Status Update
nm...@gmail.com <nm...@gmail.com> #2
This is per design; in order to know if a user has the Chromecast extension installed (and which one), cast_sender.js requests the script from all potentially installed extensions.
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #3
This is terrible coding.
nm...@gmail.com <nm...@gmail.com> #4
This is amateurish at best, incompetent at worst. It's bad and Chrome developers should feel bad.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #5
at least keep the console free of errors...
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #6
Also I don't think you need to revoke manually if you grant it through the flags.
ck...@gmail.com <ck...@gmail.com> #7
This would be about 3 lines of code to fix. I'm very surprised Chromecast team considers it reasonable to dump a long list of error messages in the vast majority of people's browsers, ie > 99% of users of a typical web app are either using another browser or using Chrome but without Chromecast, and this will aversely affect all of them.
"Don’t leave “broken windows” (bad designs, wrong decisions, or poor code) unrepaired. Fix each one as soon as it is discovered." [1]. By routinely dumping error messages in almost everyone's consoles as if it were a normal situation, you are encouraging developers and users to ignore error messages instead of taking them seriously, as they should do, and you are making it impossible for developers to attain a pristine error log.
"Don’t leave “broken windows” (bad designs, wrong decisions, or poor code) unrepaired. Fix each one as soon as it is discovered." [1]. By routinely dumping error messages in almost everyone's consoles as if it were a normal situation, you are encouraging developers and users to ignore error messages instead of taking them seriously, as they should do, and you are making it impossible for developers to attain a pristine error log.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
This is ridiculous and very annoying. I dont want to see this error every time when developing.
Please fix!
Please fix!
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #9
Agree with all comments above. Please fix!
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #10
Very annoying for me too. Trying to fix a bug in a program and it took me a while to figure out that this wasn't part of the bug and wasn't something I was doing.
Here is a small repro project:
Running on N5 4.4.4 KTU84P
(This repro has the com.google.android.GoogleCamera package hardcoded for use with grantUriPermission, so when you tap "with grantUriPermission" you need to use that app to handle the intent.)
Observe that tapping "with grantUriPermission" allows you to take a photo in response to the "android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE" intent and a supplied URI to a path to write the captured photo, and that photo is displayed in the activity.
Observe that tapping "with setFlags" results in a permission error after the image is captured. (Stack attached.) (And the captured photo is not displayed in the activity.)
Looks like this code is mostly Jeff Sharkey. If you're out there Jeff would you take a look at this?
A couple relevant SO questions: