Status Update
al...@android.com <al...@android.com> #2
"splitActionBarWhenNarrow" is no longer support in L.
ku...@gmail.com <ku...@gmail.com> #3
any alternatives? i fount the android.[support.v7.]widget.Toolbar but until now i didn't found a way to use its full space for menu items. any hint would be nice.
this definitely breaks the appearance of my app. :(
this definitely breaks the appearance of my app. :(
ku...@gmail.com <ku...@gmail.com> #4
when using showAsAction="always" isntead of "ifRoom" the desired elements show up in my toolbar, but left aligned and not with shared width of the toolbar. :(
ch...@google.com <ch...@google.com> #5
Have a look at using ActionMenuView instead of Toolbar. It's the widget which Toolbar uses to show actions.
ad...@android.com <ad...@android.com> #6
That's right, split action bars are out of fashion, floating action buttons are in. :)
ku...@gmail.com <ku...@gmail.com> #7
@chris i tried to get ActionMenuView working, but what ever i tried there was nothing visible on the device.
i got it working now by subclassing Toolbar and setting params.width to match_parent for the ActionMenuView used there to have the full size. to get the items shown i need i set showAsAction to always after inflation for that toolbar. it might be not the best way/cleanest code, but at least it works.
Yeah, floating action buttons are cool, but for my app not applicable.https://lh4.ggpht.com/aDsTOXY9sRVPGadZz_4jJKOJkyUN0XZcxTSwG8taPZidZMAst3p-WBEKg8kpW0iBejA=h900
i got it working now by subclassing Toolbar and setting params.width to match_parent for the ActionMenuView used there to have the full size. to get the items shown i need i set showAsAction to always after inflation for that toolbar. it might be not the best way/cleanest code, but at least it works.
Yeah, floating action buttons are cool, but for my app not applicable.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #8
so i guess also new ActionBar compat will not support splitting right?
ku...@gmail.com <ku...@gmail.com> #9
#9: with some (ugly?) tricks it is possible.
here is a gist of what i have done to get it work for now...https://gist.github.com/dodgex/7bc81fd2cbb70a8d5117
here is a gist of what i have done to get it work for now...
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #10
[Comment deleted]
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #11
Sorry, but not in fashion? floating is in? I thought this was more about function than fashion? So my email app used to have an action bar at the bottom when selecting mail and deciding what to do with it. Instead of having the action bar right at my fingertips, I now have to reach all the way to the top of my 5.5" screen to select an action?
How does this make design sense? What's the rationale for making the flow so disjointed especially on larger devices? This new design is about the most one handed unfriendly change I've seen. And you didn't just give the option of either, you just blindly took it away. Way to go....
And there I was blaming the developer for making stupid UI decisions like he never used his own app before. Instead it's Google's fault for out thinking itself.
How does this make design sense? What's the rationale for making the flow so disjointed especially on larger devices? This new design is about the most one handed unfriendly change I've seen. And you didn't just give the option of either, you just blindly took it away. Way to go....
And there I was blaming the developer for making stupid UI decisions like he never used his own app before. Instead it's Google's fault for out thinking itself.
km...@gmail.com <km...@gmail.com> #12
Re: #12 - if the name of your email app starts with an "A" and then a "q" and then a "u", you can turn off the floating action button if you use one of the old themes (not the new material theme), and this will restore the icon bar to the bottom, and yes, it works even on 5.0.
App settings -> look and feel
( I'm talking about an an email app that goes "A"... "q"... "u"... )
App settings -> look and feel
( I'm talking about an an email app that goes "A"... "q"... "u"... )
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #13
More like K with an @. And I'm going to have to find a new app if I have to keep reaching to the top of my screen to do anything. Sorry I paid for it now.
Might have to give Neptune's cousin a try.
Might have to give Neptune's cousin a try.
ad...@android.com <ad...@android.com> #14
The option still exists and is respected as it always was for Holo themes for compatibility with existing apps. The split action bar pattern is not part of Material.
Activity with android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" and Material theme.
Run in a phone-sized (narrow, e.g. 480*800 hdpi) emulator.
Action bar placed on the bottom of the screen.
Action bar is not placed on the bottom of the screen.
And even worse than that:
The top action bar only has room for the Overflow and *one* "showActionAs" icon. Not even two, just one.
Reported earlier here: