Status Update
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #2
Someone on SO found that rolling back to com.android.support:leanback-v17:24.2.1 fixed the issue.
I'll check about that as soon as I can.
I'll check about that as soon as I can.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #3
Seems to be fixed in 25.4.0, confirmed also by comment in release notes: "BrowseFragment onItemClicked callbacks broken in 25.3.0"
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #4
I am also facing the same issue with this library 'com.android.support:leanback-v17:26.0.0-alpha1'.Sometimes on click is working and sometimes its not working.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #5
On 'com.android.support:leanback-v17:27.0.2' the issue is not reproducible.
In case you have implemented the workaround suggested in the SO link in the issue description, please remove it or it will break the click propagation.
In case you have implemented the workaround suggested in the SO link in the issue description, please remove it or it will break the click propagation.
ni...@google.com <ni...@google.com> #6
Closing this issue due to modification date out of supported range.
If this issue is still relevant for the latest Jetpack (androidx.*
) libraries and important to address, please file a new issue and it will enter our revamped issue triage process.
Version used: 25.3.1
Theme used: Theme.Leanback
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Nvidia Shield TV (Android 7.0), Official Android TV Emulator (API 24)
I cannot share the code of my application but you can easily:
- open Android Studio and create a new project
- select to support TV only
- select to have a MainActivity
In this way you have a complete TV sample application.
To reproduce the issue:
- open the application
- immediately press RIGHT to enter in the first category
- immediately keep pressing DOWN to go to the bottom of the list
Now try to press ENTER for "Grid View", "Error Fragment" or "Personal Settings" and you can notice the click is not taken into account (about 50% of the times). It's important to be very quick to reach these three elements.
More details about the issue can be found here:
It seems ListRowPresenterItemBridgeAdapter method onBind, in some occasions, find getOnItemViewClickedListener to return null, so the item click listener is not set.
As you can read there is a possible workaround but I don't like the idea to set an empty click listener.