Status Update
Comments <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #6
Happens every time I return to homescreen on Nexus 5. <> #7
This is a real problem. As the hours pass system ram consumed gets bigger and bigger. It gets to the point that I have to reboot my device because apps keep reloading and sometimes even the launcher has to reload.It is a serious issue. I have to reboot daily
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8
When play music crashed in the background today, with maps navigation running in the forefront, system ram usage was at 780mb. Maps ram usage was at 280mb. The play music process was stuck in "restarting" status until I swiped it out of recents and restarted it. This was after around 48 hours uptime. Camera app also started crashing mid-photosphere shortly after this. After a reboot system usage dropped to ~380mb and everything's working fine again. <> #9
Have the same issue here, after around 40 hours of on time home gets redrawn every time I return to it, and when I go to Settings>Apps>Running, most of the running apps are restarting. A reboot fixes the issue. <> #10
the same things.... after some time the ram gets filled up! nexus7 2nd <> #11
LRX21P Nexus 7 2013 (32gb, encrypted), same issue. Background processes restarting en mass, performance goes down the toilet, device memory listed as critical in procstats with usually circa 800-1200MB system memory in use. <> #12
I'm also experiencing this issue! <> #13
Here is my meminfo dump. I can't see any particular reason from meminfo dump but it occurs when I use Spotify or Pocket Casts. <> #14
#5, #8, #9, #10, #11: Your comments do not add anything to what is already known about this issue. They only flood the inboxes of people subscribed to this bug. If you experience the bug, star it. This is enough to make developers aware of how many people are affected. Please post comments only if you have anything significant to share. <> #15
Same deal here. Launcher redraws almost every time I go back to my home screen. Overall lollipop is very laggy on my Nexus 5. Have tried wiping cache via recovery with no effect. <> #16
Same here after a day multitasking is impossible and constant launcher redraws.Come on Google launcher redraws in android 5.0 on 2gb of ram! <> #17
same here after rebooting the system usage is 360 mb and free ram is 1.3 gb, but after a days usage the system ram consumption is 1 gb n free ram is 400 mb which is making my nexus 5 lag and making multitasking nearly impossible. Please resolve this issue google dont want to reboot my nexus 5 every alternate day. <> #18
Nexus 5, using over 1 Gb after 2 days. <> #19
[Comment deleted] <> #20
On Moto G 2nd gen with 5.0, Navigation and Play Music are completely unusable. These and other apps randomly close as if RAM is exhausted, despite system reporting plenty. While driving with screen off, Navigation will silently close. I hafta continuously check my phone to make sure it's still actually navigating! Play Music closes, again with screen off and nothing else going on. What background process could possibly be so important that it stops my music and/or navigation? How does 300+MB of "free" RAM suddenly get exhausted when I'm not actively using my phone? Launcher almost always needs to redraw. Chrome always redraws open tabs, even after switching to Launcher and back. My phone is essentially thrashing continuously, and can't even run ONE app at a time reliably.
Was considering replacing my brand new phone with one with more RAM -- glad to see other people having the same problem. Definitely an OS problem!
Was considering replacing my brand new phone with one with more RAM -- glad to see other people having the same problem. Definitely an OS problem! <> #21
Same here, i have to keep rebooting my nexus 5, i like android lollipop but, it uses ram too much... <> #22
I have been logging the memory info from "top" output and /mem/procinfo during a few days. After like 2 days, it started killing the launcher, but would be good for a day again if I "swiped out" all apps from the task switcher.
Looking at the numbers, I can't find a reason for this behavior, to be honest. memory usage is pending, but I always have 600-700 MB reported as free, which shouldn't be the cause for starting killing apps (or restarting them), of course, on a newly booted phone I have 1.1-1.2 GB available, which is plenty.
After about 5 days, the phone started to kill the launcher no matter what I did, so i dumped output before, and after a reboot. I didn't see anything obvious between them. I've attached them if anyone wanna study the output.
One theory could be that the free memory calculation (that controls application killing) is broken.
Looking at the numbers, I can't find a reason for this behavior, to be honest. memory usage is pending, but I always have 600-700 MB reported as free, which shouldn't be the cause for starting killing apps (or restarting them), of course, on a newly booted phone I have 1.1-1.2 GB available, which is plenty.
After about 5 days, the phone started to kill the launcher no matter what I did, so i dumped output before, and after a reboot. I didn't see anything obvious between them. I've attached them if anyone wanna study the output.
One theory could be that the free memory calculation (that controls application killing) is broken. <> #23
Everytime i get the first battery low notification, i also get a popup saying Google Play Music has stopped working! <> #24
I have the same issue with my Nexus 5 after upgrading to Android 5. Attached is a screenshot with my Running Apps. After some time without rebooting, the System uses a huge amount of RAM (720mb). Right after rebooting, it only uses 250mb.
My WAZE crashs all the time.
The background apps always restart. When I go back to them, they are in their home page again, and I loose what I was doing.
Is there anything I can do?
My WAZE crashs all the time.
The background apps always restart. When I go back to them, they are in their home page again, and I loose what I was doing.
Is there anything I can do? <> #25
Confirmed with 5.0.0 on my Nexus 5. As it happened, only 60% of the RAM was used. Worked again after a reboot. <> #26
Same problem here on Nexus 5, plenty of RAM unused but apps keep reloading. After a few days without rebooting, the problem is getting worse, and pretty much every app has to reload on opening, even the launcher (I'm using Nova). <> #27
I'm having to reboot every 3-4 days. The launcher crashes all the time after 2 days. 60-75 percent of my ram is being consumed most of the time. Pocket Casts and battery widget reborn get kicked out of memory all the time. <> #28
I can also confirm this bug on my nexus 5. After some days of use when I go into settings to see the memory usage I find system just use 1GB memory!!! So without a restart I can only get about 400MB memory available to use. Apps on the background restart again and again, this is really annoying.
Please release a bugfix update for this! I don't want to restart my phone every 2 or 3 days.
Please release a bugfix update for this! I don't want to restart my phone every 2 or 3 days. <> #29
Where is yours bug report?
(via Settings > Developer options > Take bug report)
(via Settings > Developer options > Take bug report) <> #30
Seeing that you guys have no idea how to use a bug tracker, let me be the one to educate you.
1. Search for the issue you're encountering
2. Read the description and the comments
3. Ask yourselves these questions:
- Has my issue already been described?
- Should I start with "that's also what's happening to me"?
- Am I posting just to complain hoping that that will help the devs work harder?
- Is there an issue that fits what I'm experiencing better?
4. If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" then please DO NOT post a comment on the issue in hand.
If the issue is reproduced on your device and all of the information you can provide is already in the description or in the comments, just star the issue and you will be notified of any changes.
Thank you!
1. Search for the issue you're encountering
2. Read the description and the comments
3. Ask yourselves these questions:
- Has my issue already been described?
- Should I start with "that's also what's happening to me"?
- Am I posting just to complain hoping that that will help the devs work harder?
- Is there an issue that fits what I'm experiencing better?
4. If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" then please DO NOT post a comment on the issue in hand.
If the issue is reproduced on your device and all of the information you can provide is already in the description or in the comments, just star the issue and you will be notified of any changes.
Thank you! <> #31
Thanks for the condescending tone all the best am out. <> #32
Not sure if it has been a fluke or not, but maybe others can try and see:
1) force stop and disabled Google Hindi Input
2) force stop and disabled Google Korean Input
3) force stop and disabled Google Pinyin Input
4) Rebooted.
Normally Nexus 5 would be unresponsive, crashing, re-draws (you know the symptoms by now) and using 1G+ for system within 2-4 hours. Going on almost 24 hours with no symptoms and only 100-600MB for system (with it actually releasing appropriately).
1) force stop and disabled Google Hindi Input
2) force stop and disabled Google Korean Input
3) force stop and disabled Google Pinyin Input
4) Rebooted.
Normally Nexus 5 would be unresponsive, crashing, re-draws (you know the symptoms by now) and using 1G+ for system within 2-4 hours. Going on almost 24 hours with no symptoms and only 100-600MB for system (with it actually releasing appropriately). <> #33
#29: There is no requirement that you a) need to have "Whenever an issue is changed by another user, send me an email" enabled, b) read every email that gets automatically sent to your inbox, nor c) advocate for the developers on the other side of the wall. <> #34
I have the same problem!Please fix it Google. <> #35
After 24-48 hours with restarted I also started to experience very slow performance, laggy UI and frequent launcher restarts. Reboots fixed this temporarily. I suspect that it started only after I encrypted my phone, but I am not 100% sure. I did the following 36 hours ago and seem to be fine since then, system memory usage is <300Mbyte:
1. Flash Android 4.4 factory image, to get a clean state AND remove encryption, which causes a general slowdown additionally.
2. Go through phone setup and install all available play store updates.
2. OTA update to 5.0
I suspected for a while that this behavior begins every time I plug the phone in for charging after entering battery saver mode, but am not sure. I'll let it go to battery saver mode today and will report back if the problem returns.
1. Flash Android 4.4 factory image, to get a clean state AND remove encryption, which causes a general slowdown additionally.
2. Go through phone setup and install all available play store updates.
2. OTA update to 5.0
I suspected for a while that this behavior begins every time I plug the phone in for charging after entering battery saver mode, but am not sure. I'll let it go to battery saver mode today and will report back if the problem returns. <> #36
Same here, nexus 5. Been happening since first Dev preview. <> #37
Same problem. Lots of launcher redraws, sometimes audio playback will get killed when I'm on another app. The other day my phone conversation got killed while I was talking to someone and switching to Maps to help guide them somewhere.
Reboot fixes it, but it's really annoying.
Reboot fixes it, but it's really annoying. <> #38
Nexus 7 2013
First occurred yesterday preceded by (or possibly instigated) the Youtube/video playback bug described here:
First occurred yesterday preceded by (or possibly instigated) the Youtube/video playback bug described here: <> #39
I'm seeing this on my Nexus 9 (yes the new one!), but not on Nexus 4: apps are killed and restart after switching to another app for a short time. Most noticeable with the Google Now Launcher and Feedly. After pressing Home from within another app, I often observe a blank screen (only wallpaper showing) for a few seconds then launcher bar, icons and widgets slowly redraw. With Feedly, opening an article in Chrome then switching back to feedly after a few minutes often results in Feedly restarting rather than returning to the article I was on. Happy to send in diagnostics or logs if a developer can tell me what they need. <> #40
I am having similar issues, with the launcher constantly redrawing and music cutting out. In fact while writing this my music has crashed 4 times. Memory management really does seem to be an issue and this is taking a toll on battery life for me too. A fix would be more then welcomed. <> #41
Why is this only regarded as Small priority and no owner at all? Please don't tell me 2G memory is not enough for system apps with material design. <> #42
Yeah as a Nexus 5 user I'd like to provide information to solve this problem, please fix it as soon as possible. <> #43
[Comment deleted] <> #44
This is an issue tracker, not a forum. Please try and refrain from "me too" style posts. If you can provide a memdump or crash log then please share. Otherwise, voting for this thread is sufficient and will keep from cluttering up a developer's inbox. Thank you. <> #45
I've seen people stating that the new "Merge tabs and apps" feature might be causing this. Could people that have above troubles, please try unchecking "Merge tabs and apps" in Chrome and report back?
Thanks <> #46
[Comment deleted] <> #47
I Disabled "Merge tabs and apps" in chrome (beta) from day one and have the same issue after 2/3 days without rebooting. System memory gets huge over time, apps memory looks ok. On TWO different n5 with lrx21o <> #48
I'm not convinced this is a Lollipop-only issue. I experienced this exact behaviour on my Nexus 5 with Android 4.4 although it usually took 3-4 weeks after a reboot to start showing. Seemed to be worse with ART enabled on 4.4 than without. <> #49
After taking few HDR+ photos, it's getting worse. Not sure if it's related. <> #50
#47,in 4.4 on Nexus 5 there was a leak in surfaceflinger, it leaked a little but for every frame rendered to the screen, that afaik was fixed in 5.0. This looks like a different issue. <> #51
I have this issue aswell after upgrade to 5.0 have to reboot every 1-3 days to get a usable phone :( <> #52
#49 Thanks for the pointer. The behavior I'm seeing on Lollipop seems a lot like what I saw on KitKat. Doesn't mean it's the same though. Coincidentally I found a bug report about the surfaceflinger leak that you mentioned: issue 36949180 - apparently not fixed. <> #53
I have a Nexus 5 and I don't have this issue, however I'm not using Google Now Launcher, I'm using Nova Launcher, same happens with my wife N5, she uses Nova Launcher and her phone is not affected by this problem. The Nexus 5 of my brother does suffer this problem, he uses Google Now Launcher, the problem was fixed when he switched to Nova Launcher, so I think that the root cause of the problem is Google Now Launcher, stop using it. <> #54
#52 You're wrong, as I'm using Nova and I my N5 suffers the problem. It's definitely not a launcher related problem. <> #55
This is very annoying, apps keep restarting although there are much ram available. And once this happened device is very very slow and I must reboot it, this happens every day. Please fix this critical issue! <> #56
I'm concerned that the priority of this issue is still listed as "Small". In my opinion, it should be upgrade to "Critical" as it affects the basic operation of the device. I find that after 10-12 hours of uptime on my Nexus 5, apps begin crashing. If I go to the Downloaded Apps area, I see that many services are stuck in a "Restarting" loop. Whenever I exit an app and try to go to the home screen, I get an empty screen for a few seconds until it finally appears. My battery life goes downhill very quickly after about 10 hours of uptime. This is a major bug, and should be looked at with prompt attention. <> #57
Prior to my memory leak issue I had a "install google play sevices" error that continued to pop up, I have 438 installed . System memory got up to 1.3 g and background apps were in a constant loop of crashing and restarting. <> #58
Here's a logcat I just took from my Nexus 5 (up 153 hours), demonstrating an issue like this:
In this case Chrome was dying as a foreground app after 30 seconds or so of having it open, but you can also see in the logs that lots of the background services are hitting DeadObjectExceptions and restarting.
I also noticed that with my Nexus 5 in this state, if I start playing music in Google Play Music and switch to chrome, within 10-20 seconds the music stops. (If I keep play music in the foreground it keeps playing, at least for longer than that). Here's a log of that, starting with music playing and then capturing the crash of the MusicPlaybackService after I've switched to chrome:
Unfortunately I can't actually see what exception the MusicPlaybackService is hitting in there, but I can see that it's dying and android can't seem to restart it correctly.
After capturing these logs I did a reboot, and after that reboot all these problems are (temporarily) gone. The device feels faster also, not surprising seeing with all the services going haywire in the background when this issue occurs. Seems it would also have a significant battery life impact.
In this case Chrome was dying as a foreground app after 30 seconds or so of having it open, but you can also see in the logs that lots of the background services are hitting DeadObjectExceptions and restarting.
I also noticed that with my Nexus 5 in this state, if I start playing music in Google Play Music and switch to chrome, within 10-20 seconds the music stops. (If I keep play music in the foreground it keeps playing, at least for longer than that). Here's a log of that, starting with music playing and then capturing the crash of the MusicPlaybackService after I've switched to chrome:
Unfortunately I can't actually see what exception the MusicPlaybackService is hitting in there, but I can see that it's dying and android can't seem to restart it correctly.
After capturing these logs I did a reboot, and after that reboot all these problems are (temporarily) gone. The device feels faster also, not surprising seeing with all the services going haywire in the background when this issue occurs. Seems it would also have a significant battery life impact. <> #59
I got same problem on my N5 (LRX210). Right now my phone has 36h (i had to reboot it, because i was unable to open apps, especially games (they have opened for a short time, then crashed after 3s)) uptime, and it uses 840MB of RAM for System and 380MB for Apps. When i last checked RAM usage (about 16h ago), RAM for System was at 400MB. Please fix it Google. I don't want to reboot my phone every 2 days to be normally used. <> #60
Followed the steps in #31, feels like the issues got less bad. Will report back later <> #61
I have those IMEs disabled since upgraded to Lollipop, things still happen. <> #62
#31 has definitely made my phone behave better. Not entirely sure if its solved but its been two days and I haven't needed to reboot. I'd like to know how the author came to that conclusion. <> #63
Same here, huge memory usage after a while even with those inputs turned off. <> #64
I'm getting aggressive app quitting as well with my Nexus 9. With Spotify in the background, I was unable to switch back and forth between Inbox and Chrome without them both restarting with each and every switch. This was with 883 MB of RAM available.
I also swiped away all other apps in overview to see if it would make a difference but, unfortunately, it did not. This caused Inbox to lose an email draft, which is something I haven't experienced since I owned the original iPhone.
Please fix this Google, it's making using my Nexus 9 very frustrating.
I also swiped away all other apps in overview to see if it would make a difference but, unfortunately, it did not. This caused Inbox to lose an email draft, which is something I haven't experienced since I owned the original iPhone.
Please fix this Google, it's making using my Nexus 9 very frustrating. <> #65
same here.. <> #66
After a few hours, the problen returned. Disabling the IMEs only offers a tiny improvement
#64 please refrain from commenting unless you have meaningful information to add to the conversation
#64 please refrain from commenting unless you have meaningful information to add to the conversation <> #67
I'm still going strong with no reboots needed after disabling IMEs. Attached is all the disabled apps I have. Only change I made was disabling the IMEs. Anything else I can add to help narrow down, let me know. <> #68
Same here with mako <> #69
[Comment deleted] <> #70
Uptime about 50 hours, hammerhead 5.0 lrx21o <> #71
I might add that I had the apps listed in #31 disabled in 4.4.4 before the OTA to Lollipop, so they have been inactive ever since I used Lollipop for the first time. I do not seem to experience this issue as frequently as others here (I do reboot every other day, though), but still often enough to find this bug. So disabling the inputs may help, but it's definitely not going to be the one solution that works for everyone. <> #72
I'd have to agree that disabling the IMEs is a bandaid. Not running out of memory or having to reboot (at least yet), but still battery draining much quicker than it used too. <> #73
I uninstalled Facebook Messenger and less instances of memory leak since then. I'm not sure if it will help anyone though.. <> #74
Ive never had facebook messenger installed and i have the memory leak problems! <> #75
I've tried to run 100% stock with no 3rd party app installed. Still similar issue happened. The problem returned after extensive Youtube (more than 1gb data transferred) and heavy browsing (> 10 tabs opened). Can't even last for 3 days.
Doesn't happen with 4.4.4. Even without reboot for 60++ days.
Doesn't happen with 4.4.4. Even without reboot for 60++ days. <> #76
I have been affected by this problem since I installed Lollipop, but the problem seems to have been aleviated or even disappeared for me now. With an uptime of 48 hours, no apps are restarting and there isn't laucher redraw every time, although system memory usage is high at 0,90 GB. I haven't done any change apart from installing app updates. The most recent updates are Duolingo, Facebook, Lumosity, Shazam and Spotify. <> #77
Are you all coming from fresh flashed stock factory image or did somebody got the same issue with OTA from 4.4.4? <> #78
I was OTA from 4.4.4
Taken about 3 days since disabling IMEs but system mem usage is starting to creep up again and battery draining faster than it should/used too.
Taken about 3 days since disabling IMEs but system mem usage is starting to creep up again and battery draining faster than it should/used too. <> #79
I sideloaded the OTA and I have the problem. <> #80
How is this a small issue? Apps constantly closing seems pretty major to me. I can't do anything remotely productive on my Nexus 10 now. <> #81
I also got the same when i start playing become lag and suddenly force to fix this.. <> #82
I also upgraded OTA from 4.4.4. The problem seemed to have been lessened but now with an uptime of 66 hours the phone is almost unusable. <> #83
I have Lollipop(sideloaded OTA) on both my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013) and have only noticed this problem with my Nexus 7 (2013).
