Status Update
Comments <> #2
Can you please share a sample project to reproduce this issue. <> #4
This seems to be a significant bug in UAST.
Given a test file like this:
package test.pkg
import android.widget.TextView
class Test : {
private suspend fun setUi() {
val x = R.string.hello
if I remove the "suspend" keyword, I get the following UAST tree:
UFile (package = test.pkg)
UImportStatement (isOnDemand = false)
UClass (name = Test)
UAnnotationMethod (name = setUi)
ULocalVariable (name = x)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = R)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = string)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = hello)
UAnnotationMethod (name = Test)
However, if I add the suspend keyword back in, I end up with this:
UFile (package = test.pkg)
UImportStatement (isOnDemand = false)
UClass (name = Test)
UAnnotationMethod (name = Test)
Notice how the body of the method is completely missing. I'll file a bug against UAST for this.
Given a test file like this:
package test.pkg
import android.widget.TextView
class Test : {
private suspend fun setUi() {
val x = R.string.hello
if I remove the "suspend" keyword, I get the following UAST tree:
UFile (package = test.pkg)
UImportStatement (isOnDemand = false)
UClass (name = Test)
UAnnotationMethod (name = setUi)
ULocalVariable (name = x)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = R)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = string)
USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = hello)
UAnnotationMethod (name = Test)
However, if I add the suspend keyword back in, I end up with this:
UFile (package = test.pkg)
UImportStatement (isOnDemand = false)
UClass (name = Test)
UAnnotationMethod (name = Test)
Notice how the body of the method is completely missing. I'll file a bug against UAST for this.
>> When I create a simple intent for this purpose it's throwing exception
>> But when I use Intent with createChooser(), platform is listing different email clients available in the device and allowing me to choose an email client. When I choose Gmail, it's opening properly with proper information and a message is being displayed saying permission denied for attachment. But not throwing any exception.
versions :: targetSDKVersion : 24 run on Android 5x device with Android 7.0 OS.
Steps to Reproduce :: (android app zip file attached for reference)
>> Create an application where we create a file in cache directory from a file in assets directory.
>> In the app we have two buttons, first button try to send the cache directory file using normal intent like
When we click this button, we can observe in logs that it's throwing exception FileUriExposedException.
>> In the app on second button click we are using intent with chooser like
When we click this button, there is no exception in the logs.
What should have happened ::
>> When we pass file:// uri with normal itnent or intent with chooser FileUriExposedException should be thrown.
Please someone explain me what is causing this discrepancy when we use chooser along with intent.