Status Update
gg...@google.com <gg...@google.com> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Please provide source code or sample project to reproduce the issue.
Also kindly mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample application.
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Current output
What is the current output?
Attach the complete bugreport.
Please provide source code or sample project to reproduce the issue.
Also kindly mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample application.
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Current output
What is the current output?
Attach the complete bugreport.
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #3
Ok, I've attached a sample project.
Reproducing the issue:
- deploy app using Android Studio
- click the FAB at the bottom right
- a Snackbar should show up with the text "Is running: false"
- click the "Enable" button and enable the Notification Service for the app
- go back and click the FAB again.
- the text "Is running: true" should show up
- deploy the app again using Android Studio.
- click the FAB at the bottom right
- Most of the times (not always) this shows "Is running: false".If it shows that it's running try deploying again
- if you go to enable it you'll see that the service is already enabled
- If you disabled and re-enable it, most of the times it will still not work. Android simply doesn't enable the service. Sometimes it works though, so try this multiple times
Expected output:
The service should be automatically restarted after the app stops (due to a re-deploy, an app crash or any other circumstance)
Current output:
The service is not automatically restarted and cannot be restarted even if the user toggles it off and on again. The only thing that restarts it is rebooting the device
Reproducing the issue:
- deploy app using Android Studio
- click the FAB at the bottom right
- a Snackbar should show up with the text "Is running: false"
- click the "Enable" button and enable the Notification Service for the app
- go back and click the FAB again.
- the text "Is running: true" should show up
- deploy the app again using Android Studio.
- click the FAB at the bottom right
- Most of the times (not always) this shows "Is running: false".If it shows that it's running try deploying again
- if you go to enable it you'll see that the service is already enabled
- If you disabled and re-enable it, most of the times it will still not work. Android simply doesn't enable the service. Sometimes it works though, so try this multiple times
Expected output:
The service should be automatically restarted after the app stops (due to a re-deploy, an app crash or any other circumstance)
Current output:
The service is not automatically restarted and cannot be restarted even if the user toggles it off and on again. The only thing that restarts it is rebooting the device
gg...@google.com <gg...@google.com> #4
Thanks for your feedback
We are not able to reproduce the issue as mentioned steps in comment #3 with latest Android Oreo build.
Attached the video for more information.
Please let us know if we need take any precondition to reproduce the issue.
if you are still facing the issue in latest android Oreo build please attach that bugreport
We are not able to reproduce the issue as mentioned steps in
Attached the video for more information.
Please let us know if we need take any precondition to reproduce the issue.
if you are still facing the issue in latest android Oreo build please attach that bugreport
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #5
Hi again. You didn't deploy the app again with Android Studio like the steps mentioned.
I've now updated the project (attached) with a button to crash the app to make the steps easier for you.
- Crash the app
- Choose to "Close the app" in the Android dialog that follows.
The service should not restart automatically in that situation.
Check the attached video if you need clarification.
Thanks again.
I've now updated the project (attached) with a button to crash the app to make the steps easier for you.
- Crash the app
- Choose to "Close the app" in the Android dialog that follows.
The service should not restart automatically in that situation.
Check the attached video if you need clarification.
Thanks again.
gg...@google.com <gg...@google.com> #6
We have shared this with our engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #7
I was directed here by a comment on my review of the app in the store:
Developer response:
That's an Android bug actually. You can fix it by rebooting your device. I've reported it here:https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/75414169 Hope this clarifies it!
Restarting has not fixed this issue, as I have restarted plenty of times since this started occurring. My problem is that Tasker stopped working, basically. I only have two profile set up: one to silence my phone when bluetooth is connected, and one to turn back on the sound when wifi is connected. Both of these worked fine and now they have stopped. When I connect to wifi, I see a message appear near the bottom of my screen and it tells me permission is still needed. When I check app permissions for Tasker, all of them are enabled. This seems like a pretty basic thing for Tasker to do, and yet it just doesn't work anymore making this app useless to me.
