Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
Example 1. Just trying to attach your gmaps script.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" ");" line isn't working, there is no new script in the document after document.write.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript("
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #4
Example 2. Trying to use callback parameter. Init is loaded, main javascript file is loaded too. But not working, exception screenshot is in attach. <> <> #5
For example 2 - your code:
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
... <> #6
Just to poke this bug, using the asynchronous loading method has no effect on this. The only workaround is to roll back to manifest version 1 which is actively being phased out. <> #7
Switched to Yandex Maps, it works well.
Thank you!
Thank you! <> #8
As manifest version 1 won't be accepted by the Chrome Webstore starting in mid August, we really do need a workaround/fix. <> #9
As I discovered a few minutes ago, manifest version 1 is no longer accepted by the Chrome store *now*. So setting the manifest version to 1 and using 'unsafe-eval' in the CSP no longer works for new extensions.
Updating existing extensions may still be supported.
Updating existing extensions may still be supported. <> #10
New packaged apps having manifest version 1 are no longer supported.
Please fix this issue as soon as possible.
Please fix this issue as soon as possible.
Thanks <> #11
According to deprecation schedule only new items should be affected (for now). For existing items there will be issues starting approximately in November.
Source: <> #12
Oh new fun fact, relating to this: With Chrome 21 you can only install apps/extensions from the Chrome Store. So not I have an extension I can't deploy to the Chrome Store nor can I push it to my clients directly :(.
Please fix
Please fix <> #13
This is killing now. Can you provide an alternate way to connect to . Thanks
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
Any updates on this issue or how can we resolve it. If google app cannot support there on google map, that really bad..
Please provide an alternate or a solution ASAP.
Please provide an alternate or a solution ASAP. <> #15
Hi all,
A workaround has been released by the Chrome team:
I've attached a sample extension that makes use of this sandboxing technique. To use any of the Chrome extension APIs (e.g. tabs), you'll need to use postMessage to communicate to the popup or background page.
A workaround has been released by the Chrome team:
I've attached a sample extension that makes use of this sandboxing technique. To use any of the Chrome extension APIs (e.g. tabs), you'll need to use postMessage to communicate to the popup or background page.
# It is OK to share your API Project ID, but _not_ API keys.
Google Place Search Box is not working from today {03/01/2018}.