Status Update
ku...@google.com <ku...@google.com>
ku...@google.com <ku...@google.com> #2
Please provide following information which will help us to investigate this further,
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
su...@gmail.com <su...@gmail.com> #4
In Settings -> Security near "Screen Lock" add another menu something like "Panic code" there you can configure second pattern or pin code or password. Probably with description and confirmation, that user understand what he doing.
On lock screen you can input your normal password/pin/pattern and unlock your device and can input on same field/keyboard/pinpad alternative pinpad which immediatly reset device on factory state without asking confiramtions.
In my country (Russia, if you interested) policy try to force political activist unlock their smartphones for collect more evidence. They use tortures and threats of tortures for this. If you you can`t unlock because it wiped they don`t have motivation to use tortures.
For example:https://t.me/msuprotest/3 (excuse me - only on russian). I know that`s not one example.
On lock screen you can input your normal password/pin/pattern and unlock your device and can input on same field/keyboard/pinpad alternative pinpad which immediatly reset device on factory state without asking confiramtions.
In my country (Russia, if you interested) policy try to force political activist unlock their smartphones for collect more evidence. They use tortures and threats of tortures for this. If you you can`t unlock because it wiped they don`t have motivation to use tortures.
For example:
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #5
It'll be handy also for fighting against https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_disclosure_law , like in the UK
>requires persons to decrypt information and supply keys to government representatives to decrypt information without a court order. Failure to disclose carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail or five years in the cases of national security or child indecency
I mean, what the hell is this? Unbelievable.
>requires persons to decrypt information and supply keys to government representatives to decrypt information without a court order. Failure to disclose carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail or five years in the cases of national security or child indecency
I mean, what the hell is this? Unbelievable.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #6
I'm from Russia too; it's all true. We desperately need this feature to protect ourselves from an oppressive government.
Well, one can always be with low-cost button-phone, but it also could help gather information about political and social activists - like phone numbers, SMS and whatnot.
Please implement this feature AFAP!
Well, one can always be with low-cost button-phone, but it also could help gather information about political and social activists - like phone numbers, SMS and whatnot.
Please implement this feature AFAP!
ku...@google.com <ku...@google.com> #7
We have passed this to the development team and will update this case with more information as it becomes available.
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #8
Any news? It's kind of urgenty thing, not a shiny decorative addition.
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com>
cc...@google.com <cc...@google.com> #9
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address the issue reported, however our product team has shifted work priority that doesn't include this issue. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete. If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with the bug report here https://goo.gl/TbMiIO .
ar...@gmail.com <ar...@gmail.com> #10
Shame google.
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #11
Indeed, wtf?
ro...@zbsd.ru <ro...@zbsd.ru> #12
Real shame
zl...@gmail.com <zl...@gmail.com> #13
ea...@gmail.com <ea...@gmail.com> #14
Dont do evil they said..
kr...@gmail.com <kr...@gmail.com> #15
"Don't be evil" hahahaha!!!!
mr...@gmail.com <mr...@gmail.com> #16
Wtf, Google?
mg...@gmail.com <mg...@gmail.com> #17
Those users who do not need this feature simply won't set this second pin! You could really save lives in some countries with abusive goverment but you prefer not to. Shame google!
k0...@gmail.com <k0...@gmail.com> #18
Hey Google, i'm disappointed
sc...@gmail.com <sc...@gmail.com> #19
That is not fair. :с
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #20
Closing this is helping bandits.
pi...@gmail.com <pi...@gmail.com> #21
We really need this feature. Please return task to work
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #22
Really, such feature can be a life savior in many counties.
li...@gmail.com <li...@gmail.com> #23
Pls reconsider
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #24
This is very useful feature in countries, like russia.
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #25
Shame on you, Google! Reconsider!
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #26
Google confirmed for Big Brotha lackey.
ar...@gmail.com <ar...@gmail.com> #27
Users do need this feature! It can save lives!
vt...@gmail.com <vt...@gmail.com> #28
Please return it to reconsider. It'll be really usefull feature.
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #29
This feature would be very helpful.
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #30
How's that, Google?
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #31
Open it this instant!
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #32
So Google prioritize FBI and FSB over its users?
fo...@gmail.com <fo...@gmail.com> #33
This really useful things! Googke MUST realise this!
This really useful things! Googke MUST realise this!
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #34
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #35
What a shame, google. Its one of the most helpful features for a long time, advised by your users, optional. And you refuse it, you are the purely evil corporation.
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #36
really usefull feature
nw...@gmail.com <nw...@gmail.com> #37
Should be reopened
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #38
G., its really good initiative, for what reason you reject It???
sc...@gmail.com <sc...@gmail.com> #39
now it's the moment when google can open office in Northern Korea, there is nothing to loose
my...@gmail.com <my...@gmail.com> #40
Why you closed this??? You got some cache from police/fbi???
my...@gmail.com <my...@gmail.com> #41
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #42
Thats a shame
po...@gmail.com <po...@gmail.com> #43
Seriously, dudes, don't you care about people lives??? (I'm Russia resident as well)
ve...@gmail.com <ve...@gmail.com> #44
That's not a right decision
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #45
Why, Google??
ve...@gmail.com <ve...@gmail.com> #46
гугл как всегда замудачился...делайте пин аварийны
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #47
Google Shame
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #48
I'm disappointed in Google.
sl...@gmail.com <sl...@gmail.com> #49
Really useful feature, +1. Please, re-consider about issue status.. If users don't need this "panic code" feature, then they will just not set it
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #50
Hm, a useful feature was rejected. Is there some other way to get similar functionality?
