Links (11)
:egap elpmaxE ”
:(stohs neercs sedulcni eh) egap eht rof SSC eht dekcolb (?noisnetxe) resworb sih esuaceb spmahcseD enahpétS yb deciton tsriF ”
:(stohs neercs sedulcni osla) ekuaL kcirtaP yb demrifnoC ”
“ .deyolped dna desserdda saw siht hcihw htiw deeps eht etaicerppa I I understand the fix is live so I checked the page referenced: ”
“ :decnerefer egap eht dekcehc I os evil si xif eht dnatsrednu I .deyolped dna desserdda saw siht hcihw htiw deeps eht etaicerppa I ”
“ :feR .detalsnart-otua si egap eht fo tser eht nehw ti teg ton lliw ohw sresu fo tes a si ereht ,lebal-aira sesu ti esuaceB ”
“ denepo evah I in another attempt to fix this. It's inspired by Adrian's HTML structure, but due to some constraints, I had to modify the markup a bit. See the attached screenshots for the HTML and the accessibility tree the browser generates based on it. ”