Status Update
Comments <> #2
Information redacted by Android Beta Feedback. <> <> #3
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Screen record of the issue, for clarity
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file:
adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #5
Thanks for the response. Please provide access to the above link. <> #6 <> #7
Thanks for reporting this issue. We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #8
Thanks for the feedback, please check this issue on the latest Android build and let us know if the issue still persists. <> #9
Please provide the requested information to proceed further. Unfortunately the issue will be closed within 7 days if there is no further update. <> #10
On Gdrive you will find:
recordings taken with another phone in slow motion (animation cuts are visible);
adb shell screenrecords
Bug trace-s
Full bug report <> #11 <> #12 <> #13
Reddit and twitter are lagging so much. <> #14
I appreciate that sometimes it can be a case of the app developer poorly optimising (looking at Discord's latest updates as an example), but the scrolling issue is so widespread that it is at least partially attributed to the phone's operating system itself.
Marking the scrolling issue as fixed in other posts (
Some particularly laggy applications include:
- X (Twitter)
- Discord
- Google (discovery feed)
- Chrome (some webpages) <> #15 <> #16
However, the frame drops during scrolling are caused by the green bars for measure/layout or input handling and animation.
In the Play Store, the frame drops are more frequent and are typically either blue for "draw" or green for "input handling and animation" but the cause is typically more random than X.
The Discord application has a lot of overdraw but the lag is mostly caused by "input handling and animation" again, among other things again.
So, from what I can tell, this looks like a GPU related issue where some applications can take ages performing operations on the GPU, combined with some dodgy third party applications. However, I am not an Android developer and I don't have much technical knowledge surrounding how this all works, so if anyone in the know would like to elaborate then it would be very helpful and I would be extremely appreciative of your input. Anyone else who is experiencing this, do my findings here match to your own experience if you enable the HWUI profiling? Does anything that I have said make any sense? <> #17 <> #18
The users who comment in <> #19
Pixel 6 Pro (raven)
VanillaIceCream (AP31.240426.023), system up to date <> #20
Google Pixel 7 Pro
Android 15 Beta 2 VanillalceCream (May 5, 2024 AP31.240426.023)
1440p 120hz 480dp <> #21
Link with trace and screenrecord for google team: <> #22
Pixel 6 Pro
A15 B2.1 AP31.240426.023
Drive version <> #23
The users who comment in
For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue) For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Screen Record of the Issue Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps: adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4 Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file: adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4 Attach the file to this issue.
Note: Please upload the bug report and screenshot to google drive and share the folder to <> #24 <> #25
When the Google team asks for a screen recording of this, it only outputs at around 60fps (or lower). You can't see the scrolling stutter from 120fps to 60fps in a 60fps video. Only the massive lag spikes are apparent but these are only present in some of the worse offending applications.
I have relatives with Pixel phones and have had a look at how their devices perform. A Pixel 4a at 60hz doesn't seemingly have these issues. A Pixel 7 Pro at 120hz DOES have the scrolling stutter. Obviously this isn't the best test as there are two variables changing with Tensor vs non Tensor and 60hz vs 120hz, but from internet reports the Pixel 6 and other 90+hz phones with Tensor chips do also suffer from this same issue.
Tensor isn't the fastest chipset in raw performance metrics, but it is certainly not a slow chip either - there are slower phones out there that run smoother than the Pixel.
Starting with Tensor 1 (Pixel 6 series), Pixel has been on 5.x kernels where preceding Pixel devices have been on 4.x kernels. Could this be a kernel related issue since the scrolling stutter problem is so widespread? It feels like a low level thing - although again I am no expert on the matter, this is purely speculation on my part.
