Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> #3
From the look of the system bar, your device is not running ICS, it's running Honeycomb. The attached screenshot shows what the API demo looks like on an ICS device. <> #4
Attach another screenshot, 1.png, on ICS. It looks still weird. <> #5
The bug is still there. I tried on multiple devices:
- LGE Nexus 5X, Android 8.0.0, Build number OPR6.170623.013
- Motorola Nexus 6, Android 5.1, Build number LMY47I
- Samsung Galaxy S5, SM-G900F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.G900FXXS1CQC1
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4, SM-N910F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.N910FXXS1DQA1
- Samsung Galaxy S3, GT-I9300, Android 4.3, Build number JSS15J.I9300XXUGPE1
The result is the same on all the devices. It doesn't look like it's a device specific issue.
I am using two paint objects. One of them is used to draw the blue text and the other to draw the gray text (See attached screenshot without hardware acceleration).
I want the blue text to appear always on top of the gray text.
Thus, the blue paint has no xfermode and the gray paint has a `new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER)` as a xfermode.
I am using the `Canvas::drawTextOnPath(String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)`
When hardware acceleration is enabled the gray text is not shown at all.
Is there hope this can be fixed anytime soon?
I am at your disposal for any details you might need.
Thanks in advance.
- LGE Nexus 5X, Android 8.0.0, Build number OPR6.170623.013
- Motorola Nexus 6, Android 5.1, Build number LMY47I
- Samsung Galaxy S5, SM-G900F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.G900FXXS1CQC1
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4, SM-N910F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.N910FXXS1DQA1
- Samsung Galaxy S3, GT-I9300, Android 4.3, Build number JSS15J.I9300XXUGPE1
The result is the same on all the devices. It doesn't look like it's a device specific issue.
I am using two paint objects. One of them is used to draw the blue text and the other to draw the gray text (See attached screenshot without hardware acceleration).
I want the blue text to appear always on top of the gray text.
Thus, the blue paint has no xfermode and the gray paint has a `new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER)` as a xfermode.
I am using the `Canvas::drawTextOnPath(String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)`
When hardware acceleration is enabled the gray text is not shown at all.
Is there hope this can be fixed anytime soon?
I am at your disposal for any details you might need.
Thanks in advance. <> #6
+1. The issue has not been resolved still (March 2016).
The current bug prevents a developer from using emulator acceleration on Linux systems.
Specifically a developer cannot use Google's direction to enable the acceleration
Under the Target Device options, select the x86-based AVD you created previously.
In the Emulator tab, in the Additional command line options field, enter:
-qemu -m 512 -enable-kvm
The current bug prevents a developer from using emulator acceleration on Linux systems.
Specifically a developer cannot use Google's direction to enable the acceleration
Under the Target Device options, select the x86-based AVD you created previously.
In the Emulator tab, in the Additional command line options field, enter:
-qemu -m 512 -enable-kvm
..." <> #7
Even Android Studio 2.1 Preview 1 has the same problem.
I can't use hardware acceleration when launching the VM through Android Studio this way.
A workaround is launching the emulator from the command line and choosing the running emulator when asked where to launch the app.
I can't use hardware acceleration when launching the VM through Android Studio this way.
A workaround is launching the emulator from the command line and choosing the running emulator when asked where to launch the app. <> #8
The same goes for the ability to specify a proxy for the emulator to go through via "-http-proxy http://PROXY:PORT". Please fix ASAP! <> #9
Please fix ASAP, w.r.t adding proxy. Thought "Install Flags" under Deploy is the replacement for "Additional Command Line Options" in Emulator tab. but when I add "-http-proxy http://PROXY:PORT". it throws an error
DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -http-proxy http://PROXY:PORT -r "/data/local/tmp/.."
Error: Unknown option: -h
DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -http-proxy http://PROXY:PORT -r "/data/local/tmp/.."
Error: Unknown option: -h <> #10
I assert that this is a regression with respect to coming from an older version of Android Studio to something newer. Plus it is a regression for those migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio. The alternative is the command line...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
This is also a problem for those of us who would like to set the DNS server with "-dns-server x.x.x.x". Having to launch the emulator externally defeats the purpose of an integrated development environment. <> #12
I can't with this,
Add the emulator command line options.
In Android Studio, go to Run > Edit Configurations.
To set as global default for all projects, select "Android Application" under "Defaults".
Go to the emulator tab, check "Additional command line options" and add:
-qemu -m 2047 -enable-kvm
Add the emulator command line options.
In Android Studio, go to Run > Edit Configurations.
To set as global default for all projects, select "Android Application" under "Defaults".
Go to the emulator tab, check "Additional command line options" and add:
-qemu -m 2047 -enable-kvm
Where? <> #13
Until they expose again the same functionality through avd manager, you can use the following workaround to launch your emulators with whatever flags you want in linux.
1) Create the emulator through the AVD manager but do not launch it.
2) Go to ANDROID_HOME/Sdk/tools
3) Run the following command ./emulator [whatever flags you need] -avd NAME_OF_THE_EMULATOR -qemu -m 2047 -enable-kvm
1) Create the emulator through the AVD manager but do not launch it.
2) Go to ANDROID_HOME/Sdk/tools
3) Run the following command ./emulator [whatever flags you need] -avd NAME_OF_THE_EMULATOR -qemu -m 2047 -enable-kvm <> #14
it says cannot execute binary file. <> #16
careful, the emulator program in tools folder is obsolete ! you must use the one that is on "ANDROID_HOME/Sdk/emulator" folder.
you must add those folders in your PATH environment :
and set those variables too
you must add those folders in your PATH environment :
and set those variables too