosts can be made to cope without DHCPv6 is beside the point. The crucial facts are: (1) There is more than one possible method for IP address assignment; (2) one size does not fit all; (3) it ultimately falls the host user and/or the network admin, who are best situated to understand their particular environment, to agree on an address assignment method -- NOT the OS vendor.) <> #205 <> #206
What possible reason could there be for the lack of a feature that's so fundamental to the operation of networking? <> #207
For what its worth, Lorenzo is right not to support stateful DHCPv6.
>>If you need control over which devices use which IP-addresses, you're already doing something HORRIBLY WRONG. You can easily log the neighbor table of any router to log mac<->IP mapping or use RADIUS accounting with WPA2 enterprise.
>>The right way to deploy IPv6 on a wireless network is with SLAAC+RDNSS and to support platforms that don't do RDNSS, set the other-configuration flag to true and also provide DNS via stateless DHCPv6.
>>That way all platforms are supported and you have your accountability.
>>Stateful DHCPv6 should only be used by internet service providers with prefix delegation, *NOT* to clients, but to routers.
Android is the ONLY major platform that doesn't support DHCPv6.
Just because certain applications and functionality is built upon hacky and backwards thinking methodology doesn't mean the solution is to not even fucking support standards compliant technology.
DHCPv6 is and always will be something that will be used in enterprise environments.
Lorenzo can hold firm, and watch Android BYOD fade away as everyone switches back to iOS only infrastructure. I think that would be a bad move, but if thats what goog wants, i guess thats what goog gets. Our enterprise is moving IPv6 only in the coming years - it will be a DHCPv6 based infrastructure.
People like you and Lorenzo like to pretend that every client machine should have complete control of their address space - most of the established tech world disagrees. <> #208 <> #209
first, android itself found as solution for that problem, tethering in android 7 works without dhcp
second, dhcpv6 should be used together with slaac, so you need still netmasks with =64 <> #210
I am wondering what is the huge deal in implementing a standard, which is largely baked into the underlying tools.
Sadly, although android is said to be opensource, you cannot build and run your own version of android on your phone thanks device specificities and locks! <> #211
Sure, I'm going to redesign a multi-national dual-stacked network based on all 100% IETF-approved *consensus* protocols, because a developer doesn't like DHCPv6.
Easier to switch all the mobile users to Apple. <> #212
Between that and some other deal breakers with Android, it was just the
proper route considering how this still has no traction.
I still have hope they build an enterprise product.
On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 1:14 PM <> wrote:
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the
first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all
irrevocably." - Judge Aaron Satie (Star Trek, fictional) <> #213
And I can't believe one awkward developer can stop this from happening, given DHCPv6's use in the real world.
There are many technologies I don't like where I work, but guess what, I need to support them as directed by management.
I'm surprised some senior Google person hasn't had a quiet word with Lorenzo..... <> #214 <> #215
1. Why does Lorenzo say he has not implemented it? His responses basically come down to "I shouldn't have to" and "I don't want to". I think we all know those kind of reasons would not fly for a decision this big in a company this big. This should actually be read as "I can't tell you"
2. How does it affect users? Today probably not much as IPv4 still works for most things, and most network admins are going to bend to accommodate Google's decision. But for users with admins that won't, and as more IPv6-only resources appear, these users will not have access to them. Their friends sitting beside them with iPhones will have access. Consider a student on Android at a campus with the previously mentioned stubborn network admin. He is going to have 3 choices:
a. Give up on the resource
b. Switch to a different campus
c. Switch to a different phone
I think most users will end up choosing a or c. From this we can read "This decision is important enough that Google is willing to lose sales over it"
3. How does it affect networks and their admins? It does create more headaches implementing and testing SLAAC. I don't think it's Google's intent to make network admins' lives more difficult just for the sake of it though. Are there any other effects? This comment earlier in the thread stands out to me:
"DHCP is about crontrol, recording, and accountability. When you have a large organization with lots of devices, then you need closed-circuit methods to track the addition of the right devices to the network. DHCP allows you to bootstrap the chain of trust."
Google's main business is monitoring users' activites in order to deliver targeted advertisements. Maybe Google does not want to just "give away" a method of monitoring millions of Android users to individual network admins. Maybe down the road, network admins will be able to monitor these users by making them part of G-Suite. G-Suite only costs $5/month/user and many organizations leverage it for email, shared storage, and other tasks. Maybe this would tip the scale for a network admin that was looking at providing these services in-house, or going to a competing (I believe Microsoft has one) solution.
But then maybe I put my tinfoil hat on too tight this morning. <> #216
"When IPv6 is enabled on Google Wifi, it uses the DHCPv6 protocol on its WAN port to request an address from your ISP. If the ISP supports the DHCPv6 protocol and has provisioned addresses for routers, then the router will obtain its own IPv6 address."
Clearly the left hand and the right hand are not speaking.
.....Walking away scratching my head <> #217
Imagine Android would work this way. <> #218 <> #219
different parts of Google support different sets of standards, unbeknownst
to other divisions.
On Mon, Jul 24, 2017, 4:36 PM <> wrote:
Brian Dravecz
Coordinator of Administrative Technology
Colonial IU20
The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely
for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not
the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message
has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by
reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are
not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use,
dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is
strictly prohibited. <> #220 <> #221 <> #222
Alex <> #223
I have requirement from one of the service provider to implement stateful DHCPv6 infrastructure for WiFi users. We observed that with stateful DHCPv6 all types of phone works fine however Android is not able to get IPv6 address with stateful.
I have gone through above thread however I am unclear if Android supports stateful DHCPv6. Can somebody please confirm if it support with latest versions as of today? If it is not supporting is there any option on RA side to make the changes to get this working.
All other OS like Apple, Windows phone don't have any issue with stateful however Android has the issue.
Vinod <> #224
Your options on the RA side are to use RDNSS (now RFC 8106) and SLAAC. <> #225 <> #226
Give the advice to your network users to get a non-Android device: they are insecure and are missing features.
Even if Google finally comes to their senses and implement a very simple DHCPv6 client (how is that exactly "infeasible"?), it would never get to any of the devices that people actually use.
Last year's comment in this thread from me on this noted:
From the official Android statistics:
There still is no version 7 on there even though it is now well over 2
months old.
Only 18.7% have the 'previous latest' 6.x editions, which is well over a
year old. Most people (13.1% + 21.9%) run a 2+ year old 5.x and
everybody else.... they run 4.4 and way older than that.
As per:
4.4 16.0% October 2013 -- 4 years old
5.0 7.4% November 2014 -- 3 years old
5.1 21.8%
6.0 32.3% October 2015 -- 2 years old
7.0 12.3% August 2016 -- 1 year old
7.1 1.2%
8.0 (not in list) August 21 (released after list was made, but likely ... nothing anyway)
As that shows, nobody is even getting updates, let alone that they will get the newest one... (or hey, security updates which are more important than DHCPv6).
As noted previously, Apple does that way better: new version one/two weeks later 80% of the userbase has it. They are currently only lagging for some because of iPad2s that cannot be upgraded (but that platform has security fixes! oh and working DHCPv6 :) )
From all that, I guess the people who would have to implement it just gave up on Android, and the good folks are working on Fuchsia to replace this mess.
Thus hopefully, Fuchsia does get DHCPv6 support. We should collectively file a bug report there, as they are other Googlers working on it, maybe they do have the sense to understand that it really is needed....
In the mean time: ban Android devices from your network, they are insecure (no security updates) and do not support the features that are required to join the network. <> #227
Letting IPSs and OEMs stand in the way of updates is clearly the largest issue with Android, but for those who care LineageOS solves that issue, and anyone can add DHCPv6 to LineageOS if they want. Sure at first that's extra work to upgrade all your users phones, but it would get it done, where as commenting here is accomplishing nothing. <> #228
AC <> #229 <> #230 <> #231
Extremely out of touch. <> #232
I could understand if this were something out of the norm, a corner case if you will, but it isn't.
It's just Google thinking they're bigger than their customers needs. <> #233 <> #234
Feedback is welcome. :) <> #235
That was my approach, after 7-8 years of using Android. It has its downsides, but at least integrating well with enterprise networks isn't one of them. <> #237 <> #238 <> #239
The DNS-problem solved already a long time ago. This thread is talking about managed ip. <> #240 <> #241
The technical rationale has been documented in RFC 7934. <> #242
1. RFC 7934 was authored by Lorenzo. He is biased against any other possible option because it is his baby.
2. DHCPv4 is the de facto corporate method of setting up DNS names for their networks. DHCPv6 uses the same infrastructure (both hardware and software) that corporations already have in a way they already understand. Using two different methods for IPv4 vs IPv6 is a waste of resources when corporations are doing their best to squeeze every drop of value out of what they have. (#61 does a good job of stating this better
3. There is no technical reason that Android cannot support both ND-RDNSS and DHCPv6. The iPhone can. Hell, you could pull a client from GitHub right now. (
The point here is that the Status of "Infeasible" is a giant load of horse manure and steaming male bovine droppings. <> <> #243
That RFC is actually neutral about the use of DHCPv6. In fact the only negative thing it says as due to protocol limitations with standard (MTU 1500) packet sizes, clients can at maximum request 30 addresses using an IA_TA request, and recommends the preferred use of IA_PD requests (a.k.a DHCP-PD), which is note worthy because Android still does not support DHCP-PD either. (Section 6 and Section 8)
Frankly, if RFC 7934 is being used to mark this as "Infeasible", or... while I was drafting this, now changed to, "Intended Behavior", then that is also, as #242 put it, "a giant load of manure and streaming male bovine droppings".
