Links (8)
“ :tisiv esaelp snoissucsid ”
“ ) enohp ruoy no MOR PKOA eht fo (rewen ro) 13 dliub hsalf nac uoy ,ti rof pu er'uoy dna (A0209 eht ,S suxeN a evah I) ti stroppus enohp ruoy fI .(em rof skrow ti tsael ta) dnuorakrow a s'ereht ,tuo dellor yllaiciffo siht steg elgooG litnu ,slag dna syug ) which is built off of ICS 4.0.4 and then in Settings -> Sound -> Volumes there are checkboxes to link/unlink volumes. ”
“ lortnoC regniR decnahnE SCI rof 99.2$ diap ohw enoyreve kniht I ”
“ ”