Status Update
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #2
Yes, I agree with the issue mentioned here. I have tried searching for apps that could disable power button when screen is locked. I found one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nezdroid.lockscreenprotector
but its just a workaround which will disable the menu from appearing but it wont stop anyone from holding down the power button till the phone is switched off.
This should be a very basic functionality of any phone. WHats the use of lock and patterns and face recognition and all this bullshit when anyone can take your phone and just hold the power button, boot into recovery and factory reset...done its his device now..unless you go after tracing IMEI ..don't know where you will trace it..iPhone has password lock for power button...Android must provide it too..
but its just a workaround which will disable the menu from appearing but it wont stop anyone from holding down the power button till the phone is switched off.
This should be a very basic functionality of any phone. WHats the use of lock and patterns and face recognition and all this bullshit when anyone can take your phone and just hold the power button, boot into recovery and factory reset...done its his device now..unless you go after tracing IMEI ..don't know where you will trace it..iPhone has password lock for power button...Android must provide it too..
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #3
The best option would be an app that prevents airplane mode to be switched on, and take and upload a picture of the front camera every time a user tries to switch it on.
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #4
Thanks for sharing the link Sachinth! The app works well with my Nexus 4 to prevent the power button being used when the screen lock is on. My phone cannot be turned to airplane mode or turned off while the screen is locked. From reading about the app it seems preventing power off only works on some phones, but it does work for the Nexus 4. I'm surprised this work-around is all that is available (or all that I could find).
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #5
Thanks this app is working fine
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #6
I like the idea of a pin code for airplane mode. I'd also like to be able to specifically grant access to certain apps to airplane mode. I use it frequently and its a pain to turn it off and on.
jd...@gmail.com <jd...@gmail.com> #7
Yes, this is a whole issue on Android security and users privacy. I can't understand how Android doesn't give us an option to avoid the mobile to be switched off when it is locked. It makes easy to the thieves to jump over any anti thief app. The app mentioned by sachinth doesn't avoid to switch off the mobile (my Moto G at least) by pushing the power button during 5 seconds.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #8
For devices with batteries, what's to stop the individual from pulling the battery and powering down the device? Holding the power button down for 10 seconds should power off any phone, regardless of whether it's locked or anything.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #9
Yes i cant understand why android do not disable power off and airplane mode when is locked... Please! Last week my nexus 5 was stolen and the guy The first thing he did was power off mantaining 8 seconds botton POWER... So i cant located it.
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #10
Imagine a Nexus which needs authorization both to shutdown, turn on airplane mode, enter recovery, fastboot or even enter download mode (where you use that LG Flash Tool).
That would simplify the whole process of tracking.
Bonus: And what about the Location settings....
If you turn off location..."Android Device Manager" stops working...instead off temporarily bypass this setting. Come on...this is ADB, must rule the phone rules trying to find it.
That would simplify the whole process of tracking.
Bonus: And what about the Location settings....
If you turn off location..."Android Device Manager" stops working...instead off temporarily bypass this setting. Come on...this is ADB, must rule the phone rules trying to find it.
re...@gmail.com <re...@gmail.com> #11
my note 3 lost and i cant find it. how to trace even this phone is in plane mode?
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #12
If a phone is locked with a pin. Then changing ANY state should require the entry of a pin including wiping apps data, cache and uninstalling (in case of security programs and device communication and location states).
ar...@gmail.com <ar...@gmail.com> #13
So airplane mode is gone from the power menu in Lollipop... but you can now pull down quick settings even when the lock screen is on and toggle it from there. Or just turn off Wi-Fi and data.
ac...@gmail.com <ac...@gmail.com> #14
whats the point of having a pin code / secure screen lock if you can disable/alter wifi/airplane mode etc.
it kinda defeats the point of the lock.
also I've noticed when tapping airplane mode after a second or two i see the main phone home screen for a few second, odd...
it kinda defeats the point of the lock.
also I've noticed when tapping airplane mode after a second or two i see the main phone home screen for a few second, odd...
