Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
We have shared this to our engineering team and unfortunately I am not able to provide an E.T.A on the fix. Future update(s) will be posted here.
We have shared this to our engineering team and unfortunately I am not able to provide an E.T.A on the fix. Future update(s) will be posted here. <> #3
We recently implemented an experimental workaround for this. We're looking for feedback on it if you'd like to give it a try. What you'd need to do is one of the following:
1. Add an iframe in your application pointing to /_gcp_iap/session_refresher, e.g. <iframe src="/_gcp_iap/session_refresher" style="width:0;height:0;border:0; border:none;"></iframe>
2. Instruct your users to loadhttps://yourapp/_gcp_iap/session_refresher in an extra tab.
I realize this is hoaky and no substitute for a proper fix, but let me know if it's at all a viable workaround for you!
--Matthew, Cloud IAP engineering lead
1. Add an iframe in your application pointing to /_gcp_iap/session_refresher, e.g. <iframe src="/_gcp_iap/session_refresher" style="width:0;height:0;border:0; border:none;"></iframe>
2. Instruct your users to load
I realize this is hoaky and no substitute for a proper fix, but let me know if it's at all a viable workaround for you!
--Matthew, Cloud IAP engineering lead <> #4
Appears to work. Thanks <> #5 We're using the second option you listed now and it seems to work well. Thanks! <> #6
Awesome, thanks Geoffrey and Zach! I'll leave this issue open to track the proper fix, but we'll go ahead and document session_refresher. <> #7
I tried both solutions and the second one work for the desktop browser. But my main application is using via android tablet with "<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">". So it open on a separate full screen window. I tried to load the page[my_app/_gcp_iap/session_refresher] on main chrome browser but it is not working.
Any idea how can i achieve this workaround on mobile web page?
Any idea how can i achieve this workaround on mobile web page? <> #8
any updates on an ETA for a fix without the workaround?
we use this to supply access to applications we do not have direct control over and adding an iframe in them is not an option
we use this to supply access to applications we do not have direct control over and adding an iframe in them is not an option <> #9
#7: I'd expect the iframe solution to work in that environment, though I haven't tested it. I don't suppose you're able to use ?
#8: Understood. No ETA at this time, but it's a high priority. I'll post any updates here.
#8: Understood. No ETA at this time, but it's a high priority. I'll post any updates here. <> #11
I tried "Modify your application code to handle the HTTP 401 response." step that include in the document. But I keep getting the following error.
"(index):1 Failed to load[mydomain_here]/_gcp_gatekeeper/authenticate&state=CkBodHRwczovL3NnY29udHJhY3RnY3AuY29yZGxpZmUuY29tL3NlcnZpY2VzL2NoZWNrLWNvbm5lY3Rpb24uc3ZjEjBBR1k1bEFLb0s1RGRxTEdKX2dYQ2V6R2pRZm4tN0REVGFnOjE1MTczNjg1NzU2MDY : No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://[mydomain_here]' is therefore not allowed access. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled."
"(index):1 Failed to load <> #12
Any ETA for a fix? We also have internal applications we access via IAP that we are unable to edit or add iframes to.
We are starting to evaluate other solutions now, which is not the route we wanted to go.
Appreciate your help.
We are starting to evaluate other solutions now, which is not the route we wanted to go.
Appreciate your help. <> #13
Hi Paul, I'm sorry this is taking so long. There's a fix we're considering which I'd anticipate being able to roll out in April that would:
1. Change the IAP session lifetime from 1 hour to 20 hours.
2. Add a check so that, for every request with a valid session, IAP calls out to the Google identity system to verify the following:
2a. Account is not suspended or disabled
2b. Account does not have the 'force password reset' flag set
2c. Account's password was not changed after the IAP session started
2d. Does *not* check that the user didn't "sign out" of the Google session that was active when they started their IAP session (we may add this in the future but we're considering skipping it for now to get this rolled out sooner). This means that an IAP session would be valid for up to 20 hours after the user signed out of Google. IAP sessions can be separately logged out by going tohttps://DOMAIN/_gcp_iap/clear_login_cookie . (Note that if a *Google* session is still active, anyone with access to the browser can log back into IAP after /_gcp_iap/clear_login_cookie without re-entering a password or second authentication factor.)
That is to say, the IAP session lifetime would increase to 20 hours and we would additionally verify 2[a-c] on every request. The reason we've left the current session length capped at 1 hour in spite of the pain this causes for AJAX is that today we do *not* verify any of 2[a-d], and we rely on the Google identity system to check these properties when IAP establishes a new session every hour.
I'd love to get some feedback on this. In particular, are there existing IAP customers for whom increasing the session length to 20 hours would be an unpleasant security surprise? Would the answer change if we added a check for (2d)?
Also, if you're willing to take (1) *without* any of the additional checks in (2) -- a 20-hour session lifetime where IAP sessions will be valid for up to 20 hours after an account is suspended or disabled (e.g. employee exit), password is changed (e.g. account compromise), or user signs out of Google session without also signing out of IAP session (e.g. shared browser / shared computer scenarios), it's *possible* that we could implement that sooner (probably in the 2-3 weeks timeframe) and put it behind a project-specific whitelist (e.g. the change would be off by default but we could whitelist specific projects for it.) Let me know if that's something you're interested in.
1. Change the IAP session lifetime from 1 hour to 20 hours.
2. Add a check so that, for every request with a valid session, IAP calls out to the Google identity system to verify the following:
2a. Account is not suspended or disabled
2b. Account does not have the 'force password reset' flag set
2c. Account's password was not changed after the IAP session started
2d. Does *not* check that the user didn't "sign out" of the Google session that was active when they started their IAP session (we may add this in the future but we're considering skipping it for now to get this rolled out sooner). This means that an IAP session would be valid for up to 20 hours after the user signed out of Google. IAP sessions can be separately logged out by going to
That is to say, the IAP session lifetime would increase to 20 hours and we would additionally verify 2[a-c] on every request. The reason we've left the current session length capped at 1 hour in spite of the pain this causes for AJAX is that today we do *not* verify any of 2[a-d], and we rely on the Google identity system to check these properties when IAP establishes a new session every hour.
I'd love to get some feedback on this. In particular, are there existing IAP customers for whom increasing the session length to 20 hours would be an unpleasant security surprise? Would the answer change if we added a check for (2d)?
Also, if you're willing to take (1) *without* any of the additional checks in (2) -- a 20-hour session lifetime where IAP sessions will be valid for up to 20 hours after an account is suspended or disabled (e.g. employee exit), password is changed (e.g. account compromise), or user signs out of Google session without also signing out of IAP session (e.g. shared browser / shared computer scenarios), it's *possible* that we could implement that sooner (probably in the 2-3 weeks timeframe) and put it behind a project-specific whitelist (e.g. the change would be off by default but we could whitelist specific projects for it.) Let me know if that's something you're interested in. <> #14
Re: #13
Thanks for the update. If I understand what you're describing, we'd still have to use the session_refresher tab in our case. One of our primary uses for IAP is for unsecured internal utilities (e.g. Prometheus monitoring dashboards that are on wall-mounted screens). The 20-hr session would mean we'd still have to re-log in every day.
A 30-day session like gmail (GSuite generally, I guess) has would be fine for our case.
Thanks for the update. If I understand what you're describing, we'd still have to use the session_refresher tab in our case. One of our primary uses for IAP is for unsecured internal utilities (e.g. Prometheus monitoring dashboards that are on wall-mounted screens). The 20-hr session would mean we'd still have to re-log in every day.
A 30-day session like gmail (GSuite generally, I guess) has would be fine for our case. <> #15
Hi Matthew,
2[a-c] all seem like great changes, and would satisfy a lot of concerns around using IAP with more sensitive data. In light of those, 2d seems like behavior that we wouldn't mind, but don't have a particular need for.
We tend to prefer longer session lifetimes, and I think we'd always be happy with 20+ hours as long as check 2a happens on each request. (We'd love pretty much anything up to 30 days.)
One additional check that would be useful with a change to longer sessions is whether the user is still on the project's IAP user whitelist. Invalidating sessions after a user's account has been disabled / suspended seems like the highest priority from a security standpoint, but a more common use case might be removing a user's access to an application by taking them off the whitelist (or removing them from a whitelisted group). For example, an employee changes departments and still has an account, but should no longer have access to their previous department's apps.
2[a-c] all seem like great changes, and would satisfy a lot of concerns around using IAP with more sensitive data. In light of those, 2d seems like behavior that we wouldn't mind, but don't have a particular need for.
We tend to prefer longer session lifetimes, and I think we'd always be happy with 20+ hours as long as check 2a happens on each request. (We'd love pretty much anything up to 30 days.)
One additional check that would be useful with a change to longer sessions is whether the user is still on the project's IAP user whitelist. Invalidating sessions after a user's account has been disabled / suspended seems like the highest priority from a security standpoint, but a more common use case might be removing a user's access to an application by taking them off the whitelist (or removing them from a whitelisted group). For example, an employee changes departments and still has an account, but should no longer have access to their previous department's apps. <> #16
Thanks for the feedback, Michael and Zach.
Zach: Correct that you would need some page-refresh mechanism for that use case. Request for gmail-esque session length noted.
Michael: We're already doing an ACL check on every request, independent of the IAP session length. (The session length we're talking about here only applies to authentication, not authorization.) There's some caching involved so access revoke isn't instantaneous, but off the top of my head I think access revoke should typically take effect on the order of minutes.
Zach: Correct that you would need some page-refresh mechanism for that use case. Request for gmail-esque session length noted.
Michael: We're already doing an ACL check on every request, independent of the IAP session length. (The session length we're talking about here only applies to authentication, not authorization.) There's some caching involved so access revoke isn't instantaneous, but off the top of my head I think access revoke should typically take effect on the order of minutes. <> #17
Hi, sorry for the delay here, this is taking longer than expected. We're still working on implementing the #13 checks, but there's a temporary workaround that we can turn on for specific projects if anyone wants to try it. The way it works is, we attempt to detect whether a request is an AJAX call or not, and *for AJAX calls only*, we have an increased session length *without* the additional checks described in #13.
From a security standpoint, this has some risk. An attacker who obtains an IAP session cookie could trivially issue a request that appears to be an AJAX call (e.g. by adding "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest") to trigger the increased session length. However, if you have a limited-sensitivity application where you're willing to turn this on until we can get a better solution in place, send me an email with your project number and desired session length (it's configurable per-project, so we can set it for 30 days, Zach):
From a security standpoint, this has some risk. An attacker who obtains an IAP session cookie could trivially issue a request that appears to be an AJAX call (e.g. by adding "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest") to trigger the increased session length. However, if you have a limited-sensitivity application where you're willing to turn this on until we can get a better solution in place, send me an email with your project number and desired session length (it's configurable per-project, so we can set it for 30 days, Zach): <> #18
The proposal from #13 is now ready for testing, please contact if you'd like to try it.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #19
The iframe solution e.g. e.g. <iframe src="/_gcp_iap/session_refresher" style="width:0;height:0;border:0; border:none;"></iframe> was working well for us but recently we've started to get issues.
Users are receiving an error message saying:
There was a problem with your request. Error Code 13.
This happens once / twice a day for a user.
If the user hits refresh in the browser and tries the same action again it all works fine.
Users are receiving an error message saying:
There was a problem with your request. Error Code 13.
This happens once / twice a day for a user.
