Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
We have shared this with our engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #3
Our engineering team has added this feature. It will be available in a future Android release. <> #4
Awesome <> #5
Very nice! <> #6 <> #7
OMFG! I been waiting for this moment since my first Samsung Galaxy S! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #8
this is good. thank you. <> #9
please bring it! this is must needed. <> #10
great feature <> #11
thank papa bless <> #12
thank you very much, great job devs. <> #13
Thank you! My eyes thank you! So tired of white backgrounds. <> #14
Awesome feature !!!!
We almost wait for that 👍😉
We almost wait for that 👍😉 <> #15
Woot! <> #17
Awesome! <> #18
Great! <> #19
Finally....a much awaited feature coming <> #20
Hi folks, you may remember me from the last three releases where it looked like Dark Mode was being added. Unfortunately, this bug was closed prematurely due to a miscommunication with the team that handles AOSP issues.
What we *have* added in a future Android release is a developer-facing setting (via Developer Options) to toggle the -night UI mode qualifier, which will make it easier for developers to create and test apps that implement night mode. This qualifier has been in the platform since Froyo (SDK 8) and globally modifiable via UiModeManager since Marshmallow (SDK 23); however, there was never an explicit toggle made available anywhere in Settings.
If it's any consolation, we will also not be adding Hot Dog Mode (where all UI elements are yellow and red).
What we *have* added in a future Android release is a developer-facing setting (via Developer Options) to toggle the -night UI mode qualifier, which will make it easier for developers to create and test apps that implement night mode. This qualifier has been in the platform since Froyo (SDK 8) and globally modifiable via UiModeManager since Marshmallow (SDK 23); however, there was never an explicit toggle made available anywhere in Settings.
If it's any consolation, we will also not be adding Hot Dog Mode (where all UI elements are yellow and red). <> #21
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... <> #22
Oh come on why no hot dog mode <> #23
Keep running the other way from what users want, google. <> #24
Please Google, implement a user toggle for night/ darm mode. Its what we want! #Pixel <> #25
Was really looking forward to a dark mode feature for Android. Very disappointed. 😞 <> #26
that's OK. I'd hate to see what googles idea of dark ui looks like anyway. no doubt would be some weird pastel off-green kind of "dark" <> #27
Awesome <> #28
Google are you comparing a nice dark mode, which would be easy on eyes and on battery life, to a garish mode that wouldn't be easy on either eyes or battery life? I don't get it - WHAT IS THE DEAL? Why not add a dark mode and let users choose? It's not just during nighttime hours that I want a mode like this to be easy on my vision. But night mode would be no help - I need a mode that doesn't change the appearance of images. I just want the UI to be dark. I know I could just skin the phone myself, but I really want to stick with stock Android. This only thing that's missing, for me anyway, I'd a dark mode! GRRRRRR <> #29
I am very upset with the decision made not to support native dark mode.
I mean, dark mode for Android would be great. I have a hard time using my phone at night, or looking at big white screens during the day because I have an eye floater in one eye thats dead center, darker colors like dark greys, make that floater invisible and I can read text but here I am on a big white page writing a ticket with a nice black dot moving across the screen messing with me while I type this message to express my hate for the decision not to support a native dark mode on phones.
And what I mean by dark mode, is dark, not black. Don't do that Microsoft crap and simply toggle white to black. Thats not a dark mode, thats a high contrast black mode. Take Discord's dark mode, for example.
There are so many reasons its wrong not to support a dark mode natively. Just because you turn screen brightness down does no mean it will save you more power than a dark backgrounded screen.
1) Night time, you unlock your phone because you got a text message and are hit by an instant blast of white, until your text messaging app kicks in with its dark mode. Now how bad do you think that is for your eyes?
2) Its easier on the eyes to read things in the darker shades a night time, probably healthier too, and for some people it may even be painful to be hit by a blast of all white (like me).
3) Others, have preferences and just like the darker color styles 24/7, which I'm also a part of. Even before my big ass eye floater.
I'd give more reasons, but I'm tired as hell and wanted to go to sleep earlier but had to come stop here to provide my thoughts on you rejecting dark mode.
There are a great many people who would use a dark mode feature whether always or just at night, and the decision to give those users the middle finger will only make people dislike Google more. I'm sorry, but this is just a bad decision to not support native dark mode.
I urge you, Google, to reconsider future applications of a native dark mode for users, especially those of us who are awake at night, and have issues with our eyes that make it -very- painful to be hit with a blast of white, even with brightness turned way down. I could probably help come up with colors, possibly some details, but right now, I'm tired. So since the google team will obtain my email when I submit this, feel free to contact me, Google, if you want some more input. As always, I hope my ridiculously long detailed posts have helped in some way.
I mean, dark mode for Android would be great. I have a hard time using my phone at night, or looking at big white screens during the day because I have an eye floater in one eye thats dead center, darker colors like dark greys, make that floater invisible and I can read text but here I am on a big white page writing a ticket with a nice black dot moving across the screen messing with me while I type this message to express my hate for the decision not to support a native dark mode on phones.
And what I mean by dark mode, is dark, not black. Don't do that Microsoft crap and simply toggle white to black. Thats not a dark mode, thats a high contrast black mode. Take Discord's dark mode, for example.
There are so many reasons its wrong not to support a dark mode natively. Just because you turn screen brightness down does no mean it will save you more power than a dark backgrounded screen.
1) Night time, you unlock your phone because you got a text message and are hit by an instant blast of white, until your text messaging app kicks in with its dark mode. Now how bad do you think that is for your eyes?
2) Its easier on the eyes to read things in the darker shades a night time, probably healthier too, and for some people it may even be painful to be hit by a blast of all white (like me).
3) Others, have preferences and just like the darker color styles 24/7, which I'm also a part of. Even before my big ass eye floater.
I'd give more reasons, but I'm tired as hell and wanted to go to sleep earlier but had to come stop here to provide my thoughts on you rejecting dark mode.
There are a great many people who would use a dark mode feature whether always or just at night, and the decision to give those users the middle finger will only make people dislike Google more. I'm sorry, but this is just a bad decision to not support native dark mode.
I urge you, Google, to reconsider future applications of a native dark mode for users, especially those of us who are awake at night, and have issues with our eyes that make it -very- painful to be hit with a blast of white, even with brightness turned way down. I could probably help come up with colors, possibly some details, but right now, I'm tired. So since the google team will obtain my email when I submit this, feel free to contact me, Google, if you want some more input. As always, I hope my ridiculously long detailed posts have helped in some way. <> #30
I'd like to also weigh in on this, I've noticed a lot of strain on my eyes trying to use my device at night, even on gloomy days. For my eyes as well as battery life please keep working in this. <> #31
This should've been built into Android 5 when Material Design came out in 2014. Now it's every app and vendor for themself, and the base OS *still* can't (or won't) do it. <> #32
This a really disheartening to hear. I have been waiting for this feature since the beginning. Like, literally, THAT is the ONLY feature I am excited about.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #33
for those who are looking at a "temporary" solution, you can use this extention on Chrome : .
I rarely change to white background and only mostly do it to "check" some color image or because some websites text becomes unreadable, else, its turned on 95% of my browsing time.
I{m probably one of the few arround that like using a white on dark background all the time, reminds me of those good old monitors of the 90s with Dark/Organge Dark/Green OS/2 display (Ahahaha)
Anyway, If I had the chance to get all my Oses. Windows, Android, Linaage on a Dark Background, I ll be swiching those to dark forever...
So YESSSSS...I d prefer 100% to have a Native Dark Mode on Android since pictures do not dispaly with their original colors when we use some kind of Color convertion pluggin.
I really don t get it why this is sooooooooooo hard and took soooooooooooooo long to code this (dumb) option into an original Operating system (!!??)
Hey..Ask Starman whats its favorite Background color :) !
Come on guys, get into the XXII century !
I rarely change to white background and only mostly do it to "check" some color image or because some websites text becomes unreadable, else, its turned on 95% of my browsing time.
I{m probably one of the few arround that like using a white on dark background all the time, reminds me of those good old monitors of the 90s with Dark/Organge Dark/Green OS/2 display (Ahahaha)
Anyway, If I had the chance to get all my Oses. Windows, Android, Linaage on a Dark Background, I ll be swiching those to dark forever...
So YESSSSS...I d prefer 100% to have a Native Dark Mode on Android since pictures do not dispaly with their original colors when we use some kind of Color convertion pluggin.
I really don t get it why this is sooooooooooo hard and took soooooooooooooo long to code this (dumb) option into an original Operating system (!!??)
Hey..Ask Starman whats its favorite Background color :) !
Come on guys, get into the XXII century ! <> #34
I actively look for apps that sport dark mode. If there's a choice, that's the one that gets installed. If there isn't, I debate whether I actually need that app. Usually, I don't.
