Status Update
Comments <> #2
Confirmed issue persists in QPR2 Beta 2.1 (BP11.241121.013) <> #3
Expected (non-bugged) behavior recorded in attachment. Issue is not present in Build AP3A.241105.008.
Please note the three behaviors in the attached video:
1) The lock screen contents (clock) fade away quickly and smoothly, without getting dragged to the "top" of its space and persisting as the lock screen fades away.
2) Notice how the underlying page behind the lock screen (in this case, the home screen during the first half of the video, and the Messages app during the second half of the video) animate in smoothly after the lock screen dismissal animation is finished. The underlying page doesn't "pop in" abruptly, unlike what is observed in the unexpected behavior originally documented.
3) Building off of point #2, it's as if the lock screen dismissal animation and the underlying page "entrance" animation are two distinct animations when behaving as intended. In the current build, these animations seem to be conflicting with one another.
CORRECT behavior - Build AP3A.241105.008.mp4 -
Expected (non-bugged) behavior recorded in attachment. Issue is not present in Build AP3A.241105.008.
Please note the three behaviors in the attached video:
1) The lock screen contents (clock) fade away quickly and smoothly, without getting dragged to the "top" of its space and persisting as the lock screen fades away.
2) Notice how the underlying page behind the lock screen (in this case, the home screen during the first half of the video, and the Messages app during the second half of the video) animate in smoothly after the lock screen dismissal animation is finished. The underlying page doesn't "pop in" abruptly, unlike what is observed in the unexpected behavior originally documented.
3) Building off of point #2, it's as if the lock screen dismissal animation and the underlying page "entrance" animation are two distinct animations when behaving as intended. In the current build, these animations seem to be conflicting with one another.
CORRECT behavior - Build AP3A.241105.008.mp4 -
* Which Android Beta build are you using?
BP11.241025.006 (also present on stable AP4A.250105.002, Jan 2025)
* Is this a regression from Android 15?
* What device are you using?
Pixel 9 Pro
* What are the steps to reproduce the problem? (Please provide the minimal reproducible test case.)
When doing a quick swipe up (swipe to unlock) gesture on the lock screen, the clock swipes up farther than intended and then persists as the lock screen fades away. Additionally (as this may be related), the underlying screen (home screen or open app) pops in immediately rather than smoothly animating in as was the previous behavior. This is a departure from previous behavior in the launch Android 14 image for Pixel 9 Pro as well as the original Android 15 update (AP3A.241005.015, Oct 2024) on the P9P. I first noticed this behavior on the stable December Feature Drop update (AP4A.241205.013, Dec 2024).
The issue does not appear when doing a slow swipe up to unlock. It seems to occur only/mostly when doing a quick swipe up on the first swipe upon screen wake. This issue occurs WITHOUT AND WITH notifications present on the lock screen.
As of QPR2 Beta 1 (BP11.241025.006), this issue persists and has not been fixed.
This is a blemish on the UX as it is experienced nearly every time the phone is unlocked via this method. Again, to reiterate, the swipe to unlock animations were very smooth on prior versions of Android on the P9P. This is a new issue.
* Issue Category
UX/UI Visual Bug
* What was the expected result?
A smooth fade away of the clock and notifications as the user swipes away the home screen, followed by a smooth animation of the underlying screen (home screen or app) fading as was the previous behavior.
* Can you provide the API document where this expected behavior is explained?
* What was the actual result?
A janky animation where the clock slides up, farther than expected, persists, and then the underlying page pops in underneath abruptly. Sometimes, the clock will slide up, and then snaps back down to its original position while the lock screen fades away, too. This is shown in the included attachments. These animations used to be smoother and more congruent.
* Relevant logcat output.
* Link to captured Android bug report (shared privately in Drive.)
* Optional: Link to any screenshot(s) that demonstrate the issue (shared privately in Drive.)
bug-Mid animation, lock screen clock persists on top of underlying page.jpg -
bug-Normal speed, janky clock swipe animation.mp4 -
bug-Normal speed, slow and quick swipes alternating between expected behavior and bugged behavior.mp4 -
bug-Normal speed, three slow swipes exhibiting expected behavior, fourth quick swipe showing bugged clock animation.mp4 -
bug-Slow Motion, clock swipes up and persists over underlying page, underlying page pops in immediately with no animation.mp4 -