If the user hits refresh in the browser and tries the same action again it all works fine. <> #20
Any progress on a permanent solution for this issue? It has been quite some time since this was last updated.
I have noticed in our use case that sometimes a simple refresh does not solve the timeout issue. If we navigate to our IAP protected app and create a session, then close the app tab and come back some hours later, the app will load but all AJAX will return 401. We also see similar errors to #11. Subsequent refreshes do not resolve this unless the user performs a "hard refresh" (Ctrl + F5). The iframe session refresher does appear to work for long sessions on an active tab of the app despite this issue.
I have noticed in our use case that sometimes a simple refresh does not solve the timeout issue. If we navigate to our IAP protected app and create a session, then close the app tab and come back some hours later, the app will load but all AJAX will return 401. We also see similar errors to #11. Subsequent refreshes do not resolve this unless the user performs a "hard refresh" (Ctrl + F5). The iframe session refresher does appear to work for long sessions on an active tab of the app despite this issue. <> #21
At long last, this issue is fixed. IAP sessions for all applications will be valid as long as the underlying Google login session is valid. You should no longer need to use the "/_gcp_iap/session_refresher" mechanism.
Thank you for your patience!
Thank you for your patience! <> #22
I have a Twitter thread with more background and technical detail on the solution if folks are interested: <> #23
deleted <> #24
This link is no longer working, do you still have details on this?
We are having similar issues, would like to resolve it.
We are having similar issues, would like to resolve it. <> #25
I habe noticed thats lest say yoy type out a test message but dont send it, then back out to the previous screen, then click on the message thread to bring the conversation back up with with whats yo have already typed. It wil then have the misspelled words underlined. Still really needs to be fixed though because this doesnt work for everything <> #26
Honor 7X Nougat Gboard - no red lines under misspelled words. <> #27
Yup Same issue on Samsung S9 <> #28
pixel 2 xl. missing totally obvious errors and auto correcting correct words to words that make no sense in context of sentence <> #29
Was on Pixel, no red underline for ANY misspellings. Now I'm on the S9+ latest update, same deal. Switch to Samsung Keyboard or any other one shows a red underline for misspelled words. <> #30
No RED line anymore under the misspelled words using Gboard on iPhone <> #31
same issue on Huawei P9 Lite <> #32
Using an old build from July of 2017 brings back the red underline. I don't have the time to test every version, but I started noticing its disappearance in December. It came back after a phone reset. As of February, it doesn't work at all <> #33
spell check completely not working on my pixel 2 using gboard. i attached my phone and gbiard info.
this issue has been consistent since February.
this issue has been consistent since February. <> #34
Oneplus 5t Oreo 8.1 Gboard - no red lines under misspelled words. <> #35
This is still a major problem, especially for those of us conducting business over the Pixel 2.... <> #36
Problem for me as well. 8.1 Pixel 2. Just bought the phone and Gboard updated from factory, which I think created the problem of no red underlines. I uninstalled the update and now spell check is working again. <> #37
I am having the same issue where mispelled words are not underlined in red.
Pixel 2 XL 8.1.0
Pixel 2 XL 8.1.0
Gbord <> #38
So this was reported late January, its curious this is still an issue. <> #39
google pixel 2 android 8.1.0 google pixel gboard english spell checker not working at all <> #40
Recent update to gboard and issue still occurs. Android 7.0 Moto G5 english brittish.
Noticed that if I add an emoj the red lines appear then if emoj is deleted the red lines go away.
Noticed that if I add an emoj the red lines appear then if emoj is deleted the red lines go away. <> #41
Still happening, very annoying on samsung s8! Keep resorting back to my samsung keyboard for now. <> #42
The same problem on xiaomi redmi <> #43
No spell checker red underline on Huawei P9 lite. <> #44
Same issue on LG V20 <> #45
Gboard not showing red underlines under misspelled words.
Using Huawei Mate 10 lite.
Fix it asap please.
Using Huawei Mate 10 lite.
Fix it asap please. <> #46
Same problem here. Hopefully the next update fixes it <> #47
Thanks. I assume that it will work after the next update. When one can
expect it?
Regards, M.
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 10:08 PM, <> wrote:
expect it?
Regards, M.
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 10:08 PM, <> wrote:
Michael Reznikov
Solid State Institute
Technion, Haifa 3200003
Phone: 972 48292440 office
972 48294837 lab <> #48
GBoard not showing red lines on Verizon Galaxy S9+
Makes it difficult to send work emails.
Makes it difficult to send work emails. <> #49
I loved my Google Pixel, I was sure I would use Google phones from this phone onward. I've had issues with my hands and have been using talk to text, it misspells words now. The red lines are gone. Can't wait to ditch this phone because of this. Going back to Samsung if this isn't fixed in the next week, which judging by the dates of this thread is highly unlikely. Goodbye Pixel :( <> #50
I have been using Gboard (Google keyboard) for years and was functioning perfectly. Lately i updated it to the latest and noticed that there's no spell checker functionality which is annoying as I'm using swipe (glide) all the time and mistake is annoying as i have to double check every word twice <> #51
Same issue here... Google Pixel 2 XL / Android 8.1 / build OPM2.171019.029 running gboard <> #52
Same issue on a Samsung Note 5 after latest update. <> #53
On an unlocked Galaxy S9+ on Sprint, I wasn't getting a red line.
I uninstalled GBoard and installed an older version:
It works perfectly, even seems better in other ways.
Now I have set updates up manual, and just don't update GBoard.
On an unlocked Galaxy S9+ on Sprint, I wasn't getting a red line.
I uninstalled GBoard and installed an older version:
It works perfectly, even seems better in other ways.
Now I have set updates up manual, and just don't update GBoard. <> #54
I just received another Gboard update on 5/2/2018, and STILL NO FIX for the lack of red underline beneath misspelled words. This is ridiculous! How can Google not fix such a simple, long-standing issue?!? <> #55
I oped in for Beta. Still not fixed. :(
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #56
3 weeks into the Pixel 2 and ready to return it and go back to iPhone... <> #57
I'm dyslexic and NEED my phone to tell me when words are misspelled. Why this isn't fixed is beyond me. <> #58
Same, this is annoying! <> #59
Same here for months now. Started on my Samsung Galaxy S7 edge. Tried really everything to no avail. Meanwhile I renewed my phone. Shocked to see my brand new out-of-the-box clean installed Galaxy S9+ has the same issue. That's when I knew it's the app itself. Finding this thread confirmed it. So not-Google, but also really not-done in 2018, you can't do this Google, so fix ASAP! <> #60
Nexus 5 and everything up-to-date. Spell check of any kind has been non-existent for months and it's getting really annoying!
That said, my spelling is slowly getting better on its own, haha.
That said, my spelling is slowly getting better on its own, haha. <> #61
Almost 4 months and still no word on this issue? I could see if this was something that wasn't working before, but come on google. Status update? <> #62
Still no red underline to highlight misspelled words. Clearing data to go back to old version does not work anymore. Just great <> #63
Not working for me. Pixel 2 XL Android P beta preview 1. <> #64 <> #65
Not working for me redmi 4x uk <> #66
Tryed for few days now. Use it alot but no readline under no misspelt words :(. Whats happend please fix. Uk <> #67
Redline not working on my pixel <> #68
I miss you red line...please come back.
Pixel xl 2
Pixel xl 2 <> #69
Same here. Galaxy S9+ <> #70
Screw it. I installed a new KB. I just now how have to get it to learn my
frequent use of swear words. Ducking Shut!
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 10:37 AM, <> wrote:
frequent use of swear words. Ducking Shut!
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 10:37 AM, <> wrote: <> #71
Ditto on LG V20. <> #72
my spelling check is gray out <> #73
Alo doesn't work on Android P on Pixel 2 XL. <> #74
Wow, I've been defending Google, loved pixel xl. Just got pixel 2. What bothers me more than this bug is the silence from Google. This is a major touch point for the whole experience of the os. If not fixed users are going to fall away fast and there is nothing I can say. <> #75
That's exactly what I mean by So not-Google, but also really not-done in 2018, you can't do this Google in my comment #59 . Even third parties are publishing articles about this now while Google hides in silence. Not a very smart strategy while knowing there are tons of alternatives out there. But even worse is losing the trust of so many Google fans. Because I think this attitude really is a trust- killer. <> #76
No redline on Pixel 2 <> #78
Another Gboard update today. Still no red underline. WTF... <> #79
Same issue here pixel 2 xl. Back to iPhone I go. I can't work on this pos. <> #80
How exactly Google broke feature that was working perfectly? I am very mad at them... Today there were another update of the app, but still no red underline! <> #81
I hate to say this really damaged my confidence in Google, especially since I have a troubled problem too in Google Calendar. If anyone here also uses this app, maybe you wanna take a look at my reported issue at and comment if you too want this feature back? Thanks! <> #82
since here, mine also doesn't work <> #83
Unlocked S9 not working. Have to change keyboard to another that works. <> #84
I'm having both issues too: red line not appearing, and common misspellings not caught
On a Pixel 2
On a Pixel 2 <> #85
I feel I've tried every option and still cannot get the red underlines to function again. I spent a lot of time searching the web without any luck.
Samsung Galaxy S7
Android 7.0
Samsung Galaxy S7
Android 7.0 <> #86
Likewise for both issues, and glad I'm not the only one!
Nexus 6p, Android 8.1
Nexus 6p, Android 8.1 <> #87
Why on earth isn't Google communicating here?! It's silence really begins to feel like an insult. During my attempts to get this to work I encountered some really strange shit too, like this one. Take WhatsApp and type a misspelled word followed by space in any contacts text field. Now enter an emoticon, say 💡. What happens?!?!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #88
Misspelled words are not showing with redline eveb after trying every settings <> #89
The red underline does not show since I first got the Pixel 2 XL in January. <> #90
Same issue since Android 8.0 Stable, all the way to P Beta <> #91
Not a solution, but noticed that the spellings (and red underline for mistyped words) kicks in after you place a symbol e.g. 😁 <> #92
That's what I mentioned in message #87 but that only works in WhatsApp and not permanently. If your type on it shuts down again. <> #93
Message #87 and #91 don't work for me. It seems that only some people have this "workaround". <> #94
Don't worry about it, because it isn't really a workaround. If you type on, the red line vanishes again. Sometimes after 3 words, sometimes a few more. It's hardly an option to add an emoticon every 3 words, check for the red line, remove the emoticon and repeat the process. Not at all reliable. THE REAL SOLUTION MUST COME FROM GOOGLE. HELLO GOOGLE, COME IN PLEASE... <> #95
Gboard not underlining misspelled words <> #96
Gboard doesn't underline misspelled words.
Sent from BlueMail
On May 23, 2018, 9:37 AM, at 9:37 AM, wrote:
Sent from BlueMail
On May 23, 2018, 9:37 AM, at 9:37 AM, wrote: <> #97
Please fix. This has been an annoying issue for a while now. <> #98
Please, give listen to the community and give an official answer Google. Please acknowledge the bug and give an ETA for the fix. <> #99
Samr isue on a pixel 2 (misspelled words in this post had no underline!! <> #100
Google, just do it. <> #101
Same issues with Moto G4+ (Android 7.0) <> #102
I have a Motorola X Play with Android 6 and Gboard installed. I tried to see if the problem is with the latest version but also is affecting the Google Keyboard from factory. When updated again to the latest version, I see that Dictionary in Configuration it doesn't show you the synchronization of learned words with google account. I'm using suggested words while writing like a workaround. <> #103
droid max the update has wrecked my phone. now cant use spell check. few apps do not work with this update. will be running away from droid phones. <> #104
I have been experiencing it too. Lately quite many updates have come, but this issue is still not addressed. <> #105
Gboard will not underline misspelled words. Samsung S9± <> #106
Well, I don't have Samsung s9. It's another model. So wouldn't it work on
that too?