When I changed from the "Google Now Launcher"(that I installed previously before Lollipop) to the default "Launcher" or by installing the "Nova Launcher" I've seen considerable improvement on my Nexus 7 (2013).
I know some people have already stated that they have gone completely stock and still see the same issue, but maybe this will help others or possibly help the developers track down the issue.
I also saw that #18 had some improvement with the "Nova Launcher" as well.
When I changed from the "Google Now Launcher"(that I installed previously before Lollipop) to the default "Launcher" or by installing the "Nova Launcher" I've seen considerable improvement on my Nexus 7 (2013).
I know some people have already stated that they have gone completely stock and still see the same issue, but maybe this will help others or possibly help the developers track down the issue.
I also saw that #18 had some improvement with the "Nova Launcher" as well. <> #84
Some foreground app (firefox) also get killed on my nexus 5 running launcher keep redrawing and game take longer to load. This is after 3-4 days of uptime. Please fix it google and don't forget to return my lockscreen widget! <> #85
My Nexus 5 slows down severely and frequently locks up with no discernible pattern. I have to reboot at least once daily, sometimes more often. Feels like a memory leak or some sort of intense background process taking over. Can't tell what's causing it. Had no problems like this on 4.4.4. <> #86
Same issue here. Nexus 5 - OTA update. Between 24-48 there is discernable slowdown, apps randomly quitting (e.g. - chrome) <> #87
In my case this exact issue happens after a long uptime (6-7 days). It can also appear sooner (3-4 days) after a heavy use (e.g. a 1-2 hour messaging session on Facebook's Messenger or 1 hour of streaming on Youtube).
In both case the issue seems to be related to the memory used by "System" (> 800MB).
I attached a bug report I created when I last saw the issue, before reboot.
I would also vote for changing the priority of this defect to something higher than "Small".
In both case the issue seems to be related to the memory used by "System" (> 800MB).
I attached a bug report I created when I last saw the issue, before reboot.
I would also vote for changing the priority of this defect to something higher than "Small". <> #88
Have there been enough bug reports submitted so far to give this an owner and raise the priority? I'd be happy to submit one when it occurs again if it'd be useful, and not just more noise in the thread. <> #90
This should be high priority!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #91
Same problem here with my Nexus 5. Randomly restarts Apps and Launcher. Official OTA Update. <> #92
In response to #76 I did a fresh instead (and cleared caches) and I'm still getting the steadily growing memory consumption and slow UI over a couple of days.
I'm using a Nexus 5.
I'm using a Nexus 5. <> #93
Same on Nexus 5, default launcher. After 48h, constant crashes, full Launcher redraws each time I return to it, jagged video on YouTube and Netflix...
Getting by without rebooting by killing apps off as I go along (swiping them away from the app switcher is enough). Up over a week now.
Getting by without rebooting by killing apps off as I go along (swiping them away from the app switcher is enough). Up over a week now. <> #94
[Comment deleted] <> #95
Nexus 5 user on LRX210 build. I experience this at least twice a day, but maybe six to ten times avarage. The phone start to get sluggish, the laucher flicker black and it will keep restarting apps for 5-10 minutes.
Typical apps I am running are; Chrome, Spotify, SwiftKey, Dropbox, Gmail (Exchange and IMAP), Whatsapp, WeChat, Runkeeper and other Google apps (keep, hangouts, maps etc).
Really annoying that it happens so regulary.
Typical apps I am running are; Chrome, Spotify, SwiftKey, Dropbox, Gmail (Exchange and IMAP), Whatsapp, WeChat, Runkeeper and other Google apps (keep, hangouts, maps etc).
Really annoying that it happens so regulary. <> #96
This is the most annoying software bug I have seen. Since I bought the Nexus 5 on release, I've had a smooth user experience on Kitkat. Now on Lollipop, there's several times I experience issue of Memory insufficiency.
The app drawer refreshes the icons, apps close and restart, In Chrome, the keyboard fails to open now and then making an input impossible. This memory leak happens now and then but at times, it seems like its stuck in a loop for insufficient memory making it impossible to use any apps or the phone at all!
I started of writing this issue on my Nexus 5 but Chrome kept on crashing and the keyboard never showed up so had to switch to my laptop. This is an ongoing issue since the release of Lollipop making it very unstable and buggy (making it seem like a beta version of the software). This issue needs to be fixed asap!!!
The app drawer refreshes the icons, apps close and restart, In Chrome, the keyboard fails to open now and then making an input impossible. This memory leak happens now and then but at times, it seems like its stuck in a loop for insufficient memory making it impossible to use any apps or the phone at all!
I started of writing this issue on my Nexus 5 but Chrome kept on crashing and the keyboard never showed up so had to switch to my laptop. This is an ongoing issue since the release of Lollipop making it very unstable and buggy (making it seem like a beta version of the software). This issue needs to be fixed asap!!! <> #97
Is there any way to inform Google about this? Seems no one cares. I am so disappointed. <> #98
Running a brand new Nexus 5 on LRX210...and driving home tonight I couldn't run both Pocketcasts (podcast app) and Google Maps navigation without Pocketcasts closing and restarting. Of course the podcast wouldn't start playing again, I'd have to manually unlock and hit play again, which isn't safe even if the phone is mounted on the dash. Very frustrating. Never happened on the inferior spec'd Galaxy S3 I just gave to a family member. Hoping for a fix soon. <> #99
Same here on my Nexus4 LRX21T with Play Services 6.5.87 (1599771-436)
Homescreen redraws and Apps always restarts after switching over task menue .. too bad.
Homescreen redraws and Apps always restarts after switching over task menue .. too bad. <> #100
Same here on my Nexus 4 LRX21T!
This update slows my smartphone.
Please help.
This update slows my smartphone.
Please help. <> #101
My and my friend also has this issue with Nexus 5 LRX21O.
Just look at how much RAM the system uses, that's crazy!!
Just look at how much RAM the system uses, that's crazy!! <> #102
I did a 'wipe data/factory reset' in recovery mode for my Nexus 5. It seems this fixed the problem. Now I am starting to love Lollipop. <> #103
by keeping wifi turned off, after reboot, it's good for 64 hours+ up time so far. <> #104
I've had the same problem. <> #105
My Nexus5 started to become very slow that the launcher has to redraw every time i come back to home screen, even that takes about 2 seconds before i see anything on screen.
even if i try opening app drawer it takes 2 seconds for anything to be shown.
even if i try opening app drawer it takes 2 seconds for anything to be shown. <> #106
To me, stopping the "settings" app (allowing it to relaunch), seems to help (it becomes as responsive as after a reboot) when the Nexus 5 starts to slow down (with the problems reported above). <> #107
#102 Could you please upload a screenshot? Thanks <> #108
This is the most annoying software bug I have seen. Since I bought the Nexus 5 on release, I've had a smooth user experience on Kitkat. Now on Lollipop, there's several times I experience issue of Memory insufficiency.
