Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have been able to reproduce it internally and we will be working on a fix. We will update the issue with any related news. <> #3
This is working as intended and is documented here:
"GMSPlaceFieldPhoneNumber, GMSPlaceFieldWebsite, GMSPlaceFieldOpeningHours, and GMSPlaceFieldAddressComponents are not supported for GMSPlaceLikelihoodList place objects."
We are working on adding it here to the list of unsupported fields:
I will keep this issue open until we fix this documentation bug. Again thank you for flagging this.
I you are interested in having this feature that returns all address components, please explain your use case.
"GMSPlaceFieldPhoneNumber, GMSPlaceFieldWebsite, GMSPlaceFieldOpeningHours, and GMSPlaceFieldAddressComponents are not supported for GMSPlaceLikelihoodList place objects."
We are working on adding it here to the list of unsupported fields:
I will keep this issue open until we fix this documentation bug. Again thank you for flagging this.
I you are interested in having this feature that returns all address components, please explain your use case.
This request is to make these review responses available in the Places API.