Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for posting.
Please note that at this time, the issue tracker only accepts reports in English. For future updates, please respond to this message in English.
Kindly provide more information regarding your issue so we can further investigate.
- Please advise what Google Maps service you are using and the issue encountered.
Complete sample request
of the API you are using that encounters issueswith all the values of the parameters used
.- The
andyour expected
results with theofficial source of information
(like any government approved resources or latest Street view signage) that can confirm. - Error message.
- Screenshots in a standard image format (e.g. PNG or JPEG) or screen recordings and steps to reproduce the issue.
#REMINDER: Please do not disclose any possible PII such as: email address, IP, contact number, any part of name, project numbers and billing accounts as these information may violate security and privacy. Comments or attachments that include PII will be removed and restricted from public viewing.
Furthermore, please refrain from replying to a comment as this will make your email address visible. Instead, you may use the Issue Tracker’s comment feature for your replies.
It is OK to share your API Project ID, but _not_ API keys or client ID credentials.
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Feature Request
What would you like to see us add to this API?