Status Update
Comments <> #2
Already the case on 4.0.1 <> #3
Seems that google has removed the possibility of separated volumes. Not only this option isn't in setings now, but the setting entry has been removed.
Looking at
You can find:
if (upgradeVersion == 68) {
// Enable all system sounds by default
try {
db.execSQL("DELETE FROM system WHERE name='"
} finally {
upgradeVersion = 69;
But google has said nothing about this on the documentation, althought it's true that this option wasn't documented before, only used in device settings.
Looking at
You can find:
if (upgradeVersion == 68) {
// Enable all system sounds by default
try {
db.execSQL("DELETE FROM system WHERE name='"
} finally {
upgradeVersion = 69;
But google has said nothing about this on the documentation, althought it's true that this option wasn't documented before, only used in device settings. <> #4
Seems as if they completely removed this option from sources.
Nevertheless there are "workaround" solutions coming up: .. .
Nevertheless there are "workaround" solutions coming up: <> #5
It too have a Verizon Galaxy Nexus, 4.0.2 and would like to have this option back. In previous versions of Android, there was an option to link ring and notification volumes.
It seems to me it would be a relatively simple fix; I hope it doesn't get overlooked and is implemented soon.
It seems to me it would be a relatively simple fix; I hope it doesn't get overlooked and is implemented soon. <> #6
There is a workaround for the case we want silent notifications and sound ringtones or viceversa. . Ringtone and notification tone lists has a "Silent" tone that can be use for mute one of them. <> #7
I believe the workaround you mention relies on you leaving notification volumes set to 'default' then changing the default notification sound to silent.
If this is what you're referring to, this is not an option for me. All of my notifications are set to different sound.
I need to have the ability to turn down (all the way off) notifications and leave the ringer up when I go to sleep.
If this is what you're referring to, this is not an option for me. All of my notifications are set to different sound.
I need to have the ability to turn down (all the way off) notifications and leave the ringer up when I go to sleep. <> #8
This one is just terrible. I need to be able to hear the ringer for a call but to be able to mute or turn down the volume for more insignificant things like text messages during business hours. I am really displeased as this makes me appear unprofessional. <> #9
Note: I am not looking just for one silent and one off, I am looking for the ability that I used to have to set separate volumes as well. <> #10
This is the first thing on my new Nexus that has really bothered me. The previous functionality needs to be restored.
Possible work around of disabling data at night. Annoyed that I have to futz with my Tasker profiles again to allow calls at night.
Possible work around of disabling data at night. Annoyed that I have to futz with my Tasker profiles again to allow calls at night. <> #11
I need to have the ability to turn down (all the way off) notifications and leave the ringer up when I go to sleep.
He said it best. I wish they would admit this is a bug and not a feature
He said it best. I wish they would admit this is a bug and not a feature <> #12
Bug! This is an obvious requirement <> #13
Agree with the others. I loved having seperate options. <> #14
+1 google people. Haven't you heard, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Now put it back <> #15
For the flagship phone of Android to have such a basic level of functionality crippled like this is INSANITY.
Google -- please. Fix this. We are begging you.
Google -- please. Fix this. We are begging you. <> #16
Yes, please fix <> #17
+1. Very annoying and would love a fix! <> #18
Please change this back!! I work in IT. That means I get hundreds of emails a day, all day, and all night. I want to turn my notification tone off so I can sleep, but still be able to hear the phone ring in the middle of the night so I can answer "on-call" calls. <> #19
Pretty lame Google, pls fix <> #20
Yes it's lame so please change it back. <> #21
Same.I need the phone to ring loudly but don't want it telling me about all the email I receive every day <> #22
I have an app (Audio Control) and I am getting complaints about this issue, I need some consistency Google! Please fix ASAP. <> #23
Would like to control each sound type volume <> #24
This sucks Google. Needs to be changed back. <> #25
Already commented in the other note about this, but here too. Need the ringer all the time. Do not need the notifications all the time. Need to sleep! Need to be able to shut it off at work! Please fix. <> #26
I want different settings for notifications and ring. Please repair as soon as possible this bug! <> #27
No changes in 4.04 GSM version :( <> #28
I'd love to be able to have my notifications be louder than my ringer in some situations again. <> #29
Definitely missing this feature I always had different volumes set. <> #30
[Comment deleted] <> #31
I also use the feature of no notification sound at night with ringer on, please fix Google <> #32
Idiotic good latest and greatest software is crippled... ? <> #33
I would like to see this feature enabled again as well. Thank you. <> #34
This is really a bug.not a feature.why was this removed? any reasons? <> #35
Verizon galaxy nexus 4.0.2 why would you remove flexibility for the user? In general android users are stupid. You don't need to protect us from ourselves. Please put this feature back.
Sean <> #36
All, please be reminded that everyone who has starred this issue gets an email every time a "me too" or "please fix, Google!" or "I wonder why it does this" or "I'm going to laugh/cry/scream/die/pout/turn blue until it's fixed" comment is posted. If you are having the same problem, please simply star the issue. If you feel the need to discuss, use one of the dozens of Android-related forums that are available instead. Thank you. <> #37
Please reinstate this valuable feature asap <> #38
At night i dont want emails waking me up, but if someone calls, i know it's important . The two volumes should be set individually. <> #39
guys and gals, until Google gets this officially rolled out, there's a workaround (at least it works for me). If your phone supports it (I have a Nexus S, the 9020A) and you're up for it, you can flash build 31 (or newer) of the AOKP ROM on your phone ( ) which is built off of ICS 4.0.4 and then in Settings -> Sound -> Volumes there are checkboxes to link/unlink volumes.
