Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for posting.
We are currently looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an update. <> #4
Review the Navigation SDK docs here: <> #5
Thanks for your suggestion!
We'll be reviewing this for further consideration. Please star this issue to get updates and leave comments for additional information. Please note that starring the issue also provides our product team with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to our customers. <> #6
Thank you for the feature request.
Currently, we do not expect to implement this feature in the foreseeable future. We believe that it has relatively limited value to our overall user community, and that we can provide more general value to our customers by focusing our development efforts on other features.
If you would like to have this feature, please star this issue to register your interest. We would also be grateful if you would let us know your use case for it. From time to time we reevaluate feature requests, and customer interest and strong use cases are major factors in our prioritization decisions. <> #7
Regarding use cases, I'll refer back to Google's own documentation on why even cloud styling is useful. And for use cases, please go here:
The problem faced by developers using Google Maps SDK and the Navigation SDK is there is no longer the same feature set between the SDKs for maps. So if an app still uses normal Android MapViews and also wants to add a navigation feature to the app, the previous supported (and currently supported in the Maps SDK) cloud styling is not available. For the developer they lose a feature to implement a new feature (navigation).
And are you aware that the new Advanced Markers for Android maps requires a map ID? Using a map ID to show a normal map (not navigation) view causes the blank map tiles. So, besides cloud styling not being available for map (not navigation) views, the Advanced Markers feature that is available for the Maps SDK will also not work with the Navigation SDK. It seems this is a significant issue going forward to replace the Maps SDK with the Navigation SDK and maintaining parity between the SDKs. <> #8
After looking into this issue further, we have noticed that your issue is related to the Navigation SDK.
Since Navigation SDK is only available to select customers, we would need to
inspect your account/project to help you with your concern. So, we would suggest
creating a support case in the Google Cloud Console to open a personalized
communication channel and also to be able to respond to your concerns in a
timely manner since the Public Issue Tracker does not have any SLA:
Thank you for your understanding. <> #9
I've already removed Cloud Styling from the app. It's a Google Maps issue between two products. I reported the issue to help, but since I remove Cloud Styling due to this issue, I am no longer concerned about it.
As the title indicates, if a MapView has a cloud style mapId set in the GoogleMapOptions for it, the MapView will NOT render any map tiles showing just a blank map instead.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Tested using Navigation SDK 6.0.0 and various Android versions.