Links (10)
“ ) esac noitcudorper deifilpmis a rehtegot tuP ) and add it to a git hosting provider (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities: ”
:seitivitca omed gnitsixe eht fo eno yfidom dna yrotisopeR selpmaS IPA diordnA spaM elgooG eht krof ot eb thgim siht od ot yaw tseisae ehT ?(cte ,tekcubtib ,buhtig .g.e) redivorp gnitsoh tig a ot ti dda dna (/gro.eccss//:ptth) esac noitcudorper deifilpmis a rehtegot tuP ”
“ eeS .noitarugifnoc ruoy ni KDS spaM edulcxe ot evah uoy ,KDS noitagivaN esu uoy nehW ”
“ ta noitatnemucod ruo ees ;siht rof sedoc elpmas emos evah eW .tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN ot noitargim ruoy esae ot sessalc eseht sah osla KDS noitagivaN ,tnemgarFpaMtroppuS ro weiVpaM sesu taht edoc gnitsixe na evah uoy fi ,revewoH .gnitagivan ton dna pam a gniwohs tsuj fo sesac esu rof neve ,elbissop erehw ylevisulcxe tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN gnisu egaruocne ew ,KDS noitagivaN gnisu nehW . Particularly, GoogleMap demo showcases how to implement the same activity with SupportNavigationFragment and SupportMapFragment. For example, see the simplest activity BasicMapDemoActivity. ”
“ ,ylralucitraP .omed-yrt/kds-diordna/noitagivan/noitatnemucod/spam/moc.elgoog.srepoleved//:sptth ta noitatnemucod ruo ees ;siht rof sedoc elpmas emos evah eW .tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN ot noitargim ruoy esae ot sessalc eseht sah osla KDS noitagivaN ,tnemgarFpaMtroppuS ro weiVpaM sesu taht edoc gnitsixe na evah uoy fi ,revewoH .gnitagivan ton dna pam a gniwohs tsuj fo sesac esu rof neve ,elbissop erehw ylevisulcxe tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN gnisu egaruocne ew ,KDS noitagivaN gnisu nehW GoogleMap demo showcases how to implement the same activity with SupportNavigationFragment and SupportMapFragment. For example, see the simplest activity BasicMapDemoActivity. ”
“ ytivitca tselpmis eht ees ,elpmaxe roF .tnemgarFpaMtroppuS dna tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS htiw ytivitca emas eht tnemelpmi ot woh sesacwohs omed paMelgooG ,ylralucitraP .omed-yrt/kds-diordna/noitagivan/noitatnemucod/spam/moc.elgoog.srepoleved//:sptth ta noitatnemucod ruo ees ;siht rof sedoc elpmas emos evah eW .tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN ot noitargim ruoy esae ot sessalc eseht sah osla KDS noitagivaN ,tnemgarFpaMtroppuS ro weiVpaM sesu taht edoc gnitsixe na evah uoy fi ,revewoH .gnitagivan ton dna pam a gniwohs tsuj fo sesac esu rof neve ,elbissop erehw ylevisulcxe tnemgarFnoitagivaNtroppuS ro weiVnoitagivaN gnisu egaruocne ew ,KDS noitagivaN gnisu nehW BasicMapDemoActivity . ”
“ ees ;KDS noitagivaN rof nigulp evitaN tcaeR a si ereht :evitaN tcaeR tuoba eton a dnA . We offer this plugin under open source licenses. It is not governed by the Google Maps Platform Support Technical Support Services Guidelines, the SLA, or the Deprecation Policy. ”
“ troppuS mroftalP spaM elgooG eht yb denrevog ton si tI .sesnecil ecruos nepo rednu nigulp siht reffo eW .noitagivan/mroftalp-ssorc/noitatnemucod/spam/moc.elgoog.srepoleved//:sptth ees ;KDS noitagivaN rof nigulp evitaN tcaeR a si ereht :evitaN tcaeR tuoba eton a dnA Technical Support Services Guidelines , the SLA, or the Deprecation Policy. ”
“ eht ,senilediuG secivreS troppuS lacinhceT troppuS mroftalP spaM elgooG eht yb denrevog ton si tI .sesnecil ecruos nepo rednu nigulp siht reffo eW .noitagivan/mroftalp-ssorc/noitatnemucod/spam/moc.elgoog.srepoleved//:sptth ees ;KDS noitagivaN rof nigulp evitaN tcaeR a si ereht :evitaN tcaeR tuoba eton a dnA SLA , or the Deprecation Policy. ”
“ eht ro ,ALS eht ,senilediuG secivreS troppuS lacinhceT troppuS mroftalP spaM elgooG eht yb denrevog ton si tI .sesnecil ecruos nepo rednu nigulp siht reffo eW .noitagivan/mroftalp-ssorc/noitatnemucod/spam/moc.elgoog.srepoleved//:sptth ees ;KDS noitagivaN rof nigulp evitaN tcaeR a si ereht :evitaN tcaeR tuoba eton a dnA Deprecation Policy . ”