I then used AudioManager Pro to setup the profiles the way I want them. I also noticed that in the latest version of AudioManager Pro there's an option to unlink the volumes which is probably the same variable(s) that get changed in the OS's settings. I had some issues with the "Phone Calls Only" profile that I was trying to setup when I did this. My goal was to get the phone to ring/vibrate only for phone calls. When I initially set it up, the phone would vibrate when I would receive a text message. After about 30-45 minutes of messing with the settings in AudioManager Pro, the OS's Settings, and Handcent's settings, I finally got it to work exactly the way I wanted it. I'm not sure exactly what I did (except not give up) so don't ask :).
Good luck if you go down this road and if you don't know what you're doing just wait for Google to update their code (be patient, it could take a while, maybe long enough for an iPhone WITH a 2 year contract ;).
I then used AudioManager Pro to setup the profiles the way I want them. I also noticed that in the latest version of AudioManager Pro there's an option to unlink the volumes which is probably the same variable(s) that get changed in the OS's settings. I had some issues with the "Phone Calls Only" profile that I was trying to setup when I did this. My goal was to get the phone to ring/vibrate only for phone calls. When I initially set it up, the phone would vibrate when I would receive a text message. After about 30-45 minutes of messing with the settings in AudioManager Pro, the OS's Settings, and Handcent's settings, I finally got it to work exactly the way I wanted it. I'm not sure exactly what I did (except not give up) so don't ask :).
Good luck if you go down this road and if you don't know what you're doing just wait for Google to update their code (be patient, it could take a while, maybe long enough for an iPhone WITH a 2 year contract ;). <> #40
I hate, that I can no longer have different volume settings on my ringtone and my notification tone. I want to be able to get calls at night, but I don't want to be woken by an sms please fix this. <> #41
Please fix. <> #42
[Comment deleted] <> #43
Please, fix this issue… <> #44
Annoyance! New HTC velocity, 'upgrade' to ICiS has downgraded essential ability to control notification and ringer volumes independantly. Grrrrr! How can I roll back to previous OS? Need this feature above all others! Fix needed please! <> #45
Not being able to control ringer and notifications volumes separately is occupational problem. I teach and get calls for alerts on campus, so leave the ringer on. But it is unacceptable to have the ringer go off for every email, text, etc. This is a gross oversight. Please fix it soon. I suspect Google may have already fixed it, but Verizon is slow getting out the fix??? <> #46
HTC One X user here, I don't want my alert alertalertalerttonea blaring out at work, but yet I want to be able to clearly hear my ring tone. Please revert back to the original management of seperate volume for both ringer and notification. <> #47
Please give us the feature back. <> #48
[Comment deleted] <> #49
Please revert back to separate volume control for ringtone and notifications <> #50
Please return the seperate volume controls! <> #51
I have mandatory text subscriptions from work, and need to be reachable by phone day and night.
the absence of this feature is hurting me ;)
the absence of this feature is hurting me ;) <> #52
Please make this possible again !
I need such Profilemanager
I need such Profilemanager <> #53
Please let this setting be possible. Great for setting multiple user profiles <> #54
Dear Google,
Android users are NOT Apple users. Stop treating us as such. We purchase Android because we enjoy the level of customization it gives us. Without that customization... Well, there's not that much of a reason to stay with you now is there? We understand you want to be intuitive and accessible to new users, but don't forget the core that got you here.
Android users are NOT Apple users. Stop treating us as such. We purchase Android because we enjoy the level of customization it gives us. Without that customization... Well, there's not that much of a reason to stay with you now is there? We understand you want to be intuitive and accessible to new users, but don't forget the core that got you here. <> #55
Why did Google do this. Android means total control. <> #56
Why?? <> #57
Ice cream sandwich is a big step for google, but a little one backwards for mankind...
(Concerning thus error for sure)
(Concerning thus error for sure) <> #58
It is annoying to see more and more features removed without any obvious sense. Heck, why can't I now mute email notifications and still remain reachable by phone? <> #59
It is annoying to see more and more features removed without any obvious sense. Heck, why can't I now mute email notifications and still remain reachable by phone? <> #60
Please return the seperate volume controls! <> #61
Is anyone from Google monitoring this bug report? I think we have plenty of agreement that it is a BUG and needs to be addressed, and the reasons why are quite clear and compelling to anyone with even a basic understanding of the problem.
I've yet to see it being picked up and assigned to a fix schedule, or even acknowledged.
Hello! Can anyone hear us???
I've yet to see it being picked up and assigned to a fix schedule, or even acknowledged.