Here is a link to a video and bug report of the experience while scrolling through the play store - you can see the HWUI graph spike repeatedly, but the stutter isn't apparent when viewing the footage as again, it is a 60 fps video. <> #26 <> #27
The user who
To investigate this issue please share the system trace. To record a system trace please refer to <> #28
I had a quick look using Perfetto, I can't really make sense of it but it looks like the first 30 seconds are missing? Let me know if I need to redo this, or if I need to update access permissions. Permission is still granted to
Cheers <> #29
We’ve shared this with our product and engineering teams and will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. <> #30
I also experience a lot of stuttering in almost every app. The device performance really suffers from these optimisations shortcoming. It's a shame that a 1000€ smartphone cannot display content smoothly. I attached a video example of the occuring problem. Please fix this issue before the Android 15 release. <> #31 <> #32 <> #33 <> #34
As #33 said, Pixel 1 was a wonderful device. I can say that for Pixel 2 and 4a also, then I got the Pixel 7 and Pixel 8, the UI now is very sluggish and erratic. First what comes to mind is Tensor and higher framerate. Whatever it is, Google engineers please, you need to find the causes. <> #35
It was mentioned as "fixed" before here on IssueTracker, but it is not. It is starting to be absurd to have the same issue for so many years on a premium Pixel device, while other brand Android devices, even midrange don't have this issue. <> #36 <> #37
@Google Team: if you don't have a test device (which would be absurd, but still...) please look at the video posted by #36.
That's a perfect representation of the issue. It occurs not only in the Reddit app, but across most other apps as well (whether Google or not).
It does not seem to affect System-UI components. <> #38 <> #39
Anyway, if someone from Google is watching then I have uploaded another small (2 second) trace of me scrolling through my Twitter feed, just enough to capture some of the janky scrolling. I had a quick look through the trace using Perfetto and can find 5 instances of 'actual timeline' for the Twitter app being highlighted in red being for being late, all with the arguments of "Jank severity type: Full, Jank type: App deadline missed" etc. These all have a big red line pointing to something to do with 'surfaceflinger'. I also saw some slices called 'decodeBitmap' sometimes taking upwards of 32ms which seemed odd but I'm not sure if it is related. There's some screenshots in the folder too.
Not sure if this is helpful at all but if you do want further logs or anything that could help you get to the bottom of this issue then please just let us know - we are all eagerly awaiting an update to this longstanding issue.
Link to existing folder: <> #40 <> #41
Android 15 beta 2.2 user here. The scrolling feels mostly gone, from spotify all the way down to reddit. it is not 100% gone, but i would say around 70%. <> #42
occasional jankiness going on
On Mon, Jun 10, 2024, 7:45 PM <> wrote: <> #43
Many of them from media onload <> #44
screen-20240611-192430.mp4 - <> #45 <> #46 <> #47 <> #48 <> #49 <> #50
Really doubt that would be the case. This has been an issue since 2021 with Pixel 6 on Android 12. Google still hasn't fixed it.
This will be my last Pixel unless Google sorts this out, it's really frustrating. A situation update would be nice, Google! <> #51 <> #52 <> #53 <> #54 <> #55
Release version run smoother in some situations than beta builds, there's less logging and more optimization. So there's a little bit of a chance it gets better. But yeah... <> #56 <> #57
I hope this problem will be fixed with the upcoming android 15 release. I really like the Pixel lineup but it's really hard for me to recommend it to someone if there are substantial problems like these. Hardware and software come from Google so why is it that the performance feels like a cheap entry level Smartphone. Even mid range Samsung phones feel smoother than my P8P. I attached video where stutters are painfully obvious. Other apps not displayed in the video that have stuttering scrolling are Spotify, the Google Feed, Google News, WhatsApp, Google Fotos (Especially in the newer memories tab), and many more... <> #58
Please update your device to the latest build (V Beta 4.1 -
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Screen Record of the Issue Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps: adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4 Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file: adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4 Attach the file to this issue.
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #59 <> #60
Feature request
Cannot swipe forward on chrome. But can swipe to the previous page on chrome.
Left swipe : reverse a page Right Swipe : forward a page
But swipe right closes the application which is the same as swipe up.
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/lynx_beta/lynx:15/AP31.240617.010/12136053:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 242835038 (24.28.35 (190400-657754416))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 636771932 (124.0.6367.219)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: 3
SIM operator: 3
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #61
Feature request
Hello, there is frequent stuttering when scrolling up and down letting the interface slide . This is probably because the screen does not detect the touch of your fingers and does not change quickly the refresh rate from 1 to 120 Hz. But this is obviously just my On position. From what I understand Google had to fix it with the release of Android 15, I'm currently on the latest Android 15 beta available but the problem is still very present. When will this problem be solved? I attach an example in the scrolling of WhatsApp stories, but this is also present in the native Google apps and in the system in general, such as the settings for example.
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/husky_beta/husky:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
- SoC Revision: Zuma B1
Debugging information
Google Play Services
Version 243137045 (24.31.37 (260408-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: vodafone IT
SIM operator: Vodafone
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #62
Feature request
So many glitch and slow animation by app
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/oriole_beta/oriole:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 242835044 (24.28.35 (260400-657754416))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: 51566
SIM operator: DITO
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #63
Feature request
Trying to unlock phone is harder as I have to swipe at least 5 times before unlock
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/bluejay_beta/bluejay:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243137044 (24.31.37 (260400-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: O2 - UK
SIM operator: O2
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #64
Feature request
Also cannot use recent apps at all
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/tangorpro_beta/tangorpro:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243137044 (24.31.37 (260400-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Not available
SIM operator: Not available
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #65
Can someone from Google please clean up the comments? Not sure why/how the last few comments ended up here... <> #66
Feature request
Phone lagging or slow
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/cheetah_beta/cheetah:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243137044 (24.31.37 (260400-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Not available
SIM operator: Not available
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.43-betterbug.external_20240710_RC01 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #67
Information redacted by Android Beta Feedback. <> #68 <> #69
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
While using phone pe phone stops responding and screen is unresponsive. After sometime phone restarts again
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243137044 (24.31.37 (260400-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Airtel 5G
SIM operator: airtel
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Bundled): 2.25-betterbug.external_20220328_RC02
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #70
Feature request
While using phone pe app the device becomes unresponsive and phone restarts after sometimes.
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/bluejay_beta/bluejay:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243137044 (24.31.37 (260400-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Airtel 5G
SIM operator: airtel
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.44-betterbug.external_20240710_RC02 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #71
Feature request
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/shiba_beta/shiba:15/AP31.240617.009/12094726:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
- SoC Revision: Zuma B1
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 242335045 (24.23.35 (260408-646585959))
System App (Bundled)
Android System WebView
Version 636771932 (124.0.6367.219)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Not available
SIM operator: Not available
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.44-betterbug.external_20240820_RC00 (FISHFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #72 <> #73
Feature request
Nothing new, stutters as always.
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/husky_beta/husky:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
- SoC Revision: Zuma B1
Debugging information
Servicios de Google Play
Version 243137045 (24.31.37 (260408-662270918))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Digi.Mobil
SIM operator: Digi.Mobil
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.44-betterbug.external_20240710_RC02 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #74
Information redacted by Android Beta Feedback. <> #75 <> #76
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
- SoC Revision: Zuma B1
This happens to me. It's worse on X and especially bad on Reddit.
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243233045 (24.32.33 (260408-662265838))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: iD
SIM operator: iD
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.44-betterbug.external_20240710_RC02 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #77
Feature request
It has gotten better but stutters are still there even in Google apps like play store and YouTube( in replies of comments specifically)
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/cheetah_beta/cheetah:15/AP31.240617.015/12207491:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243233038 (24.32.33 (190400-662265838))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 661304042 (128.0.6613.40)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Not available
SIM operator: Telenor
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.44-betterbug.external_20240710_RC02 (DOGFOOD)
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #78
Information redacted by Android Beta Feedback. <> #79 <> #80 <> #81
Pixel 9 Pro XL has the same stuttering problem.
The Samsung runs absolutely smooth in comparison. <> #82 <> #83
How is it that Google develop Android, design the phones and partly design their Tensor (Exynos) chips and they are the only mainstream manufacturer with these issues?
Modern Pixels cost over $1000 and they still run terribly compared to their competition's middle range devices which cost HALF the price of the Pixel.
Why has this issue still been allowed to exist?
Can we get any comment at all from the software team or engineers on this? This is your most upvoted issue, we have provided all of the logs, videos and traces that you have asked for, waited YEARS for a fix (started in Android 12:
I can't imagine myself (and I'm sure other users) choosing Pixel for our next phones if this is how we and our phones are supported.
