Status Update
Comments <> #2
This is intended behavior. You can read about this in the following article:
Have a look at the following statement: "If the local language and user language both use the same alphabet, the Geocoding API will now return the local names for the streets and localities. For example, searching for an address in Brazil with user language set to English now returns “Avenida Paulista” rather than “Paulista Avenue”."
In your example the Ukrainian and Russian languages share Cyrillic alphabet, so the names of streets and cities will be returned in the local language which is Ukrainian.
Have a look at the following statement: "If the local language and user language both use the same alphabet, the Geocoding API will now return the local names for the streets and localities. For example, searching for an address in Brazil with user language set to English now returns “Avenida Paulista” rather than “Paulista Avenue”."
In your example the Ukrainian and Russian languages share Cyrillic alphabet, so the names of streets and cities will be returned in the local language which is Ukrainian. <> #3
Ok so if i want to use google maps and get what i want(NOT what google api thinks i want, because obviously it's failed)
Is there some service which i can use, where i can pass language param and get what i expect, like u know, language=en and get en response(i do not want to see... for example Japanese language in response or any other, when i clearly said that i want EN :) )
Is there some service which i can use, where i can pass language param and get what i expect, like u know, language=en and get en response(i do not want to see... for example Japanese language in response or any other, when i clearly said that i want EN :) )
Request example:
"results" : [
"address_components" : [
"long_name" : "62",
"short_name" : "62",
"types" : [ "street_number" ]
"long_name" : "вулиця Дегтярівська",
"short_name" : "вулиця Дегтярівська",
"types" : [ "route" ]
"long_name" : "Шевченківський район",
"short_name" : "Шевченківський район",
"types" : [ "political", "sublocality", "sublocality_level_1" ]
"long_name" : "Київ",
"short_name" : "Київ",
"types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
"long_name" : "місто Київ",
"short_name" : "місто Київ",
"types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
"long_name" : "Украина",
"short_name" : "UA",
"types" : [ "country", "political" ]
"formatted_address" : "вулиця Дегтярівська, 62, Київ, Украина",
"geometry" : {
"location" : {
"lat" : 50.462643,
"lng" : 30.437668
"location_type" : "ROOFTOP",
"viewport" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 50.4639919802915,
"lng" : 30.4390169802915
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 50.4612940197085,
"lng" : 30.4363190197085
"place_id" : "ChIJs8rBvzXM1EARkP0MgdV8x3o",
"types" : [ "street_address" ]
"status" : "OK"
"вулиця Велика Васильківська" - this is Ukrainian language, NOT Russian.
My location in Ukraine, but i want to get response in Russian language, that's why i put "language=ru" into request, but as you can see, i get response on Ukrainian language, please tell me what i do wrong?