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #15
[Comment deleted]
ac...@gmail.com <ac...@gmail.com> #16
I can still toggle them on v5
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #17
I agree, this needs to be addressed!
ny...@gmail.com <ny...@gmail.com> #18
[Comment deleted]
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #19
I hate to pollute this thread any further, but +1's and I agree's and Me too's should not be posted to the comments. If you would like to see this issue addressed, please star the issue (at the top of the page, to the left of the issue number) and follow the progress.
Again, sorry for having to spam the comment thread.
Again, sorry for having to spam the comment thread.
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #20
Yes there needs to be some kind of added security with this for users that want it cause its way to easy to access if it gets lost or stolen
bl...@gmail.com <bl...@gmail.com> #21
Needs to be adressed ASAP! A HUGE security flaw!!
jw...@gmail.com <jw...@gmail.com> #22
Yes, huge security issue. I also dislike how I have to swipe to put my pin in. Google,GIVE ME SOME FREAKING CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS FOR MY LOCK SCREEN.
dn...@gmail.com <dn...@gmail.com> #23
It's pointless having a locked lock screen and a phone who can be turned off.
Having a locked lock screen does not give you any added protection against theft.
The new behavior is definitely not a thread nor an issue.
Having a locked lock screen does not give you any added protection against theft.
The new behavior is definitely not a thread nor an issue.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #24
Have to agree with this. I was searching for the option to disable/customize the quick settings from the lock screen as that seemed the most logical thing to have.
Incredible to find out there aren't any. Amazing security flaw/oversight.
Incredible to find out there aren't any. Amazing security flaw/oversight.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #25
I have to disagree with #23. This new behaviour is making it easier and should be changed back. Maybe only allow it when a user doesn't have locked the lockscreen.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #26
I'm still running 4.4 as my Nexus 4 has yet to get the update.
As I've just found out about this issue, I'm truly considering NOT to even upgrade to Lollipop.
From my pov there's two different things here:
1) Having the phone locked and the chance to power it off ... well, that's possible anyways by crashing it.
2) Having the phone locked and the chance to "cut it off the outside world" ... that's a bit of a bigger deal.
Why? While being powered on, a possible thief has any time to crack the passphrase, get access using a usb connection, etc ...
The passcode we put to 'secure' our phones shall save them from unauthorised access, this new "feature" provides after all more possibilities for thieves to get access.
As I've just found out about this issue, I'm truly considering NOT to even upgrade to Lollipop.
From my pov there's two different things here:
1) Having the phone locked and the chance to power it off ... well, that's possible anyways by crashing it.
2) Having the phone locked and the chance to "cut it off the outside world" ... that's a bit of a bigger deal.
Why? While being powered on, a possible thief has any time to crack the passphrase, get access using a usb connection, etc ...
The passcode we put to 'secure' our phones shall save them from unauthorised access, this new "feature" provides after all more possibilities for thieves to get access.
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #27
Well, some points to be noted.
- Not all thief is Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible (Tech Savvy and all)
- The first thing he does is remove the battery (But some phones have non removable battery so oops)
- Other option is to remove the Sim (for which you need special removal tool and the thief won't run around with that in his pockets)
- Last option is to shut down the phone which he can. But the phone WILL be turned on at some point of time. Probably 1 month later? (He won't use it as toilet cleaner after all.. He'll either sell it to a new user to make some money OR use it himself)
But before selling it off he will make sure that he doesn't get caught. He can Reflash a new rom as some would suggest but its not easy. How will he enable USB debugging mode for that? He can't access data until he unlocks his device (needed even to access via computer)
And if he can access the Airplane mode he can get the time to fiddle with the device and never get traced. There are security apps which report Sim change. Or send last location right when the phone turns on.
My point is. Lock everything if a user choses to 'lock'the device.
Right from Lock screen controls, Boot loader access, Recovery mode everything
Put a system wide password.
