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Comments <> #2
I just attached a minimal test application with duplicated and multiline traces. Provided are a couple of logcat files and screenshots.
To me this isn'r really a big problem, since AS compiles my application and lets me debug it. That's what I use it for in my company. I just found it a bit annoying that something that worked one way in AS 2.x and 3.0, suddenly changed in 3.1. The new way results more time-consuming to me while debugging and reviewing the logs.
Could this be made configurable? Not necessarily in the UI, but editing some properties file. Thanks. :)
To me this isn'r really a big problem, since AS compiles my application and lets me debug it. That's what I use it for in my company. I just found it a bit annoying that something that worked one way in AS 2.x and 3.0, suddenly changed in 3.1. The new way results more time-consuming to me while debugging and reviewing the logs.
Could this be made configurable? Not necessarily in the UI, but editing some properties file. Thanks. :)
I have the following code:
After generating an apk and decoding the containing classes.dex I can see that the new code is skipping the first null check (points == null) and immediately gets the array length. That of course results in a runtime NullPointer Exception (this is how I was made aware of it).
Using shows that the check is still present in the resulting final dex, however using does not. I also tested and the issue is still present.
Gradle wrapper for tests: contains this setting (unsure if important)
Here the correct dex (up to 8.6.1):
Here the INCORRECT dex (8.7.0 and greater):