On May 29, 2018 8:05 PM, <> wrote:
that too?
On May 29, 2018 8:05 PM, <> wrote: <> #107
Motorola Moto G 4G, Gboard not underlining misspelled words. Uninstalling updates gets it working again but not the best solution. <> #108 <> #109
Can't say for sure, because Google hasn't responded in any way so there's no info on causes and culprits. Maybe the device makes a difference, maybe not. On my out-of-the-box brand new fresh installed Galaxy S9+ I can't possibly get it to work. <> #110 <> #111
Gboard is not underlining misspelled words on iPhone 7. <> #112
"Isn't there any way out? "
Swiftkey! kappa
Swiftkey! kappa <> #113
Afraid not, except maybe for downgrading by removing updates (which isn't possible on my S9+) or considering another keyboard. <> #114 <> #115
I have red underlines missing for two anguages, latest Google play build, android 7.1 <> #116
Same issue as others, no native spelllchecking feature when using Gboard. Am on an 8.0.1 build of Android, OnePlus Oxygen-based ROM. <> #117
Somebody knows what is the last working update? I’m going to downgrade gboard using a previous version of the app <> #118
Same problem here, with a Xiaomi Mi A1, I found this really anoying.
I'm from Perú, so I use it in spanish, but is the same problem. The Mi A1 is pure android (android project) but still the same problem. I've tried to uninstall and install back again the gboard, didn't work..
I'm from Perú, so I use it in spanish, but is the same problem. The Mi A1 is pure android (android project) but still the same problem. I've tried to uninstall and install back again the gboard, didn't work.. <> #119
Same with Note 8 <> #120
Having the same issue on my S7, no red underline. <> #121
#117 "Somebody knows what is the last working update?" works fine.
All the later versions don't work for me. works fine.
All the later versions don't work for me. <> #122
Are they ever going to look into this? Just switched back to Gboard after years of using Fleksy because I thought maybe I don't need a third party keyboard anymore. But this is a basic function and I don't see any indication it's being addressed. Pixel 2. <> #123
Same on Pixel 2 XL running Android P. Had same issue on Oreo too. <> #124
Same issue using a OnePlus 5T with Oxygen OS 5.1.2 / AOS 8.1.0. <> #125
Really annoyed I started testing Gboard on as many devices I could get my hands on. If necessary I installed Gboard. In the end there were 17 devices owned by family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances etc. on which Gboard spell check DID NOT WORK. The total number of devices I had processed was..... 17! Damn! That's a 100% NEGATIVE score! Now I'm annoyed even more, especially because GOOGLE HAS NOT RESPONDED NOR CONFIRMED NOR DENIED IN ANY WAY YET, AS IF WE DON'T EXIST TO THEM. LET ME REMIND YOU GOOGLE THAT WE'RE THE REASON OF YOUR EXISTENCE, SO SHOW SOME MANNERS AND LET US KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH GBOARD!!!!! <> #126
Still an issue here. <> #127
Same issue here. Moto x4 Android 8.1.0
No red line under misspelled words, obvious misspellings with no correction options.
No red line under misspelled words, obvious misspellings with no correction options. <> #128
What is it going to take to get Google to pay attention to this?!? I've filed bug reports, submitted feedback, rated the app. Some kind of acknowledgement from Google would be nice <> #129
"What is it going to take to get Google to pay attention to this?!? I've filed bug reports, submitted feedback, rated the app. Some kind of acknowledgement from Google would be nice"
Get a few million people to sign in to google and click the star in the top left of this page?
Get a few million people to sign in to google and click the star in the top left of this page? <> #130
That's it! Yes please. <> #131
Same problem here. I am on Nokia 6 2018 running android one. <> #132
Same prob here, xiaomi redmi note 5 <> #133
Same issue here — no red lines and an overall decrease in quality. (Lots of errors getting through that used to get corrected.) Using a Sprint LG G6 that was just recently upgraded to 8.0. <> #134
I've even seen a few outlets cover this..
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #135
Still not working here. Galaxy s8+
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #136
I do not have red lines on my Galaxy S9. <> #137
I have a Galaxy S7 Edge Android and have experienced the same problem with red underlining. When I need a serious spell check, I switch the keyboard to Grammerly. it's easy to quickly toggle between the different keyboards. Just hold the language bar for a few seconds and a window will pop up with the choices for keyboard, so you can easily switch back and forth. Google please fix this bug. <> #138
Same issue with mine. I had no choice but switching keyboards. I use swift
key just to have spell checking. I dislike the layout of swift key. Hope
gboard can be fixed soon.
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018, 11:33 AM <> wrote:
key just to have spell checking. I dislike the layout of swift key. Hope
gboard can be fixed soon.
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018, 11:33 AM <> wrote: <> #139
maybe not fixing this issue is Google's way to get us all to use speech-to-text more, in order to collect more voice recognition data on us.. <> #140
I also have this issue. Gboard was my favorite... Checking so store for good alternatives <> #141
Nexus 6p, OnePlys 3t and LG V30+ have this issue
This is very annoying
This is very annoying <> #142
This was reported on January 23rd and Google's latest follow-up was this: <> #4 Jan 30, 2018 01:44PM
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
There were no updates since, or any response by Google at all for that matter. In my opinion that's an act of disrespecting it's clients on Google's part. I think it's a disgrace the way Google acts. I just want to know if the bug is being acknowledged and when it will be fixed. That's all!
My suggestion will be to start all over again and return to the beginning. Our contact here would be and I guess this person is responsible for maintaining user contacts out here. If you agree, please report not only your issue, but also make a complaint regarding Google's attitude and remind Google of it's moral obligations to it's customers and users. Maybe the press will discover a story in here... <> #4 Jan 30, 2018 01:44PM
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
There were no updates since, or any response by Google at all for that matter. In my opinion that's an act of disrespecting it's clients on Google's part. I think it's a disgrace the way Google acts. I just want to know if the bug is being acknowledged and when it will be fixed. That's all!
My suggestion will be to start all over again and return to the beginning. Our contact here would be and I guess this person is responsible for maintaining user contacts out here. If you agree, please report not only your issue, but also make a complaint regarding Google's attitude and remind Google of it's moral obligations to it's customers and users. Maybe the press will discover a story in here... <> #143
I want the red line coming for incorrect spelling. That's not happening with the GBoard. Please do something about it. <> #144
Agreed with the previous comment - would be nice if the red underline that
shows a misspelling would be re-enabled.
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:51 PM, <> wrote:
shows a misspelling would be re-enabled.
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:51 PM, <> wrote: <> #145
Huawei Mate SE
Android 8.0.0
Cannot enable spell check
Android 8.0.0
Cannot enable spell check <> #146
June 18, 2018 update still has no red underline. But hey, new languages and stickers. Just what I needed... <> #147
Have the same issue. Is this bug planned to be fixed anytime soon? <> #148
Google says: " ". <> #149
Been broken since I purchased a Google Pixel 2 device and came over from Apple. What's a good alternative keyboard? <> #151
How to enable swiftkey red underline? <> #152
Swiftkey is nice, but it always adds spaces after punctuation, and that's utterly annoying. Using default Samsung keyboard now, and hoping google fixes spellcheck someday. <> #153
6 months and this is still an issue. . .how has this not been corrected yet? Has there been any word from google that they are working one this or any reason why this issue exists and is taking so long to correct? <> #154
Check my posts here and you'll see that I'm pissed because Google hasn't responded at all so there's no information whatsoever on those subjects 😡😠🤬 <> #155
I contacted Google support a few days ago through the chat function on the Google One app. Basically, the answer that I got was that they're working on a fix for the issue for the Android P release. No word as to when the Android P release will happen, or whether there may still be a solution coming for Android O. So apparently they're aware of the problem and are taking steps to fix it, but there's no guarantee yet how long it will take or whether you'll need to have Android P in order to get the red underline back. Not the answer I was hoping for, but I guess it's an answer. For the record, the Google One representative that I chatted with was very helpful and easy to talk to. Even though I had to wait a long time in the queue, I was happy with the support I received. <> #156
Well, it certainly isn't fixed for the current DP Android P release, with the latest beta Gboard version. <> #157
Same issue with my Samsung S9+ Thanks for the suggestion of SwiftKey. I used that with Google Spell Checker and it works!. I turned off Auto-correct in SwiftKey and turned on Spell checker through Language and Input through the General Management of the phone settings.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #158
[image: photo]
*Travis Bradley*
Solutions Partner Manager, Amplitude Analytics
79 Madison Ave, New York, NY <> #159
Hi, same here.
Workaround: When switching out and in of the SMS app, with the square button then selecting the SMS app, it makes the red underlines appear (it works better than switching to another app then SMS again).
I'm using chomp sms 7.20 and Gboard
On Android 7.0.
I also succefully tested this with the default SMS/MMS v7.0.
Workaround: When switching out and in of the SMS app, with the square button then selecting the SMS app, it makes the red underlines appear (it works better than switching to another app then SMS again).
I'm using chomp sms 7.20 and Gboard
On Android 7.0.
I also succefully tested this with the default SMS/MMS v7.0. <> #160
I contacted support and they do not seem to care that my phone is basically useless for work now as my spelling sucks! Would love to see an actual fix and not a BS excuse.
"As of now, the red-line doesn't work in the Gboard app. It was available in the previous versions. However, it is not available in the latest version of the app. I would recommend you to file a feedback for the same so that it reaches the development team. "
"As of now, the red-line doesn't work in the Gboard app. It was available in the previous versions. However, it is not available in the latest version of the app. I would recommend you to file a feedback for the same so that it reaches the development team. " <> #161
I believe it'll be appropriate for Google to replace Gboards descriptive text in the Play Store by something like "actual working spell check feature coming to you in a future Android release, maybe even (but not probably) P but most definitely in Android Z!" <> #162
I am also having the issue where red underlines do not appear, but would like to add that I believe this is also interfering with the ability to add new words to the user dictionary. Without the spell check functionality the only way to add new words is manually at the system level. This is a huge problem. Can anybody else confirm this behavior? Try typing something like a username (catnip720) and see if you can get your keyboard to remember it, because I can't unless I add it manually in settings. <> #163
Hi google team, same problem here. The spell check, Auto Correct, Auto word suggestion all were working before. Why this simple issue is not fixed even after many people complained?? Disappointing
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #164
Same for me to. No underline words. Will be forced to use other keyboard. Jdjdjdkd - example. <> #165
I been waiting for a fix since I started using oreo. I'm using a oneplus 5T with Oreo 8.1 <> #166
Conner Atnip
Conner Atnip <> #167
Google not fixing such an essential problem is hard enough to understand, but doing so without any communication whatsoever, there is not one single statement or even a reply in here, now that goes beyond my comprehension. That's why I'm surprised to see almost no one blaming Google, calling them to account for this disrespectful behaviour towards its users. That's us guys, come on! Over half a year without one single explanation, one word, a letter! That's not done IMHO. <> #168
This issue seems to be amazing on the part of Google. The most frustrating is that the updates don't seem to do anything towards fixing this issue.
For the time being, I somehow got it to show the red underlines, but I don't know how I even got it to work again on the latest version, but all I can remember is downloading a couple of keyboard apps beforehand.
For the time being, I somehow got it to show the red underlines, but I don't know how I even got it to work again on the latest version, but all I can remember is downloading a couple of keyboard apps beforehand. <> #169
Same here... Lg g4 <> #170
Yed, thjs id complehshwji fiduxulis. Sake peiblen, Notr 5. Akk updayes cirrent. So drusteaying!!!!!!!!!! 😢 <> #171
So yeah, none of those words were marked red... <> #172
I am having the same problem on my LG G6... autocorrect does not work on the gboard <> #173
Same issue as the others. No red line. So you can't even press and hold the misspelled word to add to dictionary if you wanted to. <> #174
Pixel 2 spell check not working. All updates installed and settings correctly set up. I want to use Gboard for security and speed but the lack of a red underline spell check is a deal breaker. Please fix Google! <> #175
Pixel XL OG spell check still nit working <> #176
Apparently one of the beta updates got a spell check option. Someone should
check it out.
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 1:28 PM <> wrote:
check it out.
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 1:28 PM <> wrote: <> #177
I read that as well, although the author of the article indicated that they still weren't able to get the spell check functioning yet. I haven't had the opportunity to try it myself, though. <> #178
Issue still not fixed.
On Jul 11, 2018 8:41 PM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added comment #177
< >:*
I read that as well, although the author of the article indicated that they
still weren't able to get the spell check functioning yet. I haven't had
the opportunity to try it myself, though.
*Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious
corrected words.*
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672 < >
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned < >
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
IssueTracker issue 72386511
< > where you have the role:
On Jul 11, 2018 8:41 PM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added
I read that as well, although the author of the article indicated that they
still weren't able to get the spell check functioning yet. I haven't had
the opportunity to try it myself, though.
*Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious
corrected words.*
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672 <
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned <
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
starred. <> #179
I can confirm using the new beta Gboard that the spell checker is NOT functioning. What's crazy to me is that this should be one of the most basic things included with a keyboard. Like a new car that they can't figure out why the blinkers don't work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <> #180
In the new car example I guess it's more like the crash prevention not working but the dealer is not telling and keeps selling. The driver proudly demonstrates the crash preventing capabilities to his entire family by speeding up towards a front car by 60, 80, 110 mph expecting the system will kick in and save all..... <> #181
Amazing. So it's not working in the beta even when it's touted ad a feature
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 3:02 PM <> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 3:02 PM <> wrote: <> #182
Yeah, I did install the beta and can confirm that spell check is not working on Pixel 2 XL. <> #183
yup yup still does not work... <> #184
No red waggly lines for me either; used to work a couple of months back.
Android build
Device used
Motorola Z Play (original)
Android bug report
Yeah, not gonna post that on a public forum, you numbskull.
Android build
Device used
Motorola Z Play (original)
Android bug report
Yeah, not gonna post that on a public forum, you numbskull. <> #185
The red line comes to older Gboard version but can't see any line in newer version <> #186
How can I use an older version without it automatically updating to the newer version? The voice to text is very frustrating this way. <> #187
just go to google play, settings, turn off auto-update <> #188
No red underline on misspelled words.
Red mi note 5 .
Red mi note 5 . <> #189
Google Spellchecker paired with Gboard on Google Pixel does not highlight misspelled words. Google Spellchecker paired with Microsoft's Swiftkey on the Google Pixel however does work. <> #190
Does anyone know how to contact Google about this to prompt a response or update? Last we've heard on this issue is that it was "passed to the development team" nearly 6 months ago. Since then, the development team has added Morse code for Gboard, but has never even given us an update on fixing an extremely basic feature which is malfunctioning - spellcheck. <> #191
I have been asking for a response multiple times to no avail. I complained about that several times but no reaction. It's a disgrace the way Google ignores users. But that's the power of the biggest. It's a pity the biggest forget who put them there. Because if they didn't, they would have left some decency to talk to us. <> #192
En español pasa exactamente lo mismo, se dieron cuenta que tampoco se puede calificar la app en el playstore? <> #193
Em português Brasil também não há mais a indicação de palavra errada sublinhada em vermelha. Nem no Nexus 5x 8.1 nem no Moto x4 8.0. <> #194
Well this problem would take years, ever since that multilingual gboard came out. <> #195
It is interesting to me that this issue is listed as being blocked by issue 72682672 , which is a private issue that the public doesn't have permission to view. Does anyone know any details about issue 72682672 ? <> #196
I don't, but it seems like a sneaky way to hide this negative publicity from the big audience. By the way, as Google Assistant is rolling out in the Netherlands as we speak, I hope it doesn't talk the way Gboard writes, because a constantly drunk assistant that tasks Gibberish all the time won't be very helpful. <> #197
It seems that the red underline is back, but now is blue. Finally :) - OG Pixel XL, Gboard 7.4.18 Beta <> #198
#197 Did you did something? Installed 7.4.18 and not showing after fresh instal... <> #199
I think is server related. Yesterday the underline wasn't present, but now it is :) <> #200
Has anybody noticed that the spellcheck and autocorrection, apart from the underline, is getting worse? The past couple weeks have been horrible. <> #201
#200: i noticed that... And also, i miss that option "press the word typed and show up a popup with a list related words"... <> #202
I have installed Android Beta P and the updated Gboard APK 7.4.18 and spell check still broken. 😠 <> #203
Autocorrect is a crapshoot, yes. Despite writing it and fixing it myself
for a thousand times, Gboard keeps correcting "Worms" into "Works". No, the
game I'm writing isn't called "Works Armageddon", Gboard.
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 4:50 PM <> wrote:
for a thousand times, Gboard keeps correcting "Worms" into "Works". No, the
game I'm writing isn't called "Works Armageddon", Gboard.
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 4:50 PM <> wrote:
-PookaMustard <> #204
Come on Google, please get Gboard working correctly. I'm trying to move away from SwiftKey but you're making this so difficult!!!
Bring back the 'aggressive auto correct' option that it used to have
Bring back the 'aggressive auto correct' option that it used to have <> #205
I noticed something: on WhatsApp, write an wrong word and select any emoji... The word would be underlined. It isn't happens on other apps. <> #206
Noticed that too, see
However this doesn't work with all emoji, except for 💡 Very strange, one should think this'll be a good lead for giggle tracking the culprit down so a little response would be appropriate, but nothing like that. There has not been one single response, reaction, not a word, not even one letter. It's a <|\§¢;>~¿§×\] disgrace.
However this doesn't work with all emoji, except for 💡 Very strange, one should think this'll be a good lead for giggle tracking the culprit down so a little response would be appropriate, but nothing like that. There has not been one single response, reaction, not a word, not even one letter. It's a <|\§¢;>~¿§×\] disgrace. <> #207
Now the red underline has been completely removed and replaced by blue
underline. Tapping on it is not giving option to add word to personal
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018, 6:09 AM <> wrote:
underline. Tapping on it is not giving option to add word to personal
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018, 6:09 AM <> wrote: <> #209
7.4.19 removes the blue underline... DAMN Google what are you doing?! <> #210
I never even had the blue underline :( <> #211
Bless you, kind Googler #208. Using that spellcheck engine put the underlines back for me, perhaps even superior because it also does grammar. Note that I'm still using gboard, so the issue isn't with gboard per se but with Google's spellcheck module. <> #212
#211 a pleasure to help you! Sometimes the spellcheck disappears with this one, but still a good alternative till google fixes their own spell check.
If someone knows a different spellcheck to install (I only found the one I posted), please post it here!
If someone knows a different spellcheck to install (I only found the one I posted), please post it here! <> #213
Same problem please give us a fix <> #214
Galaxy J6 <> #215
same issue.
Please fix the bug.
Please fix the bug.
Thanks <> #216 <> #217
Where is the red underline for us to click the word and add it to dictionary? <> #218
So badly want to use Gboard, but can't do without this feature. Please
bring back the red line...
Thank you
[image: Description: Description: Description:
Edwin Frasenburg
+27 (0) 73 572 8282
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 12:14 AM <> wrote:
bring back the red line...
Thank you
[image: Description: Description: Description:
Edwin Frasenburg
+27 (0) 73 572 8282
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 12:14 AM <> wrote: <> #219
Gboard on Huawei Mate 10. Red underline spell check missing. Not even an option to enable or disable it.
There are no language options on the space bar to help the keyboard know which language is being used and require spell check.
I really miss the samsung keyboard. Gboard is a very inferior product in comparison. The red underline spell check and the language options have been basic functions for decades in most devices.
There are no language options on the space bar to help the keyboard know which language is being used and require spell check.
I really miss the samsung keyboard. Gboard is a very inferior product in comparison. The red underline spell check and the language options have been basic functions for decades in most devices. <> #220
I just uninstalled gboard updates from app config and now it works perfectly... I won't update for while. <> #221
Another abandoned product, it appears. <> #222
I have the same issue with the red underline not working as dose my wifes phone <> #223
Red underline not working here.
Uninstalling updates does not help.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPP5.180610.010)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
Uninstalling updates does not help.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPP5.180610.010)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA <> #224
I now have the blue underline on an SGS8 on Verizon, but it no longer has the functionality the red underline had to add a word to your personal dictionary if missing. This functionality does exist on the Samsung and SwiftKey keyboards, and used to exist on Gboard. <> #225
#219 If you long press on the space bar and go to the settings you can add languages to the keyboard. After you do this you can switch between them using the space bar.
#223 Uninstalling the updates only works if the version that comes with your ROM is older than the version where this functionality was removed.
This isn't a normal bug in the sense that the spell checking functionality was accidentally broken. Rather, it was removed on purpose because of whatever is discussed in issue 72682672 (possibly a legal problem, possibly patent related).
#223 Uninstalling the updates only works if the version that comes with your ROM is older than the version where this functionality was removed.
This isn't a normal bug in the sense that the spell checking functionality was accidentally broken. Rather, it was removed on purpose because of whatever is discussed in <> #226
#225 how can a legal problem keep Google from correcting misspelled words? Type "Brkoen" and you still don't get a suggestion of Broken. <> #227
>#225 how can a legal problem keep Google from correcting misspelled words?
I suspect this is related to underlining misspelled words in real time.
>Type "Brkoen" and you still don't get a suggestion of Broken.
Not enough initial letters match. Instead try "Brokn",
which does get a suggestion of "Broken" here.
I suspect this is related to underlining misspelled words in real time.
>Type "Brkoen" and you still don't get a suggestion of Broken.
Not enough initial letters match. Instead try "Brokn",
which does get a suggestion of "Broken" here. <> #228
legal issue?? all I want is for spell check to work as well and as fast as <> #229
I updated my "Mi A1" to Android 8.1 and comes with the last version of GBoard :'( (with underline broken).
Any suggestion to downgrade it?
Any suggestion to downgrade it? <> #230
The only way to downgrade it is to root the device and remove the GBoard app from the system partition. Then you can install an older APK. For most people that level of effort isn't worth it.
Regarding the likely legal problem being the cause of the loss of this feature, we can thank the broken patent system of the United States. My guess is that it is some sort of "design patent" affecting the notification interface of misspelled words on a cell phone (basically you can't patent spell checking, but you can patent how it looks). That is why they are playing with changing the color of the underline and removing the ability to add a misspelled word to the dictionary. These types of patents are often overturned in court, but that can take years and a lot of money.