The app drawer refreshes the icons, apps close and restart, In Chrome, the keyboard fails to open now and then making an input impossible. This memory leak happens now and then but at times, it seems like its stuck in a loop for insufficient memory making it impossible to use any apps or the phone at all!
I started of writing this issue on my Nexus 5 but Chrome kept on crashing and the keyboard never showed up so had to switch to my laptop. This is an ongoing issue since the release of Lollipop making it very unstable and buggy (making it seem like a beta version of the software). This issue needs to be fixed asap!!!
The app drawer refreshes the icons, apps close and restart, In Chrome, the keyboard fails to open now and then making an input impossible. This memory leak happens now and then but at times, it seems like its stuck in a loop for insufficient memory making it impossible to use any apps or the phone at all!
I started of writing this issue on my Nexus 5 but Chrome kept on crashing and the keyboard never showed up so had to switch to my laptop. This is an ongoing issue since the release of Lollipop making it very unstable and buggy (making it seem like a beta version of the software). This issue needs to be fixed asap!!! <> #109
@#106 <> #110
The final version android lollipop using too much and making applications crash... I have restart my nexus 5 in two days in order to keep tha RAM usage low... Please fix this issue ASAP.. <> #111
My phone continues to require a reboot every 24-48 hours. Meanwhile the new "Device Assist" app maintains that my phone is "looking good!". Needless to say, device support at Google has nothing to contribute here, other than suggesting (yet another) factory reset, and then offering to replace the physical device. <> #112
On my Nexus 5, the system consumes over 1 GB RAM, memory warning frequently shows in some apps especially games, the home screen reloads frequently after you leave an App. <> #113
Thanks #108! Seems it's Wi-Fi issue again. <> #114
Did somebody having this issue and was able to update to 5.0.1? Maybe they fixed it? <> #115
I sideloaded 5.0.1 on my Nexus 7 (2013) last night and have noticed improvement, but it's still early. I did not update my Nexus 5 only because I wasn't really having any issues with it at all. <> #116
Same problem on the Moto G2 2014. And its not limited to Android L goes back to KitKat. <> #117
I'm having this apps being forced closed on my moto g (2014) so annoying you can't have 2 apps open. Motorola forums has tons of people reporting apps being killed. <> #118
4 days later. Issue has arrived. This is annoying!!!!! <> #119
I am having the same problems in Moto G 2014 and in the nexus 7 2013. Apps get killed abrupted in frthe background <> #120
my Nexus 5,Two days after use,the system consumes over 1GB RAMļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ <> #121
I've been experiencing the dreaded refreshing of apps like everyone else here, and I think I may have found the culprit (or at least one of them). For me, running a modified hosts file seems to take an immense toll on the amount of cache allocated to any web browser used. On my Nexus 9, the browser cache increases from 150MB to over 500MB. I've also tested this scenario on my Galaxy Note III running 5.0.1 and the same anomaly occurs, but to a slightly lesser extent (which is most likely due to the Nexus running the 64 bit variant of Lollipop). I've tested with Naked Browser, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, and the issue persists with every browser used. <> #122
By far, this is the worst android version I've ever seen! My phone is unusable!
Nexus 4 for the record.
Nexus 4 for the record. <> #123
This is ridiculous.
After exact 72h, you either reboot your device, or it becomes a pain in the ass.
System eats up all the RAM, and no app will be cached, even your launcher. So, yes, there'll be a redraw upon returning to your home screen every damn time. Reminds me of those old Samsung galaxy phones, with 256mb RAM.
After a reboot, everything's perfect. System uses 250-400mb of RAM, and plenty of cached apps. Hope you fix it, and keep it like this all the time.
Lollipop is awesome, nonetheless.
Screenshots for the record.
After exact 72h, you either reboot your device, or it becomes a pain in the ass.
System eats up all the RAM, and no app will be cached, even your launcher. So, yes, there'll be a redraw upon returning to your home screen every damn time. Reminds me of those old Samsung galaxy phones, with 256mb RAM.
After a reboot, everything's perfect. System uses 250-400mb of RAM, and plenty of cached apps. Hope you fix it, and keep it like this all the time.
Lollipop is awesome, nonetheless.
Screenshots for the record. <> #124
How on earth can testers miss such a bug is beyond me.IPhone and windows have phones with 512mb of ram and not one launcer redraw.This os is a step back by a long way <> #125
LRX21P, Nexus 7 2013 (32GB, encrypted), the same issue. <> #126
seeing this same issue on a nexus 5 and nexus 9 with 5.0. Any word from Google developers? <> #127
Both my nexus 5 and my girlfriends nexus 5 have this issue, I sideloaded a clean lollipop image while my girlfriend has the OTA lollipop update, so it seems to affect both ways of updating.
I now tried the solution in #31 and will see how it goes.
I now tried the solution in #31 and will see how it goes. <> #128
Turning off WiFi then rebooting seems to help. Even after turning WiFi back on after reboot. But rebooting with WiFi on, the system ram just goes back to high levels. Can anyone confirm? <> #129
I'm close to "downgrading" (heh) back to kitkat. The phone is not reliable and I have a trip coming up where I want to be able to use Google Maps nav and listen to podcasts at the same time.
I realize the Nexus 5 only has 2gb of ram (sarcasm), but it'd be nice to multi-task with two apps without having to worry the background audio will cut out.
I realize the Nexus 5 only has 2gb of ram (sarcasm), but it'd be nice to multi-task with two apps without having to worry the background audio will cut out. <> #130
I don't understand why there is no reply from Android team, I believe there are a lot of people would like to provide information if needed.
Anyway, I am going to flash KitKat until they fix it.
Anyway, I am going to flash KitKat until they fix it. <> #131
Doing a great job advertising for apple bravo. <> #132
Noticing a few issues related to this:
1. Apps will suddenly close without error message, screen goes black and then shows home screen
2. ALL browsers are able to keep fewer tabs in memory than previously on KitKat. They're constantly reloading when switching tabs
3. Switch to Home screen is very slow and goes black first
1. Apps will suddenly close without error message, screen goes black and then shows home screen
2. ALL browsers are able to keep fewer tabs in memory than previously on KitKat. They're constantly reloading when switching tabs
3. Switch to Home screen is very slow and goes black first <> #133
I just checked and my system was using 1.2gb of memory on a nexus 5. I get all the issues with aps closing. Cannot have music and navigation running. My alarm ap closes if I listen to a pod cast. It's total crap and needs fixing asap. I didn't manually flash this, it was pushed to the phone over air by Google. But this was known long before. It's a disgrace. <> #134
Android now bloatdroid
Time to find my nearest iPhone store
Time to find my nearest iPhone store <> #135
Excuse me, did I see Priority-Small on this bug? This should be the highest priority bug, or at least one of the highest priority bugs. Please raise the priority on this and fix is asap. <> #136
[Comment deleted] <> #137
Having this problem again several days for factory reset. Just downgraded to KitKat. <> #138
[Comment deleted] <> #139
Having all the same issues as #131 ... Seems to be getting worse if anything.
