Status Update
Comments <> #2
Also confirmed issue persists on 4.4. <> <> #3
There are a lot of expensive accessories I've purchased or been gifted that quit workin with android 4.2. Android devs need to get on this. 3 broken versions and numerous minor updates and it hasn't even been triaged yet. Completely unprofessional. <> <> #4
We are loyal to Android as and they treat us like this.. I have a google device and yet it still is not fixed. <> #5
Please fix <> #6
Yes, please fix it. =) <> <> #7
I abandoned iPhone to discover something better, but I'm finding a lot of my Bluetooth paired devices won't work properly on android... I hope this gets fixed soon. I don't want to have to buy an iPhone again and suffer with their long agreements and system restrictions. <> #8
[Comment deleted] <> #9
fix will ya? make the android better more <> #10
Yes, count me as someone who would like to see this fixed. It apparently isn't fixed in KitKat. <> #11
Comment has been deleted. <> #12
Please roll back previous API. This fratura is importante. <> #13
Android 4.3 killed my super mario :( <> #14
Please fix, pretty please <> #15 Restricted+
Comment has been deleted. <> #16
Please fix this!! We want to play with us wii u pro controller!! C'mon Google!! <> #17
PLEASE GOOGLE, LET US HAVE BLUETOOTH FREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #18 Restricted+
Comment has been deleted. <> #19
Please google, can someone please fix this issue. thanks <> #20
Would love to see this resolved. Like a handful of others on here I just wanted to sync a bluetooth controller to my Android device to play some games. (I'm not very good at Megaman X with the touchscreen). I know it isn't a huge system issue, but maybe it could be changed anyway?
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance!
Games already look great on the Note 3, would be better with my controller.
Thanks in advance! <> <> #22
[Comment deleted] <> #23
I was really upset when I went to use a feature that used to work perfectly, this is stupid, what gives Google?
This is not the case for the system launcher, which gets touch events immediately.
This is a problem for users as they will be in an app and swipe to the launcher then try to tap on another app to open, but nothing will happen
Steps to reproduce:
Enable Gesture Navigation and set a 3rd party launcher as the default launcher.
Place Calculator app on the dock
Open Calculator
Swipe to return to the launcher
Quickly tap Calculator
Note that Calculator does not open
For 3rd party launcher you can use any launcher on the Play Store such as Nova Launcher or a build of Launcher3 such as the one I have created here:
Repeat steps with Pixel Launcher (or system launcher for the device) and note that Calculator does open
The correct behavior is for 3rd party launchers to work as well as system launchers, tapping calculator quickly should open calculator.
This can be tested using ADB with commands along the lines of the following:
input tap 540 1980; sleep 5; input swipe 540 2280 540 1900 20; sleep .5; input tap 540 1980
With 540x1980 being the position of the Calculator app and 540,2280 to 540,1900 being a good swiping distance to trigger the gesture nav home action. This layout is visible in the video.
This affects several versions of Android including Android 12 and 13 DP1
Tested on Pixel 4 Android 13 TPP1.220114.016 and Pixel 6 SQ1D.220105.007
This is Gesture Nav (Framework Launcher3 SystemUI) issue
This issue is very easy to reproduce and a logcat/bugreport will not contain relevant information. But I have attached a bug report anyway.
Video with show taps enabled: