Status Update
Comments <> #2
Alt for first image: a list that reads...
Browser Support
- 127
- 127
- 3
- 16.4
Alt for second image: The "Browser Support" on a article, with Chrome Developer Tools showing the icon is just a CSS background svg and there's no alternative text / hidden text anywhere. <> #3
I have <> #4
The CL was submitted. See the attached screenshot for details. <> #5
I appreciate the speed with which this was addressed and deployed.
Some notes:
Because it uses
, there is a set of users who will not get it when the rest of the page is auto-translated. Ref: -
The value of the
is not exposed in the following combinations whether navigating by virtual cursor, read-all, list item, or explore-by-touch (I did not text macOS, iOS, iPadOS):- JAWS/Chrome
- NVDA/Firefox
- NVDA/TalkBack
When navigating by list (
), JAWS/Chrome & NVDA/Firefox both treats lists 1 & 3 (the lists that have non-numeric entries) as three-item lists. I don't know why and I am not wading into it any more deeply.
I encourage you to test this solution across screen reader / browser combinations and also to account for users who rely on machine translation.
Alternatively, replace the CSS generated content background image and the ARIA with a standard <img>
element and appropriate alt
text naming the browser. For the non-numeric contexts ("no support", "behind flags", "TP" also represented by CSS), do the same.
<img src="..." alt="Edge">
<img src="..." alt="Not supported">
<img src="..." alt="Firefox">
<img src="..." alt="behind a flag">
<img src="..." alt="Safari">
<img src="..." alt="Technology Preview">
</ul> <> #6
Oops, forgot to add #4...
- The solution as it stands now still does not account for users where the CSS has been lost for whatever reason. The code I offer addresses them by putting the image into the page. <> #7
Will try to rework the widget so it uses standard alt
with images. This may take a bit.
Since I have you, could you please suggest alt
texts for all cases at <> #8
If there's no support, the li
is empty:
aria-label="Supported in Safari Technology Preview."
This needs fixing at the source of the widget. <> #9
Since I have you, could you please suggest alt texts for all cases at ?
My comment with the fake HTML was an attempt at that.
I made an HTML list for each of the four examples and added one example after each for how a screen reader might announce it. Some announce "image", some "graphic", some before, some after.
First list:
<img src="..." alt="Chrome"> 74
<img src="..." alt="Edge"> 79
<img src="..." alt="Firefox">
<img src="..." alt="Not supported">
<img src="..." alt="Safari">
<img src="..." alt="Technology Preview">
A user might hear: "Image Safari image Technology Preview"
Second list:
<img src="..." alt="Chrome"> 75
<img src="..." alt="Edge"> 79
<img src="..." alt="Firefox"> 63
<img src="..." alt="Safari"> 13.1
A user might hear: "Graphic Firefox 63"
Third list:
<img src="..." alt="Chrome">
<img src="..." alt="Not supported">
<img src="..." alt="Edge">
<img src="..." alt="Not supported">
<img src="..." alt="Firefox">
<img src="..." alt="behind a flag">
<img src="..." alt="Safari">
<img src="..." alt="Not supported">
A user might hear: "Image Chrome image Not supported"
Fourth list:
<img src="..." alt="Chrome"> 79
<img src="..." alt="Edge"> 79
<img src="..." alt="Firefox"> 75
<img src="..." alt="Safari"> 11.1
A user might hear: "Edge image 79"
Be sure there is white space between the images when there are two images in a list item. This will help ensure the alt text is not concatenated and announced with the browser name and part of the following alt as a single word. <> #10
I have opened <> #11
This fix is now live. Check out all possible combinations in
At the top of many pages is the text "Browser Bupport" followed by a list of browser versions. However, the browser itself is indicated only via CSS generated content.
Example page:
Use this XPath to see the specific "browser support" list items:
The HTML in use:
The CSS (elided):
For a screen reader user, some WHCM mode users, and any user that experiences a failure to load CSS, the browser is not conveyed. The name is not part of the code; there is no programmatic way to convey it to users.
The simplest approach, IMO, would be to replace the CSS generated content background image with a standard
element and appropriatealt
text naming the browser.First noticed by Stéphane Deschamps because his browser (extension?) blocked the CSS for the page (he includes screen shots):
Confirmed by Patrick Lauke (also includes screen shots):
And I confirmed it as well.