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[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
Totally agree, could be very useful, I'm making an app and I have this particular
google.maps.event.addListener(polygon, 'mousemove', function(event) {
// ...
But this is also triggering the event 'mousemove' of the map itself that I need to
use for something else.
In Google Maps v2 you could do things like:
GEvent.bind(map, 'click', this, function(overlay, latlng, overlayLatlng) {
if (overlay) {return;} ...
But in v3 we don't have the "overlay" parameter anymore ...
By the way, don't you have an equivalent of the "bind" function in v3?, I've needed
to create a closure myself to pass a "binded" function to the events.
google.maps.event.addListener(polygon, 'mousemove', function(event) {
// ...
But this is also triggering the event 'mousemove' of the map itself that I need to
use for something else.
In Google Maps v2 you could do things like:
GEvent.bind(map, 'click', this, function(overlay, latlng, overlayLatlng) {
if (overlay) {return;} ...
But in v3 we don't have the "overlay" parameter anymore ...
By the way, don't you have an equivalent of the "bind" function in v3?, I've needed
to create a closure myself to pass a "binded" function to the events. <> #3
I am also having this issue when trying to set the background to a Drawable with CardView.setBackground(). This worked fine with the 21.0.0-rc-1 version of the CardView support library, but not with 21.0.0. <> #4
Confirming this as well.
Changing the cardview background programmatically causes an IllegalClassCastException in -->
private RoundRectDrawableWithShadow getShadowBackground(CardViewDelegate cardView) {
return ((RoundRectDrawableWithShadow) cardView.getBackground());
Could be me, but shouldn't getShadowBackground() only return Drawable? That way we would have to cast RoundRectDrawableWithShadow to elevation and radius getters and setters, but it would fix this issue.
Changing the cardview background programmatically causes an IllegalClassCastException in -->
private RoundRectDrawableWithShadow getShadowBackground(CardViewDelegate cardView) {
return ((RoundRectDrawableWithShadow) cardView.getBackground());
Could be me, but shouldn't getShadowBackground() only return Drawable? That way we would have to cast RoundRectDrawableWithShadow to elevation and radius getters and setters, but it would fix this issue. <> <> #5
I've put a hack in my code to get around this issue, but would really like proper
support for it. Either pass the overlay into the event handler (as was done in v2), or
the stop propagation idea proposed above. However, right now the map event is
triggered before the overlay event. That would need to be reversed.
(And sorry for the 2 duplicate issues. I was suffering from a Google Chrome bug when I
filed 2272/2273.)
support for it. Either pass the overlay into the event handler (as was done in v2), or
the stop propagation idea proposed above. However, right now the map event is
triggered before the overlay event. That would need to be reversed.
(And sorry for the 2 duplicate issues. I was suffering from a Google Chrome bug when I
filed 2272/2273.) <> #6
Same think with click event :
- I add click event to my map object
- I add click event on a polyline object
If I click on polyline, first callback is map click, and polyline click comes after
- I add click event to my map object
- I add click event on a polyline object
If I click on polyline, first callback is map click, and polyline click comes after <> #7
dualrudder (or anyone else), how did you get around this issue? <> #8
In my case, the map click needs to issue an AJAX call to get text from the server
versus the polyline click opens an info window immediately. Every time an info window
is opened I increment a counter. The map click call passes the info window count to
the AJAX callback function, and if that value doesn't match the current value the
AJAX handler doesn't open it's info window. Ugly, but it works.
The same thing could be accomplished with a setTimeout instead of an AJAX call.
This issue is a real killer. I hope we get a fix sooner rather than later.
versus the polyline click opens an info window immediately. Every time an info window
is opened I increment a counter. The map click call passes the info window count to
the AJAX callback function, and if that value doesn't match the current value the
AJAX handler doesn't open it's info window. Ugly, but it works.
The same thing could be accomplished with a setTimeout instead of an AJAX call.
This issue is a real killer. I hope we get a fix sooner rather than later.
Dave <> #9
I'm having big problems with this.
What is strange is that everything works fine with markers, that block properly click events from being triggered by the underneath map.
Wouldn't be easy to just extend this masking functionality to polylines? So if a user clicks on a polyline I don't get two different callbacks?
Has anybody found a solution to have the first event (map click) masked, so I can use properly the polyline click event? (I looked at solution by dualruder, but looks like is not useful in the opposite sense).
What is strange is that everything works fine with markers, that block properly click events from being triggered by the underneath map.
