Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
First of all thanks for this detailed issue.
This issue had been investigated thoroughly when it was first reported internally. The surprising detail in this report is that the issue is not reproducible before 1.7
. I will look into this.
The main problem with POBox is the fact that it is deprecated. Since 2021 Sony has been shipping new Xperia devices with Gboard pre-installed. Although we are aware that there is still a considerable amount of users still using POBox, the described behavior is caused by POBox's noncompliant behavior with InputConnection
and InputMethodManager
documentation. However, this is understandable since TextView
implementation was also not respecting the behavior that is expected from Editors.
Ultimately we have decided to enforce the documented behavior with specifically regards to when editors should call InputMethodManager.updateSelection
. Also, although unconfirmed, there were traces of possible custom code being included in Sony OEM images that changed how InputMethodManager was notified from TextView. If POBox also depended on something like this, it would be impossible for Compose code to replicate the same unknown behavior. <> #3
Or is that option not available?
Even if the root cause is POBox, from the perspective of the app's customers, it looks like an app bug, so this issue is a blocker against updating Jetpack Compose. <> <> #4
Just to be sure, it is dangerous to replace Compose TextField with Android View EditText as a workaround for this issue.
Compose 1.7 has a bug that causes ANR when the focus is on EditText.
Another View-related bug in Compose 1.7 is that an Android View is focused by calling FocusManager.clearFocus().
Perhaps there is a lack of testing of Compose 1.7 in combination with Android View. There is also a possibility that there are other fatal bugs related to View.
In other words, the only options for apps targeting the Japanese market that require POBox support are to continue using Compose 1.6 or to use EditText in combination with various workarounds.
Version used: Espresso(3.0.1), Runner and Rules (1.0.1)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Install orchestrator-1.0.1.apk and test-services-1.0.1.apk
2. Build App under Test and Test apk and install on device
3. execute below command for Test Orchestration
adb shell 'CLASSPATH=$(pm path app_process / \ am instrument -w -e \
targetInstrumentation com.package.test/com.package.espressoTests.Instrumentation \'
After executing above command, it starts execution on device (Samsung Marshmallow) with below log output
MdfppReflectionUtils isMdfEnforced encountered an exception. Cause: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for boolean (tried Java_com_samsung_android_security_CCManager_isMdfEnforced and Java_com_samsung_android_security_CCManager_isMdfEnforced__) Message: null
MdfppReflectionUtils isMdfEnforced encountered an exception. Cause: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for boolean (tried Java_com_samsung_android_security_CCManager_isMdfEnforced and Java_com_samsung_android_security_CCManager_isMdfEnforced__) Message: null
If we execute only one/few test case, it shows below output when execution is complete
-Final result — OK (0 tests)
If we execute batch of tests, execution stopped because of process crash due to out of memory.
How are you running your tests (via Android Studio, Gradle, adb, etc.)?
Using adb command
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected output is to continue execution of next test if there is any crash due to memory issue or due to application crash due to some other reason. I have attached few screenshots which shows memory usage when process crashed and Instrumentation file. Please let me know if you need any other details.