Googlers, I urge you if you are using some sort of virtual software testing environment to actually go and pick up any Tensor equipped phone, and start using some third party applications. It is inevitable that you will come across this issue that we are talking about. <> #84
iOS is better than the Pixel. <> #85 <> #86
They made the new hardware a little bit better, that's normal. Doesn't help anyone with a Pixel 7 or 8. <> #87 <> #88 <> #89 <> #90
I'm not buying it. Yes, your device is brand new, so obviously better. But there are already comparing videos showing the stuttering. <> #91
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
Xx cc,xxxc,z ex x. Z
B B B NNC N N. B. N N b n xxb. Bnnncnn xzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz NNN
can nhnabnch
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 243333044 (24.33.33 (260400-666381490))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 653310333 (127.0.6533.103)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Visible
SIM operator: Visible
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Bundled): 2.25-betterbug.external_20220328_RC02
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit <> #92 <> #93 <> #94 <> #95 <> #96
Maybe the Google development team can look into that. <> #97
There's also a problem with interface lagging far behind the user input when the device is under load or thermal throttling.
Under that situation, it actually should be dropping frames to keep up with the finger.
I've attached a recording. <> #98 <> #99
Please provide details of the specific instances where you noticed performance issues in the app and provide traces to investigate further. Please refer to the link <> #100 <> #101
Hi @bed...,
Thanks for the response. We have shared the information with the engineer team. <> #102
Hi @chu...,
Please provide the requested information as per commet#99 to proceed further. Unfortunately the issue will be closed within 7 days if there is no further update. <> #103 <> #104 <> #105
I am currently using a Pixel 9 Pro. It runs on stable Android 15 (15 (AP3A.241105.O08))
I also had a Pixel 8 Pro. Both phones experience stuttering while scrolling through many different Applications. The Pixel 9 Pro is less significant but its still there. I had Pixel 9 Pro before the Android 15 launch. The update did nothing to improve performance.
My guess is that the problem has directly something to do how the system handels loading apps and content.
Also the effect is less prominent with smooth display disabled.
Here is a link of three videos. The first one is a screen recording with HWUI Rendering enabled. It's hard to see the laggs because it only records 60fps. The Bars of the HWUI clearly show the problem.
An even better representation of the problem is shown in the other two videos where I did some external slow motion recordings. The one with smooth display enabled clearly shows the extreme stutters that appear in many different applications (Not just this one). The other one with smooth display disabled is obviously more choppy (because it's only 60fps recorded in slow mo) but its significantly less stuttery. The scrolling is therefore "smoother" because it stutters less often.
I beg you to take this problem seriously because it absolutely ruins the whole experience of the supposedly smooth stock android experience.
I don't want to compare it to other brands either but for example my father's four years old OnePlus 8 Pro runs basically every app buttery smooth. This doesn't add up considering the price point of the Pixel 9 Pro or even the 8 Pro.
Thank you very much for your attention and have a lovely day. <> #106 <> #107 <> #108
In all apps like Reddit, Facebook, YouTube. <> #109 <> #110
The turning point of the problem comes from Sultan, a well-known kernel developer in the Android development community. He fixed this problem in a third-party kernel update for the Pixel 8 series and contributed a relevant code submission to Google. Judging from the submission content and developer comments, Google used the wrong function in Tensor's exynos_bts driver code (btsdev->mutex_lock should be used instead of btsdev->lock). The difference of just six bytes makes the demand for display bandwidth (bandwidth voting calculation results) seriously lag behind the actual bandwidth requirements, which directly leads to performance degradation or abnormal functions of multiple processor modules, including the display controller. <> #111
It has been more than half a year. Google's poor efficiency has not solved this serious problem, so I consider using iPhone, like most Google employees, regardless of my company's operating system. <> #112
Is nobody in their offices working with Pixel phones?
A16 doesn't seem to improve this.
