Status Update
Comments <> #2
Ok, turns out it doesn't like capital Ö in the name of the Team Drive either. :-(
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain create teamdrive 'TD KS Örebro'
User: my.admin@my.domain, TeamDrive ID: 0ABC123456789A, Created
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Marknadsföringsarbete' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparent 'TD KS Örebro'
User: my.admin@my.domain, TeamDrive Name: TD KS Örebro, Create Failed: Does not exist
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Öppet hus' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparent 'TD KS Örebro' teamdriveparentname 'Marknadsföringsarbete'
User: my.admin@my.domain , TeamDrive Name: TD KS Örebro, Create Failed: Does not exist
This is also a first.
I've already created fifteen (15) other teamdrives with non-capital ä and ö without a single problem.
There's nothing wrong with the Team Drive, and if I replace the name of the TD with its ID it works perfectly.
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Praktisk information och rutiner' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparentid '0ABC123456789A'
User: my.admin@my.domain, Drive Folder: Praktisk information och rutiner(1RandomLetters&NumbersHere), Created
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain create teamdrive 'TD KS Örebro'
User: my.admin@my.domain, TeamDrive ID: 0ABC123456789A, Created
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Marknadsföringsarbete' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparent 'TD KS Örebro'
User: my.admin@my.domain, TeamDrive Name: TD KS Örebro, Create Failed: Does not exist
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Öppet hus' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparent 'TD KS Örebro' teamdriveparentname 'Marknadsföringsarbete'
User: my.admin@my.domain , TeamDrive Name: TD KS Örebro, Create Failed: Does not exist
This is also a first.
I've already created fifteen (15) other teamdrives with non-capital ä and ö without a single problem.
There's nothing wrong with the Team Drive, and if I replace the name of the TD with its ID it works perfectly.
gamxtd user my.admin@my.domain add drivefile drivefilename 'Praktisk information och rutiner' mimetype gfolder teamdriveparentid '0ABC123456789A'
User: my.admin@my.domain, Drive Folder: Praktisk information och rutiner(1RandomLetters&NumbersHere), Created
I can't use API tools to list or act on content by name if the name contains a capital Ä.
A small code sample that reliably reproduces the issue.
Using for exampel GAMADV-XTD I do this:
gam user user@my.domain show fileinfo teamdrive 'Name of TeamDrive' teamdrivefilename "Ämnesmaterial"
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create folder in Drive or TeamDrive with capital Ä in its name.
2. Try to list with API. Using either API request page, with correct syntax.
corpora: teamDrive
includeTeamDriveItems: true
q: name='Ämnesmaterial'
supportsTeamDrive: true
teamDriveId: 0MyTeamDriveID
Click Execute
corpora: teamDrive
includeTeamDriveItems: true
q: title='Ämnesmaterial'
supportsTeamDrive: true
teamDriveId: 0MyTeamDriveID
Click Execute
(Same if you try to find Ä-content on regular Drive.)
3. List will find nothing.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? If you see error messages, please provide them.
I should see information about the content. Instead I see this.
"kind": "drive#fileList",
"incompleteSearch": false,
"files": []
If I only replace the name with something without Ä I immediately get valid information.
Here's an example of what it should say with v2.
"kind": "drive#fileList",
"etag": "\"G9SomeReferenceUg/oGWhateverlo\"",
"selfLink": "
"incompleteSearch": false,
"items": [
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "1SomeIDBv",
"etag": "\"G9SomeReferenceUg/MTUxNzMzMzA1MDU1NQ\"",
"selfLink": "
"alternateLink": "
"embedLink": "
"openWithLinks": {
"1SomeNumbers7": "
"defaultOpenWithLink": "
"iconLink": "
"title": "Mässor",
"mimeType": "application/",
"labels": {
"starred": false,
"hidden": false,
"trashed": false,
"restricted": false,
"viewed": false
"createdDate": "2018-01-30T17:24:10.555Z",
"modifiedDate": "2018-01-30T17:24:10.555Z",
"modifiedByMeDate": "2018-01-30T17:24:10.555Z",
"markedViewedByMeDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"version": "1",
"parents": [
"kind": "drive#parentReference",
"id": "1AnotherIDgjq",
"selfLink": "
"parentLink": "
"isRoot": false
"userPermission": {
"kind": "drive#permission",
"etag": "\"G9SomeReferenceUg/FAnotherReference0\"",
"id": "me",
"selfLink": "
"role": "organizer",
"type": "user"
"quotaBytesUsed": "0",
"teamDriveId": "0MyTeamDriveID",
"lastModifyingUserName": "admin mlmg",
"lastModifyingUser": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "admin mlmg",
"isAuthenticatedUser": true,
"permissionId": "123456789",
"emailAddress": "user@my.domain"
"capabilities": {
"canCopy": true,
"canEdit": true
"editable": true,
"copyable": true,
"explicitlyTrashed": false,
"appDataContents": false,
"spaces": [
If I do the same with REST v3, I get much less junk when it works.
"kind": "drive#fileList",
"incompleteSearch": false,
"files": [
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "1SomeIDBv",
"name": "Mässor",
"mimeType": "application/",
"teamDriveId": "0MyTeamDriveID"
Please provide any additional information below.
I put some pictures in a Drive folder.
So, this is an API issue. Creating, listing and acting on Ä-content in the Drive web ui works just fine.
But, I have no interest in doing what I need to do manually in the UI. That's exactly why we have APIs.