There are over 6 years of requests to implement this, and if Google are listening, maybe they might want to consider doing that, especially if RFC 7934 is going to be thrown around in defense of this failure to implement when it is clear that Google are not even following the recommendations of the cited RFC!
I would also strongly recommend Google looks into why this was not implemented. As I have long ago said in #136, this is a UX issue, and should be treated as such. <> #244
Instead, if Android finds itself on an IPv6 only network running only DHCPv6, the device simply refuses to connect to anything, because it cannot resolve DNS entires, or even obtain an IP address.Imagine if Android refused to connect to Sprint towers just because Google didn't happen to like sprints implementation of LTE. No one would buy an Android device on Sprint, period.
A great example of Android working around nonstandard practices is the usage of called garden wifi pages. You can't connect to some wifi connections without first having to accept a Eula, log in through a redirect to a walled garden, etc. Android, astutely,
So why can't DHCPv6 be handled in the exact same way as other nonstandard networks? Support it, but provide the same kind of popup you do for wifi with no internet, and notify the user they may experience issues with some applications while using this connection
The continued obatinance of Google as it relates to this subject only further serves to alienate your customer base and Enterprise users.
Wise people will often set their ego aside, and accept that even while they are right about the best way to do something, it doesn't mean. It's the only ways to do something, and they shouldn't be slamming the door on anyone who does it differently.
Oh, and changing the status in that fashion so that you can be "technically correct" and to counter and the most recent comments only further shoes just how petty the maintainers are being. Be big enough to set aside your pride in your best practices RFC and accept that not everyone is going to follow it. <> #245
Lorenzo has a point and a position, and a valid one. No question there.
Lorenzo has certainly highlighted the shortcomings of DHCPv6 and why it's not ideal in some scenarios. No question there either.
Lorenzo is trying to push people in a certain direction forcefully by not supporting something that is widely asked for and widely supported. Influencing and educating people is a good thing, but forcing them is not.
Where this is all running terribly wrong now is that the point has been made, and it is time to move on. Those of us who care know about the issue, have read Lorenzo's RFC and taken it in (and probably even agree with it).
Those who have not likely won't ever anyway and just want to roll IPv6 out "the old way". That's their choice. People are free to set things up how they want even if it is not idea. I don't pretend to understand why people might want to use DHCPv6 but I also don't know the constraints and the environment they work in - it may be their only choice. The only other choice they have is to ignore IPv6 entirely which is really the lose-lose outcome.
But either way, a whole lot of people on both sides of the fence now are pissed off. The valid points being made are now being lost in the "you're an arsehole" noise now starting to come out
I hope some middle ground can be reached on this soon. Make it possible but slightly annoying to use DHCPv6. Make it less featuresome. Put a 10s lag on it so that if SLAAC is seen to be working we don't even start DHCPv6. But please don't ruin it for everyone.
The end goal here just has to be to get Android phones on IPv6 networks, with IPv6 connectivity. While all this crap is going on here, the naysayers are laughing at us and saying "see, your new IPv6 world is shit and you can't even agree on address allocation reliably like we do with IPv4!". They're right. A whole lot of phones are now not on the IPv6 internet because of this decision, which in itself is a huge fail.
Can we please put the agenda's aside and take a pragmatic view of this situation, and accept that the overall end goal of Android devices is to have connectivity regardless of the mechanism used to assign addresses? <> #246
Except no one is laughing this time...
There are no technical reason that Android cannot do both RDNSS and DHCPv6. DHCPv6 clients have been written for Android and they work. If there was a technical reason that they could not work they would not be able to function.
Six Years. Six years this request has been on the books and Lorenzo has done nothing but belittle the real concerns of people who are just trying to do a job. A job that many of us are trying to do to the best of our abilities. A job where policy and shrinking budgets have made it harder and harder to do things a hundred different ways these days.
I am just trying to do my job. I do not want to have yet another thing to maintain on my plate. I am required to use DHCP in my job. It is not going away any time soon because we are running a IPv4 along with IPv6. I find it a joke that I have to work with yet another way of doing things especially when we already have a way that works... for everything but Android.
I am not a fan of Apple and the iPhone. I really like Android and want it to succeed. But it seems that Lorenzo (and by extension Google and Alphabet) wants all of us to go to their competitor because they can get this job done in the corporate world.
Finally, if I and others need to throw names and epithets to get a response, so be it. Six years is a ridiculous time to wait for a feature that should have been added five years ago.
End of Line. <> #247 <> #248
- Support DHCPv6, but disable assignment support on cellular (i.e. disable fully managed on 3G/4G/5G, but allow it on WiFi).
- Support DHCP-PD to enable tethering. (Looking a little closer into this, it looks like there is limited support for it under some specific circumstances since Android 7+. Was able to get it working on my Android 9 phone. Looks like the code as written only supports one (first) tethering network through, so needs some work).
- In the case where DHCP-PD is not supported on network fall back to a ND proxy based solution where possible.
- In the UI, surface a warning when connecting to a fully managed network that doesn't support DHCP-PD or an ND Proxy fall back solution to get additional addresses when customer attempts to use tethering (e.g. "Your tethered network experience may be degraded"). <> #249
I'm not a big fan of DHCPv6, except that I want DHCPv6-PD everywhere. I have implemented both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, and I way prefer DHCPv6, btw. But, SLAAC is way simpler for a lot of situations, but I understand it, too simple for many.
Android needs to support DHCPv6. <> #250
Android needs to support DHCPv6, especially for Enterprise environments. Please reconsider it. <> #251 <> #252 <> #253 <> #254 <> #255 <> #256 <> #257 <> #258
So before asking for stateful DHCPv6 support, may be take a moment to rethink from scratch your understanding of IPv6 and your deployment of it? and also ponder why after 6 years this issue isn't fixed despite Android market share. Why no pressure from a lot of big corporations to fix this ? <> #259
Your argument is specious and misses the point. It do sent matter what the best way to do something is. It only matters what way things are done. This would be akin to Android refusing to connect to unsecured wifi. Sure, unsecured wifi is stupid, but not allowing it's use would be a stupid move.
Every single operating system outside Android now has DHCPv6 support. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 are rfcs. One is better. Both are used. Pretending like one doesn't exist doesn't do anything good other than shrink market and piss off users. IPV6 only networks that only run DHCPv6 are already a thing - this is not some fantasy. Not even all SLAAC implementations allow multiple addresses from the same Mac, which is their stated reason for not supporting DHCPv6.
Eventually there will be massive amounts more. The obstinate stance is not going help anything or anyone the job of Android is to work anywhere on anything. even apple knows this. <> #260
I agree the way things are done matter but what are the actual real numbers? why is there is so few stars on this 6 years old issue ?
To be clear here, we're talking about stateful DHCPv6 not stateless (which I think Android should support). <> #261
Who said there is no pressure? What would a big company do? What company do you have in mind?
It would need to be a company that actually pays Google for their software and has a choice, who would that be?
Samsung could go, "Please fix
Maybe someone writing a check to Google could make this a requirement?
This isn't a market differentiator, not yet. Customers don't care, not yet. This is an operator pain point, but Lorenzo is playing the long game here where the goal is to get hundreds, even thousands of addresses onto Google handsets with no operator involvement (stateless). IPv4 works well enough, the users don't see this, yet.
I mean, I don't want to live in a future where we are managing hundreds of IPs per device but ... that's the goal. Multiplexing via IPs not port addresses.
I hope this gets implemented sooner vs later, because even if it was baked in ... today it's going to be years to appear on most handsets which are ... several versions behind. <> #262 <> #263 <> #264 <> #265
Sent: 08 November 2018 02:35
Subject: Re:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the team that works on this product.
Changed added
I doubt they are millions of networks using stateful DHCPv6... do you have any stats/numbers to back up your claim ?
I agree the way things are done matter but what are the actual real numbers? why is there is so few stars on this 6 years old issue ?
To be clear here, we're talking about stateful DHCPv6 not stateless (which I think Android should support).
Reference Info: 36949085 Support for DHCPv6 (RFC 3315)
component: Android Public Tracker
status: Intended Behavior
type: Feature Request P4 S3
AOSP ID: 32621
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker <> #266
That is the root of the issue here. RFC 7934 (which is the best practice in this area), recommends against running a DHCPv6-only network (or, more precisely, a network that requires stateful DHCPv6 address assignment). The relevant text is:
Due to the drawbacks imposed by requiring explicit requests for
address space (see Section 4), it is RECOMMENDED that the network
give the host the ability to use new addresses without requiring
explicit requests.
That text excludes a DHCPv6-only network, which requires that the host explicitly request addresses. The reason it does so is that that model has downsides for users. Those downsides are clearly documented in section 4.
To respond to a few of the statements that have been made on this:
- We know from firsthand experience that SLAAC-only is a viable model in corporate networks, because it's well-documented that many large enterprises and universities use it. That includes the Google corporate and guest networks that pretty much everyone on the Android team uses every day.
- DHCPv6 is not required for address tracking: RFC 7934 section 9.1 clearly states that DHCPv6 is neither necessary for sufficient for the purpose, and nobody on this bug - or elsewhere, AFAIK - has made a convincing argument that that text is incorrect.
- Many enterprise router vendors, including Cisco, already have full support for address tracking using SLAAC.
We are aware that consistency with IPv4 could, on some networks, make it easier to deploy IPv6 with DHCPv6 instead of with SLAAC. But it's also true that that would lessen the value to users of such networks. As an operating system, Android has to make a choice on whether to support a deployment model that is not recommended by the IETF and has downsides for users. At the moment we believe our users are best served by not supporting that model. <> #267
At the end of the day, best practices are going to be ignored countrywide and world wide for a multitude of reasons. At the end of the day, Android is still the only operating system obstinantly refusing to support DHCPv6, even though Android chooses to continue supporting other substandard and non-best-practice methodologies. There is still no technical reason to date that Android cannot support DHCPv6. They are simply taking what is basically an irrational stan because "muh principles", instead of supporting what is actually going on in reality.
Android is actively punishing end users for connecting to networks that Google has decided don't do things the way they want.
Today it's because DHCPv6, tomorrow it could be because they don't like a particular network operators version of whatever comes after LTE.
Choosing to not support DHCPv6 because "whaaaaaa I don't like it" is the biggest show of arrogance and lack of concern for the spot in which they are placing end users across all of android I have seen in the history of AOSP. It's akin to saying "only connect to networks we like or get fucked". It's also polar to the principles and history and contemporary examples of Android being an operating system for all comers, inclusive of all people everywhere, and being network agnostic. It's a position born of petty arrogance because the maintainers in this case happen to have their name attached to an RFC, and taking this stand gives them some kind of disgusting justice boner, for forcing their position on everyone.
News flash: no one's networks are going to change because of this stupid obstinate stand. The only thing that will change is massive purchasing decisions at large enterprises. It will be apple-only unless and until Android changes. And if there is one thing true about people, it's that they are lazy and don't like using different things. If they use apple at work, they will buy apple at home. <> #268
I don't see the point in bringing out RFC 7934 as if it solves this
problem, it seems like a conflict of interest:
* You're listed as an author.
* Google is listed as an author.
* Apple is listed as an author (but isn't following it, I wonder why).
... If this was industry practice, Apple, Microsoft, and Linux would strip
DHCPv6 from their products.
From the RFC.
> The authors are directly aware of several networks that operate in this
> including the Universities of Loughborough, Minnesota, Reading,
> Southampton, and Wisconsin, and Imperial College London, in addition
> to the enterprise networks of the authors' employers.
Seven networks should not be considered, "well-documented that many large
enterprises and universities use it." Dozens of operators are begging for
this to be implemented.
> Many enterprise router vendors, including Cisco, already have full
support for address tracking using SLAAC.
Cisco implemented SLAAC address tracking because the requirement to track
addresses doesn't go away when *the protocol that was invented to track
addresses doesn't get implemented.* The need for IPv6 also doesn't go away,
other companies are just forced to implement workarounds,
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 8:58 AM <> wrote: <> #269
Here are a couple use cases for DHCPv6:
First, AAAA record updates in DNS. In DHCPv6, (and v4 for that matter) the DHCP server updates the DNS server automatically. In SLAAC... well I cannot find a way to do it. If you have a way to do it using the built in options/configurations in SLAAC or a Cisco router, I am all ears. But, if there is not an option to do AAAA record updates, DHCPv6 will be needed for this.
Another use case is SIP phones. They heavily rely on DHCP options for their automatic configuration. TFTP boot server for example. SLAAC does not have the ability to carry information such as NTP and TFTP to clients.
So, if you need to do DHCPv6 for these use cases, why would you want to set up the other way and have to manage both? It is not that I don't understand where you are coming from, but I have use cases in my environment that require the features of DHCP. Why would I set up RD-DNS when I already have to set up DHCPv6 for my use cases? Managing multiple systems that do essentially the same thing is ridiculous. <> #270
Apple, Linux, etc support full DHCPv6 because they use an existing DHCPv6 component that does both stateful and stateless to be compliant with the RFC. Do not deduce from this that they actively support stateful DHCPv6.
The flaw is in the design of DHCPv6, stateful DHCPv6 shouldn't exist as it is and should not be used. IMO, it's badly designed.
Best enterprise practices use SLAAC + stateless DHCPv6. <> #271
Here's one example of a problem that can happen.
1. The device uses DHCPv6 to get DNS server addresses.
2. The DHCPv6 server hands out global addresses that are currently valid.
3. A network change occurs. the ISP renumbers the network, or a tethering hotspot disconnects and reconnects with a new IP addresses, or ...
4. The network is renumbered but the DNS server addresses are no longer valid. They're global addresses that were correct before the renumbering, but are no longer correct now. They will become correct again only when the client retries DHCP. The minimum timer is 10 minutes.
Clearly, this is primarily an implementation issue (though one that has battery life implications). But it does provide an example of how DHCPv6 actually isn't well suited to configuring networks that can change, because it's timer-driven and not push-based. We've largely forgotten this limitation of the DHCP protocol because in IPv4 things almost never change, because of NAT. But the end-to-end connectivity allowed by IPv6 requires that hosts hear about network changes, and DHCP is not well suited to that. <> #272 <> #273
Managing 100,000+ enterprise devices without compulsory DNS host registration would be a nightmare. <> #274
However, there are other deployment scenarios where DHCPv6 does make sense. For example on managed enterprise networks that hardly ever change, and when they change the network admins can handle it. Such networks don't need tethering, because every service that can tether can also connect directly to the network. Etc.
Lorenzo only looking at one set of use cases and actively ignoring or working against the others is extremely frustrating. I'm sure enterprise admins don't care about the 10 minute minimum delay, and would be able to work with much longer delays. If you want a middle ground, then implement DHCPv6 with a minimum delay of two hours so that it becomes unusable for fast changing networks, but is perfectly workable for enterprise admins with unchanging networks. <> #275 <> #276 <> #277
How is this still a thing? <> #278 <> #279
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #280 <> #281 <> #282 <> #283 <> #284 <> #285 <> #286 <> #287 <> #288 <> #289 <> #290 <> #291 <> #292 <> #293
Important IPv6 deployments in large corporations are blocked because of that single issue. <> #294 <> #295
This includes Bluecat, Infoblox, Microsoft even as major IPAM vendors, but no one seems to care about v6 still as far as US goes to confront the google machine. There is also the network space, Cisco, Juniper, Nokia, others that haven't seemed to have noticed yet, so nothing to see apparently. MDM, general Security suffers having to leverage only slaac, but it's what you get, and nothing more.
The fact that google pushes chromebooks heavily into schools, it seems ridiculous this is still a thing when they themselves are trying to be a security MDM, and a shoddy one at that. Why companies like MobileIron, Fortinet, and others still get play in this space outside the Google or Apple. <> #296 <> #297
Thanks. Regards. -s
On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 3:29 AM <> wrote: <> #298 <> #299
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #300
This has been an issue for 8 years! Now that we are out of IPv4 addresses this is going to become a much bigger issue. <> #301 <> #302
I run a heterogeneous network of operating systems with ipv4 and ipv6.
Everything is configured with dhcp - most devices have fixed-address.
Android is missing out on ipv6. Which is a shame. But if Google want their devices being marginalised, that's a shame. <> #303
Why most everyone in the US just keeps using and buying more ipv4 addresses despite the market cost increases to do so over years vs. just embracing ipv6. It's still a fragmented problem no one wants to deal with without a gun to their head. <> #304 <> #305 <> #306 <> #307
A simple answer of why might make a decade of negative comments explainable why even Apple supports this, but Google refuses. <> #308 <> #309
Way to go, Google - not fixing broken behavior and adding features that real users want.
Something that is available since ages! <> #310
Good that your maybe-replacement Fuchsia does not have this problem:
As such, it is very clear that this is not a google decision, but solely of a single person....
Oh well, good that many technical people do not want a Android device in their houses because well...
Most damning in newly unsealed evidence (1) Google’s employees admitting there's almost no way NOT to provide your location to Google (2) Google designs its ecosystem for location data collection.
“This doesn’t sound like something we would want on the front page of the NYT.” /4
.... that is just sad.
Definitely not a technical issue. <> #311 <> #312
1. Apple supports DHCPV6, so apparently IOS is a better operating
system? Apple has better engineers?
2. This whole bug is being held up by *one *use case regarding hot
spotting. Cell providers will have to start supporting DHCPv6-PD as they
are getting into the ISP business with wireless routers for homes and small
businesses. Perhaps when a Hotspot is setup, Android could support
DHCPVC-PD and request a /60 or /56.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 11:44 AM <> wrote: <> #313
windows boxen internally without some managerial approval (special children
go here), but not supported this even for their own made devices.
Particularly with the rise of selling chromebooks in schools, any effort at
ever selling a tablet, not to mention the whole phone thing for use in any
managed enterprise-ish environment. Almost every enterprise ipam, mdm,
zero-trust, sase, routing gateway, (insert modern rhetoric here) solution
relies on extended dhcp v4 or v6 features to snoop/control/mitigate
endpoints end to end, why on earth google does not seems bourne of some
clandestine sort of conspiracy. SLAAC shouldn't be the only supported v6
solution in general, merely the lazy/ignorant/ostrich-head-in-the-sand
approach, again totally odd for google.
Even apple realized the value and got with it years ago. What *is* the
malfunction here?
I think the only saving grace is 95% of enterprises in the US all still
cling to ipv4 use as no one wants to or has had to learn to deal with
ipv6. Just getting a modern, current "why we should not do this" would be
nice recompense from google.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 10:35 AM <> wrote: <> #314 <> #315 <> #316
To be fair:
- using DHCPv6 to configure IPv6 addresses (=stateful DHCPv6) for mobile devices or even PCs is a very bad practice and should be avoided.
Too many people still don't learn IPv6 correctly and just try to transpose what they did with IPv4 then complain when something isn't working like it worked with IPv4. That's just laziness.
- That been said, "stateless DHCPv6" is not a bad practice in some environments and should be supported in Android.
But I also understand that supporting "stateless DHCPv6" and not "stateful DHCPv6" will lead to even more complains and is technically a bad implementation (either do full DHCPv6 support or nothing). <> #317
This bug is marked as "Won't Fix (Intended behavior)", so I'm afraid all this noise is for nothing and the Android community would be better off creating a new bug to implement DHCPv6 fully according to standards of today and not 10 years ago. <> #318 <> #319
Business reasons:
- Ability to assign suffix such as
- Register hosts in DNS
- Keep track of what host had what IP at a certain time {for network security}
- Image deployment via PXE (think DHCP options)
- Other DHCP options used for example for WLC
- Ability to easily swap DNS server in entire network (think Umbrella deployment)
- Dot1X deployment where you want RADIUS server to see DHCP request
- Need to support IP phones
- Source:
Thank you. <> #320
DHCPv6 [RFC3315] can be used to obtain and configure addresses. In general, a network may provide for the configuration of addresses through SLAAC, DHCPv6, or both. There will be a wide range of IPv6 deployment models and differences in address assignment requirements, some of which may require DHCPv6 for stateful address assignment. Consequently, all hosts SHOULD implement address configuration via DHCPv6.
All hosts SHOULD implement DHCPv6 and it shouldn't be dictated by the OS vendor. This was reasonable in 2012. This isn't reasonable in 2022. <> #321 <> #322 <> #323 <> #324 <> #325
was listening to Jiddu Krishnamurthy lecture where he said designers will
put their ...._ _ _ _.... thoughts..
I see this especially in version numbers, mainly when skipping some or
biasing in some; default font sizes in some open source softwares even when
everyone is crying, ....
May be time to bring the concept which made modern medicine successful by
bringing anonymized discussions where the username is single entity say
'developer' and no more user names:
"The most important discovery of modern medicine is not vaccines or
antibiotics, it
is the randomized double-blind test, by means of which we know what works
and what
doesn't" (The Chronicle Review. Volume 49,
Park, Director of public
information for the American Physical Society, Physics Professor at UMCP,
the author of
Voodoo Science: The Road From Foolishness to Fraud (Oxford University
Press, 2000))
No, not complaining but trying to see if we can easily win over deeper
unconscious bias, if any ....
Sorry to unsubscribe after sending this e-mail
On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 11:14 PM <> wrote: <> #326 <> #327 <> #328
And Google is bitching about Apple not implementing RCS chat in IOS they themselves do not listen to their own users. Hope Apple never implements and marks RCS chat as Won't Fix (Intended behavior) <> #329 <> #330
What a utterly shameful display of stubbern ignorance this is.
Google purposely failing to comply with well established standards, just because it can.
"We at Google decide what is best for you, hush now".
This only goes to show that all this preaching of IPv6 and standards, truly is intended for marketing purposes only. <> #331 <> #332 <> #333 <> #334
🔴 👉 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄>> <> #336 <> #337 <> #338
Dave Anderson
Essential Consulting, LLC
Office: +1.651.964.0040, x0065
Schedule time with me:
On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 4:34 PM <> wrote: <> #339
Android should really implement this!
Is there any way how to re-open this or request it? <> #340 <> #341
responsible for this change. His name is on this thread but I couldn't find
Does anyone on this thread work for google and have some push??
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 9:34 AM <> wrote: <> #342
Examples of things that break are network renumbering (RA is push and can kill a previously announced prefix when upstream changes, but DHCPv6 is pull and thus cannot) and connectivity from VMs & containers without NAT (due to a single ipv6 address) -- think Android or Linux VMs running on Chrome OS. Indeed if a phone does DHCPv6 on the upstream then it cannot provide connectivity to a downstream device without doing NAT66. And there's no point to doing NAT66 since it eliminates the one true benefit of ipv6 - global addressing... you might as well just do normal ipv4 nat at that point. NAT66 also means you need to do keepalives to keep the nat state alive, and that's bad for battery on mobile devices... which again is bad for users.
The single IPv6 address limitation also means you cannot support device side clat (XLAT464) and thus cannot get rid of ipv4 and run a truly ipv6 only network (with nat64 to provide ipv4 emulation).
But if you cannot run an ipv6 only network... then you either need to run ipv4 only, or dualstack... and dualstack is simply twice the work (or worse because it's harder to notice issues)... so why even bother?
DHCPv6 is simply a bad protocol. This has all been pointed out multiple times on this bug. There's even a best practices document linked which explains (some of?) this.
Additionally there's simply no need for it: devices can simply keep on using IPV4 via DHCP and NAT and access the internet that way. It's not like there's any IPv6 only websites...
If you don't want to run beefy ipv4 carrier grade nat gateways you can simply make your network support IPv6 SLAAC and the problem goes away (it's what mobile cellular carriers do).
It's not like dropping DHCPv6 loses you any real security, since you should simply be running everything over encrypted protocols like https or ssh anyway (with client side certificates)...
So you might as well just run Android on a unprivileged wired/wireless guest network with SLAAC. <> #343
First, you need to do more research and revisit the assumption that DHCPv6 provides a single address. It does not. It provides many addresses: as many as the administrator configures it to provide. It is truly as you say, "IPv6 is not 'simply' IPv4 with more bits."
After that, you might want to read through the 464xlat RFCs and take note of how that protocol uses DHCPv6. Specifically, how it uses it in a way that defies your one address assumption. <> #344 <> #345
Then tell me how well your network works.
Because the whole point is to drop support of IPv4, and use IPv6.
If there are no equivalents to what is providing information in the IPv4
world, then you've chosen the wrong implementation path.
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 11:09 <> wrote: <> #346
to how a device getting a SLAAC address gets DNS information, it can be
through RDNSS.
Dave Anderson
Essential Consulting, LLC
Office: +1.651.964.0040, x0065
Schedule time with me:
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 2:13 PM <> wrote: <> #347
SIP server
NTP server
PXE boot server
DHCP is way more than a DNS / IP address delivery method. It can provide a lot of useful settings to devices as well as providing a centralized location to distribute that information easily. (One change to the hierarchy on my DHCP server can apply the change to every subnet I manage without having to touch all of the routers/gateways involved.) <> #348
With your same "drop support of IPv4" logic, tell me how I'm supposed to get the TFTP address to my IP phones without DHCPv6? We need to run and keep a DHCPv6 server configured anyway; let me assign addresses from it too.
I'm not saying Android should drop support of SLAAC for DHCPv6. Why are you all defending a 359 billion dollar company's decision to not support an RFC anyway? Just because Lorenzo had a scary dream about NAT66 existing (
SLAAC already has people thinking that client networks must be a /64 to work... Is Lorenzo even still around for us to be respecting his nightmares? Did Apple and Microsoft implement NAT66, because they support DHCPv6? <> #349
Response to
connectivity from VMs & containers without NAT (due to a single ipv6 address) -- think Android or Linux VMs running on Chrome OS. Indeed if a phone does DHCPv6 on the upstream then it cannot provide connectivity to a downstream device without doing NAT66. And there's no point to doing NAT66 since it eliminates the one true benefit of ipv6 - global addressing... you might as well just do normal ipv4 nat at that point. NAT66 also means you need to do keepalives to keep the nat state alive, and that's bad for battery on mobile devices... which again is bad for users.
I don't own any Chrome OS-device but I think they use proxy NDP to assign IPv6 addresses to VM instances. I can't find any standard track RFC regarding proxy NDP, only RFC 4389 which is experimental. If they can't use Ethernet bridging, which you can't on wifi, then I think the standard compliant way to assign IPv6 addresses to VM instances would be to use routed addresses. Chrome OS would in this case either need a statically routed IPv6 prefix or use DHCPv6-PD to request prefix delegation. And if the prefix is large enough then Chrome OS potentially can in turn delegate portions of the prefix to down stream routers such as an Android VM also using DHCPv6-PD.
The single IPv6 address limitation also means you cannot support device side clat (XLAT464) and thus cannot get rid of ipv4 and run a truly ipv6 only network (with nat64 to provide ipv4 emulation).
Which single IPv6 address limitation? I don't think DHCPv6 clients are limited to one (IA_NA) address only. Why would they need to specify an Identity Association Identifier (IAID) in such case when requesting an address? <> #350 <> #351
Now that Lorenzon seems to have abandoned this thread, how do we go about getting this reassigned to someone else on the Android team for a second opinion? <> #352
This "intended behavior" is broken and no fix or alternative to DHCPv6 has been proposed.
And of course the usual answer: If it doesn't work for you then just use IPv4. Well, makes sense, might as well not use IPv6 at all. What a hot mess this protocol is. <> #353
Alternatives should be found to Android for any enterprises looking to deploy IPv6 networks and clients in any capacity. <> #354
??? <> #355 <> #356
The NSA IPv6 Security Guidance
"NSA recommends assigning addresses to hosts via a Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol version 6 (DHCPv6) server to mitigate the SLAAC privacy issue"
So this will be presumably the way the DoD will be going in their IPv6 transition project.
So Google will have to fix this to keep the DoD happy and not go against government best practice advise (whether you think this is right or wrong !) <> #357
I don't care what you think is bad practice. Let people build their network the way they want to and need to.
Using SLAAC means to me, having an address that leaks a MAC address just there chilling, and that will be used by many bad applications because they don't know how to deal with privacy extensions. This isn't just a question of what's on Android, because this affects the rest of the network for all the other devices, Android should be dictating IPv6 adoption, especially not in this matter. P2P programs on Windows (prob all other computer OSes) basically always leak your stable IP for example. I don't like that. To fix that, I need to disable privacy extensions and specify an address since you can do that with SLAAC, but then when you do that, it needs to be accurate to the prefix you're using, and now I have to do that every time it changes, or I can change my MAC address and now that's not public, but the identification issue is still there which is only mitigatable by always changing it.
Not ideal. I don't like it. Android shouldn't be telling me what to do, especially not the world at large about IPv6. Even iOS has DHCPv6 support, and that's the 'restrictive' OS.
Shut the **** up Google and fix this, because I won't stand around with devices that don't support this until, oh well now we need to! And now most of my devices will be on older Android versions so they're still SLAAC only. A lot of credit card readers around here are on Android 7 as a base, ofc with no DHCPv6 support, like basically any device now. Samsung is the only one I saw that remotely works, they manage to get DNS via DHCPv6 just not addresses. Just do it. Intended behaviour my ***. <> #358
I hope Apple never implements RCS chat in ios, Android is bitching everywhere online that Apple should add RCS but Google does not want to add the most requested feature DHCPv6. Everyone please send a message to <> #359
to disappear and we still waiting for Microsoft to come back in the
competition of smartphone OS or a new challenger. Looking for Tesla one day
Le lun. 6 févr. 2023, 22:42, <> a écrit : <> #360 <> #361
This means there is no benefit to DHCPv6 for privacy, and indeed DHCPv6 is bad for privacy because it forces devices to always use the same MAC/IP. <> #362
Yes, you can disable randomized MACs.
Yes, this would give you the same IP for a period of time (expiration) and/or allow for reservations to be made.
These are optional benefits, that most wouldn't take use of and therefore are largely irrelevant to the privacy issues mentioned.
And even if used, it is intentional and thus also irrelevant to the privacy conversation.
IMHO: It is ridiculous to not support DHCPv6 by now. And to also support SLAAC/RA (i.e. - something like rfc6106). <> #363
It's not Android's place to dictate how network infrastructure should be configured - we just need to implement the standards so that Android devices are able to connect to as many standards-compliant networks as possible. Based on that observation this issue is entirely valid, and Android should implement a DHCPv6 client. <> #364
Truly amazing we are STILL having to debate this, after [$now - "Jun 3, 2012 09:17AM"] years. (Longer actually, that's just when THIS thread was started.)
/Again, all IMHO - but based on my 30+ years working in IT ... / <> #365
Network Operator? Because that is the person/organisation concerned when we
talk about DHCPv6 - no one else. You connect to my network and you are
bound to follow my rules.
And this particular issue only brings home the fact about how arrogant an
organisation Google is. Look at their broken behaviour on sending emails to
Google Groups - you cannot receive a copy of the mail you send - because
Google wants you to use their shitty web interface and conversation view.
I am seriously looking forward to an Android alternative - hopefully BharOS
will fill the gap.
On 14 February 2023 07:03:01 <> wrote: <> #366
Network Operator? Because that is the person/organisation concerned when we
talk about DHCPv6 - no one else. You connect to my network and you are
bound to follow my rules.
And this particular issue only brings home the fact about how arrogant an
organisation Google is. Look at their broken behaviour on sending emails to
Google Groups - you cannot receive a copy of the mail you send - because
Google wants you to use their shitty web interface and conversation view.
I am seriously looking forward to an Android alternative - hopefully BharOS
will fill the gap.
On 14 February 2023 07:03:01 <> wrote: <> #367
You seem to thinkprivacy doesn't matter...
Privacy is one of the few things that users actually care about.
As for 363 "Android clients being unable to connect to a network where DHCPv6 is enforced" - this isn't a true statement.
Android will connect just fine, and work just fine, while using only IPv4.
Since you can't (currently) have an IPv4-free DHCPv6 requiring network anyway, so the network will provide IPv4 connectivity via DHCP (v4) just fine... <> #368
You can even choose to run only IPv6 on the internet. Funny, most Google
services support this.
IPv6 should NEVER be dependent on IPv4 - to do so is a complete and utter
failure of the entire network deployment, and that includes vendor stances.
And conflating network provisioning with privacy is asinine. Your
ISP/Telco/Business knows who you are. Stop using "privacy" as an excuse
to not deploy, or forgive not deploying, RFC standard network provisioning
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 11:52 AM <> wrote:
"It's pronounced know, like Leif Garrett? Don't you watch
'I Love the 70's'? What kind of retro lover are you, anyway?" <> #369
Don't put words in my mouth.
Of course Android supports this, and works this way on many carriers, including for example T-Mobile in the US and some corporations like Facebook and Microsoft have IPv6-only wifi deployments (that use SLAAC).
It just requires either SLAAC (for wifi) or something sort of like DHCPv6 PD (which is effectively how it works on cellular).
I said you can't have an IPv4-free network with DHCPv6, because - perhaps incorrectly - I assume people want DHCPv6 support and not DHCPv6 PD support.
And while it's true that lots of Google services support IPv6, some still don't, and (unfortunately) large fractions of the internet are still *only* reachable over IPv4.
While there's virtually nothing that is reachable only over IPv6 (some test pages, and that's about it, nothing meaningful).
I'm not conflating network provisioning with privacy. The two are fundamentally linked in DHCPv6. As soon as the network chooses your IP, you're traceable - not only by the ISP (who knows your MAC address) but also by any website you connect to, which now knows your IP address.
Sure, you'll claim that the DHCPv6 server can hand out fully randomized IPv6 addresses - but you *know* that's not why people want DHCPv6. They want it to provide fully static setups.
Because there is no benefit to DHCPv6 over SLAAC if you're just going to hand out randomized ips. <> #370
I can run a functional IPv4-free network with DHCPv6-IA_NA just fine. You
can't do it without *RA*, but RA and SLAAC are not the same thing. Unless I
missed something, it's perfectly valid to have RAs with the M & O flags set
and A flag cleared, providing addresses and e.g. DNS information via
DHCPv6, gateway/prefix/router information via RAs, and *not* permitting
That seems somewhat orthogonal to whether DHCPv6-provided IP address
assignments provide any measure of privacy, but that's kind of a separate
question, and not really Google's place to say "we will not permit our
phone OS to use address assignment methods that don't provide
ephemeral/randomized addressing. I'm not sure what you're driving at here?
> And while it's true that lots of Google services support IPv6, some still
don't, and (unfortunately) large fractions of the internet are still *only*
reachable over IPv4. While there's virtually nothing that is reachable only
over IPv6 (some test pages, and that's about it, nothing meaningful).
I feel we're getting off track a bit here, but a single stack access
network doesn't preclude the use of transition mechanisms (DNS64/NAT64,
464XLAT, etc). I'm not sure what point this is trying to drive at either,
and regardless, it's still irrelevant to a network operator's decision of
what address assignment mechanisms to use on their network, and none of
Google's business how operators run their standards-compliant networks and
whether or not there is any v4 in them down to end user devices.
> Sure, you'll claim that the DHCPv6 server can hand out fully randomized
IPv6 addresses - but you *know* that's not why people want DHCPv6. They
want it to provide fully static setups.
Because there is no benefit to DHCPv6 over SLAAC if you're just going to
hand out randomized ips.
Honestly, I'm having a hard time parsing what you two are disagreeing
DHCPv6-IA_NA is going to provide more stable addresses. SLAAC is going to
support more temporary addresses and client-controlled address privacy
mechanisms. Which of those ratified standards is used, and for what
reasons, with whatever choices of features, drawbacks, and limitations, is
a decision for the network operator.
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 17:39 <> wrote: <> #371
The Network Operator? Because that is the person/organisation concerned
when we talk about DHCPv6 - no one else. *You* connect to *my* network
and you are *bound to follow my rules*.
And this particular issue only brings home the fact about how arrogant
an organisation Google is. Look at their broken behaviour on sending
emails to Google Groups - you *cannot* receive a copy of the mail you
send - because Google wants you to use their shitty web interface and
conversation view.
I am seriously looking forward to an Android alternative - hopefully
BharOS will fill the gap.
On 14/02/23 07:03, wrote: <> #372 <> #373
It is because of some idiots working at Google who decides how others should maintain their networks. <> #374
Source: v6ops presentation at IETF 116 (2023-Mar-27), <> #375
I am amazed that lorenzo parasite is still working with google. <> #376 <> #377
- the more than one address desired by people who disliked DHCPv6's IA_NA single address problem (yes, multiple IA_NAs can be requested, but that's still a small number of addresses and each of them worsens the scalability)
- the let's use DHCPv6 the way DHCPv4 works camp will get closed to what they'd like. Still, it won't be possible to do certain things (like DNS updates), but if you look at it from broader perspective, you'll get per device tracking information and it's better suited for all sorts of modern solutions (like VMs, host changing addresses for privacy or whatever reasons, etc.)
My hope is that that work will continue forward. My DHCPv6 servers waited for ages for Android devices and that day is coming closer. <> #378
How many people you thing nowadays use tethering on their phones, it used to be quiet famous in the 2010s. Just because of lack of DHCPv6 Android is not compatible with corporate and university network. One person is responsible for the low growth of Android phones. Unbelievable. <> #379
year, if you like.
It's my backup for when my home network is down due to cableplant issues
(easy to tether my firewall to my phone)
It's how I can connect my laptop when i'm traveling and there's no wifi
available. Or my tablet. Or my kid's devices... or... or...
LOTS of reasons to tether.
And having native IPv6 across the tether would be grand, too, via PD.
On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 1:39 PM <> wrote:
"It's pronounced know, like Leif Garrett? Don't you watch
'I Love the 70's'? What kind of retro lover are you, anyway?" <> #380
Yes you are right, you might be a minority, I haven't heard anyone talking about tethering in years now, if there is a wifi available then there is no need for tethering, corporate / university wifi is for people to use Internet and then leave. Business wifi dont want you to tether and this is why DHCPv6 should be included in Android. Requesting a /64 for each android device is a bad idea.
I think it is time to start a petition to let go of Lorenzo from Google and send the petition to Google, they need to know what is happening with Android. The more attention this issue gets is better for Android, and hopefully someone else will implement DHCPv6 in Android. <> #381 <> #382 <> #383 <> #384 <> #385 <> #386 <> #387 <> #388 <> #389 <> #390
I created a new bug to get attention on this subject and add DHCPv6 in Android and get Lorenzo out of Google. <> #391 <> #393
But that is requesting a full /64 for each Android device, this is not DHCPv6. Android needs a normal DHCPv6 support, nothing fancy. <> #394 <> #395 <> #396 <> #397
I'd really love to hear from some network/security engineer that does Google's enterprise user-facing stuff, and what they happen to think of a lack of DHCPv6 for use in enterprise security features. I presume they have had to face cold reality to build around a lack of it as well as the rest of us, but really, this seems just petty and dumb still as the sheer volume of responses to this indicate as well.
I'd love to see some of those said vendor solutions exert some pressure here on google still too, but if it hasn't happened by now...
Luckily in you US you're still had pressed to find ipv6 in most enterprises, or if you do it's some broken state you really don't want to use anyways. Go figure. <> #398
The most recent revision was 4 days ago (2023-10-20). <> #399
Hopefully this will be rejected soon, dumb ass not learning. Plain and simple DHCPv6 is the solution. <> #400
Even Apple quickly adopted DHCPv6 for Enterprise capabilities quickly, or had at least by the time I found this thread circa 2014. Now Apple is blurring the lines between tablet and laptop, it makes sense they support all Enterprise security functionality better than Google can across both.
I guess because Google has failed to launch a successful tablet or laptop/pc to the mainstream or enterprise as Apple has, they don't deserve consideration for such features, and your mobile will have to remain just as dodgy as a Windows phone. <> #401
IPv6 should be a chance to start things afresh, and I support Google's principled stance here. <> #402
It is not about security features it is about control and audit. <> #403 <> #404
Well the host decides how they want to run their network and if all they want is DHCP for IPv4 and IPv6 then it is their network. I paid for my phone and I decide to use DHCPv6 on a corporate network then I should be able to use it, not Lorenzo decides how I want to connect my phone to a network. <> #405 <> #406
Personal attacks are not good but lorenzo is forcing his personal opinions on other people, he is not the boss who decides what goes on with Android. People paid for their phones and they should be able to use something which other vendors provide (DHCPv6)
Even a DHCPv6 app would be enough without root but all the apps requires root which is not possible. <> #407
DHCPv6 is a badly designed complex protocol which solves no real problem(s) Android (for consumer devices) faces and actually exacerbates a lot of issues (like privacy, complexity, reliability, compatibility with network namespaces and virtualization) for no real end user benefit (it mainly benefits network admins who are out to track the users).
btw. You can apparently run a large multinational company (Google) without DHCPv6 on 'consumer device' (including: watch, phone, tablet, laptop, desktop) accessible wired/wifi (predominantly ipv6 only) networks... so it's not actually required for enterprise either.
"he is not the boss who decides what goes on with Android" - actually he is (for this particular area).
"People paid for their phones and they should be able to use ..." - and they can: they can root their phones and run their own DHCPv6 client. That said, I'm not aware of any Android fork/derivative (are there any?) that actually implements a DHCPv6 client. Perhaps it's too complex to do, or perhaps the vast majority of real users simply don't actually care enough about IPv6 and/or DHCPv6. I'm willing to bet it's the latter (or a combination of the two).
Perhaps it's a better use of our engineering resources to work on things that the wide user base does actually care about... for example things that reduce power consumption and thus how long the battery lasts. <> #408 <> #409
This is not an argument saying "well everyone else is, Google should as well!" It's pointing out that the few actual arguments that have been made against the inclusion of DHCPv6 in Android have been very weak and addressed none of the pain points brought up by those asking for it. <> #410
The fact is that all major consumer operating systems other than Android
support DHCPv6, it's really not that complex.
And the reality is that DHCPv6 solves real problems for network
operators, beyond those networks that are *required* to track endpoints
(I'm not one of those, but consider rather than claiming that such
operators are "out to track the users" that they may have legitimate
functional requirements for doing so) - DHCPv6 allows passing many
options to endpoints that are not available via SLAAC/RA such as TFTP
server addresses, NTP server addresses, etc, etc. Heck, in the initial
design SLAAC didn't even have a mechanism for providing *DNS* server
addresses, that's since been rectified because it's such a fundamental
requirement for most devices to function, but it illustrates the
fundamental difference in approach.
The claim that because Google can manage their endpoint networks without
DHCPv6[1] that every network *must* be able to do the same reeks of the
entitlement that has raised so much ire in this issue. Not every network
has the same requirements as Google's, but the obstinate refusal by the
Android team to implement such a basic feature forces all operators that
require features that SLAAC can't offer to either bar Android devices
from their networks, run multiple address assignment protocols, or run
multiple networks, and punts all that effort onto every network operator
simply to cater for this one outlier OS, and that's been the crux of
this issue since the start.
[1] Is this actually true though? Somehow I doubt that there is zero
use of prefix delegation, etc within Google. <> #411
Android devices certainly don't need TFTP details, and really should not trust NTP servers handed out by whatever wifi network they've just connected to.
In terms of tracking, you don't need DHCPv6, you have the MAC address! For network access control, you really ought to be using 802.1x anyway!
DHCPv6 has a valid use case, but it's not a great protocol at all and ports over many of the bad practices that happened in the IPv4 world. If you don't like it... Well, it's an open source project, send in a patch! <> #412
That means an IP address + a default route / path to the internet.
That does not include TFTP (useless and/or dangerous), NTP (not trustworthy, better to just use a trusted time server over HTTPS or from cell signal), DNS (not trustworthy, prone to spying and abuse, better to use DNS over SSL or HTTPS to a well known service [ip]), DNS domain list (dangerous), etc...
DHCPv6 does not provide a default router - it actually relies on ipv6 RAs.
So the only part of the above that DHCPv6 solves is the IP address itself.
But the ipv6 RAs that DHCPv6 already requires, trivially provide that via SLAAC (which is just a matter of setting a flag in the RA!).
Furthermore, for privacy reasons, I want my mac address and ip address to be random and regularly rotated - and I don't want the network to know my hostname (ie. the hostname should be something totally generic like 'android' or 'phone' or just left empty).
Ideally the phone would then run some sort of crypto/vpn/ipsec to avoid network deep packet inspection (although luckily most of this is already accomplished via ssh/ssl/HTTPS/HSTS/etc, though getting the hostname to vanish from the https startup would be nice...).
btw. minimum of fuss, also means no captive portal, no annoying ads, no periodic auth timeouts, no dns rewrite, no ad injection into http tcp streams, etc. Thanks, but no thanks, if your network is annoying to connect to, I'll just use cell data - which is cheap and constantly getting cheaper and more ubiquitous...
Network operators have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted. <> #413
In the K-12 environment, privacy is a bug, not a feature. I don't want SLAAC, I want to register every BYOD device and give it a permanent address, with violations tracked by my switches and firewall.
The devices need to use my internal DNS and NTP servers because we're not letting devices in the school access the outside world directly. I need to configure a proxy server, even.
Not deploying IPv6, ever, is currently vastly preferable to the current state of end-user OSes that insist on protecting the user from... the org that legitimately controls the network? <> #414 <> #415
Google's gonna google. If you're in a position to tell Android users they can't use your network because google refuses to implement RFC standards because they know better, tell them so. On our campus android users only get IPv4 addresses, and if that's a problem for them, it's not our problem.
They should just disable comments on this bug, it's been marked "Won't fix" since day 1. <> #416
"People paid for their phones and they should be able to use ..." - and they can: they can root their phones and run their own DHCPv6 client.
NO they cannot root their phones!!! I have a Pixel 6 'A PIXEL' phone made by google which is locked by Verizon and I cannot root my phone and install DHCPv6 client so don't tell me that users who own their phones can root them. There should be an app in the play store for DHCPv6 which requires no root or add full DHCPv6 in Android. <> #417
Apple added RCS support but the bitch Lorenzo is refusing to add support for DHCPv6 in Android when thousands of sysadmins are asking for it. <> #418 <> #419
Any update on adding support for dhcpv6 from android team? It is 2024 now and even Apple adding support for RCS now <> #420 <> #421 <> #422
This design decision is really restrictive (and in my opinion, inconsiderate to large groups of users). If you choose to run your network on DHCPv6 for the central configuration and logging benefits (and disable SLAAC via the autonomous address-configuration flag), it seems you limit Android connectivity to v4 only. iPhones support DHCPv6. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as "I own my device, I'll root and switch to Lineage/AOSP" as these don't currently have DHCPv6 support either (that I can find). <> #423
Moving on! <> #424 <> #425 <> #426
It's actually amazing how many anti-vaxxer like mindsets you find in the tech world too, anti-ipv6 people <> #427 <> #428
We (Google and the people working for it - *especially* Lorenzo) have done more to promote IPv6 than almost anyone else in the world. We were involved in / organized World IPv6 Day & World IPv6 Launch. Virtually all Google services have been available over IPv6 for a decade plus. Most of our networks are IPv6-only - for example our datacenter wired, primary corp office & guest (GoogleGuest) wifi networks are IPv6-only (relying on DNS64 & 464XLAT for connectivity to IPv4 only resources). We run a public DNS64 service. Etc...
(btw. we're *far* from the only top10 company running ipv6-only corp/guest wifi networks)
We *are* anti-NAT66 - because it defeats the entire purpose of having IPv6's larger address space and thus end-to-end addressing (which is a huge simplification for application developers, no need for STUN, etc).
IPv6 with NAT66 is not meaningfully better than IPv4 (with NAT44).
As such you might as well just run an IPv4 only network (in practice since IPv6 is still only ~45% deployed, everything is available over IPv4 anyway, and will continue to be for another decade or longer).
We *are* anti-DHCPv6 (non-PD) - simply because it's a bad protocol. Among other reasons, because in *practice* (as usually implemented) it forces a single IP per device (which then results in needing NAT66 for VMs). But also because DHCPv6 is a pull and not push model, which results in no possibility to do network prefix renumbering (which due to no NAT, and using public IPv6 addresses on end devices, is quite commonly needed, for example when a cablemodem reconnects and gets a new IPv6 prefix from the upstream ISP). Etc... This has all been mentioned previously (in this bug and elsewhere)...
DHCPv6 relies on IPv6 RAs (for IPv6 route propagation), yet delivers little to no value beyond what the RAs themselves can already provide (via SLAAC, RDNSS, DNSSL, PREF64, etc). Indeed by virtue of duplicating information, it potentially introduces confusion (which set of DNS servers should you use?).
Thus DHCPv6 serves little to no purpose. This is *especially* true on consumer devices Android runs on (phones/tablets/watches/TVs).
Android (and ChromeOS) works fine on dualstack and ipv6-only IPv6 networks, provided they're SLAAC enabled (which is a single bit in the RA) and provide RDNSS information. <> #429
Clearly DHCPv6 is providing some purpose there. <> #430
section 15.11.
On Mon, Jan 6, 2025, 6:40 AM <> wrote: <> #431
I understand your position that your team does not want to enable a way that NAT66 comes to pass. And if DHCPv6 only handed out IP addresses and DNS information, you would have me investing more time in getting out of my comfort zone and at least trying it out some more. However, DHCPv6 does more than hand out IP addresses and DNS. Option codes are used to support multiple services on a corporate (in my case, manufacturing) network. IP Phone config (SIP), Time Server (NTP), netboot/PXEboot config, and Wireless AP config (CAPWAP) to name a few. If I need to set up a DHCP server to handle these and other protocols, I would like to take advantage of the other features of the server and consolidate to minimize config sprawl.
So, since I have to have a DHCPv6 server, why would someone in my position want to have to take care of a second protocol that:
A. Only hands out IP addresses (and seemed to had to have DNS bolted to it as an after thought),
B. Has to be managed on the individual routers / switches at a port / layer3 level instead of a central location,
C. That out of the myriad of operating systems out there, only Android requires in order to get dynamic IPv6 addresses?
And before anyone is wondering why an android system would ever be wanted on a corporate network, tablets with control/diagnostic software are handy for line leads on our manufacturing floor. Even though all of the systems in question theoretically support IPv6, Android tablets need to be statically assigned in order for our use case to work. So, even though I would like to get our facility to using mostly IPv6, the manufacturing lines will stay on IPv4 for the time being. <> #432
It seemed to me that Google's vision outlined in post #428 is somewhat limited to specific WiFi-guest scenarios, disregarding the existence of much more complex environments in other sectors, such as telecommunications, industry and education. Perhaps it also disregards the fact that most of the real world is not a billion-dollar company that can invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in modern equipment.
And this is a serious problem that certainly explains why IPv6 has not yet taken hold or is even considered in many companies.
Many scenarios require addressing control, DHCP "options", and more complex configurations that only DHCP6 offers. Entire solutions (WiFi, VoIP, boot) are built on top of these options. Today, we have Android in various types of devices, electronic time recorders, corporate tablets with legacy systems. The real world requires DHCPv6 and Google should be more aware of this than concerned with ideologies that make NAT66 difficult. The ones who should be concerned about this are the administrators, who know their niche and the specificities they deal with on a daily basis.