In case you want Google to listen up on this issue please do Star it. Thanks!
- Not all thief is Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible (Tech Savvy and all)
- The first thing he does is remove the battery (But some phones have non removable battery so oops)
- Other option is to remove the Sim (for which you need special removal tool and the thief won't run around with that in his pockets)
- Last option is to shut down the phone which he can. But the phone WILL be turned on at some point of time. Probably 1 month later? (He won't use it as toilet cleaner after all.. He'll either sell it to a new user to make some money OR use it himself)
But before selling it off he will make sure that he doesn't get caught. He can Reflash a new rom as some would suggest but its not easy. How will he enable USB debugging mode for that? He can't access data until he unlocks his device (needed even to access via computer)
And if he can access the Airplane mode he can get the time to fiddle with the device and never get traced. There are security apps which report Sim change. Or send last location right when the phone turns on.
My point is. Lock everything if a user choses to 'lock'the device.
Right from Lock screen controls, Boot loader access, Recovery mode everything
Put a system wide password.
In case you want Google to listen up on this issue please do Star it. Thanks!
dn...@gmail.com <dn...@gmail.com> #28
[Comment deleted]
dn...@gmail.com <dn...@gmail.com> #29
Step 1) Every device can ben shut off only long pressing the power button;
Step 2) Every device can be used in places where there is no cellular signal;
Step 3) Every device can be erased without the need of being completely booted with cellular line activated.
So, any argument here about "Tom Cruise", "battery", "SIM" is pointless.
The new feature is completely standard and has not to deal with *security*:
Windows Phone — is in this way,
iOS — is in this way,
and yes, finally, Android 5 — is this ways.
End of the story.
I understand the point of #27 about a global lock of the device, but this is another topic and not related to the lock screen.
iOS since the 7 release is in this way, you cannot wipe a device without using the lock password. That's good.
This is the only good deterrent against theft, but this is another story.
Open a ticket about that, that would be a nice discussion. ;)
Step 1) Every device can ben shut off only long pressing the power button;
Step 2) Every device can be used in places where there is no cellular signal;
Step 3) Every device can be erased without the need of being completely booted with cellular line activated.
So, any argument here about "Tom Cruise", "battery", "SIM" is pointless.
The new feature is completely standard and has not to deal with *security*:
Windows Phone — is in this way,
iOS — is in this way,
and yes, finally, Android 5 — is this ways.
End of the story.
I understand the point of #27 about a global lock of the device, but this is another topic and not related to the lock screen.
iOS since the 7 release is in this way, you cannot wipe a device without using the lock password. That's good.
This is the only good deterrent against theft, but this is another story.
Open a ticket about that, that would be a nice discussion. ;)
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #30
@ #29 Yes, it's possible for people to safely steal your device if they take precautions 95% of thieves don't take. For the other 95%, being able to put the device in airplane mode from the lock screen makes it easier. End of story.
We're dealing with the real world, not theory.
We're dealing with the real world, not theory.
dn...@gmail.com <dn...@gmail.com> #31
Airplane mode = Shut off long pressing. This is the real world!
Airplane mode = Shut off long pressing. This is the real world!
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #32
Absolut no settings changes should be allowed if the phone is LOCKED.
mu...@googlemail.com <mu...@googlemail.com> #33
This is somewhat a security risk as it allows unauthorised access to system settings toggles which shouldn't be available if a pattern or pin is enabled.
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #34
Can someone please lock the comments on this thread so this moronic discussion can end?
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #35
This new swipe down from the top of the screen is awful. It is a massive security issue. It is now also slower to unlock my phone as I need to press a padlock symbol then enter my swipe. Can't believe I can't disable it.... Rubbish
ar...@gmail.com <ar...@gmail.com> #36
This needs to be fixed at the earliest to prevent us from completely losing track of the device after it is stolen
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #37
Power off should absolutely be an option when locked, and it has been for as long as I can remember. My phone's screen broke, and I'm glad I didn't have to wait for the battery to drain..
er...@debeertjes.com <er...@debeertjes.com> #38
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #39
#29 In iOS 7+, you have the option to disable the toggles feature from the lock screen. I was surprised that Google let this pass.
Waiting for an update.
Star this issue for support.
Waiting for an update.
Star this issue for support.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #40
i cant belive it @Google... its more easy for the thieves to stole our phones.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #41
Dido #39
Please allow us to customise quick setting.. Look how beautifully iOS did it.. Do better
Please allow us to customise quick setting.. Look how beautifully iOS did it.. Do better
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #42
I lock my phone so nobody can access it. I don't want people to be able to access the settings to turn off things that can track my phone.....
ak...@gmail.com <ak...@gmail.com> #43
Google, please sort this out. I agree with everyone. I don't want anyone to access my notification tray when my phone is PIN locked. At least add the option to allow us to disable it, and we can control the phones however we like.
wh...@gmail.com <wh...@gmail.com> #44
This issue makes my phone unsafe!
wp...@gmail.com <wp...@gmail.com> #45
Volume control is always getting bumped so this sucks.
da...@googlemail.com <da...@googlemail.com> #46
Can't believe how many 'features' introduced in Android 5 are utterly ridiculous. I would expect something so stupid from Microsoft on Windows Phone. Come on Google, put it back to how it was, when it worked sensibly!
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #47
Agree with everyone, I don't want to be able to access settings from my lock screen, or even change the ringer volume. For one its annoying that you discovered that you've silenced your phone unknowingly.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #48
Only showing data connection toggles when not using a secure lockscreen/smart unlocked AND disabling power off from a secure lockscreen.
That is the solution.
That is the solution.
cu...@gmail.com <cu...@gmail.com> #49
If you use a security app to track your phone (ie. Cerberus), it becomes useless if someone can toggle to airplane mode. There should have an option to disable such control when device is locked.
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
rl...@gmail.com <rl...@gmail.com> #50
Obsolete? How is this issue obsolete now? Did I miss something?
mu...@googlemail.com <mu...@googlemail.com> #51
Why has this been marked as obselete??!!!
ci...@gmail.com <ci...@gmail.com> #52
re...@gmail.com <re...@gmail.com> #53
hello? is it fixed now ?
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #54
#53 I get a 403 visiting that link. Did Google do something with it to force down their "obsolete" POV down our throats? WTF??
ci...@gmail.com <ci...@gmail.com> #56
The 403 is because it hasn't been triaged yet.
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #57
Cerberus is the best security app I can think of. You get a week free trial, then a £5 single fee.
pa...@hotmail.com <pa...@hotmail.com> #58
I agree, the lock screen should mean the phone is locked. This would also prevent accidental disabling of the for, say if a child got hold of it.
go...@richardneill.org <go...@richardneill.org> #59
When my phone is locked, it should be completely unresponsive to anything other than the unlock pattern. Otherwise, it is far too easy to accidentally trigger the screen within my trouser pocket. It is an out-and-out bug that the status-bar pulldown etc is not suppressed when the phone is locked. (For that matter, even the emergency dialler should be harder to activate accidentally, because a trouser pocket is constantly causing random touches of the screen, hundreds of times an hour.)
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #60
#60, just curious, why don't you turn of your screen before putting your device into your trousers' pocket?
I initially thought it's a bad design letting the Airplane Mode button in lock screen. But in reality, I use this feature quite often. As mentioned by many above, if the one who picks up your phone and want it to be disconnected to the network, he just needs to power off the phone and pull out the SIM which should only take less than 5 minutes to be done. In this case, will removing this feature give more security? Maybe be yes, but just a tiny more.
Just hope 5.1 (with Device Protection) can reach every Android device.
I initially thought it's a bad design letting the Airplane Mode button in lock screen. But in reality, I use this feature quite often. As mentioned by many above, if the one who picks up your phone and want it to be disconnected to the network, he just needs to power off the phone and pull out the SIM which should only take less than 5 minutes to be done. In this case, will removing this feature give more security? Maybe be yes, but just a tiny more.