Regarding the likely legal problem being the cause of the loss of this feature, we can thank the broken patent system of the United States. My guess is that it is some sort of "design patent" affecting the notification interface of misspelled words on a cell phone (basically you can't patent spell checking, but you can patent how it looks). That is why they are playing with changing the color of the underline and removing the ability to add a misspelled word to the dictionary. These types of patents are often overturned in court, but that can take years and a lot of money. <> #231
The blue underline started appearing for no apparent reason on my phone this afternoon (Pixel 2 XL), for the first time. I got the Android P update on Monday, which brought no change. Everything was fully updated this morning and still no red/blue underline, but it started appearing around 6 PM with no other updates or changes made to the phone.
As others have stated, it still doesn't allow the option to add a word to the custom dictionary, but at least I have a somewhat functional spell check (for now).
As others have stated, it still doesn't allow the option to add a word to the custom dictionary, but at least I have a somewhat functional spell check (for now). <> #232
Just to clarify on my last post: upon further use, I've noticed that the blue line is only working in messaging apps on my phone (Hangouts, Android Messages, Facebook Messenger). It's not appearing in Gmail or anywhere else. <> #233
> <> #232
Likewise: blue underline in Messages, not in Gmail.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
Likewise: blue underline in Messages, not in Gmail.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA <> #234
Backing up to an older version of Gboard works just. Delete current version first. See one of the responses in a May 2018 posting to this bugganizer string of posts for instructions. Be advised when you get to the mirror site, you will have to work your way through the aggressive advertising. Be sure to turn off autoupdating, as he have to hang on to the old version for this to keep working. My working Gboard version is:
I promise this works and is not too hard. Shame on the lame folks at Google.
Bruce Gobbel - Personal Gmail
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 8:40:48 PM
Subject: Re: Issue 72386511 : Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the team that works on this product.
Changed added comment #233 < >:
><> <<>> #232
Likewise: blue underline in Messages, not in Gmail.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672< >
duplicate issue: 112206774< >
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned< >, Google Domain< >
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker issue 72386511 < > where you have the role: starred.
Backing up to an older version of Gboard works just. Delete current version first. See one of the responses in a May 2018 posting to this bugganizer string of posts for instructions. Be advised when you get to the mirror site, you will have to work your way through the aggressive advertising. Be sure to turn off autoupdating, as he have to hang on to the old version for this to keep working. My working Gboard version is:
I promise this works and is not too hard. Shame on the lame folks at Google.
Bruce Gobbel - Personal Gmail
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 8:40:48 PM
Subject: Re:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the team that works on this product.
Changed added
><> <<>> #232
Likewise: blue underline in Messages, not in Gmail.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672<
duplicate issue: 112206774<
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned<
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker <> #235
The latest version,, appears to have spell check on by default (if not, the option to enable it is at the bottom of the "Text correction" panel in the settings). <> #236
While a few weeks ago, the blue line appeared, it has now gone away. No matter how much I reinstall, wipe data, etc. <> #237
alright, while there's now the setting for me to turn it on, i guess it doesn't work in every app or all of the time. <> #238
On my Samsung S9 running the latest beta version of Gboard, a blue line has
started appearing underlining any misspelled words. However it appears to
only work sometimes. Very unreliable
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018, 9:35 PM <> wrote:
started appearing underlining any misspelled words. However it appears to
only work sometimes. Very unreliable
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018, 9:35 PM <> wrote: <> #239
Same here. On my Google Pixel 2 XL a blue line appears under a word I misspell. However, it doesn't work in every app. <> #240
Same problem, in my case it's showing a blue underline. <> #241
I've been read many posts with arm-v8(64 ?) processors. What if the gboard problem is incompatibility with this architeture?
I don't understand about developing...
I don't understand about developing... <> #242
Doesn't anyone have an idea why Google hasn't responded yet? Although this would be the most suitable place for them to at least share some information, I searched the Web and there is not one single statement from Google to be found anywhere. Why is that? <> #243
"If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold." —Andrew Lewis <> #244
I guess you're right and I'm too naive to stop believing those companies
would have some decency even if they're giving away things for free.
Op vr 10 aug. 2018 16:50 schreef <>:
would have some decency even if they're giving away things for free.
Op vr 10 aug. 2018 16:50 schreef <>: <> #245
If this is related to pending legal action, it is common for their lawyers to advise they make no public statements regarding the issue. <> #246
Not even something like we are aware of the issue and try to solve it, but
due to circumstances this may take some time and we can't provide any
Op vr 10 aug. 2018 20:22 schreef <>:
due to circumstances this may take some time and we can't provide any
Op vr 10 aug. 2018 20:22 schreef <>: <> #247
same with xiaomi redmi 4a :(( <> #248
how do i take myself off this email list <> #249
Go to the link in the email to the bug and click on the star so it isn't colored in. That will stop you from following it <> #250
Same here for oneplus 6. This bug needs to be fixed. <> #251
I have the same issue red underline doesn't work at all. I followed all of enabling instructions for spelling check. but, still the same issue. because of this I'm thinking of switching back to iPhone!!
im using pixel XL with Android p.
im using pixel XL with Android p. <> #252
Issue appears to be completely resolved using Gboard Beta. Took a LONG time but its mostly resolved.
Spell check still won't find suggestions for common misspellings yet, but maybe that'll come.
Spell check still won't find suggestions for common misspellings yet, but maybe that'll come. <> #253
I'm using the beta too, but have no spell check function in gmail.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #254
Android 8.1 and Android 9. No spell check.
Neither in Gboard Beta nor in latest prod version.
Tested in GMail and Keep. All spellcheck options ON in settings.
This is my business phone. Spell check is important for me and is off for months now.
Neither in Gboard Beta nor in latest prod version.
Tested in GMail and Keep. All spellcheck options ON in settings.
This is my business phone. Spell check is important for me and is off for months now. <> #255
> <> #254
Gboard underlining does not work in Gmail or Keep, but it does work in Calendar (5.8.44-208015756), Messages (3.5.048), and Voice (2018.33.208081136), so I'm guessing Gmail needs an update.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
Gboard underlining does not work in Gmail or Keep, but it does work in Calendar (5.8.44-208015756), Messages (3.5.048), and Voice (2018.33.208081136), so I'm guessing Gmail needs an update.
Device model: Google Pixel (Sailfish)
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.009)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA <> #256
p.s. Gboard spell checking also works in Microsoft Outlook for Android (2.2.200), and Gmail service can be used in the (very good) Outlook app, so Outlook can be used as a work-around for spell checking until Google updates Gmail. <> #257
Still no red underline. Moto G6 plus, Android 8.0.0. <> #258
> <> #257
The spelling underline is now blue, should be working in Messages.
The spelling underline is now blue, should be working in Messages. <> #259
same issue in oneplus 6, it was a very important feature, sad to see that google has stopped it. wish they will roll out this feature soon <> #260
I have a blue line underscore but no obvious suggestions for replacement. Nothing for talk to text, which I find most annoying. That used used to work so well!! I.E. Google translates Sean and tap used to offer Shawn as replacement <> #261
Hi, lets try this one more time. I am using Oneplus 3T, stable Oxygen OS 5.0.5. The red line is not working, but look at this!! I have my spell check on, and its for Croatian (im from Croatia).
As i write "Not working" it doesn't underline it, but when i add a "smile icon" it underlines it! This is just a bug, it should work like this.
The "Not working" text is underlined because spell check is on Croatian, so it doesn't understand english. (Screenshot_20180829-094440__01.jpg) (Screenshot_20180829-094446__01.jpg)
As i write "Not working" it doesn't underline it, but when i add a "smile icon" it underlines it! This is just a bug, it should work like this.
The "Not working" text is underlined because spell check is on Croatian, so it doesn't understand english. <> #262
That's been noticed before, in some cases a smiley/emoticon following a misspelled word would result in the red line. But it's not aplicable as a workaround and i think there's more to it then just a bug. See messages #87, #91, #92, #93, #94 before. <> #263
Juzt reseivet a new updeta bud stil nod fikset! PZ: zorry for tha poore speling but my audocorect doeznt worck. <> #264
HI, Spell check is not working. It is not showing me add to dictionary option if words isn't in dictionary. Please fix this problem or add this feature if you removed it. <> #265
As I am reading all the notes above since January 2018, I do not see a solution to this glitch? Is Google planning to resolve this at any point? The Development team in my small company work extremely fast to solve problems....yet it takes Google.... Months? Years? They might want to rethink who they hired in their Dev Team?........ I have a Google Pixel XL2 <> #266
> <> #265 Sep 14, 2018 07:14AM
It appears to be an APP problem, rather than a Gboard problem.
Messages and Voice underline misspelled words in blue with suggestions.
Gmail does not underline misspelled words but does have suggestions.
It appears to be an APP problem, rather than a Gboard problem.
Messages and Voice underline misspelled words in blue with suggestions.
Gmail does not underline misspelled words but does have suggestions. <> #267
Ich have the same issue with the latest beta and final of gboard on my Pixel 2. <> #268
Misspelled words are no longer being underlined in red after recent update
to Gboard.
Frustrating as I can't correspond well anymore make to many mistakes affecting my dealings with clients.
to Gboard.
Frustrating as I can't correspond well anymore make to many mistakes affecting my dealings with clients. <> #269
In addition the red underline has been completely removed and replaced by blue
underline. Tapping on it is not giving option to add word to personal
underline. Tapping on it is not giving option to add word to personal
directory. <> #270
Misspelt blue underlined words, when clicked on, offer no pop up suggestions. Using Galaxy S9 <> #271
Guuuyyysss!!! Got an update today and FINALLY worked for me the blue line under mispelled words. Try it an post if it works. :) Finally Google... Thanks <> #272
I updated and tried today and am still no change. I'm still only getting that blue circle appearing under the word, where it only offers the clipboard, cut, paste option. <> #273
Blue underline, but no suggestions... :( <> #274
That's right. The blue line appeared some time ago, but it just
occasionally marks misspelled words and nothing else. No suggestions, no
adding to dictionary, nothing at all. It's just sitting there.
Op ma 8 okt. 2018 18:44 schreef <>:
occasionally marks misspelled words and nothing else. No suggestions, no
adding to dictionary, nothing at all. It's just sitting there.
Op ma 8 okt. 2018 18:44 schreef <>: <> #275
This is a test of bad speling. It auto corrected, but speling is not
Jonathan Reed
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 16:38 <> wrote:
Jonathan Reed
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 16:38 <> wrote: <> #276
This is another test of bad speling. I updated and restarted my fone just
in case. This is still no gret.
Jonathan Reed
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 16:38 <> wrote:
in case. This is still no gret.
Jonathan Reed
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 16:38 <> wrote: <> #277
Reported before blue underline appeared, but no correct word suggestions. Strange thing just happened: autocorrect suggestions ONLY appear after selecting an emoji... Still can't figure why this grammar check thing isn't fixed yet... <> #278
Also: after correcting the word this way, blue underline still present under the word... <> <> #279
Oh dear God... I'm speechless. Seems this will never be fixed, hope I'm wrong tho... :D <> <> #280
I received a second mail reading this board saying
status: New → Assigned
assignee: <none> →
Will now be our saviour?
Btw, the Gboard update I got yesterday again didn't fix it. Really annoying and unbelievable this takes so long!
status: New → Assigned
assignee: <none> →
Will now be our saviour?
