Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have not seen any information about it so just asking here to avoid opening another issue. It also seems that when generating APK with alpha 8 the dex is no more compressed in the APK and stored as is. Leading to way bigger APKs.
While this is not an issue when distributing via Play Store, this could have impact for all the other distribution channels. Is this a normal wanted change and we'll have to deal with it? Or is there some new parameter to control this? <> #3
I can reproduce the originally reported issue of missing Baseline Profiles with AGP 8.0.0-alpha08.
To verify, check out the <> #5
Created <> #6
the location of the baseline profile has changed, it is now in dexopt folder instead of
please file a different bug for other issues so we can assign them correctly for each issue. <> #7
There is no dexopt or any baseline profile related file in the generated aab. There is also nothing related to baseline profile in APK generated with AGP 8.0.
Can you please verify, keep the issue opened and provide a solution? <> #8
As a side note I do use:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools=""
tools:shrinkMode="strict" />
So maybe depending on when the baseline is packaged it's removed, but in all case it's not working currently so not really WAI. <> #9
It's not working either for me. And I don't have android.experimental.enableNewResourceShrinker.preciseShrinking=true
and tools:shrinkMode='strict' <> #10
Still happening with AGP 8.0.0-alpha09. Release build apk don't include baseline profile in assets/dexopt/ <> #11
When they quickly close like that without checking on most part of the tracker anything written after is just plain ignored..
Need to reopen an issue, since no access to proper category hope again that triage put it in the proper place then hope that this time it's properly read.
If only all the parts could be like the R8/D8 part of this issue tracker. <> #12
Scott, can you have a look if modifying an app according to <> #13
I'm not able to reproduce.
Ben, the link to the repro project from <> #14
Is there any logs I can provide from the build to help figure out? <> #15
For the record also tested with A9 and there's the result on Windows.
Image is content of the aab (res and BUNDLE-METADATA)
And the result of a search on all the app folder including all the build dirs after the build
PS D:\_Gradle\Symfonik> Get-Childitem -Include *baseline* -Recurse
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\app\src\main
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 29/11/2022 10:58 2114655 baseline-prof.txt
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\benchmark\src\main\java\app\symfonik\benchmark
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 29/11/2022 10:48 baselineprofile
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\benchmark\src\main\java\app\symfonik\benchmark\baselineprofile
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 29/11/2022 10:48 1231 BaselineProfileGenerator.kt
Reverting to A7 generates an aab that is 15k larger (the size of the baseline)
And the search after the build gives:
PS D:\_Gradle\Symfonik> Get-Childitem -Include *baseline* -Recurse
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\app\build\intermediates\binary_art_profile\release
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 02/12/2022 20:17 14796
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\app\build\intermediates\binary_art_profile_metadata\release
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 02/12/2022 20:17 1805 baseline.profm
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\app\build\intermediates\merged_art_profile\release
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 02/12/2022 20:12 2303810 baseline-prof.txt
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\app\src\main
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 29/11/2022 10:58 2114655 baseline-prof.txt
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\benchmark\src\main\java\app\symfonik\benchmark
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 29/11/2022 10:48 baselineprofile
Directory: D:\_Gradle\Symfonik\benchmark\src\main\java\app\symfonik\benchmark\baselineprofile
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 29/11/2022 10:48 1231 BaselineProfileGenerator.kt
So the files are properly generated in binary_art_profile
for A7 and completely missing in A8 / A9. This does not sound like a packaging issue (Same behavior without the options from #8) but more a missing generation step.
This is a full compose app, no jetifier, minsdk 28, no png generation, ultra optimized everywhere I can, so maybe the build step depends on a step that is missing now? <> #16
Thanks. I'm able to repro now with the correct link <> #17
It looks like this was caused by Change-Id: I68ab3a6f342327cfb4c5477f85941fa3a6434a81. When I revert that change, the issue goes away. Working on a fix... <> #20
This will be fixed in AGP 8.0.0-beta02 (Change-Id: Icb1a29bcd0c60a8ee6228a5ee05e708624c319c0) <> #21
Thanks a lot, just to be sure this was also tested with both options from #8? <> #22
So updated to AGP 8.0 A10 and the profiles are back but still in
this contradicts #6 is this normal/expected will it change in a future 8.0 build? <> #23
Re #22, please disregard #6... that only applies to APKs, not AABs. <> #24
Is there an alpha that includes this fix? <> #25
The fix will be in AGP 8.0.0-beta02 and AGP 8.1.0-alpha01 <> #26
After upgrading to Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.1 and moving all namespaces from Manifests to build scripts, my android tests started failing, giving me the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class ""
The problem seems to be related to the namespace: the namespace for android tests is %namespace% + ".test". When the OS tries to load a component that is declared in Manifest with a relative path like android:name=".TestApplication" it uses the test namespace and eventually cannot find it on the classpath.
Is there a way to fix this? <> #27
Is there a way to fix this?
Can you use the fully qualified name instead of ".TestApplication"?
If that doesn't work for you, can you give more details so I can reproduce the issue? IIUC, the actual fully qualified class name is
, and android:name=".TestApplication
is located in the androidTest
... is that correct? <> #28
Using fully qualified name fixes the problem, but it is not an elegant solution for a huge project with hundred of modules with android tests where it all needs to be fixed manually.
It worked well with "package" in Manifest.
Just wonder, is this the only solution? <> #29
Using fully qualified name fixes the problem, but it is not an elegant solution for a huge project with hundred of modules with android tests where it all needs to be fixed manually.
Unfortunately, I can't think of another way to fix the problem.
It worked well with "package" in Manifest.
Yes, but we've opted to (1) disallow setting a value for package that is different than the (test) namespace and (2) disallow having namespace match testNamespace. (1) - because it is confusing, and (2) - because there can be unintended collisions of production vs test android resources.
Very sorry for the breaking change. <> #30 <> #31
Isn't this issue more related to the change we made to the test applicationID
as part of this change? It used to be that the test appID was computed badly based on the test package, but we change the computation (I don't remember exactly the change).
The relative path in the manifest is expanded based on testApplicationId
, not the testNamespace
(computed or explicit).
You should configure this to be what you expect it to be. <> #32
The relative path in the manifest is expanded based on testApplicationId, not the testNamespace (computed or explicit).
That was the old behavior, but AGP uses the namespace now, not the application ID. See
See Issue 176931684 for reference.
Basically AndroidTest variants do not the correct value for the package name for their
classes. We need to fix this.This would be a source level breaking change for project and we would need support in the Upgrade Assistant to fix it.
We need to discuss timing but in all likelihood that would be done in AGP 8.0