Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
Similar in Sweden (SE): numbers with 13 digits starting with 71 are valid for use in M2M.
Is it planned to add all M2M numbering plans to the library?
Please, add me to CC, if it is possibel. Thanks. <> #4 <> #5
I really did save jessica <> #6
0970 Is not a M2M number. It is a normal number, that can be used to send and receive SMS and voice calls. If this is disabled by the provider than the provider should take care of this problem. So please exclude 0970 numbers from this blacklist.
It is very common that 0970 numbers are given to tablets to use as an internet-only device. But in all cases these can receive SMS messages and therefor should be able to be verified by Signal with the 'libphonenumber'. This is a bug that has been around pretty long now (more than a year and no change). <> #7
Both say this is M2M that needs to be fixed. But it isn't M2M. One of the purposes could be M2M. +316 was also used for M2M. And +3197 replaces the use of +316 for M2M. But this doesn't mean that it is restricted to M2M.
Let's fix this bug because all my Contacts are moving away from Whatsapp before 8-februari-2020. 2021-Q1 would be just one year over the deadline you gave yourself 2 years ago. <> #8
Thanks so much for providing the details.
As mentioned earlier we were unable to support these numbers because of API changes that it demands.
Why new Util APIs are needed for M2M numbers?
Usually the M2M numbers are atleast 2-5 digits longer than the usual phone numbers in respective region. Accepting them under known categories will make isPossible tests even more linient and allow more false postives in greater degree. So we would like to introduce it as separate Util like PhoneNumberUtil and ShortNumberInfo.
Note: In case of NL also, we were not able to support for same reason, though most the sub ranges / numbers under official M2M range (097X) are used for voice and SMS.
Usual mobile length (9) vs 097X range length 12
Sorry for not meeting up to the expectations and delay. Unfortunately we presently not able commit for any deadline.
We will make the things clear in the FAQs <> #9 <> #10 <> #11
I don't understand why the current solution is accepted. Apparently there is functionality that is not working, and frustrating. There are a few people that know this is caused by the LIB this bugtracker is for, but most just don't understand why it is not working.
And you tell me that supporting numbers starting with 097X and having 12 digits are an issue? Because usual mobile length is 9? But there are lot's of countries that have more than 9 digit length numbers. So it can't be an issue.
You have a API that validates numbers... because the isPossible test... but it does not validate valid numbers... and you say it gives false positives... but every 097X number can be a valid number. Just like every 06 number can be a valid number, but does not have to be a valid number. So right now it solves nothing. It gives false positives and false negatives. <> #12
Hi, Sorry, the library cannot do anything best here (for now) because of aforementioned reasons. We recommend products to whitelist the 097X NL ranges/any M2M ranges on their own, until we add a separate util. We will post here as soon as we have an update. We appreciate your patience. Thanks! <> #13
Hoi, for the non-technical people, here is a summary of the situation AIUI.
libphonenumber has two methods, isValidNumber()
and isPossibleNumber()
. The first one uses the full validation on canonical phone numbers and as such would correctly work with the change to add the 12 digit numbers with 097 prefix in NL. The second one is a "quick check" that only checks length, but can also work with local numbers without area code prefix. So if the 097 range was added as a mobile number then isPossibleNumber()
would start accepting 12-digit NL numbers beginning with 06, which is considered undesirable.
The core of the issue is that the library wants to not only validate the numbers but provide information about how it can be used. But even this is fuzzy, after all, you can send an SMS to a landline here and it will get read out to you. The network (here) doesn't actually distinguish available services based on the number. The new ranges were added because the available mobile ranges were running out due to all the non-mobile devices getting SIMs. The new 0970 range has been made compulsory for all data-only connections for laptops, tablet, PIN terminals, snack machines, lift, etc for services which rarely or never do voice calls. You can make calls to them, but it's not their primary purpose. And I'm pretty sure 112 will work from them as well.
And in particular, if you want WhatsApp on your tablet, you will need to receive an SMS on a 0970 number.
If it were up to me I'd add a new type "dataonly" or something and call it a day, though maybe it's different in other countries. The fact you can call them is kinda beside the point. <> #14
Hungary M2M: <> #15
Pasting here some of mail communications sent to open-source community;
so that clients are aware of rollout/approach taken. <> #16
Subj: “Rollout of supporting NL M2M numbers as mobile in one of upcoming releases.
TL;DR Netherlands 097 "M2M" range will be supported by libphonenumber as category MOBILE.
@Background / Objective:
- We are going to support NL M2M (Machine to Machine) numbers (11 digit 97X numbers) as mobile numbers based on recommendation from Netherland's numbering authority. Evidence: . - In NL, these numbers can be SMS provisioned end points with voice capabilities, though M2M numbers are generally for communication between machines.
