Status Update
Comments <> #2
I see this with an empty mapping.txt file as a result of -dontobfuscate. I just filed issue 74257813 about it, albeit for a totally different problem. <> <> #3
If this is caused by an empty mapping file, we should double-check that the additional comments we are adding to the mapping file is not causing issues. <> <> #4
I'm having some repro issues. After selecting "load proguard mappings" I have to manually select mapping.txt in a directory browser but in debug mode neither Proguard nor R8 produces any mapping.txt.
However, in release mode mapping.txt is generated and non-empty in both cases and I can observe the issue Jeffrey described.
I'm investigating the release mode for now.
However, in release mode mapping.txt is generated and non-empty in both cases and I can observe the issue Jeffrey described.
I'm investigating the release mode for now. <> #5
Project: r8
Branch: master
commit 20fc6090e75fd65916ce76a7cfef345ad29827ed
Author: Tamas Kenez <>
Date: Thu Mar 08 12:24:45 2018
Prevent writing double newline to end of Proguard-map.
Android Studio is sensitive to empty lines.
Bug: 74240422
Change-Id: Id5098cd5c8f2056777d839d60daa78f42f207731
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/
Branch: master
commit 20fc6090e75fd65916ce76a7cfef345ad29827ed
Author: Tamas Kenez <>
Date: Thu Mar 08 12:24:45 2018
Prevent writing double newline to end of Proguard-map.
Android Studio is sensitive to empty lines.
Bug: 74240422
Change-Id: Id5098cd5c8f2056777d839d60daa78f42f207731
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/ <> #7
I'm seeing this when I build studio and the android gradle plugin from studio-master-dev <> #8
I was also able to repro with 3.2 canary 18 <> #9
What is the status of this issue?
I'm seeing it in both 3.2.1 stable and 3.3 canary 13 regardless of which AGP version is used to build APKs.
It's making it impossible to view deobfuscated info with APK Analyzer when using R8.
I'm seeing it in both 3.2.1 stable and 3.3 canary 13 regardless of which AGP version is used to build APKs.
It's making it impossible to view deobfuscated info with APK Analyzer when using R8. <> <> #10
A little bump on this issue.
Mapping from APK in Android Studio is important to analyse who increase the method counts / APK size, when changing / updating libraries.
Mapping from APK in Android Studio is important to analyse who increase the method counts / APK size, when changing / updating libraries. <> #11
One more bump on this very annoying issue.
Still the case in 3.3 RC2.
For the record the issue is caused by R8 that add a few comments at the top of the mapping file....
# compiler: R8
# compiler_version: 1.3.41
# min_api: 16
AS should ignore those I'm pretty sure this is a 3 line change just waiting to be committed ;)
Manually removing them works, but well we should not have to do that.
Still the case in 3.3 RC2.
For the record the issue is caused by R8 that add a few comments at the top of the mapping file....
# compiler: R8
# compiler_version: 1.3.41
# min_api: 16
AS should ignore those I'm pretty sure this is a 3 line change just waiting to be committed ;)
Manually removing them works, but well we should not have to do that. <> #12
Thank you Tolriq for pointing that out. I double-checked Tamas' change mentioned at comment #6 , and found what the real issue is, which is kinda silly. :| The real(?) fix will come shortly. <> #13
> Expected results:
> -no warning (also if there is a warning, don't say successfully loaded)
This should be fixed with . Alas, it seems like AS 3.4 canary 8 is already built and under test, but the fix should be able to make it to AS 3.4 beta.
Regarding a weird message "APK Analyzer successfully loaded maps from:" while it failed to load mapping.txt, I also found where it is:http://cs/android/tools/adt/idea/apkanalyzer/src/com/android/tools/idea/apk/viewer/dex/ . Surprised that there is no unit/integration tests for loading Proguard and/or R8 generated mappings, seed, or usage files. Will take a look at that further.
> -no warning (also if there is a warning, don't say successfully loaded)
This should be fixed with
Regarding a weird message "APK Analyzer successfully loaded maps from:" while it failed to load mapping.txt, I also found where it is: <> #14
Is this fixed Jinseong? <> #15
Filed a separate issue 120980373 for non-sense warning that said it successfully loaded nothing while there were problems loading mapping.txt. Closing this one.
10:45 AM APK Analyzer successfully loaded maps from:
There were problems loading: mapping.txt
This message does not show up when using Proguard. Unsure if it is an issue in the Apk analyzer or the mappings file generated by R8.
Repro steps:
-in Android Studio 3.2 Canary 5 create a new project, use default settings, select "Basic Activity" for the initial activity
-enable shrinking with default keep rules config
-enable r8
-build apk
-open apk in apk analyzer (navigate to app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug;apk)
-click on the dex file
-select "load proguard mappings"
-see that warning above
Expected results:
-no warning (also if there is a warning, don't say successfully loaded)
issue doesn't show up if you follow same steps, but without R8 (using proguard)