I paid 1000€ for a phone that feels like a 250€ one. <> #113
Maybe it's worth checking out sultan's github
It's amazing how google ignores this bug that's been around since they got into exynos. People are returning phones etc. It's no wonder pixels are such "exotic" phones. <> #114
Thank you commenters 110 and 113 for sharing this news. Looking forward to a potential fix at long last. <> #115 <> #116
Additionally:<> #110Jan 27, 2025 05:27PM
The turning point of the problem comes from Sultan, a well-known kernel developer in the Android development community. He fixed this problem in a third-party kernel update for the Pixel 8 series and contributed a relevant code submission to Google. Judging from the submission content and developer comments, Google used the wrong function in Tensor's exynos_bts driver code (btsdev->mutex_lock should be used instead of btsdev->lock). The difference of just six bytes makes the demand for display bandwidth (bandwidth voting calculation results) seriously lag behind the actual bandwidth requirements, which directly leads to performance degradation or abnormal functions of multiple processor modules, including the display controller.
This should be reported on more platforms, even #MadebyGoogle reddit, there it tends to pick up more attention and results in articles by more Android related outlets, which turns into publicity and with that gaining Google's attention. <> #117 <> #118
#117,Yes, the pixel switching lens is also very stuck. I guess they don't care either. I heard that the developers of pixel are also using iPhone, and they may also know how rubbish pixel is. <> #119 <> #122 <> #123 <> #124 <> #125 <> #126 <> #127 <> #128 <> #129 <> #130
Google really needs to get their act together with this. 6 series users have lived with this issue for years so I personally am not particularly concerned with an immediate fix for A16B2, but I would at the absolute bare minimum expect an acknowledgement from Google, either from an official statement or an IssueTracker maintainer. Over 600 upvotes and counting. I hope other news outlets continue to report on this. I can't see myself purchasing a Pixel ever again if this is the support that Google gives not only paying customers, but their beta testers too. <> #131
Google, hear us! <> #133 <> #134
Stutter and jitering in multiple apps
Fix this google pls ! <> #135 <> #136 <> #137 <> #138 <> #139
Omg, since the media reported that this issue was caused by Google's carelessness, the number of +1 has doubled. I wonder if Google pays attention to it? <> #140
Feature Request: Enhanced Customization and Feature Parity for Pixel Phones
Feature Area 1: Advanced UI Customization Options
More information about the feature:
Pixel phones are praised for their clean and streamlined Android experience, often referred to as "stock Android." However, compared to other Android manufacturers like Samsung, Xiaomi, and OnePlus, Pixel devices offer significantly fewer options for user interface customization. These manufacturers provide "skins" on top of Android (e.g., One UI, MIUI, OxygenOS) that allow users to personalize almost every aspect of their phone's look and feel, from icon styles and themes to animations, navigation gestures, and lock screen configurations. While Pixel's minimalist approach appeals to some, it limits personalization for users who desire a more unique and tailored mobile experience.
What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
We request the Pixel software team to expand the native UI customization options available to users, bringing them closer to the level of flexibility offered by other leading Android manufacturers. Specifically, we propose adding features such as:
- Expanded Theme Engine: Beyond Material You's dynamic color theming, allow users to select and apply pre-designed icon packs directly from system settings, without requiring third-party launchers. Include options for icon shape, size, and grid density on the home screen and app drawer.
- Advanced Lock Screen Customization: Enable users to extensively customize their lock screen, including clock styles, widget placement (beyond the current At-a-Glance), and quick access shortcuts. Consider options for interactive lock screen elements.
- Gesture Navigation Refinement: Provide more granular control over gesture sensitivity, customizable gesture actions (e.g., long swipe actions), and the ability to remap certain gestures.
- Animation and Transition Control: Allow users to adjust the speed and style of system animations and transitions for a more personalized and performant experience.
- Enhanced Always-On Display (AOD) Customization: Offer more clock styles, the ability to display more types of information on the AOD (e.g., calendar events, custom text), and more control over AOD behavior and triggers.
If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
Currently, users who desire deeper UI customization on Pixel phones are often forced to resort to:
- Third-party Launchers: While functional, launchers can sometimes introduce instability, consume additional resources, and may not integrate seamlessly with Pixel-specific features. They also move away from the "pure Pixel experience" that many users appreciate.