I'm glad you're involved in this discussion, and I ask that you look outside the Google bubble. Just because it makes sense to you or works for you on your guest Wi-Fi network doesn't mean this solution is the best and should be applied worldwide.
Consider the initial posting date of this topic and the number of administrators who suffer from the same problem. It seems that something is not right in your approach to user feedback. <> #433 Restricted+ <> #434
user feedback
Here's my feedback as a user:
As an Android user, what good is to me NAT66 / non-PD DHCPv6 ? I might as well be using IPv4 (i.e. NAT44).
I care about IPv6 only if it brings me some substantial and reliable benefits, like end-to-end addressing, no need for STUN, etc. I want to avoid anti-features, like single IP per device, etc. <> #435
Many scenarios require addressing control, DHCP "options", and more complex configurations that only DHCP6 offers. Entire solutions (WiFi, VoIP, boot) are built on top of these options. Today, we have Android in various types of devices, electronic time recorders, corporate tablets with legacy systems. The real world requires DHCPv6 [...]
Ok, but Android does not support these less-common options even in DHCPv4 (despite supporting DHCPv4). So I don't think that the lack of these options is a barrier to IPv6 deployment. <> #436
As for centralized network management: we do understand that network administrators are accustomed to using DHCPv6 for centralized address allocation and forensics. Android will soon provide ways to make that easier without using IA_NA. For example:
- Android will soon support networks that use DHCPv6 PD for IPv6 address allocation, see
andRFC 9663 , which will be an RFC shortly.draft-ietf-6man-pio-pflag - Work is in progress on an implementation of
, which will allows the device to inform the network of the IPv6 addresses that it is using.RFC 9686
We realize that these don't perfectly map to what networks do in IPv4 today, and the documents above do explain this (though RFC 9663 is actually very close). However, it's also true that what people do in IPv4 today relies on NAT44. Moving from "NAT everywhere" to "end-to-end connectivity everywhere" generally does require changes in how addresses are allocated and updated. <> #437
The whole IPv6 networking team of Android needs to let go. Instead of adding simple support for DHCPv6 they keep coming up with these stupid RFCs, all people wanted is to get connected to a corporate network, do their office job and be done with it but Android really had to create a problem for every one. <> #438
However, since people are jailing Android devices to IPv4 only networks due to no DHCPv6, you are at least partially anti-IPv6 too.
Especially since this has been going on for over a decade.
This whole thing resembles a filibuster. <> #439
So, since I have to have a DHCPv6 server, why would someone in my position want to have to take care of a second protocol
Because you need to, DHCPv6 does not work without RA anyway as it has no way to push routes. It is DHCPv6 that is the optional addition, and RA which is the base standard. DHCPv6 is intended to provide optional things (eg TFTP server, PD etc) that RA does not, and the vast majority of Android devices have no use for any of these option.
There are many other devices which do not support DHCPv6, for instance Linux has support for RA in the kernel but requires an optional userland process for DHCPv6. There are a huge number of embedded devices which use a Linux kernel with IPv6 and RA enabled but omit the userland DHCPv6 service (or provide no way to configure it).
In asia you have many ISPs that delegate their customers only a single /64, if android supported DHCPv6 have no doubt that these customers would delegate an even smaller range. <> #440
We (Google and the people working for it - especially Lorenzo) have done more to promote IPv6 than almost anyone else in the world.
This is great and commendable, but OT could i please request you pass some other suggestions for IPv6 promotion up the chain.
- have android/chrome report helpful error messages if trying to access an IPv6-only site from a legacy network - currently users will just think the site is down.
- have android/chrome report what type of connectivity is available (eg full dual stack, legacy only etc) with a link to a detailed FAQ page - ie make users aware of ipv6 and why they need it, get them to demand it from their isps or factor v6 support in when choosing or configuring an isp. Windows already does this to a limited degree in the interface properties, but without a user friendly description or FAQ.
- release beta services as ipv6-only and publicise the fact, services in beta are intended for a limited audience anyway so restricting them to ~45% of the world would be no bad thing, and would again encourage users to request ipv6 from their isp or consider the availability of ipv6 when choosing an isp.
With a good push from someone as large as Google, IPv6 deployment should accelerate rapidly and everyone can benefit - especially developing countries that are currently a dystopian landscape of multiple nat layers, captchas and outright bans from sites. <> #441
on wifi networks with expensive data plan (not only in hotspots).
How to do that in ipv6-only network?
On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 2:31 AM <> wrote: <> #442
Work is in progress on an implementation of RFC 9686, which will allows the device to inform the network of the IPv6 addresses that it is using.
Can you provide any kind of report on the progress of that work? When is it scheduled to land into Android such that we will see it on devices?
Are there any tickets tracking and documenting this work that we can refer to? <> #443
We (Google and the people working for it - especially Lorenzo) have done more to promote IPv6 than almost anyone else in the world.
The arrogance of this statement is simply astounding, but what should I expect from a company that decided it was a good idea to remove "www" and "m" from URLs, not realizing the security implications that might pose. I guess because IPv6 expertise is a significantly smaller niche, the backlash has been limited enough that you decide to proceed anyway with your flawed understanding of use cases. I'm sorry, but Google and the people working for it, especially Lorenzo, have been an active hindrance to IPv6 adoption in certain niches. You've done a lot to help, but you've also done a lot to hinder. History will decide if you were a net a benefit to the protocol adoption (and my personal opinion is that you are a net benefit), but until them instead of making dismissive statements, can you please focus on the problem at hand?
As for centralized network management: we do understand that network administrators are accustomed to using DHCPv6 for centralized address allocation and forensics. Android will soon provide ways to make that easier without using IA_NA. For example:
The fact that you have only just came up with a solution that seems to the concerns here via RFC9663 and RFC9686 considering the age of this issue is a huge problem. Google should have used its considerable resources and industry connections to form a working group to hash out these standards a decade ago when you identified the problem, instead of deploying a half baked solution and frustrating thousands of administrators worldwide. Possibly even reaching out to people who commented on this very issue to ask for their inclusion in the working group. Your lack of co-operation with the community is such that administrators need to not only wait for you to finally implement the client side support, and for other operating systems to adopt this, but also for router software to include support for these features, meaning that it is still likely 5 years away before their administrators get relief, assuming that everyone co-operates and back-ports are provided where needed. Google needs to recognize this reality, and ensure that you close the gaps rather than leaving them open for another decade.
You should not have held the protocol over peoples heads the way you did, and since you were unwilling to compromise on IA_NA support, you should have spearheaded a working group to hash out these issues. Options were provided how to provide intermediate solutions, such as IA_NA support but limiting it to certain classes of network, or preventing certain applications (like tethering) from operating under an IA_NA network. I hope that in 2025 you properly engage with the IPv6 community rather than the dismissive attitude and almost open hostility you have displayed on this issue thus far. For example:
Ok, but Android does not support these less-common options even in DHCPv4 (despite supporting DHCPv4). So I don't think that the lack of these options is a barrier to IPv6 deployment.
And yet it supports Option 43 "ANDROID_METERED", not to mention there are a number of desk phones, like those by the vendor Yealink that also use DHCP Option 43 and 66 in order to configure themselves. While I'm not sure on the specifics of how they maintain compatibility with these options, they probably maintain a custom fork, this still does not bode well for someone trying to have a productive conversation with you. Please stop making broad assumptions about how Android is deployed in the real world, and listen. You have demonstrated with RFC9663 and RFC9686 that you are capable of taking on feedback and coming up with a solution, but this highlighted comment shows that you take a considerable amount of convincing before anyone can engage in a productive dialogue with you.
I hope so see more progress in this area in 2025, and watch this thread and other developments. <> #444
A legitimate use case is: adb connect Pixel-9.lan:42553
, or any local p2p protocol, over an IPv6-only network.
When this feature is implemented correctly, the behaviour should be as follows:
- Upon receiving an ICMPv6 Router Advertisement with the Managed flag set, Android should start a DHCPv6 client in stateful mode. In this mode it should request both an address (IA_NA), as well as other configuration data (including, but not limited to, a list of recursive DNS servers). The DHCPv6 client should be left running, to ensure Renew/Rebind transactions are started when the T1/T2 timers expire.
- Upon receiving an ICMPv6 Router Advertisement with the OtherConfig flag set and the Managed flag unset, Android should start a DHCPv6 client in stateless mode (using a Information-Request transaction). In this mode it should only request configuration data that are not addresses (for example, a list of recursive DNS servers). Again, the DHCPv6 client should be left running, to ensure Renew/Rebind transactions are started when the T1/T2 timers expire.
This feature is required in order for Android to fully support IPv6 on the WiFi interface.
I have confirmed that this feature is missing as of Android 4.0.2 (on a stock Samsung Galaxy Nexus).