Btw, the Gboard update I got yesterday again didn't fix it. Really annoying and unbelievable this takes so long! <> #281
How is something this basic still not fixed? Worst spell check / suggestions I have ever seen on any phone. <> #282
same issue: fix it, please! <> #283
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src 'self'; img-src * cid: data:;"><style id="outgoing-font-settings">#response_container_BBPPID{font-family: initial; font-size:initial; color: initial;}</style></head><body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-image: initial; line-height: initial;"><div id="response_container_BBPPID" style="outline:none;" dir="auto" contenteditable="false"> <div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="width:100%;"> <div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;">There are two issues here that need immediate fixing (and it's embarrassing that we have to have this conversation):</div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;"><br></div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;">1. Marking misspelled words while typing works only with the messaging apps (e.g. Messages, WhatsApp) but not with emailing apps, except for the subject line. I use both the Gmail app and BlackBerry Hub for emails and in both only misspelled words in the subject line are marked but not those in the body of the email. </div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;"><br></div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;">2. Suggested corrections are unreliable and many times are very silly or wrong. Also, it is very annoying that the misspelled word is always suggested as is (misspelled) as a correction. </div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;"><br></div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;"><br></div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="font-family: sans-serif; width: 380px;"><br></div></div> <div name="BB10" id="response_div_spacer_BBPPID" dir="auto" style="width:100%;"> <br style="display:initial"></div> <div id="blackberry_signature_BBPPID" name="BB10" dir="auto"> <div id="_signaturePlaceholder_BBPPID" name="BB10" dir="auto"></div> </div></div><div id="_original_msg_header_BBPPID" dir="auto"> <table width="100%" style="background-color: white; border-spacing: 0px; display: table; outline: none;" contenteditable="false"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: initial; font-size: initial; text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <div style="border-right: none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-image: initial; border-top: 1pt solid rgb(181, 196, 223); padding: 3pt 0in 0in; font-family: Tahoma, "BB Alpha Sans", "Slate Pro"; font-size: 10pt;"> <div id="from"><b>From:</b></div><div id="sent"><b>Sent:</b> November 15, 2018 09:46</div><div id="to"><b>To:</b></div><div id="reply_to"><b>Reply-to:</b></div><div id="cc"><b>Cc:</b></div><div id="subject"><b>Subject:</b> Re: Issue 72386511 : Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table> <br> </div><!--start of _originalContent --><div name="BB10" dir="auto" style="background-image: initial; line-height: initial; outline: none;" contenteditable="false"><div><div style="background-color:#fbe983;border:1px solid #debe07;color:#594c04;font-weight:bold;padding:5px 10px">Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the team that works on this product.</div><br>
<a href=" "> </a><br>
<strong><a href=""></a> added<a href=" "> comment #282 </a>:</strong><br>
same issue: fix it, please!<br>
<strong>Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.</strong><br>
</div><span style="color:#808080">component: </span>Android Public Tracker > Applications<br>
<span style="color:#808080">status: </span>Assigned<br>
<span style="color:#808080">reporter: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">assignee: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">cc: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">type: </span>Bug P2 S2<br>
<span style="color:#808080">blocked by: </span><a href=" ">72682672</a>, <a href=" ">79141136</a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">duplicate issue: </span><a href=" ">112206774</a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">hotlist: </span><a href=" ">[AOSP] assigned</a><br>
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<a href="
<strong><a href=""></a> added<a href="
same issue: fix it, please!<br>
<strong>Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious corrected words.</strong><br>
</div><span style="color:#808080">component: </span>Android Public Tracker > Applications<br>
<span style="color:#808080">status: </span>Assigned<br>
<span style="color:#808080">reporter: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">assignee: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">cc: </span><a href=""></a><br>
<span style="color:#808080">type: </span>Bug P2 S2<br>
<span style="color:#808080">blocked by: </span><a href="
<span style="color:#808080">duplicate issue: </span><a href="
<span style="color:#808080">hotlist: </span><a href="
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system<br>
<span style="color:#808080">You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google IssueTracker issue <a href=" <> #284
Ready to give up on Gboard. Used to work so well, especially talk to text
corrections. Heard Grammarly has a good app...
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 9:46 AM < wrote:
corrections. Heard Grammarly has a good app...
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 9:46 AM < wrote: <> #285
I solved: you have to set up the **Google account** correctly, in order to activate the "active suggestions" option, as shown in attachment (sorry, in italian). <> #286
Can you please explain the steps to do this thing you say it worked? Tried it, but no success.
Thanks <> #287
Input Tools in Google Account Settings:
But it has no bearing on this Gboard issue.
See below for screenshots of what works here in Gmail on Android 9 Pie.
Search Settings for "Virtual keyboard", then Gboard > Text correction.
But it has no bearing on this Gboard issue.
See below for screenshots of what works here in Gmail on Android 9 Pie.
Search Settings for "Virtual keyboard", then Gboard > Text correction. <> #288
I'm having the same problem with the iOS version for iPhone 7. Any work around released yet? Also, I was told to come here and "click the star" in the upper left corner to bring attention to the issue. But when doing so it says that by clicking the star I am indicating that I am no longer having the problem. Which is the exact opposite of the reason I think any of us are here? So how do I contribute to bring this to the attention of Google without saying the problem was fixed already. Thanks. <> #289
Don't know if this helps, but I just got my suggestions back by going into
the input settings and changing the default langue from "System Default
Language" to English (US) and my red squiggles & correct suggestions came
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 10:23 AM < wrote:
the input settings and changing the default langue from "System Default
Language" to English (US) and my red squiggles & correct suggestions came
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 10:23 AM < wrote: <> #290
The star here is a toggle. Click to turn it on and add support to this issue. Click again to turn it off. Click again to turn it on. etc. etc. <> #291
> <> #289
No, that does not help. With current Google app versions (including Gboard), you can get BLUE underlining (with suggestions) in some apps (e.g., Messages), but NOT in others (e.g., Gmail).
No, that does not help. With current Google app versions (including Gboard), you can get BLUE underlining (with suggestions) in some apps (e.g., Messages), but NOT in others (e.g., Gmail). <> #292
Thanks for the quick reply guys. I actually tried that first by going to settings(languages/and selecting the (US) option on the keyboard. But it was already selected by default without any option at all for a "system default language" in the list. Cause I figured maybe even though it's already set to (US) maybe if I selected the other one and than switched back it might kick in. So yeah, I don't know. Hopefully this gets patched soon.
Oh and I guess I'll be leaving that star highlighted. Thanks again.
Oh and I guess I'll be leaving that star highlighted. Thanks again. <> #293
Also mine seems not to work on anything at all. From safari, to messages, iChat, WhatsApp, etc. <> #294
Not the first Language setting that is directly in "Language and Input, "
but the one under "Spelling Correction." Make sure Gboard is selected, and
your on English (US) there. See screen caps.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 10:47 AM < wrote:
but the one under "Spelling Correction." Make sure Gboard is selected, and
your on English (US) there. See screen caps.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 10:47 AM < wrote: <> #295
I believe English is about the one and only language that occasionally works for some people on earth. I'm really baffled this is going on for almost a year now while Google did not respond one single time. No one knows what's going on, if this'll ever be fixed or if a fix is forthcoming. It just sucks, because Gboard was the best keyboard experience I ever encountered. <> #296
Hello, after checking the screenshots I see you are using the Android version and not the iOS version. For some reason on the iOS version there is no settings menu at all for "spell correction" anywhere to be found on the app except for "keyboard settings" and it's a simple toggle on or off and I have had it on since first installing the app. Could you possibly be talking about changing the options outside of the app itself and in the system settings for the phone? Here's what I'm seeing <> #297
> <> #294
In Android 9 Pie (PPR2.181005.003),
it's "Spell Checker" (not "Spelling Correction"), and it
makes NO difference whether "system languages" or "English US" is selected.
> <> #296
Most messages here pertain to the Android version, not the iOS version,
and iOS settings and behavior are indeed different.
In Android 9 Pie (PPR2.181005.003),
it's "Spell Checker" (not "Spelling Correction"), and it
makes NO difference whether "system languages" or "English US" is selected.
> <> #296
Most messages here pertain to the Android version, not the iOS version,
and iOS settings and behavior are indeed different. <> #298
Those pictures posted in the wrong order. The second link is the first picture in the "settings menu" the other two are the "keybdard options" and "language options." <> #299
That last screen cap is the one you want to change that I circled in my
screen cap.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 11:33 AM < wrote:
screen cap.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 11:33 AM < wrote: <> #300
Yep... No "spell checker" or "correction" or anything of the kind found in the iosbkebus for the app. Except for the "autocorrection" toggle I have already posted. Thanks for trying to help thougg.! Appreciated. <> #301
Anything of the kind to be found in the iOS menus for the app* <> #302
Anyone knows if there is any alternate app that can provide correction when
there is a typo?
On 03-Dec-2018 10:08 PM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added comment #300
< >:*
Yep... No "spell checker" or "correction" or anything of the kind found in
the iosbkebus for the app. Except for the "autocorrection" toggle I have
already posted. Thanks for trying to help thougg.! Appreciated.
*Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious
corrected words.*
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672 < >,
79141136 < >
duplicate issue: 112206774
< >
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned < >
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
IssueTracker issue 72386511
< > where you have the role:
there is a typo?
On 03-Dec-2018 10:08 PM, <> wrote:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added
Yep... No "spell checker" or "correction" or anything of the kind found in
the iosbkebus for the app. Except for the "autocorrection" toggle I have
already posted. Thanks for trying to help thougg.! Appreciated.
*Reference Info: 72386511 Gboard Spell Check not suggesting obvious
corrected words.*
component: Android Public Tracker > Applications
status: Assigned
type: Bug P2 S2
blocked by: 72682672 <
79141136 <
duplicate issue: 112206774
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned <
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
starred. <> #303
> <> #302
>Anyone knows if there is any alternate app that can provide correction when
there is a typo?
Please ask such questions in a more appropriate forum --
this is an issue tracker, not a discussion forum.
>Anyone knows if there is any alternate app that can provide correction when
there is a typo?
Please ask such questions in a more appropriate forum --
this is an issue tracker, not a discussion forum. <> #304
Mixed feelings about this. If the question was asked around the beginning of this year, I would agree. But now almost a year passed and there's no solution and not a word from Google. That's what makes me think that Google isn't that interested in keeping it's keyboard users. Having said that, one can expect people will be looking out for a replacement. Since Google obviously doesn't use it's own Issue Tracker for sharing information or making announcements, I don't have a problem with people asking for the one solution left: tips for a substitute keyboard. <> #305
> <> #304
With respect, that's NOT a good reason.
This is an Issue Tracker, not a discussion forum,
And adding noise will make fixes harder to get.
"Be careful what you wish for!"
With respect, that's NOT a good reason.
This is an Issue Tracker, not a discussion forum,
And adding noise will make fixes harder to get.
"Be careful what you wish for!" <> #306
I'm not worry about it any more, I just installed third party free keyboard
and it works like a charm and has lots of features that Gboard doesn't
have. Goodby and good readen Gboard.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 9:55 PM <> wrote:
and it works like a charm and has lots of features that Gboard doesn't
have. Goodby and good readen Gboard.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 9:55 PM <> wrote:
Aryeh Weisberg אריה ויסברג <> #307
Not adding noise doesn't seem to make any difference, so why bother preventing it 😎 But seriously, don't you agree Google should have been communicating at this medium by now? It even doesn't have to be good news, but speak out! <> #308
> <> #307
No, I do not agree. That's not how it works.