- Customization Apps: Individual apps for icon packs, themes, etc., can be fragmented and less integrated into the system, leading to an inconsistent experience.
- Rooting and Custom ROMs: This is a highly technical workaround that voids warranties, poses security risks, and is not accessible or desirable for the average Pixel user.
These workarounds are insufficient because they are either technically complex, compromise the intended Pixel experience, or lack the seamless system-level integration that native customization options would provide.
If relevant, what new use cases will this feature enable?
Enhanced UI customization would empower Pixel users to:
- Express Personal Style: Users can create a phone interface that truly reflects their individual tastes and preferences, increasing user satisfaction and emotional connection with their device.
- Improve Accessibility and Usability: Customization options like icon size, animation speed, and gesture sensitivity can be tailored to individual needs, improving accessibility for users with diverse requirements.
- Increase Efficiency: Customized lock screens and quick access shortcuts can streamline workflows and reduce the time needed to access frequently used information and apps.
- Differentiate Pixel in a Competitive Market: In a market saturated with similar-looking smartphones, offering deeper customization can be a key differentiator, attracting users who value personalization and control.
Feature Area 2: Feature Parity with Other Mobile Ecosystems (e.g., iOS)
More information about the feature:
While Pixel phones excel in AI-powered features and the core Android experience, they sometimes lack feature parity with other mobile ecosystems, most notably iOS. Certain functionalities that are deeply integrated and seamlessly available within the Apple ecosystem (and sometimes on other Android phones) are either absent or less refined on Pixel devices. Addressing these gaps would enhance the overall user experience and make Pixel phones even more competitive.
What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
We propose exploring and implementing features that bridge the gap with functionalities commonly found in other mobile ecosystems. Examples include:
- Enhanced Cross-Device Ecosystem Integration: While Pixel phones work well within the Google ecosystem, we should investigate deeper integration with other devices, similar to Apple's ecosystem approach. This could involve:
- Seamless Call and Message Continuity: Allow users to easily answer calls and send/receive messages on other connected devices (tablets, laptops, etc.).
- Improved File and Clipboard Sharing: Streamline the process of transferring files and sharing clipboard content between Pixel phones and other devices (including non-Android devices, where feasible and secure).
- Device Mirroring/Remote Control: Explore options for mirroring the Pixel phone screen on a computer or tablet, and potentially even remote control capabilities for specific tasks.
- Advanced Native Apps and Tools: Consider developing or enhancing native Pixel apps to offer functionalities comparable to those found in other ecosystems. For example:
- More Feature-Rich Notes App: Expand the Google Keep app or introduce a dedicated "Notes" app with features like live audio transcription, advanced formatting options, document scanning, and robust organization tools, similar to Apple Notes or Samsung Notes.
- Enhanced File Management: Improve the native Files app with more advanced features for file organization, compression, and cloud integration.
If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
Current approaches for achieving cross-device functionality and advanced app features often rely on:
- Third-Party Apps: While numerous apps exist for cross-device features and enhanced productivity, they often lack the seamless integration and system-level optimization of native solutions.
- Web-Based Services: Relying on web interfaces for tasks that could be handled natively can be less efficient and less user-friendly on mobile devices.
- Platform Lock-in: Users seeking seamless ecosystem integration are often compelled to choose a single platform (e.g., Apple) to achieve this, limiting user choice and potentially hindering platform competition.
These workarounds are less than ideal as they often involve compromises in usability, performance, and platform openness.
If relevant, what new use cases will this feature enable?
Feature parity with other mobile ecosystems would enable Pixel users to:
- Increase Productivity and Efficiency: Seamless cross-device workflows and advanced native apps would streamline tasks and boost productivity for professionals and everyday users alike.
- Enhance User Convenience: Simple tasks like answering calls or accessing files across devices would become more convenient and intuitive.
- Broaden Appeal to a Wider Audience: By addressing feature gaps and offering a more comprehensive mobile experience, Pixel phones can attract users who are currently drawn to other ecosystems due to specific feature sets.
- Strengthen the Google Ecosystem: Improved integration within and beyond the Google ecosystem would enhance the overall value proposition of Pixel devices and contribute to a stronger and more competitive Google ecosystem.