I emailed a developer once, and they said "oh, the Android API prevents us from doing that." I doubt that's accurate, and found an app where they were either smarter, read the doc, or at least solved the problem somehow.
My standard response to all this is: if I'd wanted to stare at a light bulb all day long while reading the manufacturer info written there, I'd already be doing so. Yes, normal text is black characters written on a white background, but on a phone/computer the lit background actively glows at you exactly as a normal piece of paper does not. (Unless it's on fire, in which case you've got a completely different problem.)
I'd rather your GUI designers work on something like that - solve the background glow /character contrast / battery power problem. Still, at least, you're better than Microsoft's Metro. (damning with faint praise.)
I emailed a developer once, and they said "oh, the Android API prevents us from doing that." I doubt that's accurate, and found an app where they were either smarter, read the doc, or at least solved the problem somehow.
My standard response to all this is: if I'd wanted to stare at a light bulb all day long while reading the manufacturer info written there, I'd already be doing so. Yes, normal text is black characters written on a white background, but on a phone/computer the lit background actively glows at you exactly as a normal piece of paper does not. (Unless it's on fire, in which case you've got a completely different problem.)
I'd rather your GUI designers work on something like that - solve the background glow /character contrast / battery power problem. Still, at least, you're better than Microsoft's Metro. (damning with faint praise.) <> #35
Everyone shut up iPhones are better <> #36
Google is acting just as childish as Microsoft did with the Windows 8 start menu.. not having it in there, and when they did, it went to the full screen metro menu instead.
The Google design team is just flipping the finger to it's user base and yelling "FUH Q, PEASANTS.. WE DO WHAT WE WANT!"
The Google design team is just flipping the finger to it's user base and yelling "FUH Q, PEASANTS.. WE DO WHAT WE WANT!" <> #37
Being on call 24/7 is a pain in the ass when you wake up after an alert at 5:00 in the morning and having to stare through a blasting white UI interface to read the message or change some settings in your phone. Dark UI's are absolutely needed sometimes; there is a reason why 3rd party Android sellers create skins to put it back in: people want it and your OS is incomplete without it.
Why not implement it the right way and do it yourselves instead of leaving it to all these theme-hacks?
Why not implement it the right way and do it yourselves instead of leaving it to all these theme-hacks? <> #38
I support this request also. As pointed out before, dark or black interfaces present less of a draw on our already limited battery life which is not being addressed from other angles. Also as suggested, dark interfaces are easier on the eyes in most settings, present less eye strain, and are just more comfortable to look at.
Google please consider this implementation as requested and prioritize this. Our community has been forced to abandon common apps for third-party alternatives or hacked interface mods to achieve this because you have been ignoring this simple request for years from us. The workarounds we are forced to use weakens your brand and the security/privacy of users in some cases, not to mention makes us feel like we are forced to use and operate our devices by your customization preferences and not our own (which if that is the case we might as well all use iPhones).
Google please consider this implementation as requested and prioritize this. Our community has been forced to abandon common apps for third-party alternatives or hacked interface mods to achieve this because you have been ignoring this simple request for years from us. The workarounds we are forced to use weakens your brand and the security/privacy of users in some cases, not to mention makes us feel like we are forced to use and operate our devices by your customization preferences and not our own (which if that is the case we might as well all use iPhones).
#MakeAndroidGreatAgain <> #39
I support this. <> #40
I support this <> #41
+1 I support this! <> #42
I support this! <> #43
+1 i support this! <> #44
i need a dark mode currently i use substratum black theme for my phone .. but thats an app ,, so why cant you integrate this black mode in the android os itself <> #45
I don't understand why it's not getting added, I mean: is it really that hard? With substratum you can do it so easy. The point is that I need root and don't want to void my warrenty yet. <> #46
+1 <> #48
Dear Developers,
Make Dark/Night Mode for Android OS that will turn anything with white background dark, no exception. Give an option for us to set a time when the Android OS should turn dark and back to Light Mode. For example, we want Night Mode to be on at 9:00 PM and off at 8:00 AM, like on a schedule. This can be set manually by the users. Dark Mode helps reduce eyes strain at night or in the dark and saves battery life.
Samsung was the first to implemented this Night Mode in their Samsung Internet browser, which works beautifully. Please do the same for Android UI.
Thank You
Make Dark/Night Mode for Android OS that will turn anything with white background dark, no exception. Give an option for us to set a time when the Android OS should turn dark and back to Light Mode. For example, we want Night Mode to be on at 9:00 PM and off at 8:00 AM, like on a schedule. This can be set manually by the users. Dark Mode helps reduce eyes strain at night or in the dark and saves battery life.