Developer response:
That's an Android bug actually. You can fix it by rebooting your device. I've reported it here:
Restarting has not fixed this issue, as I have restarted plenty of times since this started occurring. My problem is that Tasker stopped working, basically. I only have two profile set up: one to silence my phone when bluetooth is connected, and one to turn back on the sound when wifi is connected. Both of these worked fine and now they have stopped. When I connect to wifi, I see a message appear near the bottom of my screen and it tells me permission is still needed. When I check app permissions for Tasker, all of them are enabled. This seems like a pretty basic thing for Tasker to do, and yet it just doesn't work anymore making this app useless to me.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com>
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #8
I second that: restarting doesn't fix the issue. In Tasker, I have a task that blocks Telegram messages by title while playing Boom Beach and that needs the AutoNotification Intercept notification access permission enabled to do so. After enabling the access permission, I start Boom Beach - but, it tells me that the AutoNotification Intercept notification access permission is disabled when it actually is enabled.
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #9
We will be closing this bug as Obsolete. If you still think this issue is reproducible and relevant in the latest Android release (Android Q), please attach a new bug report along with reproduction details. If a reply is not received within the next 14 days, this issue will be closed. Thank you for your understanding.
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #10
It's still reproducible on Android Q with the steps mentioned on comment #5 .
After crashing the app the system still shows the notification listener as running but when check inside the app you can see that it is not really running.
Thanks again.
After crashing the app the system still shows the notification listener as running but when check inside the app you can see that it is not really running.
Thanks again.
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #11
The bug is present for years and nobody cares. It's just impossible to create an accessibility service running continuously and reliably. The only workaround is to guide users to disable battery "optimizations" for third-party apps that include an accessibility service. Obviously Google and manufacturer related apps are whitelisted by default, thus allowing them to work properly...
he...@gmail.com <he...@gmail.com> #12
This begun in Android 8, and is still present in Android 10.
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
xc...@gmail.com <xc...@gmail.com> #13
Android 10. The same problem. Reboot helps for a while but after a couple of hours the application (Tasker) asks for Notification Access again.
tp...@gmail.com <tp...@gmail.com> #14
It says this issue is blocked by another issue, but I can't see the details of the other issue. I wonder if it would help to create a new bug report. The instructions given by sa...@google.com on Nov 13, 2019 seemed to suggest that. If you do create a new issue, could you link to it here so we can follow the new one?
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #15
Hi, any news regarding this bug?
Very bad situation with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android ... web protection is always disabled due to service deactivation
Very bad situation with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android ... web protection is always disabled due to service deactivation
bn...@google.com <bn...@google.com> #16
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address all issues reported. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete.
If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with the bug report herehttps://goo.gl/TbMiIO and reference this bug for context.
If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with the bug report here
08...@gmail.com <08...@gmail.com> #17
This divide is a working device regarding the service cell phones are the now so I really do not need service if u are next to a wifi so please stop injecting device with false info thanks!
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #18
How can be this marked as obsolete??? I'm having this issue on Android 10!
go...@springtimesoftware.com <go...@springtimesoftware.com> #19
I am also having Tasker problems due to Accessibility being turned off, sometimes reported as being off and sometimes reported as being on/but the app is malfunctioning. Note that it is now almost a year later. If it is a known Android 11 bug, please let me have a link to the bug report. Thanks!
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #20
I'm in same boat!! Recently (maybe after an update in Android security to 01/04/2022), Accessibility is being turned off, and If reboot it stays on, but after some time it goes off. Please help!!!!!
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #21
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #22
This issue is occuring in Android 12 (S).
Why is Google not fixing this ? Or is this because of comment #11 ? That accessibility service can't be run continuously and reliably?
But I see Google mostly replying asking people to reproduce the issue (which they have) and then they want to close this issue anyway without fixing it 🤔
This problem continues to occur. So please address it. If it can't be fixed, state so.
Also turning off / disabling power saving features is not a viable solution when you actually need to use it.
So in the meantime we lose a critical security feature of an app (in this case Avast security's web protection) because of this bug and have to choose between putting ourselves at risk to save battery power or drain it quicker have the security but less usage time.
In addition, for some reason Avast security app doesn't appear in the "never sleeping" apps selection list. Even so it can be given unrestricted battery usage.
Why is Google not fixing this ? Or is this because of
But I see Google mostly replying asking people to reproduce the issue (which they have) and then they want to close this issue anyway without fixing it 🤔
This problem continues to occur. So please address it. If it can't be fixed, state so.
Also turning off / disabling power saving features is not a viable solution when you actually need to use it.
So in the meantime we lose a critical security feature of an app (in this case Avast security's web protection) because of this bug and have to choose between putting ourselves at risk to save battery power or drain it quicker have the security but less usage time.
In addition, for some reason Avast security app doesn't appear in the "never sleeping" apps selection list. Even so it can be given unrestricted battery usage.
ec...@gmail.com <ec...@gmail.com> #23
Still occuring in Android 12....
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #24
This should be fixed by now.
cl...@gmail.com <cl...@gmail.com> #25
reported 2018, still not fix in 2022. or maybe there's a reason why they won't allow it?
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #26
@25 For NotificationListener , at least, I can see that it works fine on Pixel 6 with Android 13.
yo...@gmail.com <yo...@gmail.com> #27
The problem persists. The functionality is very intermittent in a wide variety of devices. On some devices works fine; on others not. So we need to find other approaches to make it work. And sometimes, google play doesn't like these approaches created by us.
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #28
I am experiencing this same issue.
I have an Android 11 based Carlinkit AI Box. I am attempting to use the Automate app to startup two apps in split screen mode when the device powers on.
I can create the flow and assign all necessary permissions, including accessibility permission that is needed to interact with the display, but when the device reboots the automate service has the permission REMOVED, every single time.
The automate service starts, receives the bootup finished message, performs the first action I have in my workflow, but then it hits the UI access piece and fails with the log showing that the accessibility service has not been started and permissions are not granted.
I have an Android 11 based Carlinkit AI Box. I am attempting to use the Automate app to startup two apps in split screen mode when the device powers on.
I can create the flow and assign all necessary permissions, including accessibility permission that is needed to interact with the display, but when the device reboots the automate service has the permission REMOVED, every single time.
The automate service starts, receives the bootup finished message, performs the first action I have in my workflow, but then it hits the UI access piece and fails with the log showing that the accessibility service has not been started and permissions are not granted.
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #29
I should add that I also disabled battery optimizations for all related services, the permission is still removed after the device is power cycled.
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #30
Facing this issue on Android 12!
eg...@gmail.com <eg...@gmail.com> #31
Still facing this bug on android 13
ja...@famoc.com <ja...@famoc.com> #32
2024 And the issue still prevails.
tr...@googlemail.com <tr...@googlemail.com> #33
saying "there's a new release so I'm closing the ticket (without checking it on the new release)" is lazy, and a terrible attitude for a dev.
This is still an issue. For many years.
This is still an issue. For many years.
- have an app that has a NotificationListenerService service
- make the app crash (or simply re-install it with Android Studio for debugging)
- check if the NotificationListener service is still running (for example with ActivityManager.getRunningServices)
Most of the times the service is not running.
- Go to the notification listener setup screen in Android Settings
- Disable and re-enable the service for the app
- In your app check if the service is running
Most of the times this will not restart the service and the app realizes this.
When the system is in this state the only way to bring the service back is by restarting your device.
The correct behavior should be that the system would automatically start the services that are enabled in the Android settings after the app crashes. At the very least the services should be able to be restarted by the users. Having to reboot the device is too unintuitive and causes a lot of users to think that the app isn't working properly.
This issue happens on all Android versions I tested.