By implementing these feature enhancements, Google can solidify Pixel's position as a leading smartphone brand, appealing to a broader range of users who value both the core Android experience and a richer set of customization and ecosystem features. <> #141 <> #142 <> #143 <> #144 <> #145
Apparently the developer who found the fix also submitted their patch for review to Gerrit in October, but there has been no movement since then.
TBH the lack of transparency from Google is the most frustrating part of this story. <> #146 <> #147 <> #148 <> #149 <> #150 <> #151
Hopefully Google devs implement this fix soon. <> #153 <> #154 <> #155
I am writing to express my continued frustration with the persistent scrolling stutter bug affecting Pixel devices, even on the latest Android 15 builds. Despite Google's claims of a fix, this issue, introduced in Android 14, continues to severely impact user experience.
I want to bring to your attention that a third-party developer, Sultan Alsawaf, has impressively identified the root cause of this problem: a synchronization error within the Tensor chip's driver code. Furthermore, Mr. Alsawaf has developed and released a patch that reportedly resolves the issue for many users.
The fact that a member of the developer community has not only pinpointed the problem but also provided a working solution is both commendable and concerning. While I appreciate that Google may have internal processes for validating and implementing fixes, the continued absence of an official solution is unacceptable, especially given the availability of a community-driven patch.
I urge Google to immediately investigate Mr. Alsawaf's findings and expedite the implementation of a fix based on his work. Ignoring readily available solutions while Pixel users continue to struggle with this disruptive bug damages trust and diminishes the premium experience expected from Pixel devices.
Please acknowledge this issue and provide a concrete timeline for a proper resolution.
Thank you for your time and attention to this critical matter. <> #156
I've had a look through some Samsung S series Exynos drivers - they also have the issue that Sultan has explained on AOSP.
Since Tensor G1-G4 is a modified Exynos chip, existing Exynos drivers are used in Tensor, so this error likely transferred across.
The sister report of this one in another component has finally had a response from an engineer who has "passed the info to the engineering team". Please can the maintainers of this issue give us an update, and increase the severity and priority of this report? This is the most upvoted issue in this component, but has a default priority and low severity level.
Additionally, please can the maintainers of the affected driver update and re-review the change on the change review on AOSP/Gerrit Code Review. It has been ignored for some time now.
Thanks. <> #157 <> #158 <> #159 <> #161
Amateur hour every day. I shudder to imagine how bigger issues are dealt with, even across other products...
I've heard there is at least one team inside Google that is all iPhone/Macbook, surely there are others too. This is a reason why everyone sees the Google apps are better on iOS.
They know their own products' mediocrity, so they shovel garbage for the people, while internally they use fancy and refined iOS.
I've also heard actual Pixel profit is very small, another reason explaining Google's aloofness and disinterest in Pixel. It's a devkit, not a real phone. <> #162 <> #163 <> #164 <> #165 <> #166
Why won't Google keep in contact with their beta testers of all people, on the most upvoted issue that has existed since 2021 to fix a problem with a solution already readily available and presented to them?
Absolutely insane. <> #167
Android 16 is coming and there are no news regarding this...
I encourage everyone to bump this!
User experience
What type of Android issue is this?
Touch / Gesture
What steps would let us observe this issue?
What did you expect to happen?
Scroll smoothly
What actually happened?
Stuttered when scrolling through menus or content
What was the effect of this issue on your device usage, such as lost time or work?
Did not observe, or no opinion
Time and frequency
How often has this happened?
Originating component:
Suggested component: <not visible> (1498455)
Build and device data
- Build Number: google/husky_beta/husky:VanillaIceCream/AP31.240322.027/11746798:user/release-keys
(Note: It is the build when sending this report. For exact build reference, please see the attached bugreport.)
- SoC Revision: Zuma B1
Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 241518039 (24.15.18 (190408-627556096))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 642201442 (125.0.6422.14)
System App (Updated)
Network operator: Metro by T-Mobile
SIM operator: Metro by T-Mobile
Filed by Android Beta Feedback. Version (Updated): 2.42-betterbug.external_20240410_RC03 (DOGFOOD) .
To learn more about our feedback process, please visit