Samsung was the first to implemented this Night Mode in their Samsung Internet browser, which works beautifully. Please do the same for Android UI.
Thank You <> #49
It's really disappointing that ever since KitKat, there hasn't been a dark theme included with Android. I'll stick with 4.4.2 on my Samsung S5 until it's included. Ideal would be a toggle between default (white), dark (for lower eye strain / more appealing design) and pitch black (for OLED power saving). <> #50
Add it, please. I have eye strain with white themes. <> #51
It will give a overall better look to the whole native androud system, all
other androud phones have it, why cannot the Flagship Pixel Series can't.
Plus it will be more power efficient. Please add Dark Mode.
On Sun 3 Jun, 2018, 07:27 , <> wrote:
other androud phones have it, why cannot the Flagship Pixel Series can't.
Plus it will be more power efficient. Please add Dark Mode.
On Sun 3 Jun, 2018, 07:27 , <> wrote: <> #52
Please reopen the issue with your engineering team! Highly disappointed! <> #53
Agreed, all Google apps should have a dark theme mode. Why is Google not allowing this, makes nonsense. Whoever is running the show, needs a reality check. <> #54
My medication makes me light sensitive, I've been using "Invert screen" for AMOLED Black which makes most Google apps look fantastic!
Please add AMOLED Black theme
Please add AMOLED Black theme <> #55
This is a pain point Google needs to address and build upon. If a user wants, dark mode (white backgrounds replaced with darker versions) would be applied across all apps.
Anyway, congrats for hearing your users and following up with tangible features.
Anyway, congrats for hearing your users and following up with tangible features. <> #56
We can try voting here:
But one trend I notice with Google that baffles me is that they don't care much about user opinions, and personally it's a shame. Every single person that I speak with wanta every app to have a black theme. I am sure millions of people have sent feedback for dark themes under different Google apps, yet Google still does nothing. I think the issue could be actually at the top, somebody managing the top level Google design. It just a shame and a disgrace that 95% of all Google apps have no dark theme.
But one trend I notice with Google that baffles me is that they don't care much about user opinions, and personally it's a shame. Every single person that I speak with wanta every app to have a black theme. I am sure millions of people have sent feedback for dark themes under different Google apps, yet Google still does nothing. I think the issue could be actually at the top, somebody managing the top level Google design. It just a shame and a disgrace that 95% of all Google apps have no dark theme. <> #57
Yes, we have year 2018, and we are unable to set the color themes on our own devices we buy for significant sums of money.
We get ridiculous "blue light filter" which turns white pixels slightly yellow, but you know what, Google? By switching to a dark theme, you are cutting much more of that harmful blue light, because the screen overall emits much less light. When everything around computers was still designed by engineers who understood how things work, computer screens were dark with glowing letters. Now when Excel people with "soft skills" are in charge, we have to stare at bright white screens that harm our eyes and burn out our OLED screens, because of the obsolete dogma that "a computer screen is like a white sheet of paper".
Infuriation, frustrating, outrageous.
We get ridiculous "blue light filter" which turns white pixels slightly yellow, but you know what, Google? By switching to a dark theme, you are cutting much more of that harmful blue light, because the screen overall emits much less light. When everything around computers was still designed by engineers who understood how things work, computer screens were dark with glowing letters. Now when Excel people with "soft skills" are in charge, we have to stare at bright white screens that harm our eyes and burn out our OLED screens, because of the obsolete dogma that "a computer screen is like a white sheet of paper".
Infuriation, frustrating, outrageous. <> #58
assignee changed due to member moving out of team. <> #59
Once again, thank you for submitting the feature request. After following up with our product and engineering teams, we've deferred this request for consideration to a future release. <> #60
Wow seriously... Why is Google so against dark's so infuriating! <> <> #62
NOT FIXED, Android 9 needs Night mode. <> #63 Restricted
Comment has been deleted. <> #64
No idea what the jpg is but I have a 9 without dark mode. <> #65
I still have android 9. Why no amoled black!!! <> #66
I can't have dark mode on my phone Huawei p10
Dark Mode / Black displays on OLED Screens vastly improves Battery Life on Android Phones. Please kindly add a Dark Mode or Night Theme in Android 9.0 that we can set under "Settings" in Android 9.0. Currently, only by installing 3rd party apps can we enable this Dark Mode.
Thank You!!!