Status Update
Comments <> #2
This is per design; in order to know if a user has the Chromecast extension installed (and which one), cast_sender.js requests the script from all potentially installed extensions. <> #3
This is terrible coding. <> #4
This is amateurish at best, incompetent at worst. It's bad and Chrome developers should feel bad. <> #5
at least keep the console free of errors...
The docs for GCE simply say:
"You can set up your own DNS server if you like and configure your instances to use that server instead by editing the /etc/resolv.conf file."
However, elsewhere you say:
"Manually editing resolv.conf will result in it being reverted to the default DHCP every time your instance's 24-hour DHCP lease expires."
In any case, this is not a great solution, as it implies that we need to modify - and keep up-to-date - the resolv.conf file on fleets of VMs across multiple GCP projects. In our organization, we give people a lot of autonomy and cannot expect every VM to be created with any particular initialization script - we just need DNS to work, as it would if someone plugged a laptop into our corporate network.
Could you implement something like what AWS has?