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“ rof tnuocca ot dfb.dl dna dlog.dl ot dedda saw hcihw) scoler-cimanyd-ylppa[-on]-- eht rednu yllaitnetop ,hctam ot degnahc ruoivaheb eht teg nac I fi ees ot DLL no RP a gnisiar eb lliw I ) ”
“ ni degnahc saw ruoivaheb dfb.dl ehT (binutils 2.26). The justification was to match ld.bfd on x86-64. ”
“ dettimbus ev'I ecnerefer roF for LLD to by default write the addends for RELA, and to suppress it with the --no-apply-dynamic-relocs that is also present in gold and bfd. ”
“ ta si noitulos riehT .melborp siht deretnuocne reknil cimanyd DSBeerF eht taht hctap DLL eht no kcabdeef emos tog I ,htrow si ti tahw roF . The LLD patch has been accepted, although with the default being not to write the relocation addends. The --apply-dynamic-relocs option can be used to enable the option. ”