Hello! Can anyone hear us??? <> #62
seperate volumes are must! change it. asap <> #63
This really needs to be addressed. In every other OS this is an option and yet it was taken away in 4.0. I want to know whether thia was a mistake or they really had some reason to do it. <> #64
Please fix. <> #65
the linkage for notification and ringtone does not make sense in daily usage! please kindly fix it ASAP. <> #66
It's very sad that features are removed. We would like to go back to the previous release. <> #67
Yup - makes no sense to take away this "CHOICE" / "Feature".. There are times we all want to not get bugged with notifications, but DO want to hear if the phone rings ;) <> #68
I have the opposite issue, Samsung Galaxy S2 and ICS 4.0.3 and I have no option to link the ringer and the notifications. I would prefer them linked but I agree it should be at the users discretion. <> #69
this is an annoying backwards step for an otherwise great release <> #70
This is really bad. There is no way to now have a phone in ring phone only mode. <> #71
I think everyone who paid $2.99 for ICS Enhanced Ringer Control
should be reimbursed for this app, or for all the sleep they couldn't get because of being unable to delink those volumes
should be reimbursed for this app, or for all the sleep they couldn't get because of being unable to delink those volumes <> #72
It is very disappointing that this has been open for so long and it indicated to me that Google doesn't care about its power user base. I can no longer recommend Android 4.0 to anybody due to feature regression like this and anybody involved here should let the phone companies know you consider this a bug to put pressure on Google. <> #73
Roll back! <> #74
This is a duplicate of 23117. <> #75
What the hell are they thinking? <> #76
Can we,please, have separate volumes for notifications and ringer? <> #77
Please fix this. Being able to set different volumes for the ringer and notification is essential! <> #78
When can we expect to see this fixed? Ring only mode capability please!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #79
Please fix this problem. It's a major issue for many people. <> #80
This is a simple phone function that many dumbphones can do. Please allow our smartphones to do this. <> #81
WTF??? SEriously. Please beat up the guy who came with this stupid change!! I wan't to have my notification-tones off at night, but still be able to let my phone ring!!!
Add this feature back. F*cking stupid s*it! This really pisses me of having a great feature that's being disabled...!!!
Add this feature back. F*cking stupid s*it! This really pisses me of having a great feature that's being disabled...!!! <> #82
Seriously google why u no have different volumes. An update will realy help. My llama app sent me here and rightly so. <> #83
Priority medium?! It should be 'Critical'! <> #84
Reducing functionality doesn't make your products better Google.
This is a very Apple-esque move.
Put it back the way it was.
This is a very Apple-esque move.
Put it back the way it was. <> #85
Now this is something worth a '+1'! <> #86
What, I agree. You are turning into apple. Droid should always be fully <> #87
In my work environment I need separate volumes for ringtones and notifications. <> #88
Please change! I can't believe you did this! <> #89
Please change back, I want to hear my ringtone at night in case of emergency. But not my messages. <> #90
This is very poor. To have different volumes is a basic requirement for business use. <> #91
This is a high priority feature request! Actually, we shouldn't have to request a feature like this in the first place. Granted, issues are to be expected with new versions, but something like this should be easy to fix quickly. <> #92
Agreed! <> #93
Please change back, I want to hear my ringtone at night in case of emergency. But not my messages. <> #94
I'm on call at night at night. Want email notification off but phone on. Change it back, please. <> #95
Plus One Me too!
Please, change this back. I need ringing at night, but not notifications. Thanks.
Please, change this back. I need ringing at night, but not notifications. Thanks. <> #96
go go go google go!! <> #97
Checked in the 4.1 (Jelly Bean) Emulator, still linked :-( <> #98
Please create a setting to toggle linked volume. <> #99
Please enable this, if a Nokia 3300 can do it I'm this smart phone can too <> #100
Please pro vide this option. I'm sure you can and Will, now you are aware of our preference. <> #101
WTF <> #102
This issue is resolved in 4.0.4 ICS on the RAZR Maxx. <> #103
As everyone... Pls, correct this pbm:-) <> #104
Samsung Galaxy S iii. Please correct this. Android should represent choice. There was no need for this change! <> #105
Droid RAZR Maxx user here just updated to ICS 4.0.4. The issue has been fixed in this version, however there needs to be an option to toggle the notification and ringtone volumes together (linked) or separately as it was in Gingerbread. There are times when I want all volumes muted or at a low volume and I shouldn't have to adjust them seperately all the time. <> #106
I've found my notification volume lower than my ringtone and can no longer even find where to adjust them outside of the phone hardware adjusting only my ringtone. Razr (not Maxx) here. <> #107
Don't they realize that ring & notification are 2 different environment. There are conditions that ringer set to low volume but notification tone higher volume and vice-versa. I need these functions back.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #108
I am a professional whose job entails being on call out of office hours and particularly during the night. I need my phone to ring when someone calls but I do not want aan audible notification when a text or email arrives as that wakes me up unnecessarily. <> #109
This is extremely frustrating. Almost makes me want to go back to 2.3.5 simply because of this. I have no interest in being woken up by a stupid email but I absolutely cannot miss an emergency phone call. <> #110
[Comment deleted] <> #111
Please fix it back. <> #112
I am with the others please fix this. I too need to silence notifications at night but I need to hear the phone ring. Thank you. <> #113
Please fix this. <> #114
Need to have notification and ringer volumes unlinked. Whoever came up with the linked volumes idea should work for Microsoft. It sounds like something they or Apple would come up with. Google is generally better than this very bad idea. <> #115
I run Llama, which allows me to set my notification tone to silent when I go to sleep, but keep my ringtone active, as phone calls are more important than, say, text messages. This change is unacceptable on Google's part, and it's making me reconsider taking this ICS upgrade. <> #116
Please fix this Google! <> #117
How am I to replicate "phone calls only" that Blackberry has had for a decade? <> #118
Galaxy S III 4.0.2 <> #119
The same as all the above
Samsung Galaxy SIII
Samsung Galaxy SIII <> #120
same here... Llama is one of the apps i find MOST useful so +10 or +100 with comment 113... just hope none of above has patents on this... ;-) <> #121
Pls fix. Is a bug. BASIC requirement <> #122
Please fix what you've broken.
Btw llama rocks!
Btw llama rocks! <> #123
fix asap! <> #124
Please fix this obvious bug. I need to be able to have different volume in several situations. <> #125
Just noticed it on my Galaxy Nexus running 4.1.1. Thanks for Google+ users to made me aware of it.
To mitigate the problem: set data and/or data-sync to OFF during silent hours.
To mitigate the problem: set data and/or data-sync to OFF during silent hours. <> #126
I think it's not a bug. Grouping volume context helps. For example, would you like to hear when you receive SMS? You wouldn't have if you turned off the notification sound.
I think what you want is to set a volume for every application. Or turn off the sound for all applications except the specified ones. But this would make Android even more complicated than iOS. iOS doesn't have separate volumes for notifications and a ringer.
Another solution is to make this optional with a checkbox.
I think what you want is to set a volume for every application. Or turn off the sound for all applications except the specified ones. But this would make Android even more complicated than iOS. iOS doesn't have separate volumes for notifications and a ringer.
Another solution is to make this optional with a checkbox. <> #127
Bad decision in removing our being able to control our apparatus. S2 with 4.03. <> #128
please re add this feature to android <> #129
This is awful! I returned an iphone for this very reason! It's infuriating to not be able to separate notification sounds from the ringer!!! <> #130
Google is starting to look a lot like Microsoft. It's a pitty... <> #131
why, why, why do software developers always have to make backward development beside
the intented improvements..!? This is an important aspect to be able
to silence the notifications and still hear calls...or the other way.
Please fix that soon!
the intented improvements..!? This is an important aspect to be able
to silence the notifications and still hear calls...or the other way.
Please fix that soon! <> #132
[Comment deleted] <> #133
Very annoying - please revert to old functionality. <> #134
This is NOT an "extra " or "added" feature, guys...this is a basic, integral function for people with SMART phones - exactly why we buy these phones to begin with. Removing key functions such as these put many users in extremely compromising positions in that we are forced to either keep all sounds on, which can cause undue distress or turn our phones off. The fact that a correction to this problem has not been addressed is extremely disturbing and unprofessional on the behalf of Google and/or those responsible. <> #135
I have my phone at my bedside. I don't want to be woken by mails at night, but I need to hear incoming calls.
Please fix it.
Please fix it. <> #136
There is no good reason to have these volumes tied together. <> #137
Absolutely obnoxious that this is an issue. <> #138
Bring back separate volume settings! Ludicrous to have them linked, what group of total numpties thought this was a step forward? It's so NOT. <> #139
Hotfix please! <> #140
Seems to be a nobrainer. Please fix. I also suggest Llama gets incorporated into next version as this app rocks. <> #141
Moan... fix please. <> #142
It's really annoying! As others already said, maybe I want to hear only phone calls, not every email, sms, tweet, notification etc.
Please revert this change!
Please revert this change! <> #143
Please revert this!
I want to choose all the volumes!!!
I want to choose all the volumes!!! <> #144
Adding to this. iIwant my family to call in case of emergency, but not get text alerts. iIhave friends who live overseas who often text me overnight. <> #145
This is a bug or a "feature"? If this is a feature, is the most stupid thing in android. I can't understand why anybody thought that is a good idea to remove a feature for which nobody had a complain. The worst thing is that there's no word from anybody from google related to this matter. <> #146
This doesn't dit well with me either. Please get it sorted asap. <> #147
So this explains why I've been having such a hard time trying to shut the damned notifications down overnight while still allowing the phone to ring (GNX JB.) Really, Google, you do make some absolutely stupid choices sometimes. Not all change is good! <> #148
Open sound seting for all apss please eg. Lama <> #149
One more request for this to be fixed please. Hoping for a Jelly Bean fix. As others. have commented, as needed IT professional I need the flexibility. Thanks in advance. <> #150
[Comment deleted] <> #151
Why the heck? I really hope Jellybean allows it again. This is really annoying. Worth each new Android Version, some bugs are corrected - but everytime some new, even more annoying stuff comes. Not even bugs - this is a fully on purpose done thing that doesnt make sense at asll. <> #152
[Comment deleted] <> #153
I need separate levels for work purposes. Please correct, no reason at all for this change!