And adding noise will only serve to make things worse.
It's been acknowledged as an issue, and assigned.
That's usually the best you can expect.
No, I do not agree. That's not how it works.
And adding noise will only serve to make things worse.
It's been acknowledged as an issue, and assigned.
That's usually the best you can expect. <> #309 <> #310
I agree we disagree. I think Google's silence is disrespectful. If that's the best we can expect, we missed the train somewhere. But let's move on now and keep waiting and hoping. <> #311
For those who want to unsubscribe, you can do so by going to the issue tracker website and unchecking the CC'd to me option.
Regarding what is and what isn't appropriate to discuss on this issue, and well as what one should expect as a response from Google, I offer the following insights that come from being an Android app developer who has submitted several bugs to Google as well as maintaining my own issue tracker that is used by consumers of my programming to report bugs.
1. Google's response to this an other issues is substandard and unacceptable. On my own issue tracker, I have an expected 1 business day turnaround time for response to any legitimate comment. Sometimes my response is simply to say that I am looking into it and need more time to understand what is going on. In all cases, once I understand the issue I describe the underlying cause and provide an estimation of when it will be fixed. If I consider it to be low priority, I explain why, and which other issues will be fixed first. It isn't always the case that all users agree with my assessments, but at least there has been appropriate communication. Google frequently does not live up to the minimum expectation of communication.
2. It is always appropriate for users to discuss workaround for problems on bug reports. And, in the case where an expected fix will be delayed or the delivery time is unknown (as is here), it is always appropriate to discuss other software that can be substituted instead. As an app developer, I sometimes myself recommend a competitior's software if I feel that I cannot resolve a user's need in a timely manner.
Regarding what is and what isn't appropriate to discuss on this issue, and well as what one should expect as a response from Google, I offer the following insights that come from being an Android app developer who has submitted several bugs to Google as well as maintaining my own issue tracker that is used by consumers of my programming to report bugs.
1. Google's response to this an other issues is substandard and unacceptable. On my own issue tracker, I have an expected 1 business day turnaround time for response to any legitimate comment. Sometimes my response is simply to say that I am looking into it and need more time to understand what is going on. In all cases, once I understand the issue I describe the underlying cause and provide an estimation of when it will be fixed. If I consider it to be low priority, I explain why, and which other issues will be fixed first. It isn't always the case that all users agree with my assessments, but at least there has been appropriate communication. Google frequently does not live up to the minimum expectation of communication.
2. It is always appropriate for users to discuss workaround for problems on bug reports. And, in the case where an expected fix will be delayed or the delivery time is unknown (as is here), it is always appropriate to discuss other software that can be substituted instead. As an app developer, I sometimes myself recommend a competitior's software if I feel that I cannot resolve a user's need in a timely manner. <> #312
It's obvious that I fully agree! That's the proper way to do things and showing you care for customer relations. Especially a multi-million dollar company like Google, where employees are hired to do so, should be willing and able to provide decent information. <> #313
Having this issue as well on my Pixel 2 on Android Pie. I've been searching for a solution for weeks and just found this thread. Geesh, it's been ages and still no fix?? What gives? <> #314
Still having these issues on new Pixel 3! Was hoping it would be fixed when I upgraded from the first gen Pixel. I really don't understand since it used to work so well. Especially talk to text. I automatically spells Shawn Sean and if I tapped on it before, it would give me the Shawn option. Always suggested obvious mishears. Now you have to physically change it, which negates using voice to text. Regular typing I may get the blue line for misspellings but no suggestions. <> #315
Because <> #316
The word below is spelled wrong, underlined in Blue yet offers no suggestions for correcting. This happens on the Release GBoard version too.
Not only that but it will take it upon itself to CHANGE correctly spelled words to wrong ones and/or replace the word with something completely irrelevant.
System spelling correction (Using "Google spell checker") only works randomly. 99% of the time you will never see a word underlined in Red. - Interestingly enough "GBoard" in the next sentence is underlined in Red, yet in this sentence it is underlined in Blue?!
GBoard been like this for weeks.
Google voice input is broken too. If you try to dictate some words they will be spelled wrong. For example I tried to dictate a paragraph with the word "fuck" in it, but instead it gave me "fuk". - "Fuk is not a real word, at least not in English.
===Turning off next word suggestions and system spelling chorrection helps immensely but does not fix it.===
This is a serious regression. Please revert whatever App or server code changes caused this. OR stop collecting data for machine learning from 11 olds.
(No offense. My spelling and grammar is awful as well)
(Sorry for the organization, my phone battery is almost dead. I'll fix it later if edits are allowed)
Default keyboard: "Multilingual typing - GBoard"
Show Keyboard button Disabled
Spelling correction On
Language en-US
Default Spell Checker "Google spell check"
Look up contact names Enabled
Single Language: English (United States)
Gboard Language: en-US (QWERTY)
Number row is Off
Emoji switch key is Enabled
Voice input key is Enabled
Emojis in suggestion strip is Disabled
One handed mode is Off
Keyboard height is Tall
Long press delay is 300ms
Suggestion strip is Enabled
Next word suggestions are On
Block offensive words are Disabled
Show Emoji suggestions are Off
Suggest Contacts are On
Personalized Suggestions are Off
Auto-correction is On
Auto space after punctuation is Disabled
Auto capitalization is Enabeld
Double space period is Off
Spell check is On
"Glide Typing": All Options Enabled
(Do not really use glide typing though)
Voice Typing
Language en-US
Offline Speech recognition en-US
Block Offensive Words Disabled
Personal Dictionary: en-US, No extra words added
Learned words Cleared
Predictive Search Off
Search and more button Disabled
Emoji w/Phys Keyboard Enabled
Share Snippets & Usage Disabled
Voice [Google voice typing]:
Language en-US
Voice match Disabled, Not Trained
Hands-free: Bluetooth devices Enabled, Wired headsets Disabed
Speech output Hands-Free Only
Offline speech recognition: en-US
Block Offensive Words Off
Bluetooth Headset: Disabled
Auto fill service None
Personal dictionary is empty
There are no other keyboards other than Google voice typing (ones that ship with the device are disabled)
Android 8.0
SM-G965U (ATT GS9+), Dec. 1st Security Patch
Screen resolution is 2220x1080
Minimum width is 448px
Status bar and Navigation keys are set to autohide
T Swipe Pro Gestures (Overlay)
**And for the love of god allow line returns and more than one space between characters on Beta software in the Play Store; A easily readable bug report turns into a jumbled mess.**
Not only that but it will take it upon itself to CHANGE correctly spelled words to wrong ones and/or replace the word with something completely irrelevant.
System spelling correction (Using "Google spell checker") only works randomly. 99% of the time you will never see a word underlined in Red. - Interestingly enough "GBoard" in the next sentence is underlined in Red, yet in this sentence it is underlined in Blue?!
GBoard been like this for weeks.
Google voice input is broken too. If you try to dictate some words they will be spelled wrong. For example I tried to dictate a paragraph with the word "fuck" in it, but instead it gave me "fuk". - "Fuk is not a real word, at least not in English.
===Turning off next word suggestions and system spelling chorrection helps immensely but does not fix it.===
This is a serious regression. Please revert whatever App or server code changes caused this. OR stop collecting data for machine learning from 11 olds.
(No offense. My spelling and grammar is awful as well)
(Sorry for the organization, my phone battery is almost dead. I'll fix it later if edits are allowed)
Default keyboard: "Multilingual typing - GBoard"
Show Keyboard button Disabled
Spelling correction On
Language en-US
Default Spell Checker "Google spell check"
Look up contact names Enabled
Single Language: English (United States)
Gboard Language: en-US (QWERTY)
Number row is Off
Emoji switch key is Enabled
Voice input key is Enabled
Emojis in suggestion strip is Disabled
One handed mode is Off
Keyboard height is Tall
Long press delay is 300ms
Suggestion strip is Enabled
Next word suggestions are On
Block offensive words are Disabled
Show Emoji suggestions are Off
Suggest Contacts are On
Personalized Suggestions are Off
Auto-correction is On
Auto space after punctuation is Disabled
Auto capitalization is Enabeld
Double space period is Off
Spell check is On
"Glide Typing": All Options Enabled
(Do not really use glide typing though)
Voice Typing
Language en-US
Offline Speech recognition en-US
Block Offensive Words Disabled
Personal Dictionary: en-US, No extra words added
Learned words Cleared
Predictive Search Off
Search and more button Disabled
Emoji w/Phys Keyboard Enabled
Share Snippets & Usage Disabled
Voice [Google voice typing]:
Language en-US
Voice match Disabled, Not Trained
Hands-free: Bluetooth devices Enabled, Wired headsets Disabed
Speech output Hands-Free Only
Offline speech recognition: en-US
Block Offensive Words Off
Bluetooth Headset: Disabled
Auto fill service None
Personal dictionary is empty
There are no other keyboards other than Google voice typing (ones that ship with the device are disabled)
Android 8.0
SM-G965U (ATT GS9+), Dec. 1st Security Patch
Screen resolution is 2220x1080
Minimum width is 448px
Status bar and Navigation keys are set to autohide
T Swipe Pro Gestures (Overlay)
**And for the love of god allow line returns and more than one space between characters on Beta software in the Play Store; A easily readable bug report turns into a jumbled mess.** <> #317
Now that's an issue report. They now should be able to get this fixed by tonight [sigh of relief] <> #318
Same issue on my iphone 7. No red underline for misspelled words when using Gboard. <> #319
this is very bad. Sometimes , I use local language and it keeps changing the words instead of just underlining it. <> #320 <> #319 Jan 13, 2019 11:47AM
>Sometimes , I use local language and it keeps changing the words instead of just underlining it.
Turn off Auto-correction.
>Sometimes , I use local language and it keeps changing the words instead of just underlining it.
Turn off Auto-correction. <> #321
Same issue on my Galaxy S7 still with oreo update: no red line under wrong words is coming. It must be a bug as i tried all settings but nothing helped.
I have this issue for over 1 year with gboard. Please fix this shit really..
I have this issue for over 1 year with gboard. Please fix this shit really.. <> #322
Don't bother, it's like talking to a brick wall out here. You're right, this is going on for almost a year now, but still no word from Google. Not even an explanation. I've given up trying to find out what's going on. That's too bad, because Gboard once was a wonderful app that really adapted itself to my writing like no other did. What a waste of potential. Oh well, one's gotta move on and accept the loss 😞 <> #323
Agreed. Unfortunately, I have to let this go. Love the GBoard but just can't handle the time waste that comes with correcting all the misspelling that is half the time my fault and half the time the fault of the swipe prediction. Goodbye forever, guys. Best of luck. <> #324
Please fix it so that misspelled words are underlined. That was an awesome feature & I miss it! Thank you! <> #325
please fix this, I'm from German and Google is correcting my words from "hatte" to "hätte" which is pretty annoying. I loved the feature to add a word to your pers. dict. by tapping on the red underlined word. it was great, I would love to see it back since writing get pain in the ass with mentioned correction system in Germany especially. <> #326
Nooit only German writing is a pain in the ass, but I guess the whole
world, give or take a few, some lucky exceptions here and there, can feel
that same exact pain. I think only English works and that's the reason why
Google gets away with it, even though it still isn't fixed after 15 (!)
months now. Besides that, still no word from Google 😡🤬
Op do 14 mrt. 2019 12:38 schreef <>:
world, give or take a few, some lucky exceptions here and there, can feel
that same exact pain. I think only English works and that's the reason why
Google gets away with it, even though it still isn't fixed after 15 (!)
months now. Besides that, still no word from Google 😡🤬
Op do 14 mrt. 2019 12:38 schreef <>: <> #327
I uninstalled Gboard since a while ago. Even its spellchecking, when used
with other keyboards, was horrible. A word that had an obvious typo never
had proper suggestions,but rather it suggested adding stuff like "a
somerhing" or "the somerhing."