- M2M is marked as one usage for them, but they are also marked as H2H (human-to-human), and we are receiving a lot of complaints from users because of the fact they are not recognised as valid.
@Impact on API results:
- After the change, PhoneNumberUtil.isPossible() API will consider any 11 digit number as a possible phone number in NL.
- PhoneNumberUtil.isValid() API does more strict validation than the above one. This returns true only when the input 11 digit number has the right prefix, i.e 97.
@Possible breakages if you already have implemented workaround for whitelisting these numbers on your own:
- This feature request has been long pending because of ambiguity around M2M standardisation. In the meantime, we encouraged clients to have their own workarounds to whitelist these numbers.
- If you have done so, we recommend you to watch our release notifications (in email) and release notes on Github. If they include NL M2M range support, please fix your client code against that release version.
@What changed since 2016 and why is this (not) a slippery slope In 2016, there was a lack of official guidelines about these numbers and the majority of what we knew came from user reports. Since then, official authority has explicitly stated that this range “should be made accessible, just like other, regular number series from the Netherlands” and that “you can set up a voice and SMS connection towards prefix +31-97 in the same way as you have done already with the +31-6 series.[...] you should enable your systems for voice telephony for the numbers in the +31-97 series”. This means, however, that there might be cases where the library would categorise a number as a valid mobile number, but in reality, the particular number is used as pure M2M, is not SMS or voice-enabled. There is not much we can do from our side about this, since we always follow official guidelines.
So clients should be aware that there is a possibility of false positives in the NL MOBILE category. The library will continue to not support M2M numbers in general. <> #17
I have a few questions:
- Is there any update about this?
- Could you give us an approximate deadline for when will this numbers' support be operative?
- Could you provide the link to the GitHub issue/PR we're supposed to watch?
- What workarounds are currently possible?
Thank you. <> #18
Is there any update about this ticket?
- Could you give us an approximate deadline for when will this FR M2M numbers' support be operative?
Kind regards
- technical agreement on how to support them as a category with properties
- authoritative metadata sources to make an impact for any time investment
While the second concern is mostly addressed (see sources listed below), a key issue remains that what M2M means varies a lot by country which makes it harder to provide a useful API across countries.
More background:
Clients of libphonenumber expect <mobile> and <fixed_line> numbers to have certain affordances, such as: Reachable for voice calls (and for mobile also SMS) as well as assuming standard cost. This expectation is broken by the lack of M2M standardization today.
So here are authoritative examples in order to start defining common properties by country:
(Known M2M ranges by country / territory (ISO code))
National prefix 0 needed to dial as usual
Definition: connection that requires no or little human interaction (not enforced though)
Since 2011.
Since 2010.
Given as both ‘Non-geographic number - Mobile Networks’ and ‘Special usage: Machine-to-Machine (M2M)’ however no online numbers found.
Intended for M2M (electronic communication), but also called mobile numbers of extended length.
Associated with FR:
- BL
Mobile numbers for machine to machine
- GF
Mobile numbers for machine to machine
- MQ
Mobile numbers for machine to machine
- RE
Mobile numbers for machine to machine
See details (sub-range assigned) - “M2M services”
Exact range / prefix unclear
Example number: +394390000000
Definition: "‘electronic communications service for an automated application"
Generally not SMS-enabled, but some are (when used in tablets). Same applies to voice calls.
378 used for fixed-line Telematic services
719 used for mobile Telematic services
It's implied that they are SMS and voice enabled since it's stated that there's no change to the functionality of the SIM since the range was declared M2M.
Line supports SMS, not voice. Unclear what to assume about devices using such SIM cards.
Contact: gastomagic@ on github.
Once properties are well-defined, we can work on re-evaluating APIs and ensure we don't surprise clients.
Frequently asked question:
Why can we not make an exception for NL 097 and add it to <mobile>?
To add 097 to the <mobile> category, the complete 097 range would need to be used for devices which have SMS & voice capability and have standard cost. That’s what <mobile> means.
NL regulation say that tablets have to use a 097 (M2M) SIM. But not all 097 numbers are used in tablets (or in tablets with a voice & SMS apps). Generally, all we can say about 097 numbers in NL is that these are M2M numbers. Only some are used for tablets with SMS & voice apps.
Options to support M2M in libphonenumber:
(1) New category for M2M
(2) A new class M2mNumberUtil and possibly a separate metadata file
(similar to ShortNumberInfo vs. PhoneNumberUtil)
(3) isM2mNumber() method (and standard PhoneNumberUtil wouldn't consider M2M ranges)
(4) New category for OTHER_E164 (catch-all, incl. M2M)
More background: