Links (15)
“ ?siht tuoba si ti ebyaM ”
“ 1.1
?eussi siht desserdda tseuqer llup eseht t'nsI
1.2 ”
“ s'mooR ni tuoemit eht erugifnoc nac uoY - 4 onOpen callback, and these can be installed in the builder via addCallback(). In the onOpen just do: conenction.execSQL("PRAGMA busy_timeout = <time in ms>") ”
“ aiv redliub eht ni dellatsni eb nac eseht dna ,kcabllac nepOno s'mooR ni tuoemit eht erugifnoc nac uoY - 4 addCallback() . In the onOpen just do: conenction.execSQL("PRAGMA busy_timeout = <time in ms>") ”
“ eht dnuora yllacificeps ,revirDetiLQSdiordnA eht htiw eussi tnereffid a gnittih deedni era uoy kniht I Android version of the connection pool . I can work on this soon. ”
“ ) tcejorp ym ni eussi siht gnicaf ma I tub ,esac orper laminim a evah t'nod I ) ”
“ sesu ti ,retirw eno dna snoitcennoc redaer 4 sah ti dna reganam loop noitcennoc a sah mooR coroutines to suspend callers when the connections are being used . This is indeed different than Android's driver that 'blocks' callers when a connection is not available. ”
“ ni gninraw ees) sIPA etiLQStroppuS rehto fo ytilibitapmoc sdrawkcab fo smret ni si ti tub ,desu si revirDetiLQSdiordnA nehw dna deificeps si revird on nehw shtap edoc ni ecnereffid a si erehT .noitcennoc yramirp eht sesu osla lliw hcihw gnidnib etiLQS s'diordnA sesu taht ylralimis ,revirDetiLQSdiordnA eht gnisu nehW .rehto hcae kcolb yeht dna noitcennoc yramirp elgnis eht esu syawla ereht snoitcasnart ,sgnidnib etiLQS s'diordnA dna etiLQStroppuS sesu mooR desu si revird on fI .seussi ecnamrofrep fo ecruos a eb ot dnet snoitcasnart taht eerga I ,revewoH ). ”
“ htiw 22S TAC ym nO this commit that just adds BundledSQLiteDriver it crashes with a database locked error, and the previous commit does not. ”
“ eht dna ,rorre dekcol esabatad a htiw sehsarc ti revirDetiLQSdeldnuB sdda tsuj taht timmoc siht htiw 22S TAC ym nO previous commit does not. ”