-galaxy s3 running 4.0.4
-galaxy s3 running 4.0.4 <> #154
Please fix! It's great to e.g. wake up if someone calls. <> #155
Please fix this issue! It's unbelievable that this has gone on for so long! <> #156
Fix this! Put it back the way it was! <> #157
Please restore separate notification volume control. This was am extremely useful feature. Canny believe you would change this. What were you thinking? <> #158
plus 1 for fixing this <> #159
Omg please fix Thx BBQ. <> #160
Please squash this very annoying BUG. <> #161
Fix this, please. Thank you. <> #162
Using an Epic Touch 4G (Samsung SG2). Please fix this. <> #163
Please fix. <> #164
Pleeease fix this Google! <> #165
This worked great on my Epic. Please fix. <> #166
Please fix. Khaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!! <> #167
This issue is a totally backwad step so pls fix immediately. <> #168
Agree please fix asap <> #169
I, too, agree with the others that it would be nice to get this fixed. Please bring back this option. <> #170
Ditto. Change this back! <> #171
Fix it please! <> #172
Please bring back this feature in 4.1. I don't want to wait 2 years for another new phone to get this back. <> #173
Please fix ringer and notification volume lock. This use very inconvenient for me. Thank you. <> #174
[Comment deleted] <> #175
Please bring back this feature. I have no idea why you would get rid of it to begin with. This is the number one thing that needs to be fixed, but there are quite a few t. I wish i could go back before i downloaded this update! I don't like the new lock screen either. How come i got no choice! please get this fixed i like them set at different volumes, i don't want a huge noise every time i get a text i just need a small sound for goodness sake. <> #176
Please bring back this feature. I have no idea why you would get rid of it to begin with. This is the number one thing that needs to be fixed, but there are quite a few t. I wish i could go back before i downloaded this update! I don't like the new lock screen either. How come i got no choice! please get this fixed i like them set at different volumes, i don't want a huge noise every time i get a text i just need a small sound for goodness sake. <> #177
Please bring back this feature. I have no idea why you would get rid of it to begin with. This is the number one thing that needs to be fixed, but there are quite a few t. I wish i could go back before i downloaded this update! I don't like the new lock screen either. How come i got no choice! please get this fixed i like them set at different volumes, i don't want a huge noise every time i get a text i just need a small sound for goodness sake. I have the Droid RAZR <> #178
Please bring back this feature. I have no idea why you would get rid of it to begin with. This is the number one thing that needs to be fixed, but there are quite a few t. I wish i could go back before i downloaded this update! I don't like the new lock screen either. How come i got no choice! please get this fixed i like them set at different volumes, i don't want a huge noise every time i get a text i just need a small sound for goodness sake. I have the Droid RAZR <> #179
Priority: Medium -> Please reassign with High Priority! <> #180
Please fix - not being able to set it differently is an issue!!! <> #181
Please fix this! Not being able to set these differently is very inconvenient <> #182
Agreed please separate it's so inconvenient <> #183
please fix and separate ringer and notification volume <> #184
It's restrictions like this that had me boot Apple. I cannot find a reason that this restriction should be in place. I would like the ability to set any combination of sound level on my device. <> #185
I would like to have a completely customizable android. <> #186
Hope this is fixed in jelly bean. Customization is what make Android so great. <> #187
Please fix this. It shouldn't be tied together. <> #188
Incredibly poor decision, Google! <> #189
Please fix this asap <> #190
I get text messages coming all hours of the night, but because they are not high priority, the volume is turned down to lowest but not silent. If someone needs me during the night urgently they can ring and wake me because the volume is highest. This logical arrangement works well. Fortunately on my SGS2 I can still do this but there are times when I have to use another phone and this bug is a problem for me. <> #191
This defeats Lama. Please address. <> #192
This defeats Lama. Please address. <> #193
This separate volume management is really annoying. Please make us all a favour by fixing it ? <> #194
Separate volume controls, please. What were you thinking? <> #195
This should be separated. Please change it! <> #196
Need separate ringer notification volume control <> #197
We have waited long enough. This should have stayed separate as was the case in previous platforms. What Google needs to understand is that one of the primary reasons we use android and not Apple is we do not like being restricted and controlled. We like being able to change our sd card, battery, etc. Please don't ruin our product by copying Apple. All notifications should be customizable. I.e. I may want my phone to ring, and have my text notifications vibrate. Please put it back to the way it was previously. We have waited long enough!!) <> #198
Please fix this. We need more control over notifications and especially the ability to change volume of each tone individualy <> #199
What nonsense. Keep it separate. <> #200
Seriously Google, you need to change this back. I was a big fan of different notification options. <> #201
Not a feature, its a big. Fix it.
Huawei g300 ICS
Huawei g300 ICS
Huawei <> #202
Super inconvenient having the ringtone and notifications volume linked. Especially in night/sleep mode. I dont want notifications to ring...but I want my phone to ring in an emergency. <> #203
Need different volumes for same reason as initial post... <> #204
Please fix this and give this functionality back. <> #205
j'ai le même problème...
Please fix this!
Please fix this! <> #206
Isn't it simple to put this decision in settings (Tone/Sound) as an checkbox or switch?? Something like "Ringtone and notification controlled together - YES/NO"
quite simple!
quite simple! <> #207
Please fix. Silent ringtone is a temp workaround only. <> #208
I loved this feature. Sad to see it removed. Please reinstate, maybe under an advanced menu or a.developer option? <> #209
Unbelievable that this handicap exists. <> #210
Not only do I have to put up with this substandard code (especially for Google ), but I have to report it on this android unfriendly forum. Now I know what happened to all of the out of work Yahoo coders. <> #211
I want different settings for notifications and ring. Please repair as soon as possible this bug! <> #212
"Personalization...Uniquely Android"
Perhaps the one thing that keeps me using Android (4.0.3; EVO 3D).
This is basic,yet makes a huge day-to-day difference to a lot of people.
Bug makes the device far less customizable to personal tastes/needs.
You might be wise to fix it.
Perhaps the one thing that keeps me using Android (4.0.3; EVO 3D).
This is basic,yet makes a huge day-to-day difference to a lot of people.
Bug makes the device far less customizable to personal tastes/needs.
You might be wise to fix it. <> #213
Kindly please give me back separate control!!!
My preference is to have notification always loud while when I am outdoor, definitely I need a loud ring but in office or home, I won't wanna to have a loud ring to distributing the others.
My preference is to have notification always loud while when I am outdoor, definitely I need a loud ring but in office or home, I won't wanna to have a loud ring to distributing the others. <> #214
Another voice for separate controls for ringer and notification. Calls are important to me, email notifications aren't <> #215
For crying out loud, this is redonculous. Put this back, when I'm on call I need to hear phone calls, but I don't want to hear emails etc. This has been a problem for too long!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #218
Google, how many comments do you require before you will takes notice of the people that pay your salaries? This is 101 for any phone and I can't believe that you still haven't fixed such simple functionality after all this time. You haven't fixed it in jelly bean either. You are clearly got too big for you boots and forgotten where you came from and who put you there. The very least you could do is acknowledge this issue on this bug report. Give us all an explanation why you chose to introduce this unwanted feature. <> #219
I would like tohave different volume levels at work.
Please consider fixing this. Thanks!
Please consider fixing this. Thanks! <> #220
Please make this change! <> #221
This Problem needs fixing :-) <> #222
Please, this makes no sense! <> #223
It's unbelievable that this annoying bug is here for one year and still was not fixed yet
This bug switched my smartphone into stupidphone mode |:-(
This bug switched my smartphone into stupidphone mode |:-(
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #224
/push <> #225
I just moved from a BlackBerry to a Motorola RAZR. I might be going back since RIM has this feature down pat. Even has the alarm built into Bedside Mode. I guess Google staff like being notified of everything, or they turn their phones off at night. I can't do that.
Grrrr. <> #226
Please fix asap. <> #227
Pls fix! Please! <> #228
PLEASE unlink the ringer and notification volume, like it was in Gingerbread!!! This is one of THE most annoying and inconvenient changes ever made with an update to the OS. <> #229
[Comment deleted] <> #230
I'm add a loss of words. Is this reversed engineering!?
What made you think that this development would pleas any once.
I'm using a AT-AS45SE with android 4.0.4.
I need to be able to have the incoming call volume on, while the mail/message notification off at night.
This way I can still be reached in an emergency, while still being able top sleep... Not waking because of mails from international friends and business.
Please fix this ASAP, else I will have to look at another OS.
In advance many thanks for a quick fix.
What made you think that this development would pleas any once.
I'm using a AT-AS45SE with android 4.0.4.
I need to be able to have the incoming call volume on, while the mail/message notification off at night.
This way I can still be reached in an emergency, while still being able top sleep... Not waking because of mails from international friends and business.
Please fix this ASAP, else I will have to look at another OS.
In advance many thanks for a quick fix. <> #231
Yeah, I've already stared this, and I've nothing meaningful to add that hasn't been said already, but come on guys, this is basic, basic stuff. Stop being evil, let us change our volumes independently. <> #232
Please allow for ringer and notification volume to be separate. <> #233
Lame! So lame! I can't believe it doesn't have this simple basic but extremely important feature. my samsung galaxy s3 did not allow me to have different sound profile so I tried to use an app so that I could have different sound profiles, (I really need this for my work) but the app tells me that Google no longer allowes ringer volume and notification sound to be separate! how pathetic is that?! At times like these I really miss my blackberry :-( <> #234
I agree with the others. Please change this situation! Thanks!! <> #235
This is bullshit! <> #236
Please fix it. My old nokia was better than my sgs2 with android ics. <> #237
Just another vote to restore separate ringer and notification volume levels. <> #238
Add another voice to the vote count <> #239
Plus one <> #240
Hate it. <> #241
Give us control to have different ring and notification volumes! <> #242
Unless there some awkward patent issue, I honestly don't see why these cannot be separated from each other, especially given the fact that they were perfectly separate before! <> #243
[Comment deleted] <> #244
REALLY want this feature back. I cannot believe such useful functionality would be *removed* with an "upgrade". <> #245
What the heck were you thinking. This is pretty stupid to not have separate volume levels. Regret getting this phone over such a small feature. Augh. <> #246
Great... Over a year has passed since this thread was started and my 18 month old "antique" Bionic finally updates to ics (which is a joke to begin with) but now I've lost the most important feature i had hours earlier on this same phone. This just days after an iPhone converted friend tells me how his iPhone finally got this figured out. I don't want an iPhone, but Google's piss poor attitude is making one more attractive by the day (sadly). Please don't make me follow the other sheep... <> #247
Not good.
At work, I want calls as normal but notifications quiet.
At other times, notifications can be normal.
Maybe you coud provide a 'simple' AND a 'power' interface?
At work, I want calls as normal but notifications quiet.
At other times, notifications can be normal.
Maybe you coud provide a 'simple' AND a 'power' interface? <> #248
Fix please <> #249
I used the independent notifications and ringer volume in GB all the time. Please return this useful feature. <> #250
There are timed when I do NOT want to be notified about email or facebook but need to hear the phone ring. Please make this possible again. Thanks <> #251
Please correct this Google Android team, it's a real backward step and frustrating limitation. For example at night when I'm on call I want my ringer volume high, but I want txt and email silent.... <> #252
A problem for over a year? Are you serious google? Fix this crap! <> #253
I need to have independent ringer and notification volumes
when I'm on call I want my ringer volume high, but I want txt and email silent
if you don't fix this I will have to move to Windows or iphone
when I'm on call I want my ringer volume high, but I want txt and email silent
if you don't fix this I will have to move to Windows or iphone <> #254
I want them separate. <> #255
Incredible that this is not fixed yet. Such a nice operating system but the actual purpose of the phone - calling and texting - is seriously hampered by this "feature". Do. Something. About. It. Please. <> #256
I need this too. <> #257
Inned to be able to set ringer volume different than note volume!!!
Pls fix!!!
Pls fix!!! <> #258
Being able to set the notification volume independent of the ring volume is a feature I've ce to depend on..Suddenly, a new update removed it!?? Put it back! <> #259
Not. Good. Fix. Please. . <> #260
This is ridiculous! Who thought that this was a good idea? One of the reasons that I like Android is it is very customizable. I hope the Google management comes to their senses and restore the separation of the ringer and notification volumes. They are usually very receptive to users' requests, and I sincerely hope that this will be the case here. The removal of this feature has suddenly rendered my phone almost worthless in my case! <> #261
It's very annoying and no sense at all, please change it. <> #262
Please fix. <> #263
[Comment deleted] <> #264
Unfortunate I am being subjected to such discremination just because I cannot afford to buy a samsung phone (not google's anyway) that has higher version of android. <> #265
Please fix <> #266
Not being able to have different volumes for ringer and notifications is ridiculous. Very disappointing. <> #267
I need linked volumes for the ringer and notifications and it's no longer a checkbox in the volume menu. Please bring the checkbox back! <> #268
I can’t See any benefit in this missing Option.
I always thought Android would be open and allow every one to modify it in his desired way.
But Now it is getting restrictiv as Apple.
I always thought Android would be open and allow every one to modify it in his desired way.
But Now it is getting restrictiv as Apple. <> #269
Subscribe <> #270
I'm on call and only need to hear the phone ringing, not every notification and email I get through the night. What can I do? <> #271
I think that we spoke alone, can anybody give us an reasonable answer, an argument?
What is the main reason, maybe it's a good one and we don't know
What is the main reason, maybe it's a good one and we don't know <> #272
This is definitely a serious limitation I thought they would fix for Jelly Bean. Please send out a patch! <> #273
Yes <> #274
I also like to be able to have different volumes on these. Please change back. <> #275
I have the HTC Thunderbolt. <> #276
I have the HTC Thunderbolt. <> #277
Agreed. Please Chang it back- <> #278
Please put it back the way it was <> #279
I'm really disappointed that ringer and notification volumes are linked. I would like to be able to set it so that I only get phone calls when I'm at work and sleeping, so I don't have to worry about every single notification for text, email, and social media interaction. It's ridiculous that this option isn't available on Android. Please change it back. <> #280
This is pathetic. The way we can now customize our SMARTphone less than phones from back in 1998 is really nothing short of pathetic.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is, right Google?
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is, right Google? <> #281
Agreed. Please Chang it back- <> #282
Lame linking of volume controls for ringer and notifications needs to be addressed. <> #283
I wanted to have my ring volume up but dont want to be bothered by notification tone but i couldnt do something that simple. Google plz change that. <> #284
PLUS ONE. That way you understand it better, dear Google?! <> #285
You've got to be kidding. Being able to receive emergency calls, but turn other notifications off is elementary in my Blackberry. Is my flagship Nexus 4 just a play thing after all? <> #286
Please fix. This is not state of the art! <> #287
Please fix <> #288
Please fix this. Tempted to switch to apple becausr of this <> #289
Please fix it asap! <> #290
So your telling me I have to listen to all my notification sounds while I sleep, or choose to miss emergency calls in the middle of the night? That is just Stupid. HTC DNA. <> #291
Please fix! :) <> #292 could this not be fixed yet? It's a ridiculous problem. <> #293
did it noticed? <> #294
Google should not remove options that WE do want! Ich Give it back! You make a living from us! <> #295
Uhhh have a nice app that changes profiles based on location ... cant change notification volume ! Comeon bring it back <> #296
plus one this is really stupid "feature".... <> #297
Correct this feature <> #298
Shame google! fix this! <> #299
I changed from iphone 4s for this same reason and now stuck with the Android that works like an iphone. As others have said, I now have to hear notifications while sleeping just to be able to hear the phone. GOOGLE YOU HAVE MISSED THE BOAT! Please have an update so end users can make their own choice about volume level for notifications separate from ringer. <> #300
Lack of this very important capability to separate ring from notifications volume and tones may make me choose to return the One and just buy a new battery (or two) for my Evo 4G. Very stupid decision HTC! <> #301
Please adds this functionality. I want no notifications at night so zero volume but I want to receive possible emergency phone calls. Pretty basic functionality that is not possible with android. <> #302
Very annoying. Google, by all means by default link the two volumes, but please allow them to be independently controlled.
I actually don't want my notifications to be silent, rather just much quieter because as someone has said previously it makes you look very unprofessional.
Currently torn between sometimes missing calls and annoying colleagues.
I actually don't want my notifications to be silent, rather just much quieter because as someone has said previously it makes you look very unprofessional.
Currently torn between sometimes missing calls and annoying colleagues. <> #303
Doesn't make sense. Please let my bots adjust all my settings independently. <> #304
This is retarted. Linking the volume of notifiations and ring signal is very inconvenient. I see this report was logged 1.5 year ago and still no change. I won't hold my breat for a change soon. Bad move Google. <> #305
Please allow for 2 volume levels again. Seperate calls and notifications please. <> #306
Please allow them to be set individually! It's crazy that a 'smartphone' is not able to provide a simple feature like this because of android! <> #307
Bloody hell this is so annoying that google keeps ignoring this. <> #308
[Comment deleted] <> #309
[Comment deleted] <> #310
Please fix this! :-) <> #311
Why this issue has been ignored for so long by google?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #313
I am very disappointed with Google and their dumbing down of Android with ICS. I migrated from an iPhone for the ability to customize my smartphone experience. This is not a is a DEFECT and should be treated as such. <> #314
Not a step forward on this issue. Please return the ability to have separate volumes on all of the different audible alerts. The great thing about Android is the customization. Taking that away is folly. <> #315
Need to turn off fully charged sound without changing ringer!!! Cmon that stupid Do Not Disturb feature is too simple to not have something similar in android. <> #316
I see no reason for google to have reduced the amount of control people have over their phone. It's the small stuff like this that pushes people to the brink of rooting their phones and installing custom ROM's, which is always risky business. Please return this option to the official android codebase. <> #317
Google Please restore separate settings for phone call rings and other notifications. I may get an emergency phone call from my kids at night but NOT an emergency text. I want to hear my phone calls while sleeping but not all the annoying notifications. PLEASE restore separate volumes for phone ring and notifications. <> #318
Please restore the ability to have separate ring and notification volumes. I need to be able to get calks for wirk at night, but don't want to lose sleep by having my phone disturb me with notifications from servers all night. <> #319
Yes. Please re-instate it. If possible in the next update. <> #320
Reinstate. Not sure why removing features is acceptable. This is android... not IOS! <> #321
I don't want to hear a load noise everytime someone eamils but I do want to be contactable in emergencies. PLEASE fix this! <> #322
This is stupid, everyone that has a job in an office wants to be able to hear when someone calls but not when you get notifications from fuc*ing farmwille or something <> #323
Please fix this <> #324
Flashed stock 4.3 to try and use that for a while, remembered this existed. PLEASE fix this Google!! <> #325
Come on listen to your customers feedback! <> #326
Really? No fix yet? Do do I sleep through emergencies at the vet clinic, wake up for every Facebook notification, or adjust several different phone settings manually every morning and evening? <> #327
Please! <> #328
I can't believe this issue still exists! Please fix! <> #329
I like to have my phone able to ring at night, but without getting notifications for email, facebook and every other stupid app that uses notifications. Why can't this be done? It just seems logical that these could be different. <> #330
It astounds me that this bug still exists. This is an obvious bug. This seems like such a small thing to fix, with such a large group of users that want this back. The risk/reward radio seems to be skewed heavily towards fixing this. This is such a problem for me; I have a brand-new Note 3 that now has less functionality in this regard than my Droid X2. FIX THIS! <> #331
I have an HTC One. I love the phone but the inability to mute the notifications for email, texts, etc is extremely problematic. I don't remember having this problem a few weeks ago and wonder if it was an automatic update. I wonder if anyone is reading these comments who can influence Google? <> #332
Great new Nexus5, sad new flaw in sounds.
this was great in 2.3.3 why change it
is it so much to ask to have separate phone and alert volumes?
this was great in 2.3.3 why change it
is it so much to ask to have separate phone and alert volumes? <> #333
Fix this Google. <> #334
I just got my first android device (LG G4 Bell Canada) and I was shocked that the Ringtone & Notification volume were linked together....unbelievable!
Please separate the ringer and notification volumes. Do u guys even use Android phone? <> #337
Just moved to HTC 10 and what I see?
Ringing and/or vibrating on EVERY notification. Even at night and work. Breaking into my music. The only way - Do not disturb mode. But I missed 2 calls now.
It was the most stupid decision of Android team. Such an iOS-ish method - "we better know what you like". May be the plan was to anger people so they smash their smartphones and buy new?
Ringing and/or vibrating on EVERY notification. Even at night and work. Breaking into my music. The only way - Do not disturb mode. But I missed 2 calls now.
It was the most stupid decision of Android team. Such an iOS-ish method - "we better know what you like". May be the plan was to anger people so they smash their smartphones and buy new? <> #338
I really need my notification tone volume to be separate from my ring volume. Please fix this ASAP. Who's bright idea was it to force them to be linked together? You should fire that person. Peoplde want MORE control over their devices, not less. Please, please, please fix this problem. Moto X Pure. <> #339
I really need my notification tone volume to be separate from my ring volume. Please fix this ASAP. Who's bright idea was it to force them to be linked together? You should fire that person. Peoplde want MORE control over their devices, not less. Please, please, please fix this problem. Moto X Pure. <> #340
I have a SG8+. I love the options thatandriod gives. Not happy with the loss of notification tones for individuals as well as various apps. Please fix this. It disappeared with latest update! I have having to look through apps for notifications now.
discussions please visit:
Please describe the problem in detail. Be sure to include:
- Steps to reproduce the problem.
Try to adjust or set the notification volume level to silent and have phone ringer set to ring. You cannot they have to mirror each other and be the same setting.
- What happened.
ICS 4.0.2 has the volume linked for ringer and notification so they have to mirror each other and I cannot have them different like in previous versions of Android.
- What you think the correct behavior should be.
Should be setup like GingerBread, Froyo, etc, I should be able to set my phone ringer volume to one level and my notification level to another. I should not have to have them linked to mirror each other. At night I do not want my phone notifying me with every email, tweet, text, etc but want it to ring when I get a phone call.
Don't forget to mention which device you have, and which version of Android
is installed on it. (Find it under Home > Menu > Settings > About phone.)
Verizon Nexus Galaxy, 4.0.2
If you happen to have a development environment, please also run "adb
bugreport" and archive the output as it could help diagnose the problem.