I've long since turned to having BlackBerry Keyboard as my spellchecker,
occasionally using it in combination with Simple Keyboard.
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 1:53 PM <> wrote:
with other keyboards, was horrible. A word that had an obvious typo never
had proper suggestions,but rather it suggested adding stuff like "a
somerhing" or "the somerhing."
I've long since turned to having BlackBerry Keyboard as my spellchecker,
occasionally using it in combination with Simple Keyboard.
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 1:53 PM <> wrote:
-PookaMustard <> #328
Same issue in Turkish. It has been almost a year and still no solution. Unbelievable... <> #329 <> #330
Been having this issue for months. I'm surprised its been ignored for this long. Adding to the echo chamber <> #331
On my original Pixel (Sailfish) running Android Pie with all security updates, and with latest app versions, Gboard underlines misspelled words in blue, and make suggestions. Tested in both Gmail and Voice. See attached screenshot. <> #332
While Gboard offers a type of Spell Check, which seems to work, it only does so by relying upon its word suggestion bar. Yet for those who prefer to disable word suggestions, Gboard fails to offer the classic drop-down menu (spelling options & add to dictionary), only offering blue underlines w/ out any suggestions despite Spell Check being turned on.
For that reason, as well as all the bloat, I no longer use Gboard. Seems Google has phased out the classic, as-needed Spell Check (or blocked it) in favor of the always-on Spell Check via its word suggestions box, that is if both word suggestion & Spell Check are turned on.
For that reason, as well as all the bloat, I no longer use Gboard. Seems Google has phased out the classic, as-needed Spell Check (or blocked it) in favor of the always-on Spell Check via its word suggestions box, that is if both word suggestion & Spell Check are turned on. <> #333
It doesn't only rely on the suggestion bar. It just auto-corrects common spelling mistakes and ignores more complicated words/uncommon misspellings.
Turn off "Next word suggestions", "Block offensive words" and "Delete learned words" in GBoard settings. Also turn off "Spelling correction" (the one that is in language settings or wherever your ROM has that toggle). - After doing so your auto-correct experience should be more consistent.
I have some theories on why they do this or why its acting weird, but only the GBoard team knows for sure.
*GBoard Team: iOS's keyboard auto-correct is miles ahead of yours. Are you and the higher-up's ok with that?*
Turn off "Next word suggestions", "Block offensive words" and "Delete learned words" in GBoard settings. Also turn off "Spelling correction" (the one that is in language settings or wherever your ROM has that toggle). - After doing so your auto-correct experience should be more consistent.
I have some theories on why they do this or why its acting weird, but only the GBoard team knows for sure.
*GBoard Team: iOS's keyboard auto-correct is miles ahead of yours. Are you and the higher-up's ok with that?* <> #334
Worked fine on Oreo S8. No longer works on Pie S10+. <> #335
Thanks for the bugreport. Could you please share a video to confirm the behavior ? We are not able to reproduce internally. <> #336
Here is an example of what happens. I also want to help with the resolution.
A quinta, 18 de jul de 2019, 12:44, <> escreveu:
A quinta, 18 de jul de 2019, 12:44, <> escreveu: <> #337
The problem is kind of two-fold for me.
The video shows Samsung Keyboard's spell checking system firstly, with the red underline and suggestions when tapped onto the word (like how Google's spell checker system used to work). When changing to Gboard, the spell checker just blue underlines it and when tapping on the word, no suggestions appear. Then, when trying to change the default spell checking system to Samsung's, it stays as the blue underline (which I presume is Google's spell correction system).
Please clarify if I have made wrong assumptions.
The video shows Samsung Keyboard's spell checking system firstly, with the red underline and suggestions when tapped onto the word (like how Google's spell checker system used to work). When changing to Gboard, the spell checker just blue underlines it and when tapping on the word, no suggestions appear. Then, when trying to change the default spell checking system to Samsung's, it stays as the blue underline (which I presume is Google's spell correction system).
Please clarify if I have made wrong assumptions. <> #338
The video in comment#336 shows the Samsung Notes app for which auto-correct is disabled. There is not much Gboard can do if the application requests that the keyboard not autocorrect. Please try typing with Gboard on another app such as Gmail and confirm that autocorrect works as you expect. <> #339
.That was the Samsung Messages app, which is less likely to have auto-correct disabled than Notes.
I have tested in Gmail, WeChat, WhatsApp, Chrome.
All still have the blue line whilst having Google Spell Checker active. Weirdly, in WeChat, after the screenshot, the red line would appear and there would be a drop down menu when clicking on it. It would revert back to blue when going off the app or taking a screenshot
I have tested in Gmail, WeChat, WhatsApp, Chrome.
All still have the blue line whilst having Google Spell Checker active. Weirdly, in WeChat, after the screenshot, the red line would appear and there would be a drop down menu when clicking on it. It would revert back to blue when going off the app or taking a screenshot <> #340
The video in the comment#336 ...
That behavior occurs in any application ...
If I install another keyboard, everything works normally ...
My Gboard version:
I leave attached the details of my smartphone.
That behavior occurs in any application ...
If I install another keyboard, everything works normally ...
My Gboard version:
I leave attached the details of my smartphone. <> #341
Please fix !! <> #342
Google, devs, etc. thanks for your help or not ...
I uninstalled the latest version, and installed: (arm64-v8a) (nodpi)
Yes, from apkmirror, yes it's an old version, but it has all the features I need and lets the red line work normally.
It's shameful.
For those who want to test:
I uninstalled the latest version, and installed: (arm64-v8a) (nodpi)
Yes, from apkmirror, yes it's an old version, but it has all the features I need and lets the red line work normally.
It's shameful.
For those who want to test: <> <> #343
On google pixel 4 xl I still have this problem <> #344
Another example from my Pixel 4: <> #345
The issue has been fixed in an update to the GBoard app. <> <> #346
Not fixed at all on my S9+ running Pie!? <> #347
Also not fixed on my S8 running pie and am using gboard beta <> #348 <> #349
It's 2020, I have the Pixel 3 and this is still a problem. <> #350
How is the status marked as fixed? Where is qa?
Jonathan Reed
On Fri, Mar 6, 2020, 10:13 <> wrote:
Jonathan Reed
On Fri, Mar 6, 2020, 10:13 <> wrote: <> #351
It really still sucks for year after year after year now and I really don't get it. Why tell me why? How can this be even possible? Such a big problem existing for years by now without Google addressing or even responding but instead still happily offering Gboard at Google Play as if nothing is wrong? Oh well, like I said, this sucks. <> #352
Spell check still doesn't work correctly on Gboard. This is not fixed. <> #353
deleted <> #354
MODERATOR needs to remove the post above and Block the person. It is SPAM. <> #355
Status marked incorrectly.
Spellcheck on android is still not functioning as it did, and fails to give solutions to simple spelling errors.
Example: "Strengent" gives the suggestions of "Strange that" or "strange to" - not the result Google Search immediately gives, the correct answer, "stringent."
The system has improved, but it still fails to give consistent results that match Google Search's accuracy.
Spellcheck on android is still not functioning as it did, and fails to give solutions to simple spelling errors.
Example: "Strengent" gives the suggestions of "Strange that" or "strange to" - not the result Google Search immediately gives, the correct answer, "stringent."
The system has improved, but it still fails to give consistent results that match Google Search's accuracy. <> #356
How on earth did the status turn to FIXED?! It sure as h*ll isn't fixed!
After several years now, I might add. So Google, show some honesty to
correct the status to NOT FIXED, or UNABLE TO FIX or UNWILLING TO FIX or
whatever. But not fixed, because it is still NOT FIXED!
Op wo 2 sep. 2020 04:43 schreef <>:
After several years now, I might add. So Google, show some honesty to
correct the status to NOT FIXED, or UNABLE TO FIX or UNWILLING TO FIX or
whatever. But not fixed, because it is still NOT FIXED!
Op wo 2 sep. 2020 04:43 schreef <>: <> #357
Still broken. Not fixed at all. The status needs to be corrected. <> #358
The spell check is useless as tits on a boar hog.
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 3:50 PM <> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 3:50 PM <> wrote: <> #359
I found a solution which at least works for me, maybe this helps others, too :) Somehow my samsung phone turns off the spell checker with gboard and resets it to the samsung keyboard. After choosing gboard spell checker again, turning spell checking off and then on again and re-opening all apps which allow spellchecking, miraculously gboard spell checking with red lines starts working again (but after a few hours the phone resets it back to samsung keyboard spellchecker and I have to do the same procedure again). So maybe the problem lurks somewhere else in android's keyboard system and not gboard exclusively?! <> #360
Partially correct. Gboard spellcheck started working some time ago, but then indeed it was consequently being ignored by the Samsung product which continuously replaces Gboard by itself. So now this is a new problem caused by Samsung and not by Google. I already have complained, not only referring to the technical issue, but also shared my suspicions of Samsung forcing itself into usage, ignoring users choices. Microsoft received severe punishment for this kind of behavior. So come on Samsung users, let's massively tell them to fix this! <> #361
I have a Pixel 4a, using SwiftKey keyboard. Gboard is indicated as spellchecker, but allows only 1 language, system or pre-selected.
I use 3 languages while texting, depending on context: English, Danish, German
Spellcheck puts squiggles under everything, even if I indicate that I use 3 languages.
In conclusion: spellcheck is broken for me. Any thoughts?
I use 3 languages while texting, depending on context: English, Danish, German
Spellcheck puts squiggles under everything, even if I indicate that I use 3 languages.
In conclusion: spellcheck is broken for me. Any thoughts? <> #362
I got a new phone recently, a Motorola Moto One 5G, and the issue is not present on this phone. It comes with Gboard and its spellchecker preinstalled as its default keyboard. My old phone, a Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) had Samsung keyboard and its spell checker as its defaults and I had to change them. Maybe that has something to do with it. For anyone suffering from this, try LanguageTool Proofreader, it worked on my old phone. <> #363
I'm struggling with simple stuff like when I say "I'd like to buy a new car" the word buy will be replaced with "bite". Or I say something similar like "take a bite of a sandwich" it will use the word "buy" instead of bite. To me these are grammatical rules that dictate where these words belong and do not belong according to context. so many words sound similar or are the same word with different meanings. I remember when voice to text first came out I was literally blown away at how good the grammatical processing was. I've used Grammarly that app catches everything and even suggests things you might not have considered. To me this is such a simple fundamental part of a language processor. I'm convinced they broke the grammar engine so you can't count on the speech to text engine to work properly. I think it's a Marxist attack on Western english. If enough apathetic people simply allow the errors and use language incorrectly it destroys the language. I can't imagine why this would simply stop working and also be so oddly out of whack and there appears to be no solution or any real attention paid to the issue. And the fact that it used to work perfectly up until about 4 years ago. I know I sound like a completely crazy person but this shit is driving me nuts. I use voice to text constantly and it makes the stupidest mistakes constantly I have no choice but to assume it's been done on purpose. It used to work perfectly!!!!!!!