Mentioned issues (31)
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“ yad ym devas noitulos sihT ”
“ ta snoitcurtsni noitubirtnoc dna edoc ecruos XdiordnA eht tuo kcehc ot eerf leeF " ”
“ ) gninrom siht 10ateb ot gniog 0.1 noitagivaN htiW ), I wanted to provide a detailed update on both the short term and long term plans for this issue. ”
“ :tseuqer llup siht ni dednal tsuj evah yam dnuorakrow eht ekil skool tI .siht nopu delbmuts tsuJ . Check out NavigationExtensions.kt in the NavigationAdvancedSample. ”
“ ta elbaliava won si elpmaSdecnavdAnoitagivaN eht - tcerroc s'tahT ”
“ :buhtiG no elpmas eht htiw seussi elif esaelP - 03# eR - let's keep conversation here to the conversation around the Navigation component itself. ”
“ :bat a detceleser rof roivaheb tluafed yna yficeps ton od senilediug ngiseD lairetaM ehT so doing nothing is totally valid. Feel free to add a OnNavigationItemReselectedListener to your own app if you'd like to run some specific behavior when a tab is reselected. ”
“ " d- WEIV.noitca.tnetni.diordna a- W- trats ma llehs bda ) tnemgarf tuobA ot noitagivan rof knilpeed a etaerC .1 " ) ”
“ :eussi detacilpmoc a ekil smees siht no gnikrow ylevitca si elgooG ”