Just hope 5.1 (with Device Protection) can reach every Android device.
ri...@gmail.com <ri...@gmail.com> #61
We give our employees company tablets for work and want to avoid the disabling of 4G/wifi which would mean we lose connection to our workforce (sometimes convenient to the workforce). An app locker works great at locking the settings app so nobody can play with the settings - but placing the 'airplane' access right there on the quick settings undermines the whole thing and enables 4G/Wifi disablement despite the app lock. It seems ridiculous you can't at least customise this to remove airplane from everywhere but the actual settings menu.
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #62
Cerberus Anti-Theft can block access to the quick access tool bar and stop the power button from shutting off the device from the lock screen. Just tested on gs6 edge - held down power for 30 seconds. Absolutely no power down. I'd rather see a native setting in Android, so I don't have to run more background services on a device with poor battery life, but this does the job well until then.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #63
@63, For the S6 and S6 edge you have to hold down the volume down and power button to do a hard reboot. Does your Anti Theft still work even if you are holding the volume down and power button?
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #64
@64, You've ruined my hopes and dreams. Tested today, and volume + power does reboot the phone. So it's not as good a workaround as I hoped. That said, from what I've seen so far, it's at least a reboot, meaning the phone does immediately power back on, and I haven't been able to stop it from powering back on. So location services will still come back on. I haven't played with this enough though to tell if I can get it to interrupt that reboot with a full shutdown. Either way, I'm still in the group that says Android needs a native security setting to cover this.
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #65
[Comment deleted]
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #66
In lollipop what is the problem for google to give option to user to disable quick setting from locked screen ? who the hell has decided it. My phone is just partial locked. dont like it
ag...@gmail.com <ag...@gmail.com> #67
I solved it with GravityBox... way to go Google!
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #68
The whole settings should be locked.
I have a Trusted device in the car with smart lock (was Motorola's version in 4.4), and only turn Bluetooth on when in the car, which previously required an unlock to access the toggle.
Now, anybody can activate Bluetooth from toggle menu... and this unlock the phone. NOT SAFE !
I have a Trusted device in the car with smart lock (was Motorola's version in 4.4), and only turn Bluetooth on when in the car, which previously required an unlock to access the toggle.
Now, anybody can activate Bluetooth from toggle menu... and this unlock the phone. NOT SAFE !
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #69
I have the some problem in android 5.1. When in my pocket it often turns on and because quick settings are not blocked (even with pin or other locking mechanism), wi-fi, bluetooth, airplane, etc, are constanly changing on/off because of movement/touch inside the pocket!!!!!!
What an annoyance google, FIX IT!
What an annoyance google, FIX IT!
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #70
Is anyone actually looking into the mater ? Does google really care about its users security ?
im...@gmail.com <im...@gmail.com> #71
I don't think they even care
je...@gmail.com <je...@gmail.com> #72
As long as they have a tool to remove the sim card, burglars can steal your phone. The IMEI blocked lists are good but hey, our phones are like mini tablets nowadays so, still a good thing to steal. They can use it via wifi. With such security options, youll at least keep your phone active for location request for those stupid burglars.
With Automate you can download a code named Intruder photo which will take a photo of somebody who try to unlock your phone and fail. I have modified this code to my need by adding alarm, voice message and notification with the phone number of my helper. Combined with Smart Lockscreen Protector, holding power button will only reboot the phone. So the burglars option would be, remove the sim or battery and enter in boot loader. Thats not that bad if we consider there is a LOT of security flaws in the way Google made their lockscreen. Update would be appreciated.
With Automate you can download a code named Intruder photo which will take a photo of somebody who try to unlock your phone and fail. I have modified this code to my need by adding alarm, voice message and notification with the phone number of my helper. Combined with Smart Lockscreen Protector, holding power button will only reboot the phone. So the burglars option would be, remove the sim or battery and enter in boot loader. Thats not that bad if we consider there is a LOT of security flaws in the way Google made their lockscreen. Update would be appreciated.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #73
Yesterday, in a store, my phone fell out of my bag. When I noticed my GF called but it was not reachable (5min). Also not traceable using android/devicemanager. We went back to that store. Security guy looked at camera footage and found that it was one of their staff who took it. They gave us my phone back.
What a surprise, it was in *airplane mode*. Even thou its Samsung S5 with fingerprint screen lock.
Whats the point of having fingerprint lock if anyone can turn on my expensive phone and switch it off in matter of seconds. I'm SO lucky that I got it back. So lucky..
Please introduce config option to disable quick access to these features!
What a surprise, it was in *airplane mode*. Even thou its Samsung S5 with fingerprint screen lock.
Whats the point of having fingerprint lock if anyone can turn on my expensive phone and switch it off in matter of seconds. I'm SO lucky that I got it back. So lucky..
Please introduce config option to disable quick access to these features!
pl...@gmail.com <pl...@gmail.com> #74
This is an issue for me as well. I'd like something that locks the phone so that I don't accidentally trigger things when locked. Has anyone found a workaround? The most annoying is when the flashlight is triggered and I lose half my battery and my leg because my battery caught fire. OK maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it seems like adding that as an option wouldn't be so hard?
I just noticed this issue was closed. Is there a new thread for this?
I just noticed this issue was closed. Is there a new thread for this?
lo...@gmail.com <lo...@gmail.com> #76
I can highly recommend enabling the System UI Tuner (http://www.androidcentral.com/inside-marshmallow-system-ui-tuner ) - from this, the different problematic options in the fast-access curtain can be removed.
For instance, a good choice would be to remove 'cellular data' and 'airplane mode' so the connection to the phone cannot be disabled.
For instance, a good choice would be to remove 'cellular data' and 'airplane mode' so the connection to the phone cannot be disabled.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #77
I would like to disable my quick settings when the phone has been locked. Currently my movements frequently places the phone in do-not-disturb/airplane mode and turns on the flashlight or wifi when sliding around in my pocket.
There should be an option added to disable the pull-down menu when the phone is in a locked state.
There should be an option added to disable the pull-down menu when the phone is in a locked state.
ye...@gmail.com <ye...@gmail.com> #78
I simply bought Cerberus. It's the best anti-theft app. When the device is locked, you can neither pull down the quick settings nor shut down the device with the power button.
Of course, I still encourage Google to fix this issue in their OS.
Of course, I still encourage Google to fix this issue in their OS.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #79
Not only security. It messes with me every time i answer my phone by headset when it is in my pocket. Turning my flashlight and even geting my phone to airplain mode whitch is so bad when you don't notice it and no one can find you. Google should had fined a way for miSfounctioning quick settings before implimenting it on lock screen.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #80
i was using windows mobile and it only allows any user to enable wi-fi , the rest of the network i.e data,wi-fi,airplane mode are only accessible via a set password.
pr...@gmail.com <pr...@gmail.com> #81
This issue has become even more accessible now that Android has evolved to 7, i.e. Nougat. It's just simply accessible from the notification shade. I think this is a cheap marketing trick to make users buy smartphones more often. Of all the OEMs Google was the last one that I expected this from....😠😡😤
gi...@gmail.com <gi...@gmail.com> #82
4years gone , still problem not fixed. Very bad impact. People use pattern/pin lock to avoid misuse by other person, airplane mode still accessible. Kindly fix ASAP.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #83
samsung actually fixed this in touchwiz. amazing google can't get something so obvious right and refuses to fix
su...@gmail.com <su...@gmail.com> #84
I don't want to allow others to access my notification panel when I locked my phone. Google please give a solution (lollipop)
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #85
In latest Oreo 8.1 there is new confirm dialog to switch on/off mobile data which is accessible only after unlock.
So attacker cannot turn off internet connection - which is a good thing!
In quick settings I removed airplane toggle, so this is solved too...
Attacker can still turn my phone off to avoid any detection... but then phone is fully encrypted and data should be quite safe.
It would be nice if restart/shutdown/restart to safe mode was available only after unlock (some setting could have enforce this behavior).
So attacker cannot turn off internet connection - which is a good thing!
In quick settings I removed airplane toggle, so this is solved too...
Attacker can still turn my phone off to avoid any detection... but then phone is fully encrypted and data should be quite safe.
It would be nice if restart/shutdown/restart to safe mode was available only after unlock (some setting could have enforce this behavior).
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #86
@85 - NO these do not "fix" or "solve" the issue. Removing options from the quick settings drop down just makes normal use more difficult. Yay, you removed airplane mode, so it can't be accessed from the lock screen. That means it ALSO can't be accessed from the quick settings pull down when the phone is unlocked.
iOS has had the option to disable quick settings access when the phone is locked literally for years. This is one security issue where Android needs parity, stat. Absolutely ridiculous that almost five years on this still isn't corrected. This is a security fault, plain and simple.
iOS has had the option to disable quick settings access when the phone is locked literally for years. This is one security issue where Android needs parity, stat. Absolutely ridiculous that almost five years on this still isn't corrected. This is a security fault, plain and simple.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #87
I'm also at lost for words at Google decision to implement this serious security flaw...
or Google's making thieves easy to defeat the device tracking capability if its stolen?
Lock screen nowadays got way too many useless features, might as well just remove the lock screen altogether...
One can access too many things in lock screen... which kinda defeat the purpose of having lock screen..
if I lock my phone & it's on lock screen, I expect I can't do anything with my phone unless unlocked.
That's it, no ability to toggle bunch of things or shut it down.... or launch camera, etc etc etc....
or Google's making thieves easy to defeat the device tracking capability if its stolen?
Lock screen nowadays got way too many useless features, might as well just remove the lock screen altogether...
One can access too many things in lock screen... which kinda defeat the purpose of having lock screen..
if I lock my phone & it's on lock screen, I expect I can't do anything with my phone unless unlocked.
That's it, no ability to toggle bunch of things or shut it down.... or launch camera, etc etc etc....
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #88
remember old feature phone?
if it's locked, one can only dial emergency number without putting any password.
Today? kinda like secondary launcher / kids launcher with too many features.
Silly Google!!
if it's locked, one can only dial emergency number without putting any password.
Today? kinda like secondary launcher / kids launcher with too many features.
Silly Google!!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #89
c'mon Google devs!
get your brain straight!
nothing should ever be able to change in LOCKED SCREEN!
except some music widget and camera, it's ok.
but not all settings & toggles, and just telling people to remove the critical part of quick toggles from the panel.
you're not listening to people at all & actually making the devices less secure.
then why having quick settings if we still need to go to settings just to enable wifi/bt?
revert it to pre-LL era, its the best!
or AT LEAST, give an option to toggle it like MIUI 9.
get your brain straight!
nothing should ever be able to change in LOCKED SCREEN!
except some music widget and camera, it's ok.
but not all settings & toggles, and just telling people to remove the critical part of quick toggles from the panel.
you're not listening to people at all & actually making the devices less secure.
then why having quick settings if we still need to go to settings just to enable wifi/bt?
revert it to pre-LL era, its the best!
or AT LEAST, give an option to toggle it like MIUI 9.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #90
Is there any reliable paid app on the play store that works similar to the video for Android 10?
me...@gmail.com <me...@gmail.com> #91
on 12/22/2022: issue 193920125
This is definitely an elusive bug and I have not been able to find a way of reproducing it. Though it happens much less often now, I am still seeing it in TQ1A.221205.011 for raven (Pixel 6 Pro). I last experienced it about a week ago.
Rebooting the device always resolves the problem.
em...@gmail.com <em...@gmail.com> #92
This sounds like a domain problem. Why call it a LOCKED screen when it doesn't necessarily LOCK the device? This is either a misnomer or an implementation problem, and both are considered bugs by any dev that has ever lived.
"Oh but that doesn't stop anyone from pulling the battery yadda yadda"
That's a non-argument. Nothing stops someone from cutting your house from the grid, disabling all security cameras in the process. That doesn't mean they should be able to access switches inside your house and disable your network.
What's the point of "locking" a device? Why do the equivalent of putting your personal router on the sidewalk for all to see? It makes no logical sense.
"Oh but that doesn't stop anyone from pulling the battery yadda yadda"
That's a non-argument. Nothing stops someone from cutting your house from the grid, disabling all security cameras in the process. That doesn't mean they should be able to access switches inside your house and disable your network.
What's the point of "locking" a device? Why do the equivalent of putting your personal router on the sidewalk for all to see? It makes no logical sense.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #93
The status needs to be reconsidered. iOS allows you to disable control center access (among other settings) from the lock screen. This is useful to deter thieves from turning on airplane mode which disables tracking. They might still steal a phone but they won't be able to disable it. They might turn it off but if the plan is to sell it for parts, the person buying it is probably going to want to turn it on to check the condition of the phone. At that moment the phone's last known location should update.
fi...@gmail.com <fi...@gmail.com> #94
LOCKED IS LOCKED! End of story!
LOCKED IS LOCKED! End of story!
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #95
Samsung do that since many years by asking to unlock the phone to do actions like reboot, airplane mode activation, bluetooth or wifi activation etc. Why do not include this possibility in Android stock??
Airplane Mode.
Useful when you dont want to be tracked/bugged/approached.
But can this feature help the person who has your device to use it for a wrong reason?
If he has your device its obvious he doesnt want to be traced in any manner.
And here Airplane mode access in lockscreen without authentication comes into play.
Its so simple.
Steal the device> Switch on the screen> Activate Airplane mode and thats it! You are untraceable> Get away with the device, perform all sorts of unlock attempts...
Having airplane mode, you remove the sim,dont remove it hardly matters.
All security apps (such as location based ones which are most important in tracking ur device gets useless).
Nor can any authority do anything until the device has been taken to whichever corner of the planet, being experimented with, sold or god knows what and a new sim is inserted by a new owner.
Only then it can be traced by an IMEI number.
But could all this be stopped?
Yes! Definitely!
To keep the device connected if the user is not the Authentic one.
Its a nice option that user gets an access to Airplane mode right from the lock screen. But atleast some verification?
Say just a 2 digit password?? (with limited trying attempts off course)
or pattern?
just any kind?
If a device is being lost/stolen/fallen into the wrong hands... the device will be traceable till the battery is inside, and till the phone is switched on.
What if the user removes sim? or no wifi network?
Still! The GPS can work even thats enough.
And if if the battery is removed, the time its switched on, the network will work (mobile data, SMS), the gps will work, security apps can do something.
I understand that there are huge varities of hardware to run android. Even some with have external SD, removable battery.
But that's hardware's limitation.
This should not put Android Platform as a whole under the issue.
Android should do whatever it can to protect the users, Hardware is a different issue alltogether.
The permission for Airplane mode access and Recovery mode access is totally Android's issue.
I own 3 Nexus devices too (All have Android 4.2.2)
All have non removable battery...And no SD card slot too...Also the sim cannot be removed on the spot as it'll require the ejection tool (nexus 4)
But still I'm worried for my devices because of the Airplane Mode access.
Even if the device is powered off...the moment it'll be switched on, the user can disable all network communications.
Using the airplane mode, he might not power off the device at all. that too straight from the lockscreen.
That ways my security apps are a failure.
They cant trace anything , receive codes by SMS, or anything to trace the lost device.
until he cant access airplane mode, he cant really do anything with the device..even if he sells it, removes the sim, he still cant fiddle with it.