Wouldn't be easy to just extend this masking functionality to polylines? So if a user clicks on a polyline I don't get two different callbacks?
Has anybody found a solution to have the first event (map click) masked, so I can use properly the polyline click event? (I looked at solution by dualruder, but looks like is not useful in the opposite sense).
Jac <> #10
Now that the events are reversed, is google have made changes in apis to support stop event propagation? <> #11
i have disabled double click zoom and double click on map creates a marker on map in my app. also i'm adding a double click listener on marker and double click on a marker opens an edit window for marker attributes like name description etc.
somehow i need to be able to prevent event bubbling because double clicking on a marker fires also the map's double click event which ruins the logic here you can guess..
somehow i need to be able to prevent event bubbling because double clicking on a marker fires also the map's double click event which ruins the logic here you can guess.. <> #12
I'm just getting started with google maps API and was having a hard time believing that there wasn't a stop propagation/cancel bubble method for overriding default map behaviors.
Shouldn't there be something like:;
Shouldn't there be something like:;
??? <> #13
[Comment deleted] <> #14
[Comment deleted] <> #15
Did anyone find the answer to stopping event propagation ?
I've just run into the exact problem...
I've just run into the exact problem... <> #16
Anyone know if this issue is going to be resolved? Would be nice to have this functionality. It is possible to stop the propagation of the event in Chrome and IE but Firefox, which doesn't use populate window.event doesn't work.
Would be good to have the event passed as a parameter to the function...
Would be good to have the event passed as a parameter to the function... <> #17
i was able to do this with a simple workaround:
in my overlay click callback function I disabilited the double click zoom:
and i added a dblclick listener to the map:
in this way the map doesn't zoom when i click on my overlay, but only when i actually want it to do it
in my overlay click callback function I disabilited the double click zoom:
and i added a dblclick listener to the map:
in this way the map doesn't zoom when i click on my overlay, but only when i actually want it to do it <> #18
Now, you can use event.stop() <> #19
Not sure this has been implemented properly. I'm calling event.stop(); in an event handler triggered by dblclick and it still applies the zoom. <> #20
Well I noticed an interesting use of `apply` in the InfoBox overlay example code. Why not go with the flow?
InfoBox.prototype.createElement = function() {
// Stuff
var thiz = this;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(closeImg, 'click',
function(event) {
// Pass `event` in after explicitly
// setting the callee's `this`
return thiz.removeInfoBox.apply(thiz, [event]);
InfoBox.prototype.removeInfoBox = function(e) {
// Now we have: this instanceof InfoBox === true
// Go ahead and massacre those bubbles
e.cancelBubble = true;
if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;
InfoBox.prototype.createElement = function() {
// Stuff
var thiz = this;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(closeImg, 'click',
function(event) {
// Pass `event` in after explicitly
// setting the callee's `this`
return thiz.removeInfoBox.apply(thiz, [event]);
InfoBox.prototype.removeInfoBox = function(e) {
// Now we have: this instanceof InfoBox === true
// Go ahead and massacre those bubbles
e.cancelBubble = true;
if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;
}; <> #21
northeffects, did you ever solve this? I'm having the same dblclick -> zoom issue. I'm also having an issue where my marker clicks propagate to map click events, despite what the documentation says about the map click event. <> #22
It seems I found a solution to the problem: use the global window.event object prevent further processing.
Consider this piece of code:
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dblclick", function(googleMapsEvent) {
// log away to the console
console.debug("caught double click");
// reference the global window.event object
// ignore the googleMapsEvent passed in by Google Maps!
This handler successfully prevents zooming in the map after double-clicking on it even when disableDoubleClickZoom=false.
Of course, stackoverflow helped me with this answer: :-)
Consider this piece of code:
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dblclick", function(googleMapsEvent) {
// log away to the console
console.debug("caught double click");
// reference the global window.event object
// ignore the googleMapsEvent passed in by Google Maps!
This handler successfully prevents zooming in the map after double-clicking on it even when disableDoubleClickZoom=false.
Of course, stackoverflow helped me with this answer: <> #24
Please post your complete `PerformanceViewHolder` code and your fragment `onCreateView().`
Since I installed the SDK published on 17th October this code does not work anymore and I get a new error (see CardView_newSDK_Log)
To see how I implemented the CardView class check CardView_sourceCodeExample.
Since the CardView Library comes with appcompat v7 I would assume it should work back with API Level 7 and higher. The setRadius()-Method should not throw an exception.