Can't Repro
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Comments <> #2
Hi, this support channel is intended for YouTube API related issues. For anything specific to Youtube website, Android or iOS app, please follow the guide posted in the link below.
You may also ask this question through our community forum: <> #4
I ve checked after received your email. The embeddable : True as the below
but when i try to input into html it show the video is blocked.
JSON from YOutube DATA API
{'kind': 'youtube#videoListResponse', 'etag':
'J7AvhHko_LvaJ6uN8W8ALMmIAC0', 'items': [{'kind': 'youtube#video', 'etag':
'8Rix9VcW2Pj_1KFRM2TScF62ljQ', 'id': 'Q3ZnTPKnIRM', 'status':
{'uploadStatus': 'processed', 'privacyStatus': 'public', 'license':
'youtube',* 'embeddable': True,* 'publicStatsViewable': False,
'madeForKids': False}, 'player': {'embedHtml': '<iframe width="480"
height="270" src="// " frameborder="0"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media;
gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
allowfullscreen></iframe>'}}], 'pageInfo': {'totalResults': 1,
'resultsPerPage': 1}}
[image: image.png]
On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 8:16 AM <> wrote:
I ve checked after received your email. The embeddable : True as the below
but when i try to input into html it show the video is blocked.
JSON from YOutube DATA API
{'kind': 'youtube#videoListResponse', 'etag':
'J7AvhHko_LvaJ6uN8W8ALMmIAC0', 'items': [{'kind': 'youtube#video', 'etag':
'8Rix9VcW2Pj_1KFRM2TScF62ljQ', 'id': 'Q3ZnTPKnIRM', 'status':
{'uploadStatus': 'processed', 'privacyStatus': 'public', 'license':
'youtube',* 'embeddable': True,* 'publicStatsViewable': False,
'madeForKids': False}, 'player': {'embedHtml': '<iframe width="480"
height="270" src="//
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media;
gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
allowfullscreen></iframe>'}}], 'pageInfo': {'totalResults': 1,
'resultsPerPage': 1}}
[image: image.png]
On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 8:16 AM <> wrote:
- Description
I got this problem :Content Owner Restrictions: The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter in the videos.list API suggests that content owners can have specific controls over their videos. It's possible that a content owner has set restrictions that prevent embedding, even if the general embeddable setting is True.
The video i want is embbed True but show error on embbed player
- API request with parameters used (DO NOT include your credential)
url = '
- Result (copy and paste a JSON response you received)
{'kind': 'youtube#videoListResponse', 'etag': 'J7AvhHko_LvaJ6uN8W8ALMmIAC0', 'items': [{'kind': 'youtube#video', 'etag': '8Rix9VcW2Pj_1KFRM2TScF62ljQ', 'id': 'Q3ZnTPKnIRM', 'status': {'uploadStatus': 'processed', 'privacyStatus': 'public', 'license': 'youtube', 'embeddable': True, 'publicStatsViewable': False, 'madeForKids': False}, 'player': {'embedHtml': '<iframe width="480" height="270" src="//
- Expected result
'embeddable': False
- Is it 100% reproducible?
Yes 100%