Status Update
Comments <> #2
Further observations: In conjunction with gradle problem:
Home office: Where this (new project...) error occure: Have IntelliJ IDEA v2020.1.2 installed.
Work office: Where this (new project...) error DOES NOT occure: DO NOT have IntelliJ IDEA installed.
Home office: Where Gradle problem DOES NOT occure: Have IntelliJ IDEA v2020.1.2 installed.
Work office: Where Gradle problem occure: DO NOT have IntelliJ IDEA installed.
RG <> #3
Testing creation of new projec on this C10 release (unofficial achieved when you asked me to test, among them:
Android Studio 4.1 Canary 10
Build #AI-201.6487.11.41.6475897, built on May 8, 2020
Runtime version: 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b01 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1886M
Cores: 4
Registry: ide.windowSystem.autoShowProcessPopup=true,,,
And got this message:
Minimum supported Gradle version is 6.5-milestone-1. Current version is 6.4-rc-2.
Please fix the project's Gradle settings.
Fix Gradle wrapper and re-import project
Open Gradle wrapper properties
Gradle Settings.
Which is a somehow known problem (to old gradle), upgraded gradle to 6.5-milestone-1, (restarted AS) and compiled the app, and it worked flawlessly.
This tells me it is AS4.1C10 is broken between 201.6487.11.41.6475897 and 201.7223.91.41.6507185 somewhere...
RG <> #4
Just confirming: Tried reinstall of AS (unizp, move), but same thing happened.
RG <> <> <> #5
#1 Thanks so much for the report and for the attached log!
Looking at the logs, I can see 100+ exceptions similar to:
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 93: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio Preview 4.1 Canary 10 up\bin\studio64.exe.vmoptions,C:\Users\Roar\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudioPreview4.1\studio64.exe.vmoptions
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager.isUnderHomeDirectory(
at com.intellij.diagnostic.VMOptions.getWriteFile(
It seems the problem starts somewhere inside getWriteFile()
Looking at getWriteFile() method and the call stack:
public static File getWriteFile() {
String vmOptionsFile = System.getProperty("jb.vmOptionsFile");
if (vmOptionsFile == null) {
// launchers should specify a path to a VM options file used to configure a JVM
return null;
vmOptionsFile = new File(vmOptionsFile).getAbsolutePath();
if (!PathManager.isUnderHomeDirectory(vmOptionsFile)) {
If I get the exception right, it seems that System.getProperty("jb.vmOptionsFile")
is returning two comma separated files (instead of the expected one):
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio Preview 4.1 Canary 10 up\bin\studio64.exe.vmoptions\
, C:\Users\Roar\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudioPreview4.1\studio64.exe.vmoptions
If I search for jb.vmOptionsFile
I can see a few references in windows batch files, and we recently made changes to them (ie executable-template.bat).
Dana, Raluca, any ideas? <> #6
All those new stuff of the IDE and I can't even create a new project...
It's completely unusable...
Previous versions since canary 8 also had serious issues, but this is just too much... <> #7
My remedy for this is to start up a pre C9 version and create the project there, close that IDE after one primary build and open it again in C10. Pre C9 creates the directories correctly.
RG <> #8 <> #9
Note that this is also a problem with AS 4.2 Canary 1:
Android Studio 4.2 Canary 1
Build #AI-201.7223.91.42.6568795, built on June 8, 2020
Runtime version: 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 5.3.0-59-generic
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1927M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins: CheckStyle-IDEA, siosio.kodkod
Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME <> #11
How could we verify if it's not available... <> #12
Found a remedy that might work (tested in AS4.2C1):
- Create project with project template (I.E 'Navigation Drawer Activity').
- Wait for creation process to silence... your project structure may be expanded and may look strange, but nothing seems to happen.
- Quit AS
- Start AS, open your newly created project (if it isn't already opening), the project structure seems more familiar.
- Build->Rebuild project.
- Run project.
RG <> #13
Note that this is still a bug in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 2:
Android Studio 4.2 Canary 2
Build #AI-201.7846.76.42.6582697, built on June 11, 2020
Runtime version: 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 5.3.0-59-generic
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1927M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins: CheckStyle-IDEA, siosio.kodkod
Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME <> #14
Linked issue (
Confirming #13 that issue is not solved in AS4.1C2, remedy in #12 still works in AS4.2C2.
Have not checked AS4.1B2.
RG <> #15
Confirming that AS4.1B1 and B2 still has issues with this situation, you should unlink this as a separate situation.
Remedy in #12 is still valid for AS4.1B2.
RG <> #16
Note that this is still a bug in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 3:
Android Studio 4.2 Canary 3
Build #AI-201.7846.76.42.6630367, built on June 25, 2020
Runtime version: 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 5.3.0-61-generic
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1927M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins: CheckStyle-IDEA, siosio.kodkod
Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME
Build: AI-201.7223.91.41.6507185, 202005182153,
AI-201.7223.91.41.6507185, JRE 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b01x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1920x1080, 1920x1080
AS: 4.1 Canary 10; Kotlin plugin: 1.3.61-release-Studio4.1-1; Android Gradle Plugin: 4.1.0-alpha10; Gradle: 6.5; NDK: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found); LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found, latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
IMPORTANT: Please read carefully and supply all required information.
Creating new project in newly installed AS4.1C10 (not upgraded) may not create all necessary project directories.