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #51
Google, serious?!?
When we have a real talk about privacy and safety of users, you just hiding?
When we have a real talk about privacy and safety of users, you just hiding?
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #52
I've read Google closed this request. Helping bandits?
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #53
Something like this would be really useful to have.
I urge to reconsider this.
I urge to reconsider this.
va...@gmail.com <va...@gmail.com> #54
I'm think this feature will be useful for user. Why did Google closed it?
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #55
It must be some kind of mistake, this issue should not be discarded. This is a very important function!
lu...@gmail.com <lu...@gmail.com> #56
ok dad
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #57
There's no way to add this functionality to a custom ROM or something of the like. I know not every phone can be rooted or bootload unlocked but I just dont see why this couldn't not be implemented by some XDA developer Folk.
Then again I don't know how hard it would be to implement and how much time effort and energy it would take.
Then again I don't know how hard it would be to implement and how much time effort and energy it would take.
og...@gmail.com <og...@gmail.com> #58
Thank you for helping to torture and kill us
fi...@gmail.com <fi...@gmail.com> #59
It was marked obsolete! You know what's obsolete? The idea that Google cares or Android is open source. It's a cynical slap in the face. Their motto used to be "don't be evil". Now their motto should be just "be evil". Hell they are a defense contractor. Makes sense.
se...@protonmail.com <se...@protonmail.com> #60
Well, sad. Is there a re-opened issue like this?
sm...@gmail.com <sm...@gmail.com> #61
We need that function, in Russia.
All monsters in russian police try unlock your phone without judge and justice, everybody fears that. They can try to beat you and torture, if you dont want to show. Nobody cant helps us.
Google can help a little, do a little easy our living, but.. But no.
They wont
All monsters in russian police try unlock your phone without judge and justice, everybody fears that. They can try to beat you and torture, if you dont want to show. Nobody cant helps us.
Google can help a little, do a little easy our living, but.. But no.
They wont
vo...@gmail.com <vo...@gmail.com> #62
Google, I'm disappointed in you
zh...@gmail.com <zh...@gmail.com> #63
og...@gmail.com <og...@gmail.com> #64
I am from Russia as well, the feature is much-needed to save lives. Shame on you, Google!
d....@gmail.com <d....@gmail.com> #65
It's not the best position to hide your head in the sand. Perhaps it's worth clarifying your position?
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #66
I agree, this is a must have feature which should be implemented
le...@gmail.com <le...@gmail.com> #67
Maybe it's time to switch to an iPhone.
Shame on you, Google.
Shame on you, Google.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #68
Maybe it's difficult to you to include this future because of your agreements with governments but nowadays the amount of people who can lost with their freedom, health and even live it's too damn high. I live in russia and i know what I'm talking about. During this pandemic we have no financial support only penalties and when people wants to express themselves or publish their opinion in internet, police cracks our homes and takes our gadgets, pc's and so on, we have many new laws against human rights now, that allows police to do what they want to do.
ag...@gmail.com <ag...@gmail.com> #69
Guys, try to post this issue on alternative firmware trackers, such as LineageOS (or how it's called nowadays)
You'll be limited by supported devices but better that than tortured, isnt it?
You'll be limited by supported devices but better that than tortured, isnt it?
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #70
Issue should be reopened. This feature can save freedom of millions of people in authoritarian countries.
I want to believe that rejecting this request is just a mistake.
You can confirm it by implementing this feature and save your reputation.
I want to believe that rejecting this request is just a mistake.
You can confirm it by implementing this feature and save your reputation.
p7...@gmail.com <p7...@gmail.com> #71
p7...@gmail.com <p7...@gmail.com> #72
will you reopen it or we create a new one??
su...@gmail.com <su...@gmail.com> #73
I'm surprised such an active support of my issue. But yesterday Google closed few another issues about privacy and security as "won't fix". They also can be very useful for protecting you privacy.
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #74
Hey google, this necessary function could help improve private data security!!!
t....@gmail.com <t....@gmail.com> #75
This should be reopened and implemented.
fo...@gmail.com <fo...@gmail.com> #76
Need to implement
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #77
Please reopen and reconsider!
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #78
Shame on you, Google.
Please reopen
Please reopen
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #79
Hey, don't ignore us!
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #80
Google, wake up, you crapped ya pants!
This should be reopened and implemented.
This should be reopened and implemented.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #81
Reopened as https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/169172437 (I am just creating another issue with the same idea there). Keeping cross reference here for the tracking purposes.