1. Apps are crashing - one minute I'm typing away in Facebook Messenger, then the window just disappears and goes back to homescreen.
2. Phone is slow to respond, opening new apps is slow, switching windows is slow.
3. When returning to Home Screen, screen goes blank and then re-draws very very slowly.
Please fix this ... it's getting unusable.
1. Apps are crashing - one minute I'm typing away in Facebook Messenger, then the window just disappears and goes back to homescreen.
2. Phone is slow to respond, opening new apps is slow, switching windows is slow.
3. When returning to Home Screen, screen goes blank and then re-draws very very slowly.
Please fix this ... it's getting unusable. <> #140
[Comment deleted] <> #141
Is this issue addressed in 5.0.1 update?? <> #142
i am also facing the abruptly restart of apps on GOOGLE NEXUS 4...kindly fix it. <> #143
Nexus 7 2013 WiFi, OTA 5.0.1, this still happen, factory restore doesn't solve it either. Have to restart every 2 days. <> #144
I'm guessing this isn't fixed in 5.0.1 either. That's probably the reason it takes this long to release the Nexus 5 update to 5.0.1
I'm experiencing the following issues
-Launcher redraws after quitting apps
-Random shutdown of background apps, like Google Music
-Switching between apps is slow
So to conclude, I'm very disappointed by the Lollipop release. First the release was postponed because of a battery drain, and two weeks, they release a bug filled version. The Kitkat release was much smoother.
I'm experiencing the following issues
-Launcher redraws after quitting apps
-Random shutdown of background apps, like Google Music
-Switching between apps is slow
So to conclude, I'm very disappointed by the Lollipop release. First the release was postponed because of a battery drain, and two weeks, they release a bug filled version. The Kitkat release was much smoother. <> #145
same here <> #146
My only question is how the priority of this bug is small???? <> #147
I recently opened a defect up duplicated of this one, I tried to put it the priority urgent but I could not do it.. In the other hand, because of this issue some apps are getting closed automatically during the use of the app in the new lollipop for Nexus 5, please provide us an ETA as soon as possible. This is an Urgent Defect. <> #148
i think google dev doesn't matter about user experience and make this frustrating <> #149
[Comment deleted] <> #150
Today I encounter the memory issue again: every time I press home button the ui will redraw and lots of apps/services are restarting by looking at the settings->apps->running. At the mean time the Pinyin input is using 214MB ram.
So I just try to switch to a random apps and change the Pinyin input to English input. Then it becomes much better:apps won't restart when switching and UI won't redraw when pressing home button, all restarting apps/service are running normally now. The English input is using less than 40MB ram so the memory reduce is very helpful to those apps/service getting out of restarting.
Hopefully this is useful.
So I just try to switch to a random apps and change the Pinyin input to English input. Then it becomes much better:apps won't restart when switching and UI won't redraw when pressing home button, all restarting apps/service are running normally now. The English input is using less than 40MB ram so the memory reduce is very helpful to those apps/service getting out of restarting.
Hopefully this is useful. <> #151
[Comment deleted] <> #152
I tried this. Also disabling these services had no success. I also tried reboot with WiFi off. This gave me a little more time until system eats up everything. But now after 2 days usage system is up above 1gig usage. Cannot go back to home screen without waiting until launcher has completely reloaded.
I need to revert to KitKat. I don't want a nexus 5 in with this ux.
I'm disappointed that no project member answered to this issue. Even the QA must have been aware about this problem.
I tried this. Also disabling these services had no success. I also tried reboot with WiFi off. This gave me a little more time until system eats up everything. But now after 2 days usage system is up above 1gig usage. Cannot go back to home screen without waiting until launcher has completely reloaded.
I need to revert to KitKat. I don't want a nexus 5 in with this ux.
I'm disappointed that no project member answered to this issue. Even the QA must have been aware about this problem. <> #153
It's a bug in Android 5.0 Lollipop.
Pls fix it, google.
Pls fix it, google. <> #154
This annoying bug priority must be set to high <> #155
This bug is still present in Android 5.0.1 on the nexus 7 2013. It seems to of gone away with a reboot but I'll report back if it reoccurs. <> #156
....It's been a month. <> #157
The longer you don't reboot the phone, the more often the homescreen launcher is redrawn and all services are terminated.
This also kills the PowerAMP service, so that you are no longer able to start music playback from your headphone buttons!
This also kills the PowerAMP service, so that you are no longer able to start music playback from your headphone buttons! <> #158
If 5.0.1 doesn't fix this, perhaps I'll go with iOS.
This is unacceptable. The user experience depends on this.
This is unacceptable. The user experience depends on this. <> #159
2gb of ram and this inefficient os are a huge step back. <> #160
This is the 12th highest starred bug PERIOD and in the top 12, the only one opened after 2010.
This should be "Priority: Critical release block". Not "Small".
This should be "Priority: Critical release block". Not "Small". <> #161
That plus it affects the user experience a lot in a very bad way, can't believe there aren't even a single statement about it. <> #162
Just upgraded to 5.0.1 will report back tomorrow. <> #163
5.0.1 feels like I have a new phone. Everything is fast like I'd expect. The slow laggyness I was experiencing on 5.0 seems gone. If I jumped the gun, I'll report back. <> #164
Did you flashed the OTA or Factory Image?
Did you flashed the OTA or Factory Image? <> #165
So far 15 hours with 5.0.1 on my Nexus 5 (Flashed the OTA zip update and cleared cache partition) No longer seeing the home screen redraw issue. Will keep you posted. <> #166
This bug is still not fixed in 5.0.1 on Nexus 5. <> #167
@#165 try going into recovery mode and clearing your cache partition. <> #168
clearing cache does nothing <> #169
With the latest google play services version (6.5.99) i have noticed an improvement on this issue.Running android 5.0! <> #170
Having the same issue. Im using AOSP 5.0.1 yet the issue occurs if the phone is running for more than 48 hours. <> #171
@168 Yeah, I thought it was gone at first. But it's not. <> #172
ęēØēnexus 7 2013 32g ä¹ęå
åč¶ę„č¶å¤§ēé®é¢ <> #173
Still happened using stock 5.0.1
System memory get huge after a few hours
System memory get huge after a few hours <> #174
Try opening Process Stats from Developer options, you can see device memory is Low or Critical <> #175
According to issue 36949180 , I assume the Android team is aware of this.
But why the fuck there is no fucking answer or ETA?
But why the fuck there is no fucking answer or ETA? <> #176
@#174 That's so funny. But anyway, keep calm dude, don't let Google drive you mad. <> #177
I am starting to consider selling my N5 because of this bug (and the weak signal bug that is also not resolved). This is really pissing me off, since I liked Lollipop a lot, and when the phone is rebooted it simply flies. Please, someone give us an ETA <> #178
I have dig a lot and find a memmory leak in system_server when screen on/off, how can I submmit a patch for frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ final class ColorFade {
+ st.release();
// Set up texture coordinates for a quad.
// We might need to change this if the texture ends up being
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ final class ColorFade {
+ st.release();
// Set up texture coordinates for a quad.
// We might need to change this if the texture ends up being <> #179
[Comment deleted] <> #180
[Comment deleted] <> #181
Even BlackBerry is laughing at android <> #183
IOS HERE I COME ! <> #184
^^^^ agree 2gig phone that can't multitask lol I guess you get what you pay for with apple. <> #185
We all have same problem.. But is google taking it in a "bug" category? .. Anyone heard or knows about it from Google.. Link at the top says thank you for reporting that too on 27 Oct... 2 months n no solving... One ota(5.0.1) has been passed n it still is at the same position. <> #186
Just flashed back KitKat. It is so smoooooth now :) <> #187
I almost give up. Sigh. <> #188
+1 @185 did the same. I just cant live with a lagging phone. That was one reason buing a nexus. Just thinking my next phone will be am iPhone despite I develop Android apps :/. At least there u got a fluid ui. <> #189
Bet its fun running on a moto g <> #190
Priority-small? Really? <> #191
Noticed the issue after clearing the cache partition after installing 5.0.1 OTA <> #192
Same problem with 5.0.1 on N4 . Priority small? is it a joke? Have to reboot the phone for make an important call is priority small??????????????? <> #193
I flashed 5.0.1 with full wipe, it's a little better than 5.0. At least I haven't seen any redraws yet.
But system still holds 650MB+ memory after 40 hours uptime.
But system still holds 650MB+ memory after 40 hours uptime. <> #194
My Nexus 5 intermittently locks up when I press the home button from another app (does not seem to matter what app). Goes to black screen. Status bar remains onscreen and working. Dragging down shows notifications, and quick settings screen also functional. But trying to link from a notification to the app it relates to returns to the black screen as above. At least one time I was able to return to the app I had tried to return to home from, but I don't recall it being functional. Reboot fixes, but sometimes not for long.
I NEVER had this problem on 5.0.0. One month old N5, totally stock from the get go, OTA 5.0.0 and 5.0.1, no unlock, no rooting, etc. I don't think I had this problem for the first day or two after the 5.0.1 OTA update. I had played around between Google Now Launcher and Nova and few times, but decided to stick with GNL to stay totally stock for stability. Then (but a day or so after the last swap of Nova launcher) for the first time the problem appeared. I am trying running Nova, but have not used it enough after the problem started to know whether that fixes it.
This behavior makes N5/5.0.1 unreliable. The Fire phone I'm playing with is preferable at this point.
I NEVER had this problem on 5.0.0. One month old N5, totally stock from the get go, OTA 5.0.0 and 5.0.1, no unlock, no rooting, etc. I don't think I had this problem for the first day or two after the 5.0.1 OTA update. I had played around between Google Now Launcher and Nova and few times, but decided to stick with GNL to stay totally stock for stability. Then (but a day or so after the last swap of Nova launcher) for the first time the problem appeared. I am trying running Nova, but have not used it enough after the problem started to know whether that fixes it.
This behavior makes N5/5.0.1 unreliable. The Fire phone I'm playing with is preferable at this point. <> #195
Noticing apps still closing randomly now on 5.0.1 as well
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #196
Agree that priority needs to be raised. After 5.0.1 still have apps force closing. Particularly annoying when it is navigation or Google listen. Phone was stable before 5. <> #197
[Comment deleted] <> #198
My lumia 930 work phone blows this nexus 5 lollipop update away.Its been about 6 years and you still can't make android have reasonable memory management. <> #199
Very bad user experience!
53 hours after reboot:
System 730 mb
Apps 464 mb
Free 698 mb
Real Racing 3 got killed immediately if left in the background.
53 hours after reboot:
System 730 mb
Apps 464 mb
Free 698 mb
Real Racing 3 got killed immediately if left in the background. <> #200
Yep, experiencing the same problem. Wondered why my auto upload on wifi for drop box wasn't working. Open up apps and see the o.s. destroying my ram with over a gig of use, causing every thing in the back ground to constantly close and then have to restart. With the nexus 4 camera reboot bug and now this, Google is yet again proving them self's not capable. Love android and recommend it to allot, but this has to stop. How long will it take before this is fixed. <> #201
Update of #193. No black screens with Nova Launcher - no reboots since I switched two days ago. <> #202
@#200 so how's the system memory usage? <> #203
It's strange that some people don't have this bug. We all have the same lollipop, right? <> #204
I have same issue, when I reboot my phone system is taking around 200mb of ram and it keep increasing, after 3-4 days it will reach around 900mb and applications start to restarting periodically, rebooting phone will solve the issue. <> #205
Same issue here, Nexus 5 with 5.0.1... can't believe that this is still a "Small" prio bug, considering the impact (Home screen stalled, apps being shut down after start, services constantly restarting and draining the battery...) <> #206
I have the dame problem with Nexus 7 2013 and i restart a system every day because its drain in a sleep mode <> #207
This is ridiculous, problem persists in 5.0.1
Basically,Google screwed us all, N5 owners.
Basically,Google screwed us all, N5 owners. <> #208
This critical bug make my nexus 7 extremly slow and everything reloads everytime. So annoying! <> #209
Interesting, still no replay from google. <> #210
Same issue here. After having an runtime of ~6 days the system RAM usage gets to 800-900 MB and more. I have to reboot every time to solve this.
BIG issue for me!
I don't want to restart my phone, I am a user who wants to leave the phone on for 1 month or more...
BIG issue for me!
I don't want to restart my phone, I am a user who wants to leave the phone on for 1 month or more... <> #211
My nexus 5 is still displaying system usage 1+ GB ram after 5.0.1 after 1 day of restart.
Google developers what are you doing guys, this is very critical issue as apps getting crashed. Please fix it ASAP as bcoz of this, my nexus 5 is just like a piece of junk.
Google developers what are you doing guys, this is very critical issue as apps getting crashed. Please fix it ASAP as bcoz of this, my nexus 5 is just like a piece of junk. <> #212
I'm close to abandoning my Nexus 5. Please Google, reply or acknowledge the issue! <> #213
This was present in dev preview in june/July pretty sure it ain't getting fixed. <> #214
Hey guys, I came here every single day and hoped this is going to be fixed. Guess what? I was wrong. I am jealous of these people who doesn't have this issue. I know Nexus means bleeding edge. But ignoring a critical bug like this is totally unacceptable. I tried every possible workaround and none of them works.
I am tired and no longer care about this shit. Bye.
I am tired and no longer care about this shit. Bye. <> #215
Same issue for months, it even quit as I tried to add this comment. <> #216
Yeah.same issue here. everytime when back to home from an app if the launcher reload, you will find the system take up about 1GB of the ram .Only way to solve it is to reboot. <> #217
[Comment deleted] <> #218
All apps either closing or restarting. So annoying. This is like my fourth comment here <> #219
Same problem here on Nexus 5. This along with the Wi-Fi bug I am experiencing on UniFi APs has finally driven me away from Nexus. My Note 4 is coming on Monday. Bye Nexus. <> #220
Only workaround : flash back KitKat system image. But, seriously why? Google doesn't hear us. Thanks Google, won't buy a nexus/android shit next time.
At least you get what you pay for with Apple.
At least you get what you pay for with Apple. <> #221
Yeah getting my iPhone Monday at least it can multitask <> #222
I love my Nexus 5. Nothing lasts forever though. I give this relationship one more month if I keep seeing these behaviors. Then it's over! <> #223
same problem with nexus 5 , 5.0.1 update..system uses around 1.5 gb of two things run at the same time. <> #224
its interesting that my old nexus 7 2012 doesnt have any memory leak.... but my nexus 5 has it. <> #225
[Comment deleted] <> #226
You people do realize this is the AOSP issue tracker, not some forum where you can know absolutely nothing and leech off everything?
Some poor guy has to read through you guys' whining.
Some poor guy has to read through you guys' whining. <> #227
I read through everything. Running 5.0.1 and having this problem after a clean wipe. Pissed off. <> #228
Well, there is a guy who knows something. Teach us. Please.
Or just shut the fuck up.
Well, there is a guy who knows something. Teach us. Please.
Or just shut the fuck up. <> #229
How come Google still ignore this critical issue?
Nexus uses now must reboot several times per day without a reboot button!
Nexus uses now must reboot several times per day without a reboot button! <> #230
Here are the patches that were submitted by #177;
Calm down. Again, this is the AOSP issue tracker.
They don't respond in issues like these because it's just full of people complaining. If they were to delete them, it would just be recreated by someone, but with 50% more whining.
Here are the patches that were submitted by #177;
Calm down. Again, this is the AOSP issue tracker.
They don't respond in issues like these because it's just full of people complaining. If they were to delete them, it would just be recreated by someone, but with 50% more whining. <> #231
Thanks to the author of #229, at least now we know what's going on.
Presumably these fixes will make it into the next builds from Google for Nexus devices?
Presumably these fixes will make it into the next builds from Google for Nexus devices? <> #232
It's full of people complaining because they don't respond. All they need to do is acknowledge that they are aware of the issue and that they are working on it. <> #233
I bloody will complain when this issue was in the june/July dev preview for crying out loud.I suppose Google will just chuck more ram at future phones rather than optimise as usual. Do your self a favour and go to another mobile os.They have never ever had good ram management. <> #234
I bloody will complain when this issue was in the june/July dev preview for crying out loud.I suppose Google will just chuck more ram at future phones rather than optimise as usual. Do your self a favour and go to another mobile os.They have never ever had good ram management. <> #235
[Comment deleted] <> #236
My phone is getting worse on a day by day basis. I was a massive advocate for Android and have pushed it to my friends, Android L cannot be rolled out to other devices until the issues on Google's own phone are resolved... <> #237
Apps closing every 10 seconds!!! <> #238
Got this problem now since updating to 5.0.1. Phone is pretty useless now. <> #239
looks like a dupe of http://b/17672241 , fixed by
commit 5018df761ba7dfa443a9abc728ddcd20d51a75c2
Author: Michael Wright <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:46:09 -0700
Clean-up ColorFade's shaders and buffers.
Bug: 17672241
Change-Id: I73328ee4d83c3a8700b7b19b661bcaec7ada877f
M services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
but has a different alleged fix that you might want to look at.
commit 5018df761ba7dfa443a9abc728ddcd20d51a75c2
Author: Michael Wright <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:46:09 -0700
Clean-up ColorFade's shaders and buffers.
Bug: 17672241
Change-Id: I73328ee4d83c3a8700b7b19b661bcaec7ada877f
M services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
but <> #240
Phone is Constantly refreshing apps and acting slow and buggy need a fix soon <> #241
Thanks for adding me to the subscriber list
Am 07.08.2017 07:04 schrieb <>:
Am 07.08.2017 07:04 schrieb <>: <> #242
Replying to indicate interest
On Aug 9, 2017 12:26 AM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added comment #241
< >:*
Thanks for adding me to the subscriber list
Am 07.08.2017 07:04 schrieb <>:
On Aug 9, 2017 12:26 AM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added
Thanks for adding me to the subscriber list
Am 07.08.2017 07:04 schrieb <>:
< >
> < > where you have the
> role: starred.
*Reference Info: 37010796 Memory Leak on Lollipop crashing Apps*
component: Android Public Tracker
status: Fixed
type: Bug P4 S3
duplicate issue: 37017435 < >
hotlist: [AOSP] duplicate < >,
[AOSP] FutureRelease < >
AOSP ID: 79729
ReportedBy: User
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
IssueTracker issue 37010796
< > where you have the role:
> <
> role: starred.
*Reference Info: 37010796 Memory Leak on Lollipop crashing Apps*
component: Android Public Tracker
status: Fixed
type: Bug P4 S3
duplicate issue: 37017435 <
hotlist: [AOSP] duplicate <
[AOSP] FutureRelease <
AOSP ID: 79729
ReportedBy: User
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
starred. <> #243
Guys this issue is from 2014 and has been resolved. Whatever issues you're having now are not related and should not be posted here. <> #244
Yeah, it's damn resolved. I solved mine buying a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with
3GB of RAM and no issues whatsoever.
Never more I buy an Android phone with 1GB of RAM, never!!!
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 3:33 PM, <> wrote:
3GB of RAM and no issues whatsoever.
Never more I buy an Android phone with 1GB of RAM, never!!!
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 3:33 PM, <> wrote:
Launcher redraws on return to homescreen, apps with persistent notifications in the background (such as playing music) are killed randomly.