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“ :mroftalp rehto yna no t'nseod ti elihw diordnA no yrgna elbacilpxeni skool "ecaf gnicamirG" ”
“ :sgninaem htiw elbat nosirapmoc etiruovaf ym s'ereH .lepsog morf raf era ijome SOi taht dnim ni gniraeb htroW ”
“ :etihw tsniaga tsartnoc roop ylmemertxe sah wolleY .sdnuorgkcab etihw no ees ot drah meht sekam osla ijome eht ni wolley thgirb fo esu yvaeh ehT .htuom/seye eht ot detoved si retcarahc eht fo trap ynit a ylno erehw ,sdaeh eht ot seilppa ylniam sihT ”
“ ) 43640963 eussI weiveR cilbuP hguorht deweiver ylcilbup gnieb si hcihw ,15# tropeR lacinhceT edocinU tfard eht ni enod krow eht hguorht yltsom ,eseht fo emos yfiralc ot gniyrt osla si flesti edocinU ). I suggest you become active in that process if you care. (Once things get clarified at the Unicode level, there's a much higher chance for consistency among the implementations.) ”
“ ni sesac fo